People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 152 Rhetorical Questions

Chapter 152 Rhetorical Questions
Two days later, Ghost Douluo came to Tianxing Academy again.

The herb handover was successfully completed.

When Qian Daoliu pushed the soul bone to him in the inner hall of the Pope's Palace before, and turned his head to communicate with Bibi Dong.

Chrysanthemum Douluo, who was standing beside him, had already handed him the storage soul tool containing the medicinal materials.Therefore, there is no need to go back to Wuhundian to get the medicine.

The medicine for Bibi Dong to suppress the influence of impurities is considered a common necessity. Without using force to speed up the consumption of the medicine, one Lin Manshan can only be used for a week, so this time I plan to refine more, and it took three days to complete it. .

After some thanks and courtesies, Ghost Douluo took the medicine and left.

In the morning of that day, in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi sat in the head seat, quietly listening to his disciples' reports.

After the disciple finished speaking and took his leave, Sword Douluo frowned slightly and made a sound.

"Fengzhi, during the recent period, Ghost Douluo has been coming and going to Tianxing Academy quite frequently."

"Isn't this normal?" Bone Douluo on one side nodded slightly, "Ghost Douluo took Ju Douluo with him last time, probably Bibidong hoped that Ju Douluo could see something. The result is obvious , Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't learn anything. And the elixir that Lin Manshan helped to refine is particularly effective. This time Ghost Douluo will go to Tianxing Academy again, probably because he wants to order another one."

"After all, it is the Wuhun Temple, with a profound foundation, and the medicinal materials must be able to refine more than one portion. The last time was just an attempt."

Old bones, yes.Sword Douluo cast a glance at the old man, and nodded in affirmation.

"In this way, in this year's Continental Soul Master Competition, the strength of the Wuhundian team is probably far better than before. In addition, there is also the strength of the Tianxing team. It has been traded with Wuhundian twice in a row. Once, the medicinal materials harvested by Tianxing Academy are at least enough to refine one or two doses of medicine." He said, shaking his head slightly, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for Rongrong's team."

"It's okay, just participate." Ning Fengzhi's expression was not displeased, but a smile appeared on the contrary.

"Experiencing failure is also an excellent training for Rongrong."

"That's true." Sword Douluo nodded slightly, "Rongrong has obviously matured a lot when he came back from Suotuo City last time. It probably has something to do with Lin Manshan defeating the Shrek team with seven generals in the Great Soul Arena. I’m afraid I was quite scared at the time.”

Just a few slashes of saber light seriously injured the teammate in front of him, and the sky filled with blades covered half of the Soul Fighting Arena. Just listening to the information brought back by his disciples, one can imagine the shock and helplessness of Ning Rongrong, a bystander, at that time. If it weren't for Lin Manshan I deliberately kept my hand, I guess I have to hang a lottery.What's more, there are teammates like Tang San and Xiao Wu who are more talented than him for comparison, which can be regarded as an eye-opener.

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "In addition, to spread the news and encourage more forces to send medicinal materials to Tianxing Academy, this is one of our goals, and now it has achieved results, which is not a bad thing. However, in the future, we may have to temporarily avoid Feng Mang, now that Bibi Dong already knows how powerful Lin Manshan's alchemy is, she should already be starting to collect the medicinal materials."

"I don't want my disciples to suffer casualties."

There are many soul masters under the control of Wuhundian, if they encounter the required medicinal materials, who can guarantee that they will not take them by force?

The two of them immediately understood what Ning Fengzhi was worried about, and nodded slightly.

"However, it's hard to say." Jian Douluo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly changed the subject, "Didn't that boy Tang San be taken out for special training by his father? Tang Hao must have been able to obtain the information on the immortal grass back then. Yes, it is estimated that it is already being collected secretly, maybe there will be something to gain. If it is really found, with Tang San's talent, it is very likely that he will enjoy it immediately."

"So, isn't the Shrek team's combat strength also greatly increased?"

"Perhaps." Ning Fengzhi smiled, "We'll know everything when he comes back."

"En." Sword Douluo nodded, no more words.

On the other side, outside the gate of Tianxing Academy, an exquisite carriage stopped slowly.

In the reception hall, following Dugu Bo approached the handsome young man sitting on the seat, Lin Manshan bowed his hands and bowed, "I have seen His Royal Highness."

Dugu Bo was much more direct, and said directly, "Is the Prince coming to my academy for something important?"

"I've seen Your Majesty, I've seen Brother Lin." Xue Qinghe replied with a warm smile.

Immediately facing Dugu Bo, he said politely: "Your Majesty Dugu, the new year will be in ten days. This junior intends to prepare a New Year's gift for the emperor. Healthy pills are the most suitable."

"Father is getting old now, and his body function is already declining"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, cupped his hands slightly, and spoke earnestly, "Brother Lin, I don't ask you to refine the magic medicine that prolongs life. As long as it can play a role in recuperating, a little delay in aging is enough. I also hope that Brother Lin will agree. .”

