Chapter 223
The lower-level meetings of Ruya Shrine and Baoguang Tower and other forces lasted for two hours.

Ken Watanabe is not high enough, so he neither knows nor sees the weird reflections in every window of the entire building.

More secret encounters take place in small, unknowable rooms.

"The Year of the Tiger is coming."

"The ban is imminent."

"At that time, the strange forces in East Asia, even Asia, and even the whole world may be reshuffled. Weirdness is an extension of human civilization and culture, and popularity is the most precious strategic resource at this stage. In the chaos of the big reshuffle , Guys who believe in the dark corners of the society will never be on the stage. As for us, whoever can control more cultural discourse power will be able to control the entire weird world of the dark side."

"This fashion week is the first step in consolidating our cultural hegemony."

Simultaneous interpretation earphones ensure smooth communication.

The flickering fire made everyone's faces full of uncertainty.

"Asia Fashion Week, our opponent is only the school of truth, don't involve other irrelevant forces, our goal is not ordinary people, on the contrary, ordinary people in the secular world are our most important helpers... In addition to traditional weird forces, Don't provoke the official forces..."

Power four, the Baoguang Pagoda ghost feeder of the minor god rank, with obvious scrutiny, looked at the Ruya Shrine, which had the largest number of people in the room and the most terrifying momentum.

If we talk about Baoguang Pagoda and Sanshishu, they respectively represent the fourth authority, the "rabbit" of Sen and the sixth authority, and the "snake" of Black Moon. In this Asian Fashion Week, preemptive strikes are more for self-protection. The rise of the menacing neighboring country has to be blocked.

Then Ruya Shrine's approach is much more radical, and the exposed goals have aroused the deep vigilance of Baoguang Tower and Sanshishu.

Faced with questioning.

Hei Fang and the other "Four Gods" with different appearances shrouded in black shadows on their sides did not show much apology.It seems that the attack on "Mandate of Heaven" is just a trivial matter.Outsiders only know that the Ruya Shrine has attracted the attention of the Folklore Bureau, but they don't know what they did.

They turn the conversation back to the key to how and how.

"The great ambition of the Zhennian School is led by several top scholars with four or even five powers, 13 famous schools, 21 companies, three major groups, and hundreds of celebrities in the cultural and fashion circles. This Asian Fashion Week, with the help of huge popularity, revive their cultural glory. That is to say, their goal is the triple victory of reputation, public opinion and reality. Only when they are all achieved and recognized by the world, their grand ambition will come into effect !"

"And if the ambition is achieved, the deduction of "True Thought" by the True Thought School may enter a crucial higher level... Above the Great God level, the highest level called Sishen is the sixth power!It is also the first time that non-strange supernatural power has set foot here!Step into the restricted area of ​​the gods on earth! "

The voice just fell.

The members of Sanshishu are solemn, stern, and have a military temperament.

They waved and said firmly.

"We will not allow any traitors to interfere with this operation."

"But there is a question. Even if the "True Thought" is deduced to the sixth power, it does not mean that someone will be promoted, but there is a possibility of moving to a high position. Is it really necessary to do something about the True Thought School? "

Black Tooth spoke slowly.

"As long as there is such a possibility, there is a hidden danger of detonating war! The high ones will not die, and the low ones will not rise! The sixth power starts, no matter which god system of the twelve zodiac signs, every seat has been reserved. You can guarantee that, Wouldn't the True Thought School attack us strange forces in foreign lands in order to create a vacancy?"

Everyone fell into short thought.

He raised his head again and looked at each other, as if he read the same determination from the other party's expression.

At this time.

Can control the mournful sound to start playing, and the taiko drum hastily landed.


The symbolic ape music of Noh plays, the tones are shifting, and it lasts for a long time.Representing men, women, old and young spirit ghosts respectively, the four of them, the "Four Gods", had masks with strange smiles, and different postures. They clapped several times, and then turned around in loose robes and ended in the black mist.


Outside the building, Ken Watanabe officially handed over the address to Shizuka Higashino.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt the sun disappear. He raised his neck and looked as hard as he could, and saw a huge airship with a long dragon-like banner hanging from the side of the skyscraper like a monster. .

It was the airship that blocked the light here.

The color banner reads - Warmly celebrate the Asian Fashion Week will be held in our city tomorrow!

A slogan with national characteristics, but Ken Watanabe read between the lines that there is great pressure.

"Seven days of exhibitions, seven days of games."

When he saw the pedestrians passing by on the street, as well as the patrolmen on the road, he suddenly lost his voice and stopped speaking.

Higashino took a deep look at Ken Watanabe, got into a white limousine, like a famous lady dressed up tonight, and went to the banquet address given to her by Ken Watanabe.


Wei Kun brought Narcissus back from the "pick-up" and met Shi Haocong, Qiu Yunying and the others.

The Narcissus trench coat and peaked cap are amazing.

Obviously, the style of painting is different from that of the beautiful female artists of Happiness Entertainment.

Shi Haocong blurted out without thinking. "Why are you a man again!"

Qiu Yunying didn't care about Shi Haocong, when she saw Narcissus, her eyes lit up.

