People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 133 Tang Hao has caught up.

Chapter 133 Tang Hao has caught up.

Not long after, the corridor on the second floor of the hotel.

Lin Manshan stopped and said with a smile, "Rest early, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

leave early tomorrow morning?In the guest room on the other side, Tang Hao's eyes flickered, he turned his head to the room where Dugu Bo was, and said in his heart: "It's not early, and it's safe, so let's stay here for a night tonight. There is Flender over there. Look, it should be fine. I don’t know if the two teams have fought, and what the result is? I’ll go and see when Dugu Bo leaves tomorrow.”

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, a carriage slowly drove out of the city gate.

And Tang Hao, after breakfast, got up and rushed towards Shrek Academy.

When they came to Shrek Academy, they ran straight towards the dormitory.Not long after, he came to a tree outside the dormitory with a swish, and looked in from a distance through the open window. The room was full of people, all of them with worried faces.On the bed next to him, Tang San was lying with a bruised nose and a swollen face, his face was pale, his upper body was covered with bandages, his expression was slightly painful, as if he was having a nightmare.

How is this going?Tang Hao frowned suddenly.

Then Yu Xiaogang asked eagerly, "Flender, how is Xiaosan?"

"The high fever has subsided, and the situation has stabilized, but if you want to fully recover, you need at least half a month of rest." Flender shook his head with a sigh, "Although there is a healing soul master from the Great Spirit Arena who treated him in time, I also fed Oscar’s recovery sausage last night before going to bed, but how could the injured bones heal so quickly.”

"Especially the spine that was injured on the back, I am afraid it will take a long time to participate in training."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai, whose arms were wrapped in bandages behind him, immediately gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice with annoyance:

"That fellow Lin Manshan was too ruthless. He even broke Xiaosan's external spirit bones, and kicked him so hard even when he fainted."

The external spirit bones were all broken off, hurting the spine. Xiaosan's external spirit bones were eight spider lances, wouldn't they be severed one by one?After he was unconscious, he added another kick, which hurt his muscles and bones again.It takes at least half a month of cultivation. Tang Hao's ears suddenly popped up. It's fine to be injured normally. There is no way that the fighting spirit will not be injured, but what Lin Manshan did is simply tormenting!

Lin Manshan, before Dugu Bo called that child Man'er, it was him.Also, the name is so familiar.
No matter what, we must seek justice for Xiaosan. The black shadow flashed and disappeared directly into the tree.

"Third Brother."

Xiao Wu sat in front of the bed, crying pear blossoms with rain.

Lin Manshan and Yu Xiaogang clenched their fists tightly, their sunken and red eyes were filled with hatred and anger.

Flender turned his head to look at Xiao Wu, squirmed his lips, but finally didn't say anything to blame, and thought in his heart: I hope this girl can get rid of her stinky habit of spitting out dirty words after this time.Scolding other people's daughter-in-law for being a ruined woman, scolding trash in person, and playing others by single-handedly breaking promises.The same goes for Xiaosan, since others are not fools, so the use of hidden weapons is obviously aimed at killing people, and the key is to call out the killing.It's no wonder that other people don't use heavy hands. If you didn't know each other before, you probably would have been hacked by a knife.

Out of the corner of the eye glanced at Dai Mubai.

It's the same with Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, you said that it's fine for you two to peek at girls in the street, but you dare to watch them in front of them on the field, isn't this looking for a fight?Hey, I hope I can learn my lesson this time.

Look at Oscar and Ning Rongrong, they are unharmed.Looking at you guys again, you can see that Lin Manshan's attack is targeted.Those who don't dare to cause trouble are mediocre, but you also score occasions and people. Flender's forehead has a bulging vein, indicating that he is very tired.

On the other side, in the carriage.Dugu Yan vividly told Dugu Bo the battle process.

"It deserves it. You did it beautifully." It can be seen from the expression, Dugu Bo is very happy to hear it.

