Chapter 100 Exclusive Staff Li Zhiqiang

Li Zhiqiang clutched his chest tightly, comforting himself that this is just a technical adjustment of the body, so don't be afraid.

However, the pain is getting stronger and stronger!
The scene in front of me is gradually blurring...

Before falling into darkness, Li Zhiqiang and Li Programmer heard their colleagues shouting.

"problem occurs!"

"Go and call the leader!"

He felt slightly relieved.

Colleagues are full of intrigue on weekdays.

But in times of crisis, the simple emotions between people will still be revealed.

His relief lasted less than half a second.

"Damn it, Lao Li is asleep!"

"Hurry up and take a picture and send it to the boss!"

Li Zhiqiang's eyes widened and his expression was ferocious, but he couldn't speak anymore, and finally fell down.

"You call 120, Lao Li is out of breath!"


Am I finally dead?
Today I haven't had time to pay my son who goes to school in other places for living expenses.

He must be scolding me.

I don't know how long.

Li Zhiqiang slowly opened his eyes, and he suddenly found that he was still at the familiar station.

The difference is that the lights in the office are dim, and no other colleagues can be seen.

"Could it be a dream just now?"

"Scared me!"

He patted his chest for the rest of his life...


What about my chest?

Li Zhiqiang looked down, and was suddenly frightened.

What caught my eye was not the familiar brown plaid shirt and work card, but two ribs that were cleaner than a dog had licked them.

There is also a white and flawless bone palm, which is trembling with fear.

"I, I'm dead?!"

Li Zhiqiang's mind is in a mess, if he still has brains.

Just when he was at a loss.

A powerful big hand held his bone claws, and said to him in a voice as warm as the spring breeze:

"Congratulations, Li Zhiqiang, you are alive again!"

Li Zhiqiang stared blankly at Wei Kun.

"Boss Wei! No, shouldn't it be the bull-headed horse face who came to pick me up at this time?"

He suddenly became agitated, and cursed angrily: "I'm dead, why don't you vampires let me go! Let me go to the underworld. I have no human rights. Is it not right to be a ghost? I'm going to the king of Hades to sue you. I don't want to stay in the ghost company for a second!"

Wei Kun swore he was innocent.

The Ghost Affairs Department had just been activated by Shasha's ghost energy when it heard the system prompt that an ultra-low-level wandering spirit had been automatically searched.

As soon as he saw the name, he knew what was going on.

It turned out to be Li Zhiqiang, the company's most conscientious technician...he was exhausted to death.

Wei Kun sighed.

"You are right about one thing, this is indeed a ghost company."

"I'm a ghost, I quit!"

"Lao Li, your family's car loan and house loan are not paid off yet, right?"


"Your parents have cerebral thrombosis, your wife has diabetes, and your son who goes to school in other places is about to take the high school entrance examination?"


"I never said, don't you pay ghosts?"


"And the dead don't have to pay a tax, and don't have to pay five social insurances and one housing fund. The savings are all yours."

"Boss, what can I do for you now!"

Wei Kun nodded in relief.


Even ghosts are very reasonable.

"Don't worry about your real body, the company will take care of the funeral expenses, pensions for dependent relatives and one-off work-related death benefits."

"Thank you boss!"

"I'll also choose a very nice little box for you, with a geek feel, water-cooled RGB, electroplating with an alarm, to ensure that you will have face in front of relatives."

"Boss, you are tired!"

"Then sign this labor contract."

Wei Kun took out a contract from the Ghost Affairs Department full of strange spells and handed it to Li Zhiqiang.

Since the establishment of the Ghost Affairs Department, recruitment has become more formal.

If only before...

Then send Hong Hong to step on her head and grab it, and use a lottery?
Li Zhiqiang couldn't understand the above words at all.

He glanced at Wei Kun, and signed his name with the tip of his finger bones without hesitation.

Why don't you watch it?
Because it is useless to look at it, there is a high probability that the underworld will not follow the labor law.

The moment the pen is written.

A system prompt sounded in Wei Kun's mind.

"Congratulations, you have recruited ghost employee No. S001——Li Zhiqiang."

"Reminder: The ghost employees whose numbers start with S are exclusive employees of the ghost affairs department. They rely on the ghost company's salary system to survive and are the most important basic members of the ghost company!"

foundation member?

Basic supplies!
At this time.

Li Zhiqiang tugged Wei Kun's suit sleeve pitifully,

He said cautiously: "Boss, I haven't paid my son's living expenses yet, can you lend me my mobile phone..."

"Reminder: The ghost employee Li Zhiqiang has a "wish" and his mood is very unstable. Do you want to appease him?If the "wish" is not fulfilled in time, the ghost employee will lose his mind and die of anger! "

Wei Kun heard the system prompt, seeing Lao Li Nianzi's eagerness, it was really pitiful.

As a ghost with number S, if you don't realize your wish, you don't turn into a ghost, but just die... It's really useless.

It's better to fulfill his "wish" first.

He sighed.

Wei Kun took out a new mobile phone and handed it to him.

Li Zhiqiang took the phone as if he had found a treasure, and subconsciously and skillfully logged in to his own signal.

