Chapter 1 Despair, destroy it

Innovation Building, Yunhai City, No. 13, Floor 13.

"Hey, Mercury is retrograde this year!"

Wei Kun squatted at the door of the company in a daze.

Holding a cigarette in one hand and financial statements in the other, the smoke billowed up.

He felt that he had really suffered a terrible fate.

Moreover, it is almost desperate.

Just yesterday.

The second uncle and grandpa who lived far away passed away, and entrusted the law firm to send a will to Wei Kun without hesitation.

In the will, this distant relative, who didn't know what he looked like, kindly ordered:
"Little Kun, you are my only blood descendant, there is nothing left for you, the company I founded will be given to you..."

When Wei Kun saw that contract, he was like a ghost, unable to control his brain and hands, and signed his name in a series of contracts with words such as "unlimited liability system" and "acknowledgment of creditor's rights" in a daze. .When he woke up again, it was already today, and he was extremely pleasantly surprised to find out...

This Internet celebrity company named Happy Interactive Entertainment has reached the verge of bankruptcy and liquidation!
The total assets are more than 600 million negative!

The employees ran and scattered.The development post was completely gone, and the few employees still stuck to their posts.

Tao Yaoyao, the head anchor, is the top anchor of Happy Interactive Entertainment.

She came walking with a beautiful water snake twisting around, gently wrapped her arms around Wei Kun's shoulders, and comforted her in a soft voice:
"New owner, as long as you work hard, you can make a comeback."

Wei Kun raised his head, his eyes moved.

He held Tao Yaoyao's limp and boneless little hand, and sighed: "Yaoyao, it's really great to be able to help you in the same boat."

Tao Yaoyao secretly pulled out her hand, and asked in a more charming tone:

"Should I give my incentive money for the first half of the year~"

"Incentive money? What incentive money?"

Wei Kun looked puzzled, and said puzzledly: "I looked at the work sheet. Didn't the live broadcast not start for three months? I asked your boyfriend Xiao Chen in the company, and he didn't know where you went."

Tao Yaoyao's face turned cold, and then she forced a smile.

"Isn't he busy...Boss Wang insists on letting me accompany him to the Maldives, and I have no choice."

"Hey, I understand you."

Wei Kun sighed: "Everyone who has played billiards knows that women are like billiards. Once you choose full or half color, the whole game cannot be changed. You can't help yourself."

Seeing that Wei Kun's words were soft and soft, Tao Yaoyao immediately became happy and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, the reward money..."

Wei Kun shook his head and said to himself: "But just like the rules of billiards, every cue should be sent into the correct hole. You are in the Maldives, the cue must have gone into the wrong hole. This wave, This wave is an intentional foul..."

"What do you mean by the surname Wei! Who are you calling foul? Who are you scolding!" Tao Yaoyao was anxious.

Wei Kun shrugged innocently.

"Sorry, I said something wrong, you didn't foul."

Tao Yaoyao rolled her eyes: "That's true."

Wei Kun spread his hands.

"I forgot to say that you are a universal ball bag. It is not a foul to poke the ball in with [-] clubs. The new regulations formulated by the Broken Ball Bag Association last year. Most honest people don't know this..."

Tao Yaoyao showed a distorted expression filled with anger, but she couldn't find anything to say back.

"I bother--!"

"Little bastard, I can score any goal I want, you don't care! You are going to die with this crappy company!"

Da da da, Tao Yaoyao twisted her high heels and left angrily.

Wei Kun wiped his face full of saliva, but he didn't even have the desire to be angry, only filled with sorrow.

"Second Uncle, Grandpa, if you know me, you should take me away!"

"The host's desire to die has been detected!"

"The terrorist company management system is being activated..."

Wei Kun was still immersed in grief, completely oblivious to the appearance of the voice.

At this time, the harsh ringing of the company phone woke Wei Kun up.

