Chapter 222

"Water Dungeon, who will fix the dam?"

This is the new power of Narcissus imagined by Wei Kun.

In fact, being Weird, Narcissus' newfound abilities fit its very nature.The word Dashui does not seem to have a literal meaning, but represents the meaning of the old saying "flood".

"Guanzi Seven Ministers and Seven Masters": "If all four are committed, there will be disharmony between yin and yang, and the wind and rain will flow from time to time, and the flood will drift across the state and Liuyi."

"Book of Rites · Moon Order": "If the season is in autumn and summer, the country will be flooded." Kong Yingdashu: "If the country is flooded, natural disasters will occur."

Floods are natural disasters.

The ghost king-level little god-level embryo that Narcissus embedded between the collarbones shone brightly, and gradually merged with her body from the surface.

She let the cold water slide down by itself, slowly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of indifferent eyes, her eyes slowly fell on Wei Kun, and raised her arms.In an instant, the entire remote road was shrouded in a pale white mist.


Wei Kun subconsciously moved his steps, and suddenly found himself standing in a bitingly cold pool of water.Looking from a distance, the end of the pool is barely visible.

Suddenly, there was a low-pitched chuckle in my ear, like weeping and complaining, turning around endlessly, sometimes near, sometimes drifting away.

Looking around, there is only this puddle below the calf, and the seemingly endless mist, with an extremely cold aura, floating around.

The "big water" of narcissus is actually a kind of ghost creature that has barely taken shape.

Ghosts and creatures are the most distinctive characteristic of the little gods. They have the ability to change the appearance of one world, and pull the target into a world of ghosts and creatures that is dreamlike, half real and half false.

Honghong's weathering and the butcher's burning are all ghosts that have a great impact on reality.

Narcissus is a water ghost, and the ghosts it controls are water.

A low mournful song came faintly from the depths of the pool.Wei Kun stepped forward, and the cold breath kept invading his muscles and bones. Every few steps he took had to exert great strength. If he was an ordinary person, he would have turned into a resentful soul drowned in this pool.

Walked about dozens of steps.

The sound is getting closer.

Pushing away the mist, Wei Kun saw the "Narcissus" who revealed his true nature after being promoted to A-level weirdness.

On the bone tower stacked with human heads, the arms like blooming flowers are stretched wantonly, like a sculpture made of flesh and blood. The narcissus has lost its original body, and only one head is enshrined. The eyes are dark blue, and the reflection of the water pool The evil spirits linger around it, pious and ferocious.

Wei Kun was stunned.

"This kind of temperament..." Rather than saying that the current Narcissus is like a ghost, it is more like a Putuo who suppressed ghosts in deep pools at the expense of his body.Although there is great horror, but hold back the instinctive trembling and observe carefully, you can see the pure and flawless meaning hidden under the hideous appearance of Narcissus.

He seemed to understand why the Bureau of Folk Customs would safely hand over "Narcissus" to Happy Interactive Entertainment.

Although "Narcissus" is also a weirdness who is promoted step by step and longs to be a god, she is fundamentally different from other weirdnesses.

A call came from the horizon.

Afterwards, the torrent water column, which was as heavy as a thousand ton, broke through the clouds and mist above. Like the tentacles stretched out from the earth, it leaped high and then fell down, stirring up the bones in the depths of the pool. The intense pain of suffocation.


The water waves rolled and landed on top of Wei Kun's head, immediately soaking his clothes. It was Narcissus's little revenge for suppressing her anger.She is like the master of this water world, looking down at Wei Kun from a high position, all the heads of the high bone tower are laughing, howling or roaring, and it is terrifying in an instant!
Seeing this scene, normal people would have been scared out of their wits!

This female ghost doesn't look like a traditional domestic anecdote, but rather has an indescribable Cthulhu style?

The pool under her feet is not so much a pool as an extension of Narcissus' body. As long as the pool is not destroyed, she will never die.If Narcissus is promoted to the rank of a lesser god, this pool of water will be the real source of her immortality, and she can even be reborn with a drop of water...

Water drops dripped from Wei Kun's forehead and nose, and he watched the narcissus with his brows furrowed.

Narcissus looked at Wei Kun ferociously and triumphantly, his voice sounded like a stone jumping into the water.This confirmed Wei Kun's guess.

"Dear boss, all the water is my body, you can't escape from my palm at all... I will give you back a little bit of what you have imposed on me!" Her voice was as cold as a spring, with Strong malice.

However, what surprised Narcissus was that Wei Kun not only did not retaliate, but squatted down first, then put his hands on the ground, straightened his hands forward, and lay his whole body flat in the shallow part of the pool.

Narcissus was surprised: "What are you doing?"

"Feel your body."


Narcissus froze for three seconds, and then let out an earth-shattering scream. "Put on your pants!!!"

At this moment, she finally understood a truth.

Wei Kun, he is not human at all!
On the way back to the villa area, sitting in the co-pilot of the cruiser, her hair was as wet as a narcissus of pear blossoms after the rain, and she looked out of the window faintly. distance.The more I thought about it, the more wronged I became, two tears fell from the corners of my eyes.

