People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 151 I'm Envious Too

Chapter 151 I'm Envious Too

"Okay." Lin Manshan reached out to take it.

Stimulate the perception of soul power.


Such a chaotic attribute, this kind of impurity is definitely caused by the polluted soul feeding back the body.

The soul is combined with the body to achieve life. Once the former is polluted, if it is not resolved for a long time, it will inevitably further infiltrate and subtly affect the body, and even distort a person's spirit.In mild cases, people's temperament will change drastically, such as irritable, suspicious, restless, extreme thinking, etc.If it is more serious, it will directly cause disordered thinking and schizophrenia, and become crazy critics, and they don't know what they are doing.

Regarding this point, no one is more aware of the dangers than him who has cultivated soul power.

So, this is probably Bibi Dong's blood!
Bibi Dong had devoured Chihiro Ji's body and soul.

Calculating the time, Bibi Dong's strength at that time was much weaker than Qian Xun Ji.Whether it is the body or the soul, it is easy for the weak to devour the strong, let alone swallow both at the same time. Isn't this asking for trouble?
Fortunately, Bibi Dong's strength improved fast enough to slowly suppress this subtle influence, otherwise after so many years, her physical body would definitely have been distorted into an ugly monster.Perhaps, it is also related to the follow-up contact with the divine test.There are three strands of energy, one belongs to the Soul-eating Spider Emperor Martial Soul, the other belongs to the Death Spider Emperor Martial Soul, and the other is probably related to Rakshasa God.

In the original book, Bibi Dong became more and more crazy in the later stage, maybe it was related to the pollution of the soul.In addition, it may be influenced by the Rakshasa God.

After all, God Rakshasa is described in the original book as the god of evil thoughts in charge of evil thoughts.

"Little friend Lin, what's the problem?" Seeing that Lin Manshan's face was not looking well, Ghost Douluo couldn't help asking.

"Elder Gui, does this Your Majesty often lose his temper suddenly?" Lin Manshan asked back after processing the blood.

Your Majesty, this is the titled Douluo's blood. Dugu Bo's eyes flashed.

"Occasionally." Ghost Douluo said in a low voice, and then asked again, "What did Xiaoyou Lin see?"

"To be honest, the situation is a bit serious." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Although I don't know the reason, I can feel a faint and strange energy in this blood, which is chaotic and distorted. The preliminary determination of this energy will affect the A person's physical body and mind subtly exert a certain influence. However, this majesty is very strong and suppresses this influence."

Is it because of this that Bibi Dong was unable to exert her full strength in the original book?
This idea can't help but arise in my heart.

Hearing this, Ghost Douluo's complexion changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Is there a solution?"

That depends on whether Bibi Dong's soul source has been polluted.If it is not polluted, it is possible to burn the polluted part of the soul through the practice of soul power and transform it into soul power to radiate out of the body.Or I use my soul power to forcibly wash it off, but in doing so, the soul power I transfer will also be infected, and the soul power in my body will be directly practiced in vain.

After all, if you want to completely eliminate it, you must cover Bibi Dong's whole body with soul power.

And doing so, Bibi Dong's spirit bone skills will also be completely washed out, the spirit bones she absorbed have such a high lifespan, maybe she might not be willing to part with them.

In addition, there may be a chance to wash off the Ten Thousand Years Holy Soul Grass that was found in the original book and used to revive Xiao Wu.

But the premise is that the source of the soul is not polluted.

These methods all involve the soul level, how could I know at my age. Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, pretending to be helpless, "Sorry, Elder Ghost. This kind of energy is too strange, they are not impurities on the material level. If you want to eradicate them with medicine, I I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do now.”

After finishing speaking, his tone changed, "However, although it cannot be eradicated, I have a way to offset this effect."

"According to my observation just now, the reason why these impurity energies have an impact on the body is mainly because they emit a disordered energy fluctuation all the time. If we can simulate the repulsive medicinal energy with drugs, we should be able to Counteracting it can at least weaken its influence. As long as you don’t use force to speed up the consumption of the medicine, there should be no problem.”

"In addition, we need to remind that His Majesty Mian to pay attention to calming down and cultivating Qi, so that the impact will be smaller."

