People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 163 Four Single Attribute Families

Chapter 163 Four Single Attribute Families

On the other side, the Force Clan is stationed.

Tai Tan warmly exchanged greetings and led the three of Yang Wudi into the hall.After the three of them sat down firmly, they looked at Niu Gao, who had the best relationship with them, and asked with a smile:

"Old rhinoceros, what's the wind here? Why are you all here?"

While speaking, he was also thinking in his heart: This is an excellent opportunity for the young master to subdue the three tribes.

The college where his son was studying had a 13-year-old soul sect, and it was the fourth soul ring in ten thousand years, so he naturally wanted to have a look and try to win him over.

It turned out that Tang San actually knew him, and in a private conversation, his father Tang Hao directly revealed his identity.

As soon as he revealed his Clear Sky Hammer spirit, he immediately agreed to join the Tang Sect that Tang San planned to establish.

If the other three races can be brought in, the future can be expected!

"Dugu Bo invited me here," Niu Gao said with a smile.

Before he finished speaking, Tai Tan's face was already darkened, he leaned forward, and shouted, "What!"

"Old orangutan, what's the matter?" Niu Gao looked puzzled.

"Old rhinoceros, you are so confused!" Tai Tan looked angry, "The Dugu Bo obviously wants to annex you, and his grandson-in-law Lin Manshan is a deadly enemy with the young master, if you agree, won't you join the enemy? Hostile to me? "

"Young master?" Yang Wudi's eyes froze, "Old orangutan, speak clearly! Since when did you recognize others as masters?"

Tai Tan raised his back slightly, showing pride, "There has always been only one person in this world who I can call my master."

Hearing this, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi stood up, the former's eyes spit fire, and he scolded in a cold voice, "Old orangutan, what do you mean? Isn't it enough that Tang Hao and Haotianzong did us bad enough? You actually Serve him as Lord!?"

"It seems we shouldn't come here, old rhinoceros, old white bird, let's go!" Yang Wudi turned and left.

"Okay, since that's the case, after leaving this door, we will no longer be brothers!" Tai Tan snorted coldly.

"A bastard who is willing to degenerate and is willing to be a servant, who cares about being a brother to you! The Titan I know was originally a strong man, and he died the moment he called himself the master." Yang Wudi didn't even turn his head. , leading the disciples to move forward.

After walking a few steps, he turned his head to look at the immobile Niu Gao and Bai He, frowning.

"Why, you two are going to stay here too, to lick Tang Hao's shoes like a dog, and treat him as master?"

"Enough!" Tai Tan roared angrily, slapped the edge of the chair, and stood up with a sudden burst of momentum.

"Want to fight? I'm not afraid of you!" Yang Wudi turned around, and his momentum exploded.

Crackling, the surrounding tables and chairs flew upside down one after another, hitting the wall.

"Old goat, old orangutan, calm down." Bai He took a few steps forward, pressed his hand towards Yang Wudi, and turned his head to give Tai Tan a look with doubts on his face, changing the subject, "Old orangutan, what are you talking about?" What do you mean by young master?"

Tai Tan immediately understood, withdrew his momentum, and straightened his back, "Naturally he is the master's son, with twin martial souls. Now at the age of 13, his soul power has broken through the soul sect, reaching level 43, and he has the fourth soul ring of ten thousand years."

As he spoke, he looked around at the crowd.

"The young master is so talented, isn't it worth following?"

"Besides, wouldn't Spirit Hall let Haotianzong go without my master? I also hate Haotianzong, but what does this have to do with the young master? Besides, I joined the force created by the young master. It has nothing to do with Haotianzong!"

"Are you lying to a ghost? He is Tang Hao's son!" Yang Wudi sneered.

"But what does this have to do with Dugu Bo's grandson-in-law?" Bai He asked again with flickering eyes.

Hearing this, Tai Tan's face flashed with resentment again, "The young master's name is Tang San, and he is currently studying at Shrek Academy, preparing to participate in the Continental Soul Master Competition. Back then, he fought against Lin Manshan in the Great Soul Arena of Soto City, and was hurt by him. Get the killer."

"Heh, hurt the killer? You can say such a thing!" Yang Wudi showed disdain, "Do you really think we don't know anything in the Star Luo Empire?"

"It's clear that Tang San used man-made weapons to stab people in the back on the Soul Fighting Arena. He killed the killer first, and then he opened his mouth and kept trying to kill him. If he acted like this, if his father wasn't Tang Hao, he would have been killed by others. "

"If you can't beat it, you will hold grudges. With such a heart, how can it be worth following?"

