Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 22 Love You Walking in the Dark Alley Alone

Chapter 22 Love You Walking in the Dark Alley Alone

Tonight, many people are doomed to sleepless nights.

The helicopter landed on the spacious lawn of Taiyi Yujing.

The lights of many villas were turned on, and people woke up sleepily, wondering what happened.

Everyone whispered.

"I seemed to have a dream just now. I dreamed of attending a wedding..."

"Me too. That dream was scary, and I felt an indescribable feeling."

"Let's not talk about the dream, that helicopter seems to belong to the Yunhai police? A murder case!"

The investigators pulled out a long cordon in front of Villa No. [-] to isolate outsiders.

At the same time call the fire department.Three fire trucks continued to sprinkle water on the ground to cover the badly weathered streets and flowers and plants.

A rich man in the local construction industry handed Captain Sun a cigarette.

Captain Sun took it, and explained with a forced smile: "The internal affairs system received an alarm message, saying that there was a fugitive who fled to this community."

"It's better for you to move fast."

Rich pretended to be friendly and patted Captain Sun on the shoulder, saying: "Never let any criminals go, and protect the lives of the people."

It is not certain who will let go.

Captain Sun didn't say anything.

He is awaiting reports from his subordinates who have cleared the scene.

A few minutes later, the content of the report presented made him astonished.

"Except for a bunch of dogs, no one is dead?"

"Best-case scenario, but public opinion could be worse."

The young team member shrugged and said, "If someone dies, the internet will at most condemn the lack of security in the neighborhood. But we went to war so much that a dog died in the end. Do you think the group of caring people on the internet will make use of it?"

"It's all logical..." Captain Sun choked.

The team member casually gave an example: "Don't believe me, I'll teach you a lesson. Shocked! The official pursuit of fugitives and the manslaughter of the owner's pet dog, is it a problem with the system or a loss of morality? This is worthy of our reflection and reflection..."

"Fuck it, reflect on it every day!"

Captain Sun scolded and crushed the cigarette butts: "It's good that Chen Yuanli and Wu Yuan are fine. When they recover, they will probably have to write a report for a few days. What happened tonight is so wicked!"

The team member was a young guy with active thinking, so he asked a question suddenly.

"Hey, captain, do you think the she considered a rich woman in the folklore circle? So how many extended Rolls-Royces are on top of the long queue?"

Captain Sun rolled his eyes and said: "I'm next to the rich woman, and then what? Will I send you a single-family grave and a luxurious hearse?"

Team member: "...Captain, I'm off to work."

The crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed, as if it was just an insignificant incident.

Under Captain Sun's seemingly calm appearance, there is a lingering haze.

The wedding mirror disappeared mysteriously.

Shili Hongzhuang was shocked.

He stared at the dark villa under the moonlight, worried, paced and sighed.

"If she shows up again, she won't be as lucky as today."


"If you don't show up, it's over!"

In the office, Li Xiaoya was typing on her mobile phone frantically.

She was so anxious that she urged Wei Kun over and over again to start the broadcast.

Today is the third live broadcast of the host Hongmei. Compared with the previous two, both the topicality and popularity have been extraordinary improved.

Especially Shark officials, in order to hype the heat, publicize the false information about the red girl's face, in order to win the audience's attention.

The audience's sense of anticipation is tense, and I hope Hongmei's live broadcast will bring you a unique surprise.

It can be delayed again and again.

Netizens who stayed up late and waited are getting more and more dissatisfied.

The audience who generally supported Hongmei at the beginning also began to waver, with doubts in their words.

The emperor's user, dark green sandalwood, even brought a group of black fans, dancing wildly in the live broadcast room, jumping up and down, and stepping on it with one hand, attracting popularity to his fan brand anchor room.

"Hahaha, as I said earlier, fake drips are fake drips, and they are all drips from iced black tea."

"What Hongmei? I look down on you group of Diaosi who chase after the man in the leather case and call his wife the most. Do you know what the anchor looks like? What if it's Grandma Qiao and Aunt Ximen?"