"I'm not clean anymore..."


"Are you sure this is the magic capital, not Venice?"

Tomokazu Higashino looked suspiciously at the street in front of him, as if it had just been flooded. Looking around, there was a vast ocean. Several drains worked hard at the same time, but to no avail.The water covered half of the wheel, and it was inexplicably cold, a bit close to the freezing rain at the junction of autumn and winter.

Reluctantly parked the Toyota on the side of the road.

"Maybe the water pipe is broken somewhere." Another short-bearded man named Ken Watanabe handed him a seven-star popping bead. "Just wait, I just don't want to see those bastards from Baoguang Tower."

They are all members of Ruya Shrine.

On the surface, Tomokazu Higashino is the director of NK Beauty Group, and Ken Watanabe is a well-known fashion designer of Dongying, and came to Shanghai as a guest of this Asian Fashion Week.

But the purpose of Ruya Shrine is not so simple.

"God Crow is crazy."

Ken Watanabe turned to look at Tomokazu Higashino, crushed the cigarettes and took a deep breath of the cantaloupe-flavored essence. "Since they failed to snatch the "Mandate of Heaven", they have been acting insane.Shen Crow said that there will be three heavenly demon kings coming to the Demon City, all ghosts will travel at night, and the gods will retreat. I am afraid that they will not participate in the action in the short term. "


Tomokazu Higashino touched his receding hairline, and said with a sneer, "He is afraid of the official forces here! He used false predictions to cover up his incompetence and dereliction of duty."

"But God Crow said that it was the prophecy of "Mandate of Heaven". Ken Watanabe hesitated: ""Destiny" is a ghost that escapes time and never makes mistakes. "

"Our three major forces are united. Do we have to listen to the nonsense of a B-level weird kid? The general trend is irresistible. The "big ambition" of the Zhennian School has shaken the core interests of the entire East Asian cultural circle. If they allow Hongyuan to achieve it and the Chinese culture rises again and overwhelms us, then it will be a disaster that will never see the light of day. "

Tomo Higashino's mature and vicissitudes of life are very convincing.He looked at Ken Watanabe's face that was very pleasing to women, and continued.

"Asia Fashion Week is the first step of their counterattack. For nearly a hundred years, since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese culture that we have worked so hard to seize, manage and develop has been able to firmly suppress this giant dragon in that piece of Central Plains homeland. .Now is a new era of weird revival and doomed ghosts and gods. Whoever has the right to speak in culture can command everything. If the School of True Thought and the officials who acquiesce to them are willing to maintain the status quo of the tripartite confrontation, this time there will not be three alliances situation."

"But the problem is that their 6000-year pride, and the confidence to win the last years of war, the rise and revival became the main theme of the macro narrative overnight. The people here are born with a sense of destiny, Cultivate one's morality, govern the country and bring peace to the world, and we will live in the world they watch!"

Tomokazu Higashino finished his cigarette first. He crushed the cigarette butt, and his tone became more serious. He leaned on the car door and looked at this ever-changing international metropolis second to none in Asia. The whole world is trembling with power, and he has a kind of pessimism about the bleak future.

This piece of land is too big and too vast.For a hundred years, the short-lived victory has blinded the vision of Dongying Island. In essence, it is a fear of being liquidated and revenge.

"The enmity of ten generations can still be avenged!"

Among the ancient Chinese prose he learned when he was young, there was a school called "Gongyang". Their firm belief in the concept of "great revenge" made Tomokazu Higashino feel cold all over his body.Thinking about it again, the True Thought School has a faint meaning of the Gongyang School...

"We only have victory, otherwise our nation will have no possibility of rising." Higashino Tomokazu watched the tide ebb and flow, and finally receded, revealing the originally dark, rough, and cold asphalt road.

There are also water marks.

Watanabe Ken felt the deep fear in his companions, and other people who set foot on this land, why not?
If the "big ambition" of the school of Zhennian "the rise of Chinese culture" is realized, not only will a stronger system of Zhennian be born, but it may break the fragile balance. Even in the international field, Baoguang Tower, Sanshishu and Ruya Shrine originally enjoyed The benefits brought about by China's cultural discourse power will also wilt in the blink of an eye.

Park your car outside a building.

The two pushed open the door of the conference room and sat down one after another.Dozens of participants with different expressions and bright clothes were sitting in the hall, some of them were members of the headquarters of organizations such as Baoguang Tower, and some were their agents in the secular world. The fresh air made the old smoker Ken Watanabe A little uncomfortable.

This is an ad hoc meeting.

The expressions of the participants were solemn, sometimes agitated, and their faces were red from arguing with each other.Obviously, there is still a lot of work to be done in the cooperation between them.

"You are blatantly plagiarizing!"

"This is the field we are most familiar with, and we have the most influential words in the world. Even the billions of people in this continent are subject to our influence. Poor imitation will only make people laugh! "

"I insist that this is the traditional culture of South Korea since ancient times, and you are the thieves of cultural appropriation!"