"Regarding this point, Elder Ghost, I can prepare a medicine for calming the nerves and nourishing Qi for assistance. I will give you the prescription at that time. There is nothing special about this kind of medicine. Elder Ju should be able to refine it too."

"As for the ultimate cure, it depends on whether I have the ability in the future."

When I can press Bibi Dong on the ground to rub and rub again and again without the blessing of soul power, I will definitely help her heal her heart.

"Then please trouble Lin Xiaoyou." Ghost Douluo hastily cupped his hands in thanks, "Just mention any medicinal materials you need, this time it will be considered as two refining times."

"Just once, the spirit bone sent by Elder Ghost this time is extremely precious, and this junior has taken advantage of it." Lin Manshan smiled and stood up slowly.

"Elder Ghost, you go back first, and I will send someone to find you after I figure out a prescription."

"I'll give it to you." Dugu Bo was also in a happy mood after receiving a great benefit, and stood up with a smile on his face.

"That's troublesome." Ghost Douluo cupped his hands.

Not long after, Dugu Bo turned back, smacking his tongue while walking and speaking, "It's really worthy of the Wuhun Temple, it's really cool, two such good spirit bones can be taken out."

After walking in front of Lin Manshan, he leaned over and asked, "Man'er, is that drop of blood from a titled Douluo?"

"Bibi Dong's." Lin Manshan said concisely.

"!!!" Dugu Bo's expression froze for a moment, and then he showed horror, and asked urgently, "Is she injured?"

"It's not an injury, but the soul has been polluted, and it has already begun to affect the body and mind." Lin Manshan looked solemn, "I have a way to cure it now, but it will expose and consume a lot of soul power."

"But if you don't think of a way to suppress Bibi Dong, with her status, every word and deed will determine the life and death of many people. I'm really afraid that one day she will lose her mind and do something stupid, which may even threaten our life. Be safe. Moreover, these two spirit bones today are a testament to the sincerity of the Spirit Hall, and we should reciprocate."

"That's right." Dugu Bo nodded slightly, and then his face was full of doubts, "However, with her identity, how could her soul be polluted? Besides, what kind of strength is Bibi Dong now? Man'er, have you sensed it?"

"I can't see the reason. As for the strength, it is definitely above level 95." Lin Manshan nodded slightly and gave a vague number.Comparing the energy contained in Dugu Bo's blood, Bibi Dong's current soul power level is indeed above level 95, as for the exact level, I really don't know.

After all, he has never touched a titled Douluo above level 95 to perceive the gap, so he has no idea.

"How is this possible!?" Dugu Bo was taken aback, "Bibi Dong is not yet 43 years old this year."

"It should be that a soul ring was attached to the second martial soul soon after breaking through the title." Lin Manshan guessed, "After all, with her status, there must be no shortage of soul bones, and she has a full set of high-year soul bones to bless her body. Even if you absorb a few more ten-thousand-year spirit rings, you will be fine."

"Hey, it's good to have a background and twin martial souls. After breaking through the title, you can also take shortcuts." Dugu Bo looked envious, fully equipped with soul bones, and after breaking through the title, the second martial soul can directly absorb several more ten thousand pieces. Year soul ring, it is indeed possible to quickly pile up soul power to above level 95.

And with Bibi Dong's talent and the background support of the Wuhun Temple, he absolutely believes that he will break through the title before the age of 43. After all, it is only a year earlier than Tang Hao.

I am also very envious. Lin Manshan nodded in deep agreement. The comparison between Ouhuang and Krypton Gold is almost meaningless.

Then I saw Dugu Bo raised his chin, "Man'er, go and get the soul bone for Yue'er and the others to absorb."

"Okay." Lin Manshan nodded, turned and left.

Tuliu Dugubo sat at the table secretly sad, lamenting the injustice of the world.

At night, Shui Yue'er absorbed the 2-year-old right leg bone, and her soul power broke through to level 39.Dugu Yan absorbed the 3-year-old right arm bone, and his soul power broke through to level 49. After all, it is a dragon-like beast martial soul, and it is also very suitable to absorb a power-type soul bone, not to mention that the attributes do not conflict.

Silent all night.

(End of this chapter)

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