It seems that Qian Renxue hasn't poisoned Emperor Xue Ye yet, otherwise I will be exposed as soon as I investigate.Moreover, she knows the special features of my medicine refining method. Adding poison into it can easily destroy the overall medicine properties, and the consequences are unpredictable, only a fool would do this.Therefore, the purpose of seeking medicine this time should be to increase Xue Ye’s favorability, and to find a reason to be close to me. Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Of course, my diagnosis method must have been confirmed by His Highness at the last party." understand."

"I don't know if you brought His Majesty Xue Ye's blood? Or do you need me to go to the palace for diagnosis?"

"Of course it's best to go to the palace for a close-up diagnosis." Xue Qinghe smiled warmly, "Since my father knew that Brother Lin helped Dugu Mian to get rid of the stasis in his body for many years, but he often lamented Brother Lin's superb medical skills, and I have been looking forward to it. Let Brother Lin make a good diagnosis one day. This time I came here not only to seek medicine, but also to invite Brother Lin to the palace on behalf of my father."

Lin Manshan is also free and easy, "Well, there is no need to delay, let's set off immediately."

"I'll follow along, think about it, it's been a long time since I entered the palace." Dugu Bo nodded slightly.

"It's an honor." Xue Qinghe cupped his hands and turned sideways, "Your Majesty Dugu, the carriage is already waiting outside the academy."

"En." Dugu Bo nodded and walked ahead.

Xue Qinghe followed Lin Manshan, and opened up the topic, "Brother Lin, I don't know if you have heard the news recently. The Landian Tyrannosaurus family has released the news that Yu Xiaogang will be removed from the genealogy and expelled from the family. .”

It's so miserable. Lin Manshan also showed surprise on his face, and shook his head slightly.

"I've never left the academy these days and never heard of it."

"It deserves it!" Dugu Bo, who was walking in front, spoke concisely.

Xue Qinghe smiled, but did not reply, and Lin Manshan beside him took advantage of the situation to ask, "His Royal Highness, do you know what is taboo in the palace? I am a rough man, I have not learned any noble etiquette, I hope you can tell me a thing or two, lest there will be trouble in time." Offended."

"You can say whatever you want, there is nothing to be taboo about." Dugu Bo said carelessly.

"It's better to understand." Lin Manshan smiled.

"Brother Lin asked each other, I will naturally know everything." Xue Qinghe smiled and began to talk kindly.

Chatting and chatting, the three came to the foot of the academy mountain, got into a carriage and drove to Tiandou City.

After entering the palace, under the leadership of Xue Qinghe, the three of them came out of a palace with several twists and turns.

Walking into the palace, the decoration and layout can be described as magnificent. The long table with delicious food and wine has been placed, and the graceful and beautiful young lady has also taken her place to serve.An old man with white hair on his temples, dressed in fine clothes, was sitting on the main seat with a warm smile.

Arranging so many young ladies, does this mean that I see my daughter-in-law too much and think I am a womanizer?

You guessed it right!Lin Manshan said so in his heart.

When he first came to Douluo Dalu, he really wanted to experience the corruption of feudal society and live a life of wives and concubines.But since having a wife, he has already passed the stage of flirting with other young ladies, and he is more concerned about how to maintain the existing small family, and at the same time work hard to plan and improve his strength to protect it.

Judging by the well-prepared appearance, I am afraid that Xue Ye will receive the news as soon as Dugu Bo and I stepped into the gate of the palace.Or, get ready for the reception earlier.

After all, even if the invitation is not successful, it's just a few extra dishes.

"It seems that this is Nephew Lin. He is really heroic, handsome and refined." Xue Ye looked at Lin Manshan with a smile, nodded in praise, then turned to Dugu Bo, and spoke freely like a friend who hadn't seen him for many years.

"Brother Dugu, congratulations for finding such a grandson-in-law."

Dugu Bo expressed that he was very useful, with a warm smile, and a slight nod of his head modestly, "It's not bad luck."

Being able to pick up Lin Manshan's grandson-in-law for nothing is indeed the luckiest thing in his life.

As expected of an emperor, Lin Manshan bowed slightly to win people's hearts.

"I have seen Your Majesty."

If you can boast, you should praise more.

After all, he was entering the palace to meet the emperor of an empire. He didn't wear a mask, and he accidentally showed his handsomeness.

"You don't need to be formal, come and sit wherever you want, just treat this place as your own home." Xue Ye had a kind face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lin Manshan cupped his hands, followed Dugu Bo to the side seat and sat down side by side.

Xue Qinghe also seemed very satisfied with his previous teaching work, and looked at him with a friendly smile.

Then he approached Xue Ye, bowed slightly and saluted, and sat on the seat beside him.

