My father is Yuan Shu?But I want to be a Cao thief

Chapter 437 Fuck the fucked up shit!

Chapter 437 Fuck the fucked up shit!
Thinking of this, his heart felt ashamed and drained of energy!
Damn, hit with a hammer!

Explosive packs are already hot weapons, and they are completely crushed by equipment. Let alone cavalry, they have no chance of winning if they are replaced by any arms, there is no such thing at all.

"Gatoni who drafted Auntie, didn't you assure me that there are no explosives on the opposite side? What are these?" Sanshi lay on the ground, trembling and his lower body was covered with water stains. He was obviously scared to pee.

"My lord, we were fooled. It is very likely that Chu Feng had this thing long ago. He deliberately waited for our soldiers to approach the city, and then suppressed and killed them in one fell swoop. Now that these explosive packages are bombing, even if we run away, we will definitely lose!"

Gatoni quickly excused himself, if he didn't explain, it is estimated that the third generation will hack him to death right now.

"Hmph, you trash!" Sanshi scolded angrily, but looked up and looked around, the surroundings were like a purgatory on earth, with stumps and broken arms everywhere, and screaming soldiers everywhere,
Blood has become the main color outside the city,

This boosted the morale of the Chu army at the head of the city, and roared out waves. They said that they must have a backup on their side, how could they let the third come over for no reason.

"Get over here, what should we do now?" The third angrily scolded Gatorni, feeling uncertain. He wished he could slash Gatorni, but now no one except Gatorni knew how to avoid this thing.

"Young master, this thing uses the shrapnel steel balls in the explosive package to kill people. The best way is to lie down, which can reduce the lethality of the shrapnel steel balls.

Moreover, the enemy troops are throwing with catapults, and the interval between each catapult is at least [-] breaths. During this period, they can take advantage of the chaos and escape! "Gatorni calmed down at this moment, and quickly analyzed.

The third king is in the middle, with many generals on both sides. Everyone has experienced what happened just now, and they can't laugh, but they can be regarded as saving their lives, a blessing in misfortune.

The iron cavalry of the Guishuang Army can barely gather here, and some can't control their horses.

"Hehe, just live a little longer!"

At the same time, on the top of the city.

Boom, boom!

"Don't be a bitch for me to pretend, how many soldiers and horses are left?" San Shi asked angrily.

But at this moment, several shells fell straight down.

Qiao Rui took a deep breath, looked at the third person in the distance who was about to climb out of the farthest bombing range, and said irritably, "This dog thief is so lucky to climb out of the bombing range!"

"You idiot!" The third kicked Gatorni, and he was killed by this swindler. Immediately, he didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried forward. Now life and death depend on God's will.

Bursts of dust rose up to cover it up.

The orderly even listened to orders on his stomach.

"Damn it, why are there so many? Didn't you say one round of one hundred breaths?" San Shi questioned while looking at Gatoni with a dark head.

"General, the young master ordered all the troops to assemble outside the range of the catapult, and be ready to meet the young master's withdrawal from this place at any time, so there must be no mistakes!" The messenger rushed over and shouted.

"Is there any need to save this?"

Just as he was talking, Mei Dama came over, and said solemnly: "Young Master, are you okay? I am gathering an army, and I am going to rush over to help you out of the siege, and by the way, fight Chu Jun to the death!"

"Damn it, I asked you to bring people to help me, so you sent those idiots over? They were watching me eat dirt outside." San Shi roared angrily, and angrily reprimanded.

"Yeah, it's a pity, many thieves have already escaped the bombing range!" Zhang Zhao sighed, watching these thieves escape, he was not very happy.

Outside the city, on the sandy soil.

"A preliminary estimate shows that the loss is probably less than [-] people. My lord, the Chu army is counting on the foreign object thrown by the catapult. Apart from this object, the Chu army is not worth mentioning. Now we are five hundred steps away from the enemy army. Can't do anything to us!"

"Huh, send an order, climb!" Sanshi's face was dark, it was blackened, and he immediately ignored his image and crawled out along the sand. place!

"No!" Several messengers rushed out quickly.

The third generation was choked and coughed non-stop, and his face was ashamed. He had never been so embarrassed in his life!

Today, he has laid a net of heaven and earth, how could it be possible for San Shi to escape, just treat him as a joke.

As a result, these people bet on looting various villages later, betting on how many people can be killed, who will rob things and how much they are worth, and so on.