"Huh? Have you ever applied for a patent?"

The person questioned fell silent.

The words of the two sides clashed, and the winner was already divided.

Ken Watanabe couldn't laugh at all, he raised his head and looked at the banner in the meeting room...

"East Asian Adult Culture, Film and Television Entertainment Seminar"...

The person who was asked slowly said, "I think my cousin from far away accidentally got stuck in the drum washing machine, so there is no need to apply for a patent. And according to the literature records, we have a prototype of a laundry tool in ancient times..."

Watanabe Ken held his forehead in despair.

Although he understands that this thing is indeed very important to the forces of the two countries.Moreover, Korea’s latecomers are on top, and there is a tendency to dominate the 18-ban field in the new era with KPOP and KPORN. Whether it is novels, comics, movies or live broadcasts, they all pose a great threat to Japan.

According to available statistics, the sex industry in South Korea ranks first in Asia.

Ken Watanabe made an excuse and went out to get some air.

He met another acquaintance of the Higashino family, Higashino Jing, a quiet woman who is very Japanese in both temperament and attire.She looks to be in her early twenties, exuding youthful vigor and charm.

"You don't like watching them quarrel?"

Dong Yejing leaned on the railing and looked at the Pearl Tower on the other side of the river. His jet-black hair fluttered in the wind, which was very beautiful. "It's actually easy to understand. In the past, with the size of Dongpu, there was no need to be so petty. But now the general environment in the world is not good, and with the 30 years we lost, even this petty profit has to be fought for." This is why the Ruya Shrine reacted so violently to the great wish of the Zhennian School, and did not hesitate to send four gods to stop the Zhennian School at the risk of an all-out war with the Folklore Bureau and the Thirteenth Bureau..."

Ken Watanabe wanted to smoke, but the beauty was in front of him, so he held back abruptly.

He found that the beauty didn't intend to talk to him at all, but was just looking for a trash can with ears to listen to her talk about the pressure during this time.

"I don't care about their wins or losses at all, whether it's the four gods or the four spirits, I just want to find my sister, Dong Yetian. She is not only my relative, but also the one with the purest blood in the family and the closest to ancient times. Also, a guy like you, without faith and confused, will definitely fail."

Dong Yejing suddenly turned his head and looked at the embarrassed Watanabe Ken.

Ken Watanabe has no way to refute, he doesn't like this place, but he can't understand how friends and fathers hate this land for no reason, obviously it's his own doing something wrong...

He nodded, shrugged and said: "I just use money to do things, and I don't like people from the Zhennian School. They are against us everywhere, and they use money to recruit all the new generation of scholars away, making Japan a mess. The scientific research on this island is getting worse every year, and even the strange world has been affected..."

"Excuse, a loser's excuse."

Higashino Jing smiled sarcastically and said: "Is it because of failure that you fell into madness? You guys are not as bad as Higashino Tomokazu and the others. I have seen their plan and it is disgusting. If you don't want to join forces, just Don't get too close to Baoguang Tower and Sanshishu, the Civil Customs Bureau, as the winner of the Time War, is not easy to mess with."

"One more thing, it's a small reminder."

Dong Yejing is an out-and-out Hua Guotong, and she has studied in Shanghai for more than ten years, so she is very familiar with everything here.

She whispered in Ken Watanabe's ear.

"In any case, don't provoke a man named Zhang Yiwei. He is the government's most terrifying hyena and your most powerful enemy. He has already discovered Ni Duan. Don't think that you can hide it under the guise of attacking the Zhennian School. Keep your real thoughts, the wedding dress and the tomb, don’t you?”

Ken Watanabe raised his head in surprise, looked at her, and saw behind her, the sunlight reflected on the shadow of the wall, and there seemed to be a pair of huge black wings flaunting wantonly.

Before Watanabe Ken could speak, Higashino Jing continued.

"I came to you alone because I wanted you to help me find some things. The last clue that my sister showed up was related to a company in Yunhai City called Happy Interactive Entertainment, and they also came here this Asian Fashion Week. And it is also one of the well-deserved protagonists of the exhibition.”

"I hope they can understand each other and talk obediently."

Dong Yejing said calmly, a strange purple light flashed in his eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

Ken Watanabe nodded solemnly.

He understood at this moment that this quiet woman possessed a thorny ruthlessness in her bones.There is no difference from those lunatics in Tomokazu Higashino, Baoguang Tower, and Sanshishu.

Ken Watanabe is very capable of handling affairs, which is why he was appointed to the Modu.Ten minutes later, he handed over the information he obtained to Dong Yejing, and said: "Tonight, a businessman from the dynasty named Hu Hengtai planned to take the opportunity of his daughter's school entrance banquet to invite Wei Kun, the chairman of Happy Interactive Entertainment."

"very good."

Dong Yejing turned around with a half-smile, and disappeared, leaving only half of a pitch-black feather that turned into dust with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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