"Whether it's body or appearance, it couldn't be more perfect. You must join my team!" She admired Narcissus's neutral dress very much, especially her sturdy and decadent contradictory temperament.

Narcissus quietly distanced herself from Wei Kun.

Ever since she recognized the bad character of the company boss, she never wanted to get even half a step closer to him.But what makes her tangled and helpless is that ghost companies have a strong restraint on ghost employees. As long as they sign the contract of selling their lives, they will never be able to escape Wei Kun's clutches.

"Cough cough..."

Narcissus covered her fists and coughed, carefully observing Shi Haocong and Qiu Yunying.She is an old fritter in the system, and she immediately recognized the identities of the two.After learning that they have nothing to do with Happy Entertainment, but just collaborators, they want to invite themselves to the opening ceremony.

Her original little princess character broke out again.

Narcissus snorted, "I don't want to engage in any low-end programs with them."

As soon as she said this, she felt that something was wrong, and found that Qiu Yunying and Shi Haocong looked at her with indescribable surprise and astonishment.

this moment.

Narcissus's superb intelligence was running rapidly, and it seemed that he discovered the problem in an instant.

'Just now, it seemed that what I thought and what I said...was completely different! '

In Qiu Yunying's ears.

What she heard was this sentence.

I saw this heavyweight entertainer with a rather mysterious background, his facial features were hidden in the black shadow of the brim of his hat, the corners of his mouth were raised coldly, as if there was a flash of coldness, and then he said heavily in a firm tone.

"I must help you get rid of these chickens and dogs!"

This voice is too manly!
Stars appeared in Qiu Yunying's eyes.

And Shi Haocong suddenly realized and nodded. As expected of an entertainer with a background, his speech and style are obviously different from normal people.

Narcissus's smile froze.

She found that Wei Kun's operation of lip-syncing with the ghost rhythm is really getting more and more proficient.

"Don't worry, I won't cheat."

Wei Kun whispered in Narcissus's ear, and encouraged him: "This opening ceremony, I guarantee you will be a blockbuster, complete the task successfully, and ensure that you will quickly become popular."

Narcissus was taken aback, she wanted to be famous very much, but after being cheated by Wei Kun many times, she didn't believe Wei Kun's promise, she stared and gave Wei Kun a strong suspicious look.

Wei Kun seemed to have guessed what Narcissus was thinking.

He smiled slightly, patted Narcissus on the shoulder, and said, "Then let's start the rehearsal later."

At the same time, he used the melody of ghosts to transmit it into the ears of Narcissus with a voice as thin as a mosquito.

"Sister Narcissus, you don't want to let your colleagues in the weird world know about the fact that Dashui was taken advantage of?"

Narcissus was so angry that he almost turned into a water ghost on the spot, and dragged Wei Kun into the endless hell.

She held back her anger.

Comforting myself... "As long as you condense the small god level with the help of Happiness and Entertainment, everything I have experienced today will be returned to you one by one! Wei Kun, you beast of a thousand knives!"

The ghost employees who were watching the play next to it were not surprised by this.

Although they couldn't hear what Wei Kun and Narcissus said, they could guess from Narcissus's aggrieved, angry, and compelled expression.

The boss is very trustworthy when it comes to training employees.

Narcissus' business ability is much stronger than Wei Kun expected.

After putting on the women's smoking outfit designed by Qiu Yunying herself, the tall and straight figure looked even more imposing, and her dancing skills were even more solid. The inadvertent body friction made the female dancers blushing Face.

Looking at Narcissus, the doubts from the very beginning gradually became a little more eager.

By taking a rest.

Yiyi surrounded her, and she looked at Narcissus curiously.The impression of this new employee is still the miserable scene of being hung on the wall by Honghong and Shasha, hung up and hit with water.

"You have a good foundation in dancing, do you want to come to my live broadcast room?"

Yiyi took the lead in throwing out the olive branch, squeezed Narcissus's slender arms, and muttered: "How do you practice, it's not much different from those masters who won the dance competition."

Narcissus looked down at Yiyi coldly, seeing this eloquent little girl, she felt an unknown fire.

"Haven't you heard a word..."

she said lightly.

"Those who drown are masters. They can dance, but it doesn't mean they can swim!"

The strong threat in the words made Yiyi shiver.

As a newly promoted A-level Weird, Narcissus' abilities surpassed most ghost employees, and the half-human, half-ghost Yiyi was certainly no match for her.And that little god-level embryo was filled with the ghostly aura of Narcissus all the time, making her aura even more oppressive when she was angry.

Not wanting to become the expert in live broadcasting in Heli, Yiyi ran away without looking back, found Xia Yan who was playing with origami figurines, and threw herself to her lap, refusing to let go.

Narcissus finally found a long-lost sense of superiority.

She held her head high and walked proudly, and returned to the rehearsal stage. As soon as she made her debut, a female citizen living nearby screamed excitedly, shouting "so handsome", "so sassy", "So manly" exclaimed.

Narcissus was silent.

She couldn't figure it out, how the Shuilan princess who was held in the palm of her hand from the Folklore Bureau, became the "Dancing God Stallone" in the eyes of fans in just a few days.