The phone rang frantically for a message.

He clicked on the voices.

"Dad, when will you call me for the living expenses? The school has to pay 648 for books."

"The teacher is urging me, I can't hold my head up in front of my classmates."

"Dad, let me tell you in secret. My mother is crying because of you again. I called her yesterday and asked about living expenses, but she just cried and didn't say anything."

"Am I still your son?"

"If you don't give me living expenses, I'll block you. It's all your fault! Don't force me!"

Li Zhiqiang's skeletal white face almost turned black with anger.

He sighed helplessly.

Open the Xinxin wallet, ready to transfer the money.

Wei Kun stopped him and said, "Old Li, don't use your own account to transfer money, it's hard to explain later."

Li Zhiqiang was stunned.


He hesitated and said, "Why don't you help me, and you can deduct it from your salary..."

Wei Kun sighed.

"Wait to go to the office to get some cash, I'll take you to deliver it in person."

Li Zhiqiang was overjoyed,
He has not seen his son for more than half a year.

"But with my body, will monks and Taoist priests arrest me if I go out?"

Wei Kun shook his head.

He spread his palms, stretched out his five fingers, and the palm of his hand split open suddenly, revealing a terrifying mouth with sharp teeth.

Li Zhiqiang was so frightened that he shouted "Damn it!"

The person in Wei Kun's palm opened his mouth and sucked in suddenly!
The mysterious black air current swept across Li Zhiqiang's skeleton body in an instant, and received it into Wei Kun's palm.

This is a new function after the Ghost Seal activates the Ministry of Ghost Affairs.

Any ghost can be accommodated, and there is a certain distance limit.

Subsequently, Wei Kun returned to the normal and popular innovation building.

Wei Kun hailed a taxi.

Go straight to the residence of Li Zhiqiang's son.


"Wow, thank you, Big Brother, I am the reward for Nezha's plane! mua~ Big Brother Nezha, you are the best!"

on the computer screen.

The hot female anchor twisted her body like a maggot, dancing the hot dance she is best at.

Blow kisses to the screen from time to time.

in front of the computer.

A 14-year-old fat boy.

In the upper right corner of the webpage on the screen, the account used to watch the live broadcast is displayed - "I am Nezha".

He was frantically tapping the screen of his phone, muttering something.

"You bastards!"

"If the penguin dares to touch the original demon, I'll just crawl out the pesticide source code for you! Then announce that I'm also a C language series master. Insidious.jpg"

"Hehehe, the first week of the mobile game's launch was 5000 billion US dollars, 1700 million US dollars (⊙o⊙), [-] million users, it is indeed not hot."

"If you keep blacking the original devil, I will be jade! I never feel that it is my father's. When I was young, my father used slippers and skipping ropes. The poles for drying clothes outside were all taken out. 20cm thick and solid steel pipes It was cut off directly..."

After spraying wildly, the little fat man happily switched apps and opened the card drawing page.

"Fuck, Yelan and Mandrill haven't come out yet, and the living expenses are gone. When will we be able to order another 648?"

outside the window.

At this time, Li Zhiqiang, who had turned into a phantom, looked at everything in the house dumbfounded.

It was hard for him to imagine that his usually "well-behaved" son had such a black face that made him angry.

I think he usually works hard outside.

This unfilial son is actually rewarding the female anchor, playing mobile games, and using his own father to brag and criticize?

Staying at home all day playing games, YYing to the paper man.

How could he give birth to such a thing?
"20cm steel pipe? If I use this 36cm thigh bone, I won't beat you to death, you little bastard!"

Under extreme anger, Li Zhiqiang actually emerged from his body.

He picked up his thigh bone and gave the little fat man a meal.

The mobile phone was smashed, and the lovely Miss Shenzi on the back of the mobile phone was covered with cracks.

He didn't care about it, and threw his hands at the phone case in mid-air, crying out in pain, "My wife!"

Through the door, Wei Kun heard cat-and-mouse screams, mixed with the shrill cries of "God's wife" and "Linghua's wife" from time to time.

"Congratulations on fulfilling the "wish" of ghost employee Li Zhiqiang. "

"He has become an excellent employee who is emotionally stable and will not blow himself up easily."

after an hour.

Li Zhiqiang got into Wei Kun's palm with a refreshed mind.

And in that rental house.

The little fat man got up with a bruised nose and a swollen face, picked up his phone tremblingly, and sent a QQZ.

"I met a ghost! But I protected my wives!"

"You don't play the original demon, can you do it?"

Seeing the crazy likes from his friends, the little fat man smiled contentedly.

With a laughable smile, his expression gradually froze, and then he suddenly realized a terrifying fact.

Wait, what hit me just now?

"Mom, there's a ghost!!!" the little fat man screamed.


Wei Kun took Li Zhiqiang back to the company.

The atmosphere in the company is a bit depressing, after all, an old employee just left.

He sighed.

Use the door of live broadcast room No. [-] to enter the ghost affairs department. At the same time, he didn't forget to bring back the computer from the workstation for Li Zhiqiang.

"Boss, I seem...can get into this computer?"

Li Zhiqiang hesitated and said.

(End of this chapter)

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