Chapter 24 Can this be watched for a fee?

Tian Ruifeng, who is far away in the magic city, was looking down at the recent popular fairy tale drama.

Hearing the sound, he couldn't help but sit up straight.

His fat face was shocked, his goatee kept shaking, he was stunned for a long time, and then he slapped the elephant's leg hard!

"900 million, a loss!"

"It's a big loss!"

"I have to pay more!"

"Where did he find the female fairy, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"Just this voice, at least another 900 million yuan! No, I have to ask Brother Wei after the live broadcast is over... Is she still missing a child..."

Yingying Yanyan in Xianxia drama also lost her taste.

What other voice can be more bewitching, charming, and fairy than Honghong?

I am afraid that only Aunt Long, the lead singer of the second-hand rose, can barely match it.

prior to.

Some people were questioning why Hongmei didn't show her face. When she showed her voice and amazed the audience, the doubts were instantly overwhelmed by the cheers and praises of the old sluts.

The emperor's user dark green sandalwood fell silent.

His hand trembled, and he accidentally touched the mouse. The mouse pointer accidentally moved to the gift column, and then his index finger cramped accidentally, and he accidentally pressed it down.

Ten super rockets were launched together.

If you want to ask how to fill in the number "10", you can only say that the other hand accidentally twitched.

The anchor Zhenzhen is doing rounds.

The local tyrant brother she finally licked, actually used 10 super rockets in other people's live broadcast room. This is simply like a monk wearing a cuckold—the Buddha ran away!
Zhenzhen hurriedly sent Xinxin voice.

"Brother Molu, you don't need to help me gain popularity anymore, I will be satisfied after watching my live broadcast..."

Dark green sandalwood is still silent.

He replied to the message.

"I am a critical rocket, and I want to reveal the true nature of this goblin!"

Don't say that the original shape is revealed, these four words are reversed, and Zhenzhen is also willing.

She gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice.

"Another stinky trick, just get a sound card and you'll be able to deceive people! You must suppress her momentum!"

Zhenzhen changed into a hotter dance costume and said angrily.

"PK! Brother Chaoguan help me open a PK with "Red is not red"! "

Super wind music, Zhenzhen is the top three pillars of the midnight file, with millions of popularity, the last Shark Carnival, No.5 in the beauty category.

You must know that there are not many anchors in the second half of the night. The top anchors are concentrated in the night time from 6:12 to [-]:[-].

Zhenzhen is willing to stir up a topic, so why not Shark officials?
He asked Liu Ning, the leader of the midnight shift, for instructions, and the answer he got was O98K!

"After 10 minutes, start PK!"

When this banner floated, the popularity of Honghong's live broadcast room soared once again!
From the original 30, a breakthrough came to the so-called 50 threshold for newcomers!And there is a continuing upward trend.

The fun people in the live broadcast room booed one after another.

"Hong Hong, can you sing or dance?"

"A rocket bombs on demand."

"Zhenzhen, the milk tycoon in Southwest China, is pure and true to everyone I've seen."

"This is really interesting..."

In the live broadcast room, "Honghong" seemed unmoved, she said with a smile.

"Thank you for the gift from Dark Green Sandalwood... Hehe."

As soon as the voice fell, the banner appeared again!
[Thanks to the emperor user "Dark Green Sandalwood" for rewarding the anchor "Red Red Not Red" with 20 super rockets! 】

The barrage refreshes faster.

"Can you hey one more time? My heart is about to melt."

"Brothers, someone wants to rebel!"

"The mouth is very hard, but the body is very honest."

Dark green sandalwood was indifferent to the barrage that mocked him, and sent a banner saying.

"She's afraid, she must be afraid that I will continue to reward, then I will not be able to do what she wants! I have won too much."

"20 super fire, it's just meal money."

"I don't believe she dared to scold me, I really don't believe it, why don't you scold me a few words, the anchor?"

Hong Hong bared and smiled sweetly, completely ignoring the dark green sandalwood.

"Thank you for your support, how about I sing a song for everyone? Does anyone want to hear it?"

It is professional to lie to "her" in the barrage.

In the blink of an eye, the live broadcast screen was filled with the word "think", and the popularity of the live broadcast continued to rise again.

Hong Hong cleared her throat.

Pause for a moment.

So the screen was filled with barrages of "Please", "Hurry up", and "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, Sing Singing!"

The microphone fell silent.

Accompanied by the insignificant sound of inhaling, a curling, tender and tender voice gurgled out.

"That is……"

"Who is sleepwalking in the mirror..."

"Shuiyuejinghua in the dream..."

"It's a pity that I've failed all over the place..."

"... When you are in a stranger's way, you can see your face in the mirror, and you still have to pretend to be elegant. I am on... a cliff..."

The song "Abyss in the Mirror" amazed everyone with its dramatic tone.

The lingering sound of the singing lingers on for a long time, and when you listen carefully, a deep but ethereal feeling occupies your heart silently, as if all the hustle and bustle has gone away, only the sound of nature.

The sound is magical.

It actually made many emotional people see a beautiful picture of a singer sitting alone in front of the mirror, complaining about herself, full of sorrows, and waiting for her sweetheart.

The face reflected in the mirror is like a flower and a brocade.

There are two dimples of worry in the state, and the disease of the whole body is attacked by tenderness, tears are shining, and tender sighs are slightly.

Some people are so lonely and empathetic, wishing they could die, they suddenly feel ashamed.

There seemed to be a voice whispering in my heart.


"Let's end..."

People took this as a sudden emptiness, and they were stunned, unable to speak.


The live broadcast room fell into an eerie calm.

Many people are still immersed in the shock of the song "Mirror Abyss", which has both classical atmosphere and modern tunes, coupled with the enchanting voice of "Red Red", which caused the live broadcast room to almost A strange state where no one speaks.

Until someone breaks the calm.

"I don't have earphones, what's going on, is my internet disconnected?"

"Don't scare me, why the barrage suddenly disappeared... Is it haunted in the middle of the night?"

next second.

Crazier bullet screens are pouring out!


"The sound is so beautiful..."

"Singing so well, my hairs start to stand up, and I'm sweating."

"I declare that Hongmei will be promoted forever!"

"Fuck, let me tell you, just now I seemed to see a red beauty in front of the mirror, waving at me!"

"That's why you're hallucinating after listening to Fascinated. If you want, I'll jump over it, regardless of whether she's hallucinating or not."

"I have been making music for more than 30 years. After listening to this song, I can only say that the national treasure-level singing and master-level interpretation are amazing! I used to be such a rouge fan!"

"Honghong must be a professional singer."

"Singer? Song fairy! I thought it was Tang and Song opera actors who came to modern times."

Shark midnight stall office area.

The female employee was crying and wiping her tears, unable to extricate herself for a long time.

The leader, Liu Ning, had trembling wrists. He opened his mouth again and again, but couldn't utter half a complete word. He stomped his feet hard to escape from the shock.

"Give her a big push on the whole platform!"

"Immediately report to the leader and ask for an S-level contract!"

Liu Ning blushed with excitement, and shouted excitedly: "Our midnight file is definitely going to take off! Hurry up and check Happy Interactive Entertainment, and sign all their anchors! Hongmei is this year's carnival, let us get rid of the shame Super King Fried!!!”

 Lao Hei sees the monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards of book friends, and remembers them in his heart. Here, I would like to thank you all for your support, try to update, and work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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