People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 164 Yang Wudi and Niu Gao

Chapter 164 Yang Wudi and Niu Gao
The next day, in the morning, Tianxing Academy.

Yang Wudi and Niu Gao arrived as promised, and were led by Shui Ziliu into the reception hall.

"I've met Your Majesty." Facing the Titled Douluo, the two of them bowed their hands politely according to the etiquette.

Dugu Bo nodded slightly, pointed to the seat beside him, "I don't have so many rules here, sit down."

"Excuse me." The two clasped their hands together again, and walked to the side seat to sit down.

Seeing that the two of them were sitting firmly, Dugu Bo turned his head and glanced, "I think you two have heard about my temper, so you won't beat around the bush. You lived in the Power Clan last night, so Tai Tan must have told you that I am with you." The grievances between Tang Hao and his son."

"That guy Tai Tan has been in Tiandou City for many years. He has not once or twice gone out to pretend to be Tang Hao's servant, and his son is studying at Shrek Academy. I don't need to think about it. I know that he is ready to gamble with the lives of his people and return to Hao Tianzong embraces. I guess, he must have told you that Tang Hao has left Haotianzong, Tang Tianzong is a genius, 13 years old Soulzong, and the fourth soul ring in ten thousand years."

How could Dugu Bo know this? The two of them felt a chill in their hearts.

"You don't need to guess why I know this, I've been in Tiandou City for so many years, and I'm not just doing nothing." Dugu Bo curled his lips.

"In addition, I not only know that Tang San has broken through the Soul Sect, but also that he has twin spirits."

"!!!" The two of them suddenly became shocked.

"Don't be surprised, I guessed it when Tang Hao took the initiative to run up to me outside Suotuo City." As he said, Dugu Bo frowned, and chased after Tang Hao the process of the battle at the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City. What happened is simply stated.

As a titled Douluo, Dugu Bo is extremely powerful and a senior. Yang Wudi and Niu Gao can only listen patiently.

His face became uglier the more he heard it.

After finishing speaking, Dugu Bo sneered, "The condition for the birth of twin martial souls is that the quality of the martial souls of both parents is the same. Ordinary blue silver grass martial souls can awaken innate full soul power. Who are you fooling?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the two of them and nodded slightly.

"You two, since your so-called close friend Tai Tan wants to subdue you for his master, he can't be kept in the dark, right? That being the case, who is Tang San's mother, and what happened back then? , why don't you take the opportunity to ask?"

"After all, both of your clans have fallen to this point because of Tang Hao, but so many years have passed, will he and the Haotian Sect send someone to give an explanation once?"

"Let's not mention it before, but now that he has brought his son back, should he give an explanation?"

"If you can't do more than this, how can you trust him? How can you let you work for him?"

"As for what kind of person his son Tang San is, I don't bother to mention it. Just look at what his father did and who his teacher Yu Xiaogang is. Heh, there are some subtle things, but It's not that easy to change."

The Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul of the same quality as the Clear Sky Hammer, could it be that Yang Wudi suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but tremble inwardly.

In addition, Tang Hao would chase out of the city to kill Tang San because Tang San was injured and lost in the fighting spirit stage, and the dignified Haotian Douluo actually acted in such a villainous way.Yu Xiaogang was even more unbearable, at a very old age, in order to prove his theory, he would even cheat a six-year-old child.

Simply devoid of conscience.

Tang San was taught by such a person since he was a child, no wonder he has a bad temper.The most important thing is that they will continue to be taught, they are just outsiders, how can they change.

Tang San, is it really worth following?
The two of them thought at the same time.

"In addition, I guess that Tai Tan must have told you that you have nothing to do with Tang San and the Haotian School, and you still have a bright future. As long as Tang San grows up, you can fight against the Spirit Hall and lead your family back to the future. brilliant."

Dugu Bo continued to speak out and commented:
"If you really listen to it, then I can only think that you two are big fools."

I guessed it all. The faces of the two of them froze immediately.

Then Dugu Bo's voice came again, with a hint of disdain.

"Let's not talk about whether Tang San can fight against the Spirit Hall when he grows up, and whether your two families will be sent to death as cannon fodder. With Tang San's talent, would Tang Hao not want him to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan, and take the helm of the Clear Sky School? "

"What's the difference between following Tang San and returning to the Clear Sky School? The so-called having nothing to do with the Clear Sky School is just lying to yourself and comforting yourself."

