People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 134 Follow-up and plan to kill Tang Hao

Chapter 134 Follow-up and plan to kill Tang Hao
After an unknown amount of time, Tang Hao walked out of the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City with a heavy heart.

"Spirit power level 32, how did that child do it? The soul power is released, and the sword is swayed casually. From the description, it should be highly compressed and gathered on the blade body, and then released. Such a young age. Power control. Arms are emerald green with gold, hard as iron, these are definitely not soul bones, and there are blades all over the sky, are they soul skills?"

"But doesn't he have no soul ring and soul skills?"

"Could it be that he deliberately concealed the soul ability back then? Or did he create his own soul ability?" His expression suddenly became gloomy.

"If it's a self-created soul skill, one can create one's own soul skill at the age of 12, this level of comprehension."

"The speed of cultivation is so fast, presumably some external force has been used to stimulate the potential. It is a fact that is obvious to all to upgrade from level 2 to level 3 in the past two years. External force is external force after all, and it will not last long. Future growth will still be affected by qualifications and The limitation of talent. Moreover, it is not a good thing to stimulate the potential and improve the cultivation level in advance, which will leave hidden dangers to the body."

"But even so, with his soul master's strength, how could he easily tear up the vines created by Xiaosan's third soul skill with only his physical body?" He suddenly fell into thought.

"Xiao San and Xiao Wu once talked about Lin Manshan's mutated martial spirit, which made him eat far more than ordinary people, and his physical strength increased rapidly. However, the natural growth of physical strength can't be improved so much, right?"

"Unless absorbing the soul ring brings more improvement to the physical body than Xiaosan, the mutated martial soul cannot retain the soul ring and soul skills, huh? Could it be!" A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his face showed surprise, "If this is the case, It’s all explained.”

"I didn't expect such a mutated martial soul to exist in the world?" Tang Hao couldn't help but express his emotion, and at the same time secretly rejoiced, "In this case, he should be using a self-created soul skill. Fortunately, his cultivation qualifications are limited , otherwise in the future, he will definitely become Xiaosan's formidable enemy, and even become the entire Haotian School's formidable enemy."

"After all, the two had become enemies last night."

"If it wasn't for Dugu Bo, just now..." Thinking of what Dugu Bo said before, Tang Chen's expression suddenly flashed with anger, and then he shook his head slightly, "Forget it, a child with only a third-level innate soul power."

"Even if Martial Soul has the unique ability to transform the energy of all soul rings, the physical qualifications and talents are there, and the future achievements are limited. After all, it cannot be compared with Xiaosan. On the contrary, it is an excellent stepping stone for Xiaosan's early growth. "

"Hey, in the last night's battle, Xiao San's disposition was indeed too bad! Impulsive and irritable, it is a taboo. Just like what the child said. Flowers living in a greenhouse can hardly achieve greatness without setbacks and tribulations." device."

"In addition." His brows were furrowed again, "Perhaps it was really a mistake to hand Xiaosan over to Yu Xiaogang to teach him. The soul master is the soul master. Even if Lin Manshan's physical body is as strong as the soul master, he will not be torn to pieces with his bare hands. Little San’s blue silver grass vines. Perhaps it’s really not suitable for a plant-type spirit to absorb an animal-type spirit ring.”

My mind couldn't help but recall the scene when my wife Ah Yin used the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul. The vines she created were full of toughness and endless growth. They could grow back immediately after they were broken. Although they didn't have much attack power, they had full control power.And his son Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, although toughness is acceptable, and it also adds a bit of offensiveness, but it also lacks the part of endless vitality.

"Is it necessary to help Xiaosan complete the second awakening of her martial soul and evolve into the Blue Silver Emperor?" While thinking, he walked towards Shrek Academy.

"When Xiao San wakes up, he must be extremely disappointed. He has to do something to prevent him from sinking into depression. The All-Continent Soul Master Competition is an excellent training opportunity, and Xiao San still can't miss it. Considering the strength and strength of his current martial soul , continue to practice step by step in Shrek Academy, and when it comes to the soul master competition, I am afraid that he will still not be Lin Manshan's opponent."

"How about a special training?"

"Otherwise, with Xiaosan's strong temper, if she loses again, I'm afraid I will really doubt myself. This is not a good thing. Well, but before that, we must first solve the problem of Xiao Wu's identity exposure."

"I don't know if the skill of Lin Manshan's hardened arm can be passed on. Dugu Bo didn't use it just now. If it can be passed on, it will be good for Xiaosan and Zongmen."


At night, Shrek Academy.


In the bedroom, Flender, who was about to undress and sleep, suddenly trembled, and ran out of the hut quickly, "Avatar of the Martial Soul!" The figure rose into the air, flew towards the forest, and soon landed in front of Tang Hao, Look embarrassed.

"I have seen His Majesty Haotian."

"You don't need to say too much. I have already understood what happened. You are not responsible." Tang Hao said in a flat tone. After finishing speaking, he took out a letter from his pocket.

With a flick of two fingers, he threw it at Flender, "After reading it, I will hand this letter to Xiaosan tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Majesty Haotian." Flender took the letter, raised his head again, and the figure in front of him had disappeared.