"Go, order the flag to send a message to ask if the second deployment is ready!" Zhuge Liang said to the guard next to him.

Take turns projecting in the direction of the third world.

Countless voices shouted, trying to control the situation. Although it got better, it was still chaotic. Many injured people fled here a little panicked, and wanted to continue running.

After seeing the command to fire from the top of the city, these teams also smiled. The scouts on the tree trunks in the distance estimated the position, and then these people began to adjust the angle of the mortar.

The third stared at him, but looked at the position from the city wall, it was indeed very far away, at least four to five hundred steps, this distance has completely escaped the bombing of the catapult.

Lu Xun also stroked his beard and nodded, looked at Zhuge Liang and said, "Kong Ming, this thing is really powerful. Now I can see it with my own eyes. It's too shocking. Unfortunately, the speed is slower and the range is closer."

At the same time, on the top of the city.

Thinking of this, San Shi climbed harder.

"Young master, my subordinates don't dare, we can slowly climb out, the range of the enemy's catapults is limited, we still have a chance to survive!" Gatoni waved his hands begging for mercy.

"The young master is still here, all the troops should not be chaotic!"

Earlier, because they had to hurry, they didn't go to fight the autumn wind along the way, but now it's all right, San Shi himself spoke.

The other side of his mother is using this thing, and he is thinking of repaying it twice in the future?Thank you so much, you want to come by yourself in the future!This group of soldiers thought so!
All in all, they have lost their original daydream of looting,
Now, what they only think about is when they can go back, and they will never come to this hanging place again after they go back. There are too many people in this place!
Sanshi rubbed his nose in embarrassment, he was just saying something harsh, to save face, is there any need to look at him so weirdly?
Immediately coughed a few times: "Okay, okay, the Chu army has explosives, and this battle can only come to an end! Tell the whole army that the military discipline will be lifted for five days, and everything along the way can be looted!"

The third generation has come over at this moment, his face is ashamed, and he looks like a refugee fleeing from a refugee, looking embarrassed and funny.

It's fine to lose his life in Jiujiang, but now his life is almost at risk, why did he think of coming to the big man to pretend to be tough, is this place where he can pretend to be tough?
Especially when Chu Feng, the king of persecution, is still there, he is an old birthday star who eats arsenic, can't think about it!
"Young master, send an order to the rear soldiers and horses, let them stand by and be ready to meet us at any time, then retreat, and withdraw from Hefei!" Gatoni was full of desire to survive, and suggested again.

That huge impact also lifted countless people into the air.

The corner of Zhuge Liang's mouth hooked into a smile, and he said solemnly.

"Mei, let him come and see me!" San Shi angrily reprimanded,

Gatoni also agreed with the sentence.

Upon hearing this, Sanshi couldn't help but nodded, this person is still useful.

If the opponent is accurate enough and directly bombs him, then he is unlucky. If he cannot be bombed, it means that his life is not worth dying. Maybe he will come back after many years!

"Damn it, this thing is too powerful, can this young master still live?"

Lu Xun sighed, the range of the catapult is at most [-] steps.

These soldiers all looked terrified, apparently frightened by the explosion just now,
As for hearing that the third king said that the repayment will be doubled in the future, these soldiers all looked at the third king, and their eyes were filled with the look of looking at the idiot. Is this the third man an idiot?

As for the battlefield,
The third was scared by the explosions and curled up together. There were many personal guards lying beside him. These were iron relatives, the type of dead soldiers.

The third yelled immediately.

"Young master, yes, it is possible that the bandits saw you here, so they increased their projection speed!" Gatoni grinned, he miscalculated, he shouldn't have followed Sanshi!
This **** is with the most dangerous person.

What are they here for?

"I will obey the young master's order!" Several generals responded, and at the same time sent hundreds of people under their command to go there. Although these people were unwilling, there were so many law enforcement teams watching behind them, they didn't dare to delay.

The key point is that their boss doesn't even know that there is such a big killer on the opposite side. This kind of idiot can die.

"Young master!" Several generals looked at each other and bowed their heads quickly.

Zhuge Liang smiled and waved his hands, and said something disapproving.

Immediately, Zhuge Liang made the rest of the catapults also aim at the third world, but this aiming all depends on strength and eye sight, and the error is usually relatively small if it is more than ten meters!
For a while, the whistling sound continued.

