Chapter 101 Where there is an abnormality, there must be a demon (4K)

Wei Kun was a little curious about what Li Zhiqiang said.

This is the first "modern ghost" he has seen, or in other words, the first ghost transformed by a modern person after death.

Honghong, Shasha, and Ghost Mirror all have mysterious origins without exception.

Even the jade-faced fox, the former company's top brand, can't tell his identity clearly, and he doesn't have a clear memory of the past.

"Old Li, you said you can access this computer?"

Li Zhiqiang nodded hesitantly.

The anxiety in his heart didn't show on his face.In fact, he hasn't fully accepted the fact that he died.

more difficult to accept...

The company that I have worked so hard for so many years actually has such a terrifying dark side.

Looked at the surrounding scenery.

It was dark outside the window, but the black thick fog in the distance could not be seen, only a scarlet moon could be vaguely seen.

The office with the sign of "Department of Ghost Affairs" is full of "colleagues" who look like people stuck in red and green paper. Their expressions are stiff and weird. They are obviously smiling, but they feel extremely cold, and they walk. Noisy, with gusts of wind.

Where has Li Zhiqiang seen such a formation!
He must face up to his own value as soon as possible, otherwise, if he is fired in this place, it will not be as easy and comfortable as leaving the job.

Migrant ghosts are also ghosts.

Being able to be a ghost after death is already the most blissful thing!

Li Zhiqiang patted the ribs hard.

"Wei Dong, I am a veteran programmer with 20 years of experience. I have a small reputation on the Internet. Even if you believe in my hacking skills, isn't it easy to get into a computer?"

Li Zhiqiang hugged the computer and began to search for a socket.


He makes a sound.


Wei Kun couldn't understand it, but he was greatly shocked, and couldn't help but said, "Old Li, is your hacking technique suspected of violating the computer's personal will..."

"This broken computer!" Li Zhiqiang patted the smooth back cover of the notebook angrily, and cursed: "You have been with me for three years, but today you have to pretend to be reserved! I have to do it for it!"

Wei Kun felt that his eyes were a little hot and panicked.

He has read countless films, and has never seen such a novel and unique role-playing plot.

Middle-aged skeleton + HP notebook little wife.rmvb...


This notebook is 17 inches, and it is imported from the beautiful country. It should be considered a big Yangma.

Old Li, this can be regarded as winning glory for the country.

Soon he found the reason why he couldn't get in the computer. He turned the laptop over, pushed the back cover, and opened the battery compartment, revealing the bulging battery.

"The battery is bulging."

Li Zhiqiang scratched his chin and made a diagnosis: "There are several reasons for the battery drum..."

"Charging for a long time, the charger will not be pulled out. Using different types of chargers for charging many times, the chargers are frequently unplugged and plugged in irregularly, and the charging voltage is unstable. The standards are different at home and abroad. More than two chargers work together, DC Cross-use with AC power. The rechargeable type uses other auxiliary cooling devices, resulting in extremely unstable batteries..."

"It may also be that the charging frequency is too high, causing the socket to burn and blacken."

Wei Kun was silent for a while, and said, "Then what should we do?"

"Power up directly, one step at a time." Li Zhiqiang said loudly. Using the toolbox Wei Kun prepared in advance, he slightly adjusted the power supply line of the laptop to shield the bulging battery. Then he touched the charging port with his left hand and stretched out his right hand to out socket.

Only a flash of lightning was seen.

Li Zhiqiang disappeared in front of Wei Kun, and then his voice came from the laptop.

"Boss, it's really comfortable inside!" Li Zhiqiang seemed extremely happy, and he spoke vigorously.

Wei Kun was silent again.

What is it called?Electronic urn?Or is it a cyber spirit banner?
He suddenly felt sorry for Li Zhiqiang.He was so tired that he died suddenly, and he still had to work on the computer.He even thought, if Li Zhiqiang proposed the idea of ​​reincarnation, why not agree to him and give him the opportunity to choose freely.

Thoughts turned a thousand times, not waiting for Wei Kun to feel sad again.

"It's really cool!"

Li Zhiqiang's voice was distorted through the external sound: "It feels so good to feel the non-stop throughput of data, and the feeling that the anti-virus software has scanned every place!"


Wei Kun even wanted to give it a try.

After initial testing.

Li Zhiqiang's ability is directly related to his life experience.This ability is called "ghost data", or simply "data".

The skills of ghost employees are divided into three levels in the current ghost company system, namely ability, talent, and power. The higher the level, the better the effect and role it will display.

The strongest is undoubtedly Honghong's "greedy" power.