Listening, Lin Manshan who was sitting opposite suddenly looked alert, and said anxiously: "Tang Hao is chasing you."

"The young one loses the fight and the old one comes. Don't you lose your face? Just keep going, I'll meet this shameless person." Dugu Bo quickly got up and got out of the carriage.

"Avatar of the Martial Soul!" Transformed into a turquoise flood dragon, with a long howl, it shot straight into the sky.After Wuhun evolved, he had a flying talent, so he can fly now.

"Aman, is grandpa okay?" Dugu Yan lifted the curtain and looked, his face was full of worry.

"Don't worry, Grandpa has the ability to fly. As long as he doesn't confront him head-on, it's impossible for Tang Hao to catch up with him." Lin Manshan shook his head calmly.

As a titled Douluo, Dugu Bo has a lot of soul power in his body, and the eight meridians have all been opened up shortly after taking the fairy grass. The core, the soul power has been compressed.According to Dugu Bo himself, the soul power in his body is not only much stronger than before, but the total amount is at least 93% higher than when he just absorbed the fairy grass soul power and broke through level 20. Poison accounting included.

Dugu Bo's poisonous core is transformed from soul power into Wuhun natal toxin, which cannot be re-transformed into soul power.

But for poison attribute martial souls, there is actually no difference with soul power, they can be directly converted into attack methods.If it is all counted as hard power, it may not be able to compare with Tang Hao who has multiple soul bones, but it can definitely be compared to ordinary 95-level Title Douluo.

With a lot of soul power, he can fly, he has amazing strides on the ground, he runs extremely fast, and his actual combat power is immeasurable.

With Tang Hao's current physical condition, if he really fights to the end, he doubts that he will be killed by Dugu Boyin.

After all, Dugu Bo's soul skills are all large-scale AOE, and his natal poison is strong enough. If Tang Hao inhales it and detonates the hidden wounds in his body, he really has a chance.

It's just that I'm afraid that someone will see it, and then it will be spread, which will be troublesome, and I can't help but think it's a pity in my heart.

The soul bone touches people's hearts, and they can't keep it.

While thinking, on the other side, Tang Hao, who was running, suddenly stopped and looked into the sky under the clear sky.

A turquoise flood dragon was shining against the sunlight, swimming and swooping down at an extremely fast speed, and stopped in the air 20 meters above the ground.

"Tang Hao, what do you want to do by following this old man?" Dugu Bo's angry voice came from Jiaolong's head.

Dugu Bo's martial soul has turned into a dragon. Tang Hao's pupils shrank, his face darkened, but he immediately summoned the Haotian Hammer martial soul, his whole body exploded, and he raised his head to face Dugu Bo, and said in a deep voice: "This is where you I have to ask that kid named Lin Manshan."

"This matter, I must seek justice."

"Fair?" Dugu Bo sneered.

"I've just heard what happened from Man'er. In addition, he once mentioned to me that there is a blacksmith named Tang Hao in his village. He must be talking about you, right? In the Soul Fighting Competition last night, the one named Tang Hao San's child must be your son, right? Tang Hao, before seeking justice, do you know the whole story?"

"Then let me tell you!" Dugu Bo suddenly changed the subject, "As soon as the two teams entered the spirit fighting arena, a girl from the Shrek team, Xiao Wu, began to call my family full of trash. Dai Mubai He and Ma Hongjun stared at the private parts of my granddaughter and other female team members, and kept watching. Then, when the game started, your son led the Shrek team members to take out a man-made weapon to stab people in the back, besieging and killing the control system girls of our team. Soul master, if my Man'er hadn't reacted in time, I would have rushed to block it."

"The female soul master is dead."

"And that female soul master, named Shui Bing'er, is the fiancée of my Man'er. Maybe you can go back and experience for yourself how powerful that weapon is."

"And I just want to ask a question, if your wife was almost killed, how would you respond?" Speaking of this, Dugu Bo's eyes turned cold, "Besides, this is not the most hateful thing your son has done .”

