My father is Yuan Shu?But I want to be a Cao thief

Chapter 438 This Looks Like a Mortar!

Chapter 438 This Looks Like a Mortar!
"My lord, my lord, this doesn't seem to be a dynamite bag!"

Looking at the sound of explosion not far away, Gatorni couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He was completely dumbfounded, because this thing is not an explosive bag at all, but like a mortar?
Damn, who are these people!
Got mortars?

Why let them come with this thing!
He knew this earlier, he didn't want to come here in this life, he just came here to seek abuse.

"It's not a dynamite bag, what is that?" Sanshi yelled angrily, and while asking, he also shouted to the surroundings: "Hold on, hold on to me, go and check for me, where did the dynamite come from!"

"My lord, no, you don't need to check. These should be mortars, and depending on the situation, the range may reach a terrifying number. We, we shouldn't come here!"

Gatorni was still in shock. If it was only the explosives, they might be able to retreat safely, but the mortar has a fast range and a fast rate of fire. They might not be able to leave. The key point is that the Chu army has these things, so why show weakness!
"Mortar? Damn, is that what you said it's okay?" San Shi wished he could chop up Gatorni's dog and feed it to the dog, but at this moment he couldn't do anything, he looked around, he just wanted to escape from here.

"Withdraw, withdraw to the northeast!" Sanshi shouted, but his voice was not loud enough, and was covered by countless screams. Fortunately, the command flag was still useful, so he quickly issued orders!
Mei also swallowed her saliva, and shouted after her: "Get out, get out!"

Hitting a hammer, does the Chu army seem to be serious about fighting?This group of people is not human, grandma's.

For a time, the Guishuang Army began to be defeated on a large scale.

If the first round was a blow to their morale, then this round will destroy their fighting spirit, destroy their confidence, and make them unable to even rise up to resist.

No way, in the era of cold weapons, they can't even see their opponents, and then keep killing people, or being killed by bombing, no one can stand it, they all ask for luck!

As for contact with military discipline, get rid of a dick, this thing can go out and talk about it!
Even if it is lifted, they still have to be brave. Once the equipment of the Chu army catches up, it will be a round of gg, what a chicken feather!
"Indiscriminate launch!" The team leader saw that the effect was no problem, and immediately waved the command flag and shouted at his subordinates.

Immediately, one shell after another was filled in like no money at all, and then fired out, followed by countless screams, and too many people were killed!
At the same time, on the top of the city.

Looking at this scene, Qiao Rui couldn't help grinning, patted Zhuge Liang on the shoulder and said, "Kong Ming, your stuff is pretty good, bah bah bah, the stuff you studied is pretty good!"

"Look at those Guishuang soldiers. They didn't even see where the enemy was. They were like headless chickens at the moment, completely missing. In addition, the way back was blocked by barrage. It is estimated that after two rounds of bombing, they should go to us. The side is coming!"

Qiao Rui was in a good mood, he was very comfortable with the explosives, especially when he heard those beasts screaming, he was even more happy, of course, all of this was due to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang contributed a lot!
"General Qiao's reputation is too high. My lord taught me all of these things. If my lord hadn't given me some advice, Liang would still not be able to develop these things even if he exhausted all his life's knowledge!"

Zhuge Liang waved his hands very modestly.

The more powerful these things are, the more he admires Chu Feng, his boss is like a god, and Gatorani on the opposite side is like a fool when compared with his boss!

Lu Xun also smiled and said, "Kong Ming, don't be too modest. Although my lord has mentioned something, this is not something that ordinary people can develop. I studied with you at the beginning, and I didn't know it at all!"

Lu Xun didn't feel ashamed at all, but teased and joked.

You know, back then Chu Feng taught him and Zhuge Liang together, he couldn't understand these things at all, and only Zhuge Liang, a monster, not only understood it, but also developed it.

Zhuge Liang shook his head with a smile. He was also in a good mood, but he knew that his name might not be known in a short time, otherwise it would be a catastrophe for the entire Zhuge family.

Boom, boom boom!
In the battlefield, bullet points are everywhere.

Sanshi's arm was also bruised, blood flowed out along the armor, and the horse under his crotch was frightened many times. Sanshi tried his best to press it down. This was because there were personal guards helping him.

And others, many soldiers died under the hooves of the horses.