He hurriedly opened the letter to read it, and his face was shocked, "No wonder that kid Lin Manshan has such strong physical strength!" After folding the letter, he couldn't help sighing.

"It's a pity to be so savvy. If the talent is better, he will be another Haotian Douluo."

While shaking his head, he flew back to the academy.

And at this moment, inside the other side of the house.

Tang San woke up faintly, "Hiss!" Just moving his body, he felt severe pain all over.

Looking up at the roof, gritted his teeth and uttered words with hatred in his eyes, "Lin Man Shan, if you don't take revenge, I, Tang San, swear not to be a human being!" After finishing speaking, he fell into silence in vain, with a look of despair on his face, "You will kill me with bare hands! The silver grass vines are torn, is it true that my blue silver grass martial spirit is developing in the wrong direction? Or is my blue silver grass martial soul itself a waste martial soul."

"In addition, even the release of such a dense technique-like hidden weapon can't cause a little damage to Lin Manshan. I'm afraid that the machine-like hidden weapon will be discovered as soon as it is taken out, and it will be difficult to be effective. The external spirit bone is also useless in front of Lin Manshan's big sword martial soul. No advantage."

"Besides, he can also attack with saber energy casually, and has the ability to attack from a long distance. It is difficult for me to even get close."

Recalling Lin Manshan's saber aura, he couldn't help clenching his fists, "Exerting internal strength, even in the previous life, only martial arts masters could do it. Lin Manshan is only 12 years old this year. How did he do it?"

For the first time, at least in terms of understanding, he found that he was inferior to others, and that feeling was very uncomfortable.

"Being a human being in two lifetimes, possessing innate full soul power, twin martial souls, and possessing the unique knowledge of the Tang Sect, with so many advantages, can I still be inferior to a native useless soul master with only a third-level innate soul power?"

Tang Sanyin gritted his teeth.

"how can that be?"

He is not reconciled, let alone accept!

"But how can I defeat him?" I couldn't figure it out, and my face couldn't help but pain.

After a sleepless night, Flender hurried into the house the next morning.

"Little San, what is this?"

As soon as he entered the room, he caught a glimpse of Tang San's extremely haggard face, with deep dark circles under his eyes, the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his brows were tightened and loosened, it seemed that he didn't sleep well last night, he couldn't help being startled, with a worried look on his face.

"The one who knows the son best is indeed the father. Tang Hao probably expected that Tang San would behave like this." While thinking, he quickly approached, handed the letter in front of Tang San, and said, "Little San, this is the letter sent by your father." letter."

"Father's letter?" Could it be that my father also watched my match last night? Tang San's eyes lit up, he took the letter, quickly opened it and read it,

"No wonder, no wonder." He kept murmuring, his expression slowed down a little, and then he was pleasantly surprised, "Father actually wants to come and take me out for special training!"

While I was pleasantly surprised to meet my father, I also wondered in my heart, "Isn't my father an ordinary blacksmith? How will he train me and improve my strength."

"No matter what, my father will never lie to me. Since he said so, he must have a reason." Deciding in his heart, he folded the letter again, and his face repeated his confidence, "Don't worry, father! I will definitely practice hard next time, In the future, I will defeat Lin Manshan with my own strength."

To be precise, it was killing... A cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he was annoyed, "I was really too impulsive before, just like my father said, I have to learn to control my emotions in the future."

The general outline of the Xuantian Treasure Record, Taishan collapses in front of the front without changing the color, the Yellow River is determined at the top without being shocked, the real master of hidden weapons has a calm mind at any time!I haven't done enough. While thinking about it, I raised my head to look at Flender with a smile on my face.

"Dean Flender, I'm fine. I was indeed too impulsive before and caused you trouble."

Seeing Tang San regain his confidence, Flender also had a face of relief, and said with a smile: "It's all trivial."

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. He turned his head and saw that it was Yu Xiaogang who came in with hot porridge. He looked haggard, and he did not sleep well.

Tang San's eyes flickered immediately.

Then whispered, "Teacher"

A few days later, inside the Pope's Palace.

"Your Majesty, the Bishop of Soto City in the Kingdom of Barak has come to report that he found traces of the Tianxing team in the Great Soul Arena." Ghost Douluo bowed and saluted. There are secret sentries arranged, the purpose is the same as other forces, to discover excellent soul masters, take them for their own use, and deal with them in time if there is a threat.

After finishing speaking, he took out the letter and presented it respectfully, "I also found Yu Xiaogang, and some unhappiness broke out between the two parties."

This child Lin Manshan scolded really well, and said so in my heart.

Of course, he definitely couldn't demonstrate it again in front of Bibi Dong, otherwise he would definitely die a miserable death.

"Xiao Gang." Bibi Dong's complexion changed instantly, his eyes flickered, and he sucked the letter into his hand with a surge of soul power.Then he opened the letter and quickly previewed it.

In just a moment, the whole body's momentum fluctuated violently, his body trembled a little, his face changed continuously, his eyes were chilly, but at the same time, there was a hint of daze.In a short time, the momentum gradually died down, and the beautiful face also returned to its previous indifference.

