Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 297 The Birthday Party and the Death Day Party

Chapter 297 The Birthday Party and the Death Day Party

"New Line industry?"

Ding Dong seemed to read out the PK party displayed on the mobile phone applet with some doubts.

There are not only individual anchors on the live broadcast platform, but also some official accounts.This new line of happy film industry is obviously an official live broadcast room.

Apart from the difference in registration qualifications and operating methods from individual anchors, there is nothing too special about being a PK opponent.

However, after Ding Dong pronounced the name, he fell into silent silence.She lowered her head slightly, her body was stiff, and she didn't make any movements, as if even the ups and downs of her chest breathing disappeared.Like a frozen corpse, only the whites of the eyeballs are still shaking from side to side.

This strange gesture immediately caught KQ's attention.

He buckled the envelope on the table, as if he had lifted the seal of the observation, allowing him to see the most "real" picture in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, Ding Dong sat quietly in the center of the screen with a smile that was not a smile. His smooth long black hair fell over his shoulders. The hair was originally beautiful, but it looked slightly blood red against the white to morbid skin tone.She was picking up the mirror, but there seemed to be a problem with the network signal in the live broadcast room. The movement of her neck was frame-twitched, faltered, and even bounced back, and at the moment when the screen jumped wildly, KQ seemed to see this woman lying on her stomach. On the table, his head turned drastically, staring quietly at the live camera from an impossible angle.

This scene is extremely shocking, and it doesn't look like a computer special effect deliberately made by some horror anchors.No matter how realistic the computer special effects are, there is still a 3D greasy feeling of modeling, and some small human-specific reactions are missing, such as the slightest changes in facial muscles. The human brain can recognize these picture signals and respond...

KQ took a deep breath, resisting the strong discomfort caused by fear, and looked to the right hand side to capture the vertical split screen of the barrage in each live room.

I saw a high frequency of repeated barrage displayed on the screen, which was originally a normal text on the Internet. At this time, KQ felt a shocking sense of horror.

"Brothers, I'm a little scared, but I can't say why..."

"I always feel like someone is staring at me from behind, is it just me?"

"Anchor, I like you so much..."

"For you, I will do anything willingly..."

"You're so pretty..."


"I beg you to say something!"

"I can't hear your voice for a minute, a second, or a moment, and I feel like I'm going to die..."

"Don't you want to see me?"

"I would like to take out my eyes, my heart and my brain to show you!"

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"Brothers, I'm going to withdraw first, it's really not right, I seem to have seen a hallucination, can you believe I saw that kind of thing? Maybe I'm sick, my heart is beating fast, my head is heavy..."

"There are really dirty things!"

"Run! Run! He didn't lie!!"


The more KQ watched, the more frightened he became. Judging from the barrage, it seemed that many people were affected by the live broadcast room.Some people have even begun to hallucinate and cannot control their own behavior.

The hourly chime of the wall clock suddenly came out of the speaker, twelve beeps, representing twelve o'clock.

Before I knew it, it was twelve midnight!
Late night in the middle of the night is the time period when supernatural events occur most frequently.

KQ suppressed his uneasiness, and used technical means to find a user who posted a barrage in the live broadcast room saying "see dirty things", dug out his letter signal, and sent a friend request to him.He wanted to confirm whether this barrage was his hallucination, or something that really happened?
Failed the first friend request.

Same thing for the second time.

"Could it be..."

KQ's sense of uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger, he frowned, as if he suddenly remembered something, changed the message signal, and sent the friend request for the third time.

This time, the friend request passed in seconds.

It seems that this user named Crab Yellow Sauce is not like KQ imagined that he was staged the most classic part of checