People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 153 1 Leaf Obstruction

Chapter 153

Why are you asking me such a question all of a sudden?

Xue Qinghe was stunned for a moment, and then sighed pretendingly: "Hey, the affairs of the court are busy. As the crown prince of the empire, I should take care of my father and emperor. Where do I have the time and thought to take care of the love of my children?"

"Brother Qinghe, what hobbies do you usually have? For example, the kind that everyone will know about drinking and tasting tea." Lin Manshan asked again.

"Since it's a hobby, why do you need to be familiar with it?" Xue Qinghe showed doubts.

"So, brother Qinghe has never been impeached by ministers all these years as the crown prince?" Lin Manshan asked again.

Xue Qinghe felt as if he had caught something in his heart, he shuddered, and replied seriously: "Never."

"Then, if brother Qinghe is the emperor, will he pass the throne to such a prince?" Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

Born in the royal family, you are already in the middle of the third year, not to mention the marriage to confirm the princess, there is not even a woman you like outside, and if you haven't made a mistake, a fool will suspect that you have a problem.And how many fools can be emperors?

Xue Qinghe's complexion changed suddenly, he pondered for a while, turned around and cupped his hands slightly, "I hope Brother Lin will not hesitate to enlighten me."

"How can there be perfect people in the world?" Lin Manshan turned his head slightly, nodded and asked.

"Brother Qinghe, what do you think?
Xue Qinghe was silent for a while, then his face recovered calmly, and he nodded with a warm smile, "It's true not."

"Brother Lin, please!" He turned slightly and continued to lead the way.

After walking a few steps forward together, Xue Qinghe suddenly asked, "Brother Lin reminded me so much, why do you dare to ask?"

Lin Manshan pouted, "I don't like Xue Beng."

This guy really isn't an ordinary vengeful
Xue Beng once obstructed Lin Manshan outside the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy, and threatened Lin Manshan to send his partner away. She knew this, "However, Xue Beng is a playboy, what is there to pay attention to? Lin Manshan said that it seems that Xue Beng has The chance to inherit the throne is the same."

Xue Qinghe couldn't help but feel slightly depressed, she knew that Lin Manshan was not a fool, and would not shoot aimlessly.

Turning his head slightly, with doubts on his face, "Fourth brother?"

"Everyone in the world knows that hearing is deception, but they don't know that seeing is believing can also deceive people. This is the reason why one leaf can't cover the eyes and the mountains can't be seen." Lin Manshan said casually.

"I heard that Prince Xue Xing has always loved the fourth prince very much."

"." Xue Qinghe's face suddenly darkened.

"The scenery here is really good." Lin Manshan nodded in a matter-of-fact manner, and continued to walk forward.

Xue Qinghe followed suit and started the side-shooting mode.

In the end, I only changed back to five words, "Think more."

Facing Lin Manshan who was not allowed to enter, Xue Qinghe had no choice but to speed up and return.

Not long after, the two returned to the palace.

Seeing Lin Manshan coming back, Dugu Bo didn't want to wait for a moment, and immediately got up to bid farewell to Xue Ye.

Xue Ye also knew what she was doing, so she didn't try to keep her anymore, but just ordered Xue Qinghe to send her off.

He went out of the palace and got into the carriage, driven by the guards, and returned to the academy the same way.

A few days later, the Papal Palace.

Ghost Douluo walked into the main hall, and there was only Bibi Dong sitting in the main seat. This made him feel a little guilty for no reason. He walked quickly to the steps, took out a rectangular wooden box from the soul guide, and respectfully offered it:

"His Holiness, please take a look."

Bibi Dong's heart shivered slightly for such a big box, if it was just a few pills, there was no need to put it like this.

This only shows that there are many medicines in it.

Either it needs to be taken for a long time to be cured, or it cannot be cured and can only be suppressed by taking medicine.

Slightly raised his right hand, raised his fingers slightly, and the wooden box quickly floated into his hand.

When the wooden box was opened, there were eight porcelain bottles separated by squares, with two prescriptions on them.

With so many medicines, Bibi Dong's eyes flickered, picked up the prescriptions and began to read, "Can it only be suppressed?" A trace of sadness and disappointment flashed in his eyes.

He raised his head and looked down at Ghost Douluo, "Elder Ghost, I will report you in detail."

"Yes." Ghost Douluo nodded and began to narrate.

"The chaotic and distorted strange impurity energy emits disordered energy fluctuations, which will subtly affect the body and mind." Bibi Dong refined the key words in her heart, "It's too strange, is it because I don't understand this energy that I can't do it? Then If you know the source of this energy? At least there will be a direction." Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

In order for Lin Manshan to know the source, he must at least make up a lie about devouring the soul beast.

It is feasible to use the ability of experimenting with the soul-devouring pearl emperor's martial soul as a reason.

However, after all, martial spirit and soul are involved, and if you want to increase your chances of healing, face-to-face diagnosis is undoubtedly the best.