The second is Shasha's "weaving web" and "ghost net" talents, and Yiyi's "ghost" talent.

There is also "ghost sound" by ghost mirror, and "face change" by young jade face.

The lowest level is the "ghost data" of Li Zhiqiang, a wandering soul who doesn't even have a ghost title...

Li Zhiqiang asked.

"Wei Dong, you've heard of brain-computer interfaces. I don't feel like I'm dead, but a data cable is plugged into the back of my head, and the whole person is uploaded to the electronic data. In the past, if a person wanted to control the computer Inputting data requires devices such as a mouse, keyboard, microphone, and external storage components. And if a computer wants to output data, it also relies on screens, speakers, and external storage components to output..."

"After I entered the computer, I could completely omit these processes, take off these irrelevant clothes, and stick together with the computer like fish and water."

"Therefore, by myself, I can achieve the work efficiency of dozens or even hundreds of people, especially in familiar work areas such as program development, debugging, and maintenance. Now, if I need to write code, it usually takes a month to complete. The workload, I am confident that it can be done in half a day."

"There is no leader to cause chaos, no intrigue, the most perfect office environment..." Li Zhiqiang said with emotion: "And there are so many pictures and videos on my hard drive to accompany me. The interaction of data is far more enjoyable than the exchange of DNA. At the same time, it is more advanced and complex, it enters me, and I export it, how can a 40-year-old body be comparable!"

Wei Kun's lips moved, but he didn't speak.

You don't have to eat, sleep and go to the toilet...

As Li Zhiqiang talked, his voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was about to fall into a deep sleep.

Wei Kun pulled one of Shasha's spider threads and put the other end on the keyboard of Li Zhiqiang's laptop.

Visible to the naked eye, the bubbling black air merged into the computer.With the influence of ghost energy, the laptop parasitized by Li Zhiqiang also changed accordingly.

After a few breaths.

Wei Kun looked at it in amazement.

Which car accident scene did you pick this shit up from? !

The computer screen was covered with cracks, and dark red blood leaked from the cracks, ticking to the ground.

sticky to the touch,
It makes people feel like being glued to their hands by Coke.

The scarlet eyes flashed across the screen, full of resentment, as if wanting to kill the user.

"Thank you Boss Wei!"

Li Zhiqiang made a grateful voice. The feeling of hunger and weakness just now almost made him think that he was going to die out of his wits.Fortunately, the timely supply of ghost energy rescued the frail Li Zhiqiang from the verge of starving to death.

Wei Kun pondered, Li Zhiqiang at this time is a bit like an AI program of a ghost company.

Concise and efficient, the most important thing is loyalty and reliability, and has a very high level of intelligence. He is an indispensable weird technical genius in the new century.

If Li Zhiqiang is allowed to go to the outside world.

There is a high probability that there will be ghosts in the camera, non-existent netizens, midnight horror live broadcasts and other modern urban ghost stories.

But in Ghost Company, he can shine for happiness and mutual entertainment.There is no need to play tricks, work hard, rack your brains, and use the traditional method of scaring the living and screaming to get some meager to pitiful popularity, which is enough to fill your stomach.

Wei Kun pressed F5 in relief to refresh the desktop.

"In the future, the company's technical issues will depend on you! Old Li."

Li Zhiqiang gradually calmed down after a short period of excitement.He thought about it, and asked cautiously: "Boss, our company shouldn't be as simple as just doing live broadcasts, right? Can you briefly reveal the direction of your future work, so that I can make some corresponding technical reserves..."


"Help Nie Xiaoqian, Chu Renmei, Huapi and other old society people to re-employ online."

"At the same time, we will assist elites of the new era, such as Kayako, Sadako Yamamura, Mrs. Fusang, Jack the Ripper, etc., to find out their career positioning and build a better future together."

"Nothing too difficult, right?"

Li Zhiqiang suddenly realized, and said: "Oh, oh, our main business in the future is to find actors to shoot online dramas, play these classic horror images, and shoot supernatural-themed film and television works? With me, the only ghost technician, to help you, there is no need for special effects at all. Looking for outsourcing, relying on me alone is enough!"

Wei Kun shook his head.

"What kind of actors are you looking for? What special effects?"

"Recently, the company may be engaged in virtual V broadcasting and online games. Please pay attention to this technology."

"Also, you must pay attention to the time at ordinary times."

"Once it's nighttime, especially after 12 o'clock, never leave the ghost affairs department. Those in the live broadcast room have bad tempers, especially the ones in red dresses. They are under a lot of pressure and often overeat. They usually hide and understand. ?"

Only then did Li Zhiqiang taste some aftertaste.

"Wait, boss, are you saying..."