"Besides, what about twin martial souls? His blue silver grass was destroyed by that Yu Xiaogang, and he could tear them apart with bare hands. Moreover, the twin martial souls also depend on who puts them on. If he has Tang Chen's ability , only one spirit can still reach the pinnacle of the soul master world."

"It's a pity, in my opinion, he's just a flower in a greenhouse, he's far from it."

"The character is too bad, it's hard to become a master!"

"Old goat, you don't have a strange yin and yang here. The young master was only 12 years old at the time, and he was young and energetic. Isn't it normal to be a little impulsive? Now that he has been specially trained by the master for several months, his temper has long been stabilized." Tai Tan said coldly. He retorted loudly, "As for the Blue Silver Grass spirit, what's the matter? As long as you can cultivate to Title Douluo, you will still be invincible in the world with 18 spirit rings plus the Clear Sky Hammer."

Niu Gao and Bai He suddenly fell silent.

Yang Wudi snorted, "You have to grow up, are you a fool when you think of Wuhundian? Look at what the current Haotianzong has become. Tang Hao doesn't even dare to show his face, you Are you going to use the lives of your clansmen as a stepping stone for him?"

"Also, have you forgotten how Haotianzong abandoned us back then? How can you guarantee that they won't do it again?"

"The most important thing is" he glanced at Niu Gao and Bai He, "Old rhinoceros, have you forgotten those clansmen who died? Old Bainiao, have you forgotten how your clansmen have been doing these years? He Hao Did Tianzong send someone over to deliver a penny?"

"If you choose to serve Tang Hao's son, are you worthy of your own people?"

"Anyway, I don't have the face to face them!" After finishing speaking, his eyes stayed on Niu Gao, "Old Rhinoceros, I will go to Tianxing Academy for an appointment tomorrow morning, and then return to the Star Luo Empire. As for you, if you don't want to go, you can go now." You can just tell me, and I can bring a message for you. It also prevents outsiders from saying that we don’t understand etiquette, and we can’t do what we promised others.”

"I'm a businessman, and I still have to keep my integrity. Besides, Dugu Bo is not paper."

"." Niu Gao was silent for a while, indeed, if he agreed not to go, Dugu Bo would not be easy to mess with.

"Old Goat, so what if you go back to the Star Luo Empire? Do you think the Wuhun Palace will let your poor clan go in the future?" Tai Tan suddenly said, "Do you think I don't want to live in peace and stability? Given the current situation, Wuhun The Hall of Souls is growing stronger and stronger, and sooner or later they will attack us. If we want to lead our people to survive, we must find someone who can fight against the Hall of Souls."

"The young master has excellent talent, and is undoubtedly the best candidate."

"On this continent, can you find someone with better talent than the young master?"

As he spoke, he looked around the three of them, "Also, do you want to continue to be so downcast? Don't you want to revive the family's glory?"

At this moment, Bai He looked at Yang Wudi and interjected in a probing tone, "Old goat, what the old orangutan said is not unreasonable. Why don't we stay at the old orangutan's place tonight, and you and the old rhinoceros will go to heaven tomorrow morning." Go to the school to make an appointment."

"When we come back, let's meet the child together, and check it first before making a decision, how about it?"

Yang Wudi cast him a glance, "Old White Bird, don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

"According to seniority, you can be regarded as Tang San's uncle and grandpa. With this relationship, it's easy to climb high. I'm afraid you have already made a decision in your heart?"

With that said, he turned to look at Niu Gao.

"Old rhinoceros, are you also moved?"

Bai He's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Old goat, although I don't want to admit it, this is indeed an opportunity." Niu Gao responded in a low voice.

Seeing that the two of them were already moved, Tai Tan was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly said: "Old Goat, you are brothers who have been together for many years, don't you want the four of us to get together again? You don't need to beat around the bush, tell me your request." .”

Hearing this, Yang Wudi snorted coldly, "Old orangutan, don't say I'll give you a chance."

"Tomorrow I will test it myself. If he can't meet my requirements, it's useless for you to speak out."

Tai Tan suddenly smiled, and patted his chest, "Old Goat, I believe the young master will definitely satisfy you!"

"Heh, don't talk too much!" Yang Wudi said flatly.

"I'll know when people come tomorrow, anyway, I have absolute confidence." Tai Tan raised his chin, then raised his hand, "Come on, I'll get someone to prepare wine and food, let's have a good time tonight Have a few drinks."

"That's a good relationship." Bai He also smiled.

Under the leadership of Tai Tan, everyone walked out of the hall and walked in the other direction.

Not long after, a spider crawled out of the hall along the roof.

"Chirp." was carried away by a magpie bird.

(End of this chapter)

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