"Although my family Man'er was angry, she only punished the child named Xiao Wu, but did not hit hard. That child named Xiao Wu is definitely still alive and kicking right now."

"But your son became murderous on the spot, and even threatened to kill my Man'er in full view, and carried it out, throwing away several catties of needle weapons and shooting at the vitals. If my family Man'er hadn't reacted quickly, he would be dead now. Tell me. If it were you, how would you deal with it?"

Xiaosan actually used the method he used to deal with Zao Wou-ki on Lin Manshan, and Tang Hao was also shocked. That kind of method is definitely a must-kill situation when used against the Soul Sect, but Lin Manshan actually blocked it.

Isn't he a useless soul master with only the third level of innate soul power?How could there be such a combat power... Through Dugu Bo's words, Tang Hao also thoroughly figured out Lin Manshan's identity, and he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

"There are countless spectators watching the whole process, you can go to Dahun to ask the person in charge to find out whether it is true or not." Dugu Bo's voice came again, with a chill, "Hmph! If the old man hadn't guessed that he was you Son, do you think he can live till now?"

Tang Hao suddenly fell silent. In his opinion, what Dugu Bo said was nonsense, and his son was severely injured after being abused. That was the point.

Originally, he wanted to kill Dugu Bo in one fell swoop, and then kill the child named Lin Manshan.

But now, Dugu Bo's martial soul has turned into a dragon, and the martial soul itself has a flying talent, and the flying speed is extremely good, so the situation has to be carefully considered.

He can also fly, although he does not have the ability to fly, but he can do it by relying on the majestic soul power in his body.But maintaining the spirit power for a long time consumes a lot, and the speed is even more limited. After all, he is a weapon spirit or the Clear Sky Hammer. The weight of the spirit itself will bring a lot of burden to the volley process, which Dugu Bo does not have.

Unless you cast Ring Explosion, rely on the boost to catch up with the instantaneous burst speed, but if you don't catch up, there will be consequences.
While Tang Hao was thinking, Dugu Bo seemed to have seen his thoughts, and said with a sneer, "Tang Hao, I know what you are thinking? However, I advise you to think clearly before making a decision, or if you fail, hehe, I can tell you the consequences now."

"I will first go to Yuexuan to capture Tang Yuehua, cut off her tongue, destroy the meridians of her limbs, and then throw her into the pack of Gale Demon wolves. After that, I will go to the Clear Sky School to cast the poison, covering the entire Clear Sky School , Let your younger generation of Haotianzong die completely, and finally seek revenge on your son. Believe me, I definitely have the ability to do it now. To tell you the truth, my current Wuhun is poisoned by the natal, and no one is below the title. can be spared."

As for dealing with Title Douluo, I still have the Scarlet Swan Kiss.More ruthless, I have never been afraid of anyone!
"Dugu Bo!" Tang Hao's aura instantly exploded, his eyes were red, but he didn't dare to move.

"Don't be angry, it's not like you don't know my character." Dugu Bo continued with a deep feeling in his heart, "So, it's better for us not to offend the river. As for your son's injury, if you want to take revenge, you should cultivate it well." Your son. Let the younger generation solve the matter of the younger generation by themselves. If my family is full of children and your son beats him to death with his own strength, this old man will never retaliate for personal gain."

"However, if someone breaks the rules and bullies the small with the big, hum! Then don't blame me for being cruel."

"That's all, Tang Hao, you make your own decision." After speaking, the avatar controlling the martial soul flew higher, thinking that Tang Hao would never be able to hit him in the first place.

"." Tang Hao's eyelids twitched, and finally he snorted coldly, withdrew his martial spirit, turned and left.

Seeing Tang Hao walking away, Dugu Bo immediately straightened his waist, put his hands behind his back, looking unpredictable, and the next second, he grinned, raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Excellent!"

One turned and flew away, disappearing into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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