The person who came to fight Qiufeng is fine now, and was beaten by the opposite party as Qiufeng, what is this called?

As soon as these words came out, the group of ** became excited instantly, screaming and yelling, and the military discipline was lifted. Then they will be happy in the next period of time, and their morale will recover a lot in an instant.

"Hmph, I will avenge the Chu army today, and I will avenge it in the future!" The third took a horse and turned on it, revealing a bit of gloom. He felt uncomfortable from being beaten by the Chu army.

As for the outside of the city, hundreds of paces away.

Qiao Rui pressed his sword excitedly and shouted: "Haha, it's cool, with this thing, any elite soldier in the world is no more than that, once they get into their souls, they will be blown to pieces!"

Upon hearing this, the third generation frowned: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

What's more, it was blown to pieces by the shell on the spot, bloody and bloody.

The 500 people who came to the rescue were about to arrive. Seeing San Shi who was dozens of steps away, they were about to step forward. A new round of bombing began, and it was a round of bombing.

But in the arena, it was a chaos, countless horses fled in all directions, countless soldiers wailed, and countless people showed panic and were a little at a loss.

Outside the city and a hundred paces away, not many people could be bombed for a while, and they were not killed in the first time, but everyone who could move had to run back quickly, for fear that they would not survive the second round.

A row of mortars were all ready, and the loader next to him let go, only to see the shell slide to the bottom, and then with a bang, the shell also roared away.

Immediately, the flag was waved on the top of the city,

"Everyone, the Chu army cheated today, and we will repay you twice in the future!" Sanshi looked at the soldiers, trying to improve their morale, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

And at this moment, at the position behind Guishuang's soldiers and horses, a series of mortars had been set up, and countless shells were piled up next to them. The power of these shells was not much less than that of explosives.

Hundreds of reinforcements were squatting dozens of steps away, and then these people began to comment, discussing how the current situation is, mainly because they dare not rush up!
This fierce artillery fire, going up is courting death!

Charming an expression that I can still fight.

Many generals in the rear looked at the chaotic scene and didn't know what to do for a while, but considering that there was no backbone, these people all shouted: "Don't mess up, don't mess up!"

The third wanted to hurry up and run away, but he was relieved to hear what the two said, and he was not so worried, especially thinking that he was in a mess just now, so he couldn't help but straighten his back.

On both sides, there were still dozens of guards, all of them squirmed forward like a group of maggots, none of them dared to stand up, and when they stood up, they all saw it, and they were passed away to death.

Just as he was about to speak, Gatoni added: "But young master, our army is all cavalry. If you dismount and lie down, once the explosive package falls, the horse will lose control and trample on the soldiers!"

All the generals shut up, lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"Hehe, let's concentrate our firepower and greet the third generation. As the saying goes, it's not unreasonable to have friends coming from afar. Since they are here, we naturally need warm hospitality!"

Several generals looked at each other and nodded.

"A test bomb, ready to load!"

This is the first time this thing has come out, and they want to surprise Guishuang and the bastards, and let them know that the land of the big man is not something they can come and leave whenever they want.

"Sure, come here, send an order, let the soldiers and horses outside the range of the rear stand by for me, ready to respond at any time!" Gatorni did not dare to reveal it at this moment, and he continued to crawl on his stomach.

"Young master, what General Mei said is correct. The Chu army mainly relies on catapults to throw explosives to defeat the enemy. Now our army is hundreds of steps away, and the Chu army is helpless!"

Lu Xunqiaorui and the others burst out laughing. With so many catapults heading towards San Shi, it is estimated that San Shi might not be able to climb out.

They are not stupid, and they can't find any scum at this time.

The key is that this thing has a fast rate of fire and a long range, which is far better than explosives!

The moment the trigger wire at the front of the shell touched the ground, there was a bang, and the exploding shrapnel shot and killed countless people. Many horses knelt down on the spot, and their legs were shot off.

"Ghost knows, it's probably enough, but if there are no guards nearby, I'm afraid I'm dead!"


Countless war horses began to restlessly raise their front hooves, neighing incessantly, wanting to run wildly.

The third was dumbfounded, he hugged the horse tightly, falling would be a dead end, and at the same time he angrily said: "Gatorni, what the hell is going on, didn't you say that the enemy's explosive packs are useless?"

"My lord, my lord, this doesn't seem to be a dynamite bag!"

(End of this chapter)

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