"In addition, it seems normal to me that Wuhundian attacked you back then. Who told Tang Hao to kill the other pope? Hehe, haven't you two figured it out yet? Your four clans are simply The dead ghost that Haotianzong introduced to vent the spirit of the Spirit Hall, let it go down a step by the way. After all, the one who died was the son of Peerless Douluo Qian Daoliu, so why not give an explanation?"

"Otherwise, why would you announce your retirement without sending someone to say hello to you first?" Dugu Bo sneered.

Hearing this, the expressions of the two of them suddenly changed drastically.

"As for Wuhundian, I probably guessed it, so I kept my hand back then. The reason is very simple, because destroying your Wuhundian will arouse the fear of other forces in the mainland, especially the fear of the two empires, which is not conducive to Wuhundian. Future development. In addition, the pressure from all parties will also force Spirit Hall to give up destroying the Clear Sky School."

"And this is exactly what Haotianzong wants to see."

"Because as long as your four clans are wiped out, the Clear Sky School will be safe."

"Crack." Under Yang Wudi's palm, the table and chairs were suddenly cracked, and Niu Gao's expression was extremely gloomy.

After a while of analysis by Dugu Bo, they found that this was probably true.

The Haotian School has been able to stand on the mainland for so many years, how could the management be all fools? This is the result of discussions.

"So, in my opinion, you two, Haotianzong didn't abandon you out of helplessness, but on purpose." Dugu Bo said again: "And Wuhundian was not fooled either. The sniping on you was just to deter you A look at other forces will also let outsiders see the ruthlessness and ungratefulness of Haotianzong, weaken its influence, and at the same time make you vassal forces hate Haotianzong."

"Otherwise, if you send out two Title Douluo at random, you're already done playing."

Saying that, he turned his head to look at Yang Wudi who clenched his fists, "Especially Patriarch Yang's Broken Clan, the Broken Soul Spear is the third most powerful weapon in the soul master world, and if I were the Pope of the Spirit Hall, If we really want to wipe out the four single-attribute clans, we will definitely be the first to target you. I will directly send Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo to use their martial soul fusion skills to capture you and instantly kill you, leaving none of the rest of the clan behind."

"The reason why you suffered heavy losses in this incident, in my opinion, is precisely because of your strength. In the past, you were the most valiant in fighting with the Haotian School. The Spirit Hall needs to take you as a model, and at the same time weaken your clan's fighting spirit. force."

"After all, if you don't do anything, continue to develop with your peak combat power, and you don't have any hatred for the Clear Sky School in your heart, if you choose to return one day, it will be a huge threat."

"So, it's absolutely impossible not to fight."

"And since you want to fight, you must be beaten to death, making it difficult for you to recover."

"To be honest, Patriarch Yang, you are the ones I feel most sorry for among the four major single-attribute families." Dugu Bo shook his head and sighed, "As far as I know, because you keep the medicine you developed secret, you refused to hand it over to Haotian. Zong, has been dissatisfied with the old suzerain. Think back, which battle of your family was not sent to the front to charge the battle, with the most casualties? But what about the Tang family?"

"Every time, the casualties are the fewest."

"It's said that there is no intention of public revenge, anyway, I don't believe it."

"In addition, the quality of your family's inherited martial soul is no lower than that of the Clear Sky Hammer. By doing this, the Clear Sky School is not restricting your family's growth?"

"After all, they don't want to have a vassal who can be equal to themselves?"

"Just look at the Titans of the Power Clan." Dugu Bo sneered, "He grew up watching Tang Hao, and Tang Hao's casting skills were also taught by him. It stands to reason that he is half a teacher, at least He is also an elder, but the result? It has always been a master-servant relationship! Moreover, Tang Hao, the master, still feels at ease, and you two have seen that he has the intention of refusing over the years?"

"Heh, I've been the master for a long time, I'm afraid I still have a sense of superiority and take it for granted."

"Perhaps in the eyes of Tang Hao and the entire Haotian, you should be slaves if you have only four clans. As slaves, how can you stand up and be the master?"

"To put it bluntly, Patriarch Yang, you are a complete outsider in Haotianzong, and you are still thankless, the kind of person who is not human inside and out. You have worked hard and taken the lead. As a result, not only did you not get the resources and unique skills of the sect. , and will be hated and guarded against by Haotianzong, and will be abandoned when necessary. Do you think that following Tang San will change this situation?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Niu Gao again.