The next moment, beautiful string music sounded from the hall, and the young ladies on both sides stepped forward to serve and pour the wine, and lifted the silver lid covering the delicacies, and the warm aroma immediately hit the nostrils.Xue Qinghe's invitation to Tianxing Academy was precisely timed, and the time when the three of them arrived in the hall happened to be meal time.And at the dinner table, there is undoubtedly enough time, and it is also the easiest time to start the topic.

"Brother Dugu and Nephew" Xue Ye smiled and started the meal talk mode.

You thought my family Zhuyun's identity before, and the routines in the palace, I was also taught by a teacher.

Of course, mainly precepts and deeds in bed.

Moreover, my brother is still a time traveler, and I have watched many costume dramas related to the struggle between courts, and they have confirmed each other and made rapid progress.

Lin Manshan answered the call easily.

It seems that the three sisters of the Zhu family have often revealed to Lin Manshan about the court affairs of the Star Luo Empire. They asked me to teach them just now, but because this is the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe thought about it in his heart and came up with the correct answer that he thought.

I don't know how long it took, the few people were full of wine and food, and they came to the inner hall led by Xue Ye.

After taking blood and observing with the naked eye, Lin Manshan quickly came up with the diagnosis result, described it to Xue Ye, and gave the corresponding treatment plan.

"Lin Xiaoyou's medical skills are really extraordinary." Xue Ye praised in due time.

"Your Majesty is admirable, there is no end to learning, and there is still a lot for the younger generation to learn." Lin Manshan smiled modestly.

"Learning is endless." Xue Ye's eyes flashed with astonishment, and she nodded in praise, "It's really deserved for my nephew to be able to achieve what he is today."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xue Qinghe who was serving at the side.

"Qinghe, nephew Lin Xian entered the palace for the first time, you take him around to familiarize himself with the environment in the palace."

"." I just want to go home now, Lin Manshan feels deep malice, it's all routine.

"Brother Lin, please." Xue Qinghe made a sideways movement as if prepared.

There was no chance for Dugu Bo to speak at all.

"Then I'll trouble Brother Qinghe." Lin Manshan cupped his hands slightly, with a smile on his face.

Not long after, the two wandered into a garden.

It has to be said that the royal family is rich. Even though it is winter, the garden is still green with trees and flowers in full bloom.Going around a peach forest while chatting, you can see a pretty little beauty in white frolicking from a distance.His soul perception can't perceive the gender of men and women. At this moment, it looks like a woman.

"." Lin Manshan instantly understood what Xue Ye was paying attention to, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Xue Qinghe.

"Brother Qinghe, there are people in front, let's not bother."

"This is my imperial sister Xue Ke, since you're here, how about getting acquainted with her?" Xue Qinghe smiled kindly.

This is the task Xue Ye entrusted to him, no matter what, the two of them must meet.

"Alright then." Lin Manshan nodded, and at the same time, with a swipe of his right hand, a black mask appeared in his palm, and he quickly put it on.

"." Xue Qinghe's face froze suddenly, you make it very difficult for me.

Then Lin Manshan turned his head and nodded slightly, "Let's go." He stepped forward with both legs.

"Yeah." Xue Qinghe nodded and followed suit.

When they got closer, "Brother Huang!" Xue Ke also found the two of them, and trot forward with surprise on her face.

"Brother Huang, why are you here?" After finishing speaking, he looked at the tall and masked Lin Manshan suspiciously, "Who is this?"

"This is Lin Manshan, a distinguished guest invited by my father to enter the palace," Xue Qinghe introduced with a smile, "Brother is also ordered by my father this time to bring brother Lin out to familiarize himself with the environment in the palace. I didn't expect to meet him here. You just came up to say hello."

Lin Manshan Xue Ke who cured Dugu Mianxia suddenly showed surprise.

Lin Manshan cupped his hands slightly, "I have seen Her Royal Highness."

"Xue Ke met Mr. Lin." Xue Ke hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Xue Qinghe watched quietly with a smile, and knew that Lin Manshan had already guessed Xue Ye's plan, and his attitude was obviously unintentional.Thinking about it, Tianxing Academy has declared neutrality, so naturally they don't want to get involved with the royal family. When Xue Ke got up, she said:

"Okay, Brother Lin still needs to take Brother Lin to visit other places, so you can continue to play here."

"Yeah." Xue Ke nodded, then bowed slightly, her voice was like a warbler's cry, "Xue Ke bowed to Brother Huang and Mr. Lin."

Xue Qinghe nodded, and led Lin Manshan onward, introducing him kindly along the way.

While talking, he began to change the subject, "Brother Lin, what do you think of the current situation in mainland China?"

Lin Manshan pondered for a while, and instead of answering this question, he asked back.

"Brother Qinghe, I would like to ask, do you have a girl you like in Tiandou City?"

PS: Sorry, I was bewitched by a certain book friend last night, coded a 14000-word episode all night, and slept until noon.Send this chapter first to ensure full attendance, and send the remaining codes when there are enough words.There is a link in the group entry channel introduction.

(End of this chapter)

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