His mind was buzzing, and he finally realized what was the most wrong thing during his time working in Happy Interactive Entertainment.

"The top anchors of the company...are they all ghosts?!"

After Wei Kun explained the task, he had already left the Ghost Affairs Department, leaving only Li Zhiqiang whimpering and turning the fan on the computer, too scared to come out.


He pushed open the door, used the ghost seal, and returned to the real office.

First met Xia Yan.

Her eye circles were red, and she looked extremely depressed.

"Brother Li is a very nice person, why did he leave like this..."

Wei Kun comforted Xia Yan and said: "Death cannot be brought back to life, so be careful. Although Lao Li is gone, his spirit will last forever in the company! I decided that Lao Li's salary will be paid as usual every month, and it will be paid directly to his wife's salary." Cary."

"Wei Dong, you really changed my mind." Xia Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's rare to see a good boss like you..."

Wei Kun didn't say anything.

He came to the office area of ​​the company and announced to the employees who are still working that there will be two more days of personal leave every month. overtime.

"Those who work overtime will be fired! No mercy!" Wei Kun said seriously.


Applause bursts.

The employees of the company next door, after hearing that Happy Entertainment had an accident, Ben wandered around the door to watch the excitement.

Hearing Wei Kun's words, he suddenly lost his composure.

"What kind of fairy welfare is this?"

"I want to change jobs. Boss Shabi not only has to work overtime for free, but also always finds various excuses to deduct performance wages."

"Look at others, and then look at ourselves, hey."

"Is Boss Wei just giving free money to the staff? What is he trying to do!"

"You don't know this. I heard from my cousin's classmate that Boss Wei doesn't care about money at all when he runs a company. He just comes here to play tickets. Do you understand? How deep is the background? Tens of millions are just a picture. Have fun!"

Wei Kun ignored the whispered discussions outside.

He pointed to Li Zhiqiang's work station, and said, "No matter what happens, Lao Li is always a member of the company. I decided to keep his work place permanently, and remind everyone present that work is just work, and life is more important. It is life. He will be the symbol of our company, and he will always remind me that in doing business and business, we must always put people first and put people first!"

"The position remains the same. I will support his children until they graduate from university and have a source of income. I will cover all the tuition fees. And during this period, his salary will continue to be paid as it is, without half a cent being deducted, just like Lao Li is still alive, as if he is still working hard in the company..."

The sister at the front desk wiped away tears.

"The boss said it very well, he cares about us from the bottom of his heart..."

At this time.

Wei Kun received a call from Liu Ning, but did not answer it immediately.

He went back to his office and dialed back.

"Brother Wei, you finally answered the phone. I couldn't get through just now. I was so anxious!" Liu Ning slapped his thigh anxiously on the other end.

Wei Kun has been working in the ghost affairs department before, and the whole company is in the most haunted place during the day, so it's strange that he can get through the phone...

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Only then did Liu Ning explain his intention.

"It's about Honghong. Didn't the carnival take the top spot in the rookie track last time, and then change it to the K lottery with the most resources? In fact, normally, the top rookie names are all changed to the S lottery, and the K lottery is The leader's extraordinary promotion at the meeting. But that's where the problem lies!"

"The day before yesterday, another big anchor jumped to Maoya, and the impact was quite bad. For this reason, some high-level executives wanted to deeply bundle the red K sign with follow-up projects, increase the cost of job-hopping, and stabilize the morale of the army."

Wei Kun was puzzled: "Follow-up projects? Have you mentioned this before?"

"It's that [-] million invested big web drama! The co-investors demanded to finalize the list of protagonists within a week, and all the anchors and anchors beat the lead."

"What the leader means is to leave Honghong with the role of the second and third female, as long as she passes the casting director's test, she will immediately pass the K sign, and the 3000 million signing fee will be directly transferred to the account of Happy Interactive Entertainment. But I think it is possible for Honghong to win over the heroine, but the resources are not easy to grab, and this is what I want to discuss with you..."

Liu Ning chattered endlessly, talking to himself.

Wei Kun interrupted him suddenly. "That... acting as a maid is also possible."

"Huh?" Liu Ning was dumbfounded.

"The fewer shots the better, the lines are not the best." Wei Kun said.

Liu Ning couldn't understand Wei Kun's abnormality.

Generally, the company will fight for a few lines and a few shots of the artist. Why does Boss Wei act like he doesn't care about this at all?unless……

Liu Ning's mind suddenly flashed.

he asked hesitantly.

"Brother Wei, Hong Hong won't be... let the boss take care of her!"

 There are also 1k chapters of 2 to 3 updates in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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