The sound of the shells falling was huge, and many war horses were frightened and violent, and finally these soldiers were thrown off the horses, and then trampled to death by countless horseshoes.

"My lord, what should I do now? It feels like there will be countless bombs going forward. Many brothers have already collapsed, and there are corpses everywhere along the way!"

Mei covered his left ear, his entire ear was scratched off by stray bullets, and he spoke bluntly due to the pain.

There was so much artillery fire that there was no way to resist.

"How the hell do I know what to do? But it's already here, let the brothers hold on and keep moving forward, maybe the front will rush out. If we retreat at this time, all previous efforts will be wasted."

The third generation is also anxious, disheartened, and he doesn't know what to do.


Meiyi gritted her teeth and told the cavalry under her command to move faster.

In this way, time was lost bit by bit. Under the premise that the barrage fell slowly, countless soldiers died tragically, and countless horses lost control, Guishuang's soldiers and horses advanced two to three hundred steps again.

At this time, some scouts rushed over: "My lord, the enemy army is not far ahead. It seems that there are only a hundred of them. They should have shot those explosives just now."

"They shot it?" San Shi showed a ferocious expression in an instant, drew out his sword and roared: "Chong, no matter how much you pay, rush over and snatch their things."

"No!" The scout responded.

Mei also nodded. Naturally, he would not charge in person, but at least he found someone. This farce can be more or less formal. He wants his soldiers to kill those people with his own hands.

For a while, Guishuang Iron Cavalry organized an iron cavalry.

There were about 3000 iron cavalry, and they rushed forward. There was no detour at this moment, because the Chu army had their backs to Shishui, and there was only one way to go.

At this moment, the centurion in charge snorted coldly: "It's finally here, I can't wait any longer, but with their reaction speed, are they worthy of fighting our army?"


Around, all the soldiers laughed.

If they don't want to be discovered, it's too simple, just make a reverse slope, but they deliberately let the opponent find it, as long as the opponent comes over, the mines placed along the way will be useful.
Moreover, they also prepared bomb craters along the way.

Soldiers were also hidden in these craters, and they all prepared explosive kits. If the enemy army wanted to rush over, it would be tantamount to nonsense.

"Pass the order, the first and second mortar squadrons adjust their angles and blast me hard to kill these sons of bitches!" the centurion commanded heartily.

At the same time, on the top of the city.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, Zhuge Liang immediately ordered: "Order, the artillery deployed in the southwest corner, a round of test firing, after confirming the position, adjust the angle and shoot at full speed!"

"No!" The command flag began to wave, and news came out.

There is a slope in the southwest corner outside the city, where the maximum range can completely cover all directions of the current Guishuang Army.

At this moment, following the news of Lingqi, the centurion there also showed an excited expression: "Adjust the angle, try a round of shooting, hurry up, give these thieves some color!"

Immediately, the mortars adjusted their angles, and at the same time the shells fell,

tom tom tom,
There was another humming sound like gold stones,
The fall of these shells instantly determined the approximate position, and then adjusted slightly, and the second artillery fire covered it. This was definitely a disaster for the Guishuang Army.

There are cannons in the front and cannons in the back, surrounded by cannons, as the so-called cannons on all sides, they seem to be like this now.

And the third generation has no time to care about these things at the moment. They put all their hopes on the cavalry who rushed out. As long as they can capture the mortars of the Chu army, they may not be unable to use the Chu army's artillery to attack the Chu army.

Thinking of this, Sansei somewhat looked forward to it, and couldn't help but ask, "Gatonia, can you operate a mortar?"

"Um, probably, almost, maybe a little bit!" Gatoni replied with very uncertain words, because he had never touched a mortar, but it shouldn't be difficult to watch TV!
"What do you mean should be?" Sanshi scolded angrily.

"I haven't used it either, but let me test it, and it seems to be fine!" Gatoni replied, muttering in his heart, how did he know if he could do it!

"That's all right! Take down the enemy's mortars later, give me a try! I want to bombard the Chu army with the Chu army's artillery, and let those idiots know that Guishuang's soldiers and horses are not easy to bully!"

The third generation said vowedly.

Gatorni lowered his head, slandering in his heart. At present, Guishuang soldiers and horses seem to be very easy to bully, and the enemy army will definitely not let them take these things easily!

