Chapter 23
Lights ready, camera aimed.

It's still the usual practice, facing the long legs of the female corpse in red, who made the law stipulate that the upper body cannot be described...

Deliberately split into two factions, just as Belgium once did with the Hutus and Tutsis.

Let you fight among yourself, don't affect Mr. Huang.

At this time, the female corpse in red is still holding the pipa, holding the wedding mirror tightly with both hands, and her face is happily attached to the mirror.The two long legs stretched across, under the warm-toned fill light, they reflected a seductive luster.

In this case, if you show your face live, who knows how many eyes will be killed by the combination of red clothes + wedding mirror.And literally kill.

Wei Kun looked at the wedding mirror, to be exact, it was an ancient ghost mirror.

Its origin is unknown, but after a simple test, it was found that it would automatically imitate the voice of the speaker in front of the mirror.

Whether it is speaking or singing, it will use its mellow tone to repeat it again.

The little secretary told Wei Kun with a bared smile.

The restriction method of the ghost mirror is "reflection", as long as the "reflection" is maintained, the ghost mirror will restrain its fierceness, and its voice will not kill people.

Wei Kun originally wanted to include the ghost mirror into the ghost company's system.

Only when the female corpse in red awakens "greed" can she be promoted to the head of the Ghost Affairs Department.

But at this time, Ghost Mirror has not yet awakened his talent and traits, and does not meet the recruitment standards of Ghost Company, and belongs to non-staff temporary workers.

"Temporary workers are temporary workers."

Wei Kun took a deep breath, opened the streaming software, and carefully avoided the camera area, squatting behind the ghost mirror.


With the beep of the program, the third live broadcast, which is red or not, begins!

The black screen in the live broadcast room changed.

The legs with icy muscles and fine bones, and pink make-up and jade carvings appeared in the live broadcast, which was extremely attractive.

The carnival of the old sluts has begun.

The barrage was like a downpour, flooding the entire screen in an instant.

"Honghong is here!"

"Wow, it's really here!"

"I thought it was a dove today. Although I just ate dessert, I still like Honghong's exclusive closed door the most."

"One roll of paper a day, thanks to the anchor for helping me practice."

"It's delicious, it's so good to see jiojio..."

"Why not diodio?"

Die-hard fans celebrated the launch of Honghong, but some expressed dissatisfaction.

"Didn't you agree to show your face?"


"Whatever you say, she'll reveal herself when she shows her face."

"Is it an angel with a devil's face again..."

The number one black fan in the live broadcast room, dark green sandalwood, appeared in time, accompanied by his iconic rocket banner barrage.

The first rocket.

"Anchor, do you dare to open PK?"

Second rocket.

"I've seen enough of the thighs. Is there any other tricks? If you don't have anything to do, you can bite the lighter."

The third rocket.

"Live room 1376666, the beauty anchor Zhenzhen, the real-time interaction is definitely more interesting than this."

Too arrogant.

Chaoguan originally wanted to ban it, but when he thought about it carefully, the dark green sandalwood was a bit dishonest in addition to promoting the behavior of other anchors. In addition, swiping gifts also enlivened the atmosphere, and there seemed to be no reason to ban it.

And Chaoguan also wanted to see Honghong's real face.

He intentionally blocked a few barrages attacking the dark green sandalwood. In an instant, fuel was added to the fire, and the barrages boiled completely.

"It's been bullied to such an extent, is the anchor still patient?"

"I'm a little suspicious that it was recorded..."

"That's right, these two days I've been slapping my legs all the time, and I don't talk, I just post barrage. Could it be a video?"

"Wooooow, Honghong, please don't show your face, don't destroy your beautiful image in my will always be the most beautiful!"

Li Xiaoya's teeth itch from the barrage.

"These bastards!"

She slammed the keyboard hard to vent her anger, picked up the phone and wanted to call Wei Kun again.

Just picked up the phone.

I saw the message of the boss Wei Kun.

"Get on your own account, you don't have to act as a red-haired barrage today."


Li Xiaoya was dumbfounded. "Boss, what do you mean..."

She seemed to have guessed Wei Kun's plan, she was surprised at first, then ecstatic, the smile on the corner of her mouth almost couldn't be stopped like saliva.

Swing the powder fist hard!happy!
"Finally want me to be the heroine!"

"The hard work pays off, the three-year agreement has finally come to fruition!"

Li Xiaoya was so happy that she curled up into a ball, rolling back and forth in the sofa chair.

Wei Kun said in a voice.

"I'll give you the housekeeper."

"Help me ban him."

Li Xiaoya: "?"

"It's not that Honghong is unwell, she wants me to start the broadcast..."

Wei Kun: "?"

"Who told you, besides, is there a camera in your room?"

The answer is actually yes.

During the day, Li Xiaoya had just carefully selected and bought a pink camera with high-definition beauty.

Her smile gradually froze, and she couldn't help covering her heart, her heart hurts so much, it hurts too much!
It turned out that I was not a substitute for the water dispenser, but a laborer who was responsible for changing the water for the water dispenser!

After half a minute.

[Fang Guan Hua Xiao Miao has entered the live broadcast room]

Seeing spectators found out.

"Isn't this house manager Shark 81 Show?"

"I've heard of Shark Three Shows, what the hell is 81 Shows."

"Selling meat has been broadcast for 81 days, but the official found out that the big brother on the list is a monk, and all the rewards were returned by the same route, saying that it is unlucky to embezzle incense money."

"Understood, the Bodhisattva of great mercy and compassion."

【The user has been banned by Fang Guanhua Xiaomiao for 365 days】

Li Xiaoya's facial features were ferocious, and she was on a killing spree.

Just as she was viciously looking for the next target, she suddenly heard the characteristic current sound of the microphone coming from the earphone.


The sound is like the cry of a warbler, and the eloquence is pleasant, if it is melodious in the empty valley, and it is like whispering in a boudoir.

"Hello, viewers, I'm anchor Hong Hong, thank you for your support..."

Hear this.

Li Xiaoya only felt an electric current rise from the tailbone, hit the brain directly along the spine, and her scalp went numb.

People who often listen to music have experienced this experience. Beautiful music and moving melodies will give people a refreshing feeling like an electric shock on their body, especially their back and neck.

Feeling refreshed, she blushed, and couldn't help murmuring ah.

Li Xiaoya was sober, she quickly covered her mouth, her face turned red with embarrassment.Fortunately, she was the only one in the office, and no one noticed this embarrassing scene.

"Is this Hong Hong's own voice? It's so sweet and warm, so tempting..."

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

The barrage seemed to be silent.


Boiling against the sky!The demons danced wildly!
"Honghong has spoken!"

"Ahhh, the sound is so nice..."

"I am!"

"Whoever says anything bad about Honghong, please step over my Jill first!"

"This voice is really dense, the sound of a clear spring, the guidance of a female star... I am in a trance."

Liu Ning, the leader of the shark at midnight, was drinking tea when he heard this voice, and sprayed out half a drop with a puff.

He stared round his eyes, looked at the screen, and said in disbelief.

"This is Hongmei?!"

Liu Ning looked at his staff, and the staff looked at him, seeing the same astonishment in each other's eyes.

"After midnight, I'm afraid a true god has come!"

(End of this chapter)

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