"Patriarch Niu, your Yu clan is actually not much different. How many generations have passed since your family's status as relatives, and this trace of affection has long since faded away. Tai Tan was abandoned as a slave, and Bai He was the uncle of the three Tang Hao brothers and sisters. Still being abandoned, what do you think your family is in the eyes of Hao Tianzong? Tai Tan and Bai He can still make friends with Tang Hao and his son by virtue of their status as servants and uncles, you follow them to follow Tang San, and you can get what?"

"Don't you also want to learn from Tai Tan and serve Tang San as the master? Leave the fate and life and death of the clansmen in the hands of an outsider who has no friendship with your family? Do you think Tang San will grow up and take the helm of the Clear Sky School with Tang Hao?" different, will value your family?"

"Wake up, go back, just continue to be a watchdog for the Tang family as before."

Hearing this, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi's faces turned pale, and the veins on their foreheads bulged.

The former clenched his fist, and finally sighed, "Senior Dugu, all this junior is doing is to hope that the tribe can survive. You also know that now that the Wuhun Hall is so powerful, sooner or later, it will reach out to my tribe's head Yes, I had to plan ahead."

The latter, Yang Wudi, leaned slightly, looked at Dugu Bo, and said quickly, "Senior Dugu, you don't talk dark words, I can see that you invited us here deliberately, the purpose is to win us over Dare to ask, what is the difference between senior and Haotianzong?"

Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "Depending on others is worse than relying on yourself. I only give you the most basic respect. If you join Tianxing Academy, you will not be slaves or vassals. You must have heard of my temper. There is no distinction between high and low in my eyes, only enemies, friends, and strangers. As a friend, I will share my most precious things with you."

"These things have the opportunity to allow you to protect the family with your own strength, instead of relying on outsiders."

"As for why I have such confidence"

Dugu Bo turned his head to look at Yang Wudi, and nodded slightly, "Patriarch Yang, my Man'er just needs to refine a elixir to assist cultivation later, you can watch from the sidelines later, after you finish reading, you may understand. "

Could it be that the elixir refined by that child can help me cultivate to the point of being a Titled Douluo?The thought came to both of them at the same time.

"As for the safety of your clansmen, don't worry." Dugu Bo continued: "My academy covers an area of ​​50 kilometers, and I can block your two clans in any place. Moreover, if you want to talk about threats, I am not afraid of the Wuhundian. The threat is much higher than yours, and if Wuhundian wants to kill you, it must first besiege and kill me. As long as I don’t die, Wuhundian won’t do anything to your family.”

Speaking of this, Dugu Bo's face suddenly turned serious, "However, I have something to say first, I, Tianxing Academy, is a neutral force, and I only develop myself to live a stable life, and I will not actively provoke anyone, which naturally includes Wuhundian. "

"I know that the two of you have enmity with Wuhundian. Although Tang Hao and Haotianzong are the main cause, Wuhundian has done something to you after all. Therefore, I will not ask you to let go of your hatred. But if you choose to join the academy, I don't want the two to act aggressively."

"If the people in Wuhundian don't take reason, I will naturally stand up for you. But if you take the initiative to cause trouble, I can only say sorry. In addition, regarding Tai Tan and Baihe, and even Haotianzong, as long as they don't take the initiative to deal with me Tianxing Academy, I will not make a move."

In fact, I don't need to take action, I just need to kill Tang Hao, and leave the rest to Wuhundian.

"And you." Dugu Bo continued:
"If you join my Tianxing Academy, you can help me take care of the academy at ordinary times. If you have nothing to teach, someone will take the initiative to call me back. As for the rest, do what you are good at, and do whatever you want."

"." The two looked at each other, speechless for a while.

Before turning around, Dugu Bo waved his hand casually, "Don't rush to make a decision, you Huili clan will listen to what Tang Hao and his son have to say later, and it won't be too late to make a careful decision. Anyway, I only have A piece of advice, even if you don't join my Tianxing Academy, you'd better not follow Tang San, because it's not worth it."

Then, he turned to look at Niu Gao, "Patriarch Niu, before you make a decision, I'm sorry, but I'm worried about hiring you. Regarding this point, I hope you can understand."

Niu Gao suddenly looked a little embarrassed, and then Dugu Bo stood up slowly, facing Yang Wudi, "Patriarch Yang, let's go, let's go to the alchemy room and watch Man'er concoct the elixir together, so we can communicate and exchange alchemy Experience. Hao Tianzong's gang of hammer-wielding bosses don't know the charm of refining medicine. To be honest, if you didn't know medicine, I wouldn't have invited you two over."

"." So, I'm the one that's superfluous?Niu Gao's face froze when he just stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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