"My lord, the enemy army even has mortars, and they are probably prepared, us cavalry."

And at this moment, Gatorni hadn't finished speaking, the cavalry who rushed out in the distance directly triggered the landmines, and almost instantly, there was an explosion, and countless horses' legs were broken directly.
The blasting shrapnel shot and killed countless Guishuang knights,

The knights behind wanted to rein in the horses, but the explosion caused many horses to lose control. Many people fell down and were trampled to death while running at full speed.

The third turned his head to look at Gatoni, his eyes were about to pop out of anger, why didn't the hanging hair say it earlier, and he still hadn't seen the thing this time, and immediately angrily said: "This, what is this! "

"Land mine!"

Gattoni replied weakly!

He looked around and saw that the Guishuang army had already suffered countless casualties, and many people only had panic in their eyes. They were defeated, completely defeated, and there was no possibility of a comeback.

In addition, there are landmines, and they probably have them in all directions. If they continue to fight, they just lose their lives for no reason!

"My lord, the enemy army has landmines. We have no possibility of escaping. We can only die if we continue to fight. Why don't we surrender and give our brothers a way out!"

Gatorni looked at the howling Guishuang soldiers, took a deep breath, and suggested.

Mainly facing hot weapons, their efforts seemed ridiculous, and there was no possibility of breaking out of the encirclement. It seemed that the Chu army was going to eat them all.

"Surrender?" Sanshi's eyes widened in anger, and he drew his sword angrily, almost being chopped off by Gatorni.

"What the hell are you talking about? I am the prince of Guishuang. If I surrender, I might as well die!" San Shiqi's body trembled, looking around, some generals looked at him anxiously.

"Why, you fucking want to surrender too?" The third seemed to see what these people were thinking. After all, there seemed to be no way out other than surrender, and many of the cavalry who rushed over were killed somewhere!

"My lord, my lord, why don't you surrender?"

A minister hesitated a little, then spoke weakly.


The third raised his sword, went up with a sword, and said a little madly: "Whoever dares to surrender, I will be the first to kill him!"

"Rush out, as long as you can rush out, I will take you to eat and drink spicy food, at worst, let's not come for this big guy!" San Shi was afraid of causing public anger, so he started to draw cakes again.

But these people were all frightened by the non-stop explosions, and their lives were all threatened, so there was still time to think about it later, it would be great to survive tonight!

Seeing that everyone bowed their heads and did not speak, they thought that An Nai had given up the idea of ​​surrendering. Immediately, the third reprimanded: "Go, continue to organize soldiers to charge me, and the horses cannot charge off the horses."

"I want to see how many shells are on the other side!"

The third emperor ordered that the main one should surrender right now, and he would be the first to finish the game.

After all, he is the leader of the Guishuang Army, no matter how good the Chu army is, they will not let him go, not to mention, Chu Feng also hates him deeply. Thinking of this, San Shi felt even more angry.
He shouldn't have come, this rubbish place.

This place buried too many of his things!

"But my lord, the brothers have lost their will to fight. If it weren't for the shells everywhere, they would have already run away!" A general bowed his head and said in panic.

"Yes, my lord, I can't organize people to continue charging, and many horses don't obey." Another general echoed, there is no way, this kind of unknown fear has already caused the soldiers to collapse.

"What about the law enforcement team? If you don't obey the command, let the law enforcement team kill me, and kill me until you obey the command!" San Shi madly brandished his sword and angrily shouted.

"My lord, the law enforcement team, many law enforcement teams don't command anymore!" A general couldn't help reminding, thinking, at this time, the law enforcement team is also afraid, those bombs don't have eyes.

Sanshi's face was dark, and his body was trembling with anger.

Give Nima a hammer, and the law enforcement team will stop working!

Looking around, some are even more ruthless, stabbing the horse to death, and then hiding in the horse's belly. There are also many people crawling on the ground. It is said that the chance of being killed by the bomb is small.

And it works really well,

However, some war horses were dishonest, running around wildly, trampling some people screaming, some were trampled to death on the spot, unable to get up at all, these soldiers lying on the ground had only one thought,
I can't even get up!
Survival comes first!

Looking at the soldiers under his command, the soldiers who used to be high-spirited, now think of a group of chickens, hiding in various places shivering, begging not to be killed by the bomb!

(End of this chapter)

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