"True gold is not afraid of fire, and real milk is not afraid of testing."

"Shark live broadcast room 1376666, female anchor Zhenzhen, welcome everyone to watch, we guarantee the authenticity!"

Many fans of Hongmei hated the dark green sandalwood so much that they sent barrages to abuse her.

But how can these words, which are quickly submerged in the barrage sea, compare to the rocket banners sent by each barrage of dark green sandalwood?

Li Xiaoya was about to cry.

How much she wanted to defend Hongmei and exchange with the direct relatives of this group of silly dogs who followed suit, but she didn't dare to advocate without authorization, because now she is not only herself, but also represents the image of the host whether she is popular or not.

Li Xiaoya gritted her teeth and said, "Damn Wei Kun, sooner or later I'm going to take Hongmei with me to change jobs, and I'm so mad at you, you slow bastard!"

She dialed Wei Kun's cell phone number.

This time, it was finally connected!

"Boss, how are you getting ready?" She asked weakly, still not forgetting her ladylike image, but actually squeezed the phone so hard that her hand turned white, and it creaked!
Wei Kun's tone seemed a little strange.


"How should I put it, there was a little accident."

Li Xiaoya suddenly became anxious: "Did you force her to start the broadcast? Did you stimulate her? How could you do this! She is very fragile and different from normal people. As a boss, shouldn't you care about the physical and mental health of your employees? "

Wei Kun was stunned for a moment, and said quietly.

"She is very happy now, playing with the mirror..."

at this time.

Such a picture appeared in Li Xiaoya's mind.

Wei Kun, who was born with devil horns for the first time, holding a whip in his hand and grinning all over his face, yelled "If I don't make money for me, I'll kill you", and then with a sound of pia, the delicate girl in red was so scared that she hugged her tightly The vanity mirror, pear blossoms with rain, tearful eyes, like a weak and delicate flower that has been trampled...


Wei Kun was looking at the female corpse in red, covering his forehead and sighing.

As the new head of the Ministry of Ghost Affairs, he fulfilled the task of "recruiting talents" and brought back an ancient mirror full of cracks.

The mirror is two meters high, made of brass, engraved with ancient patterns like flowers and brocades, intertwined and intertwined, and it is very valuable at first glance.

The little secretary of the paper figurine told Wei Kun.

"This thing is bad, you have to be careful with it."

Wei Kun glanced at the little secretary, then at the corpse of the red-clothed woman holding the mirror like a koala, with a helpless expression on her face.

He tried to pull the arm of the female corpse in red, but he didn't move at all, stubbornly like a little girl playing with his temper. He tried again, and saw the female corpse in red suddenly turned her head, staring at him with an unfriendly expression, her facial features faintly vortexed changing trend.

Food protection?

Wei Kun gave up decisively.

From the current point of view, apart from the paper figurine, no matter whether it is the female corpse in red or this broken mirror, they are completely unable to communicate with each other normally.

"How can this be broadcast live!"

Everyone else is numb.

I just thought about it, or I'll just continue to slap my legs tonight, at worst, I'll change a few more styles and clip it again!
Before the thought fell into my heart, I heard a graceful and graceful voice in the live broadcast room, whispering softly.

"How can this be broadcast live..."


Wei Kun looked at where the voice came from, it was the wedding mirror.

He raised his eyebrows, came to the front, and said aloud: "I am Honghong."

"I'm Honghong..."

The mirror imitated what Wei Kun said, and repeated it in that charming voice.


Phone vibrates.

Looking down, not only the shark management begged grandpa to sue grandma, but even Fatty Tian Rui Toyota sent a message to ask about the live broadcast.

Wei Kun gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, looked in the mirror, and suddenly became wise.

You must not show your face!

"I love you walking in a dark alley alone." Wei Kun tried and sang a line with a broken tone.

The wedding mirror imitated, the voice was like an oriole, clear and sweet, and sang: "I love you walking in a dark alley alone..."

"It's just you."

Wei Kun snapped his fingers, his eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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