There is still one year before the Continental Soul Master Competition. With the strength of the Tianxing team, they should be able to advance to the finals and come to Wuhun City. Let's meet that child again at that time.Now that there are drugs to suppress it, there is no rush.

The top priority is to collect as many rare medicinal materials as possible, especially those related to the soul.Otherwise, even if the child has a way, he will not be able to start treatment because there is no medicinal material.
Thinking of this, he looked up at Ghost Douluo, "Elder Ghost, please go and summon Elder Ju."

"Yes!" Ghost Douluo cupped his fists, turned and left.

Seeing Ghost Douluo go out, Bibi Dong picked up a porcelain bottle and opened it, poured out a pill and took it.

Suddenly, with a surprised expression on his face, he subconsciously mobilized his soul power, and his expression turned gloomy again, "Do it with all your strength, the power of the medicine is consumed too quickly, and you can only last for a while. It seems that you want to eradicate it in one fell swoop, and the pill made from ordinary medicinal materials Medicine is out of the question."

Pour down another pill and take it.

"At least for now, it's much easier not to be distracted and suppressed."

While thinking, he leaned against the edge of the chair, closed his eyes and waited.

A few days later, the day before Chinese New Year.

Lin Manshan went to the Wuhun Temple to call Su Yuntao over, and everyone gathered at Old Jack's house to have a good New Year's Eve dinner.The next day, she took Ye Lingling to her natal home first, and then took Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er to her natal home.

This Chinese New Year, Lin Manshan said that he was a bit busy.

On the other side, in the Pope's Palace, a golden light suddenly burst out, and Qian Daoliu's tall and straight figure suddenly appeared in the palace.

Holding a letter in his hand, he flicked his fingertips and it floated into Bibi Dong's hand, with a calm tone:

"This is Xue'er's letter. She has met that child Lin Manshan, and it records their conversation. I now suspect that Xue'er's disguise has been seen through."

"The flaw lies in that drop of blood."

The two had hardly met each other, and Lin Manshan suddenly gave him such kind advice, he had to be skeptical.

"Heh, with that child's medical skills, isn't this normal?" Bibi Dong raised her head and sneered, "You should be glad that that child doesn't agree with Xue Beng, otherwise your stupid behavior back then would have been enough to make her many years of planning come to naught."

"There is even the risk of death."

If Lin Manshan chose to hide it and leaked the matter to Xue Ye when necessary, then Xueer's ending Qian Daoliu frowned and did not refute, but said: "From now on, it seems that the child is more inclined to Our Spirit Hall."

Bibi Dong glanced at him, "You're thinking too much, he just doesn't want Xue Beng to be the emperor."

Wouldn't it be disgusting to let the enemy take over?
"Anyway, at least he has a good impression of my Wuhundian, otherwise he would not give such advice." Not only was Qian Daoliu not angry, but he was a little happy in his heart. It's blocked, and it's a great help to the plan.

The previous two spirit bones were well worth the exchange.

Lin Manshan can handle this kid.

On this matter, Bibi Dong didn't refute, but still let out a sigh and said with a sneer:
"Teaching is good, but it depends on whether the person receiving the advice can understand it, otherwise it will be a waste of words."


That was born to you too, are you scolding yourself?Qian Daoliu said that he didn't want to talk to her, and his figure disappeared immediately.

"A blind leaf?"

Bibi Dong's gaze flickered, and she fell silent.

In a valley with verdant mountains, a silver waterfall is like a cascade. A short-haired young man with a bare upper body holds a small wooden hammer and steps on the reef, rushing straight to the bottom.There were bursts of roaring in the body, and the turbulent water slapped the already red shoulders, splashing snow-white water.With a plop, the boy was photographed on the spot.

Fell into one side of the pool.

But the boy was not discouraged by this, but swam to the other side of the reef, climbed ashore, and continued to charge.

Time and time again, I was afraid of falling into the deep pool.

Not long after, a plain but powerful voice suddenly came, "Stop."

Tang San turned his head, it was Tang Hao who had returned with his hands on the rabbit's ears, he immediately showed a smile, dragged his slightly tired body around the pool and walked forward.

Tang Hao threw the two dead rabbits on the ground casually, and said indifferently: "After it's done, eat it before continuing."

"Yes, Dad." Tang San nodded, carried the rabbit to the pool and began to skin and bone it.

It's a good thing Xiao Wu isn't here, otherwise he might scold me. Tang San thought to himself.

However, survival in the wild is not the time to be picky.

In this forest full of blue silver grass, rabbits are the easiest prey to find.

Just don't tell Xiao Wu in the future.

After processing the rabbit meat, Tang San walked to the fire that Tang Hao had set up, skewered it, added seasonings and started roasting.

Not long after, the father and son each had one, and their lips became oily when they ate.

PS: The plot of the contest is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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