Looking down at the metal orange in the new costume, staring at the hands in the racing gloves, she trembled, a tear fell down the corner of her eye, and then took a deep breath.


"As long as you pass the fashion week, become a big internet celebrity, and get tickets to the Paradise Culture Film and Television Festival, I will fly solo!"

"Narcissus, you must escape from the magic cave of happiness and mutual entertainment!"

The effect of the rehearsal was very satisfying.

Whether it was Qiu Yunying, Shi Haocong, or the choreographer and program director hired at a high price, they all gave quite high evaluations.

"Aside from the weird name, I can't fault it."

"Dancing skills, aura, and the natural aura that is as cold as a lake in winter are amazing. I have never seen such a model with such distinctive characteristics..."

"It has the femininity of a woman and the masculinity that is flamboyant and extroverted. Where did Boss Wei find such a genius?"

As he talked, all kinds of compliments fell into Narcissus' ears.

At first she was still sitting by the side, pretending to be cool in silence, because she knew that as long as she moved her lips, there was a high probability that she would be tampered with by the demon next to her and then processed artistically, deepening her tough guy index in everyone's mind.

The character of narcissus is actually similar to that of water, and it should be sparse rather than blocked.

She had an iceberg face pretending to be frosty, but she heard more and more compliments from the heart, as well as the towels and drinks handed over from time to time by those young girls and women who were courteous.She smiled at a crush for the first time, then downed her drink.

I think, it's a bit powerful, huh?

Narcissus is slightly proud, she finds that she is the master of this rehearsal field.The tampered character design was too rough at first, and she couldn't accept it. As she played more and more deeply and proficiently, she found that it didn't seem to be completely unbearable...

and many more!

Narcissus, narcissus, what are you thinking!
She threw the bottle aside angrily. The girl thought it was a bad taste, and she cried and blamed herself. Instead of complaining about the narcissus, she reflected on herself and went to the vending machine to find something that could match the taste of narcissus. Other drinks too.

Narcissus froze.

What she wanted to explain was only for that Wei.But in the eyes of others, she is the superstar at this moment.Whether it was Shi Haocong, the boss of New Line Pictures, or Qiu Yunying, the deputy general manager of the Qiu Group, they were all wandering around this mysterious star with outstanding temperament.

Many people in the industry have speculated about the origin of Narcissus.

Until Wei Kun appeared again.

It dawned on them.

"Could it be that the big star who made both Manager Qiu and Mr. Shi bow their heads is also owned by Boss Wei's company?" This made their speculations about Wei Kun even more divergent.

Narcissus bowed his head deeply to Wei Kun, reluctantly said... "Boss."

This time, she used an extremely pleasant original tone.

She followed Wei Kun step by step, without any of the big names and rebelliousness of before.The director and director, who were tortured by her bad temper, couldn't help but look shocked.

Walking behind Wei Kun, looking at his strong back.At such a moment, Narcissus thought, it seems not bad to just stay in Happiness and Entertainment like this?

next second.

Wei Kun turned his head and glanced at her unexpectedly. "Did you drink the wrong urine?"

Narcissus' breath stagnated, she gritted her teeth and raised her fist, punching Wei Kun hard on the back.This angry blow made Wei Kun stagger.

Wei Kun rubbed the sore spot on his back, shook his head and smiled.

"The entertainment industry is not just a trick, take your time, I won't treat any of you badly..."

"If you pretend again, the invincible Narcissus will smash your eggs, believe it or not?" Narcissus raised her eyebrows and shouted angrily.

After she finished speaking, she burst into a smile, amused by her own words, and the flowers on her hips trembled.

Looking at Wei Kun with a smile, she seemed to see something that she hadn't noticed in the past on this slightly fair face... Interesting?
She seems to have learned how to be patient and accommodating, little by little.

Within 2 minutes, Narcissus clamored to drink Qifen ice again, and asked the crew to go to a longevity shop more than ten kilometers away to buy her the most expensive white candle, euphemistically calling it a national belief.

Yiyi hugged Xia Yan's thigh to observe secretly, and rolled her eyes.

National belief?Ghost clan?

Just when Xiao Yumian, Jealousy, Xia Yan and the others were pulled aside by Qiu Yunying, whispering furtively.

Shi Haocong ran to find Wei Kun.

Panting, he supported his legs, raised his arms vigorously, and passed a piece of paper.

"Old Wei, I, I have found out. Li Zhiren, the core director of YCJ Beauty Group, who competed with us for the opening ceremony, and Hu Hengtai, a big equipment supplier who is going to invite you to the school entrance banquet tonight, are fellow villagers from the same place. It's clearly a Hongmen Banquet, and the visitors are not kind!"

Wei Kun glanced at the contents of the note and kneaded it into a ball.He didn't tell Shi Haocong about the film, but the "[-]-type ghost camera" temporarily kept in Hongmei's hands will be the most important tool for Happy Interactive Entertainment's next stage of business.This is also one of the main purposes of his coming to Shanghai.

He smiled.

"Meeting them is, after all..."

"We are the ones who come."

(End of this chapter)

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