"Hello, this is Longguo Agricultural Bank. I'm Manager Zhao. Your company's loan in our bank is due soon. When will you come to the bank to go through the loan repayment procedures..."

"Wait for my first seven—beep."

The phone rang again.

"Hey, Boss Wei, congratulations. Your company's pledge is worth 600 million yuan in interest. If you don't plan to redeem it, we will go through legal procedures." The voice threatened.

"Suggest that the judge sentence me to be shot-toot."

The phone is still ringing.

"The surname is Wei, right? It's nothing, I want to tell you, I've contacted Yaoyao a long time ago, and I'm ready to come to our stars to entertain each other, and you won't get a penny for breach of contract. This circle is not something you can play around, you The matter of scolding Yaoyao will be settled with you sooner or later..."

"At worst, you pee on my grave and drown me—duh."

It was finally quiet.

Wei Kun sat slumped on the ground, his heart was like the company at this time, dead silent and cold.

Thirty-six million, sell a kidney?
Selling yourself is not good!
The light of the setting sun shone on Wei Kun's body, and his lonely shadow stretched obliquely.

When he reached the last employee, Li Zhiqiang punched his off-duty card, nodded politely to the statue-like Wei Kun and said:
"Boss, I'm home from get off work. You... want to drive some."


Wei Kun's eyes were straightened, and he responded dully, unable to feel the passage of time at all.

Until the sun went down completely, the whole company fell into darkness.



The sound of the wall clock above the head echoed non-stop, dripping on the face, wet, slipping to the corner of the mouth, salty.

"Even the wall clock bullies me."

Wei Kun sighed...

and many more? !
He suddenly realized something was wrong.

Can the sound of the wall clock fall on my face?

Leaking upstairs?


If the water is salty, unless the drain pipe is leaking!

Between the water and the unknown liquid, Wei Kun firmly believed in the latter.

He glanced at the cold computer screen from the corner of his eye.

Then the reflection of the bright moonlight, he vaguely saw...

Above his head, there was a slender shadow, shaking with the sound of the pendulum.

Wei Kun's hairs stood on end, and a current surged from the tailbone, hitting the back of his head with a click, making his scalp tingle for a while!
Look up!
Nothing but a quiet black vintage wall clock.

Wei Kun relaxed all over, let out the breath he had held for a long time, and just wanted to laugh at his sensitivity.

He was stunned again, his pupils suddenly shrank into a pinpoint.

The old-fashioned wall clock may be broken, or it may not be strong. The pendulum is motionless, like a naturally hanging arm.

Since the sound is not a wall clock...

Wei Kun's heart skipped a beat, and he patrolled in a panic.

As far as the eye can see, the tables and chairs, computers, and printers are all hidden in the black shadow under the moonlight.

Wei Kun panted heavily, staring at the seemingly normal decoration, but couldn't find anything abnormal, only his breathing was getting heavier and heavier.

click, click, click—

It sounds like wearing slippers stepping on water and walking on marble slabs.

Getting closer, getting closer...

"Who's there!" Wei Kun turned his head abruptly, seeing nothing but the mocking breeze blowing the curtains.

At this time.

The printer suddenly let out a piercing scream, as if something was screaming!

Wei Kun's heart was severely grabbed!He looks at the printer!




The plug of the printer was placed on the countertop, but it was lit with the start light, and it was printing a blank sheet of paper rigidly!
Wei Kun swallowed hard.

Accompanied by the beating sound of his heart, he moved towards the printer step by step, and finally found the printing paper.

The paper is white, and the handwriting is dazzling blood red!
"Employee recruitment letter..."

"She is standing right behind you."

When his eyes touched the last word, his neck suddenly tightened!
A cold tulle lightly swept over the back of his head. In the mirror on the wall, he finally saw the swaying slender figure.

A female corpse in red clothes hung upside down, with dark pupils and dead white face, staring at Wei Kun's face with a half-smile.

What swept across the neck was its long black hair hanging down...

(End of this chapter)

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