And under the steps, Ghost Douluo lowered his head slightly, didn't even dare to lift it up, cursing inwardly: That unyielding guy at Yueguan ran very fast after reading the letter.

Squeezing the letter in her hand, Bibi Dong said calmly, "The plan remains unchanged. Everything will be discussed after the completion of Dugu Bo's Tianxing Academy. In addition, send out investigators to keep an eye on the situation of the Tianxing team's battles outside, and confirm that Lin Manshan can Whether the ability to harden the arms can be passed on to teammates around me. As for the Shrek team, don't worry about it for the time being."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." Ghost Douluo quickly responded.

"That kid met the two big teams back then, is there any clue now?" Bibi Dong continued to ask.

"Your Majesty the Pope, according to the report, the witnesses have been specially sealed by the two colleges, and the Tiandou Royal Team was also threatened by Dugu Bo, and they have never talked about it outside. Therefore, no news has been detected." Ghost Douluo bowed.Complaining from the bottom of his heart, Dugu Bo personally threatened, whoever dares to say who will kill the whole family, it will be strange to find out.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, just said calmly: "Go down."

"Yes." Ghost Douluo felt relieved, and hurriedly bowed his hands and left.

Seeing Ghost Douluo walking out of the hall, Bibi Dong spread the letter out again, glanced at it complicatedly, seemed to be laughing at herself, smiled wryly, and thought of nostalgia, gritted her silver teeth and whispered, "Oh, coward, I'm not wrong."

Immediately, he frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought, "Tang San, the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is born full of soul power."

In mid-July, Tiandou City was warm and sunny.

Lin Manshan took the girls into the mansion, and had a good reunion dinner with Old Jack, Tieshan and others who returned early.Then he greeted everyone, followed Dugu Bo into the inner room, just sat down on the chair, and got straight to the point, "Grandpa, I intend to poison Tang Hao."

"!!?" Dugu Bo narrowed his eyes and leaned slightly, "Man'er, how to implement it?"

"The lead box in the cave behind the waterfall, and Tang San." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Grandpa, in the Great Soul Arena of Suotuo City, I showed off my skill in refining jade and tore apart Tang San's third body with only my body. Soul skills, with Tang San's talent, what do you think he would think?"

"Undoubtedly, I am not convinced, not reconciled, and tried every means to defeat you. I even killed you, took your soul tool, and checked whether there is a training text for practicing jade hands in it." Dugu Bo's eyes lit up, as if thinking Si, "From the first battle in Suotuo City, it can be seen that Tang San is narrow-minded and will never let you go no matter what. However, after this battle, he must also know that he should practice step by step. It is impossible to be your opponent. Therefore, he can only think of other ways."

"To be precise, Tang Hao helped him find a solution." Lin Manshan sneered, "And the 10-year-old right leg bone that has been absorbed by me is the fastest shortcut. However, Tang Hao will definitely not give it to Tang so easily. Three. Gaining strength quickly through external objects, if the heart is not good, it will only make people eager for quick success, and they will not be willing to face setbacks and lose the heart of the strong."

"So, I have to add fire."

"In the future, as long as I meet him in the arena, I will defeat him with absolute suppression, so that he will feel the gap between me more and more. Let him be unwilling, make him decadent, become thirsty for strength, thirst for revenge, and live in a life of being defeated. Caught in the shadow of my easy defeat."

"And Tang Hao definitely doesn't want to see his son become like this! He doesn't want his son with innate full soul power and twin martial souls to lose to a soul master of the same age with only third-level innate soul power." Dugu Bo's eyes flickered , sneered and said: "But as long as you don't beat you head-on, Tang San will live in your shadow for a day. At that time, Tang Hao will have to make a decision."

"And when he went to pick up the lead box, it was our chance." Lin Manshan chuckled.

"The weight of the lead box with the soul bone and without the soul bone is obviously different. Tang Hao will definitely open it to check on the spot. And what we have to do is to hide the poison enough to kill him instantly in the lead box, let him After being poisoned, there was no chance of getting out of that cave."

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Grandpa, the snow-colored swan kiss may come in handy."

"With Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade, we can enter without being affected afterwards, safe and secure. Of course, when the time comes, I will use the beast control technique to place surveillance birds and beasts around to ensure that I receive the news as soon as possible."

"Maybe Tang Hao will take Tang San with him at that time, hehe" Dugu Bo also turned his eyes cold, and then asked, "However, I can't grasp the medicinal properties of that snow-colored swan kiss, I'm afraid you'll have to deal with the poison." To match it. You also have to arrange the mechanisms in the box, which I don’t know how to do.”

"It's natural." Lin Manshan nodded.

I will match it with a poison that is stronger than Hades Tie, and mix it with a snow-colored swan kiss to see if you die or not.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go now. I just want to transplant the Blue Silver Emperor," Dugu Bo hurriedly urged.

"Well, the sooner this matter is arranged, the better. Grandpa, let me talk to Yanzi and the others first." Lin Manshan nodded, got up and walked out of the room with Dugu Bo.

PS: The titled Douluo can fly question in the previous chapter has been changed, thank you for your corrections.And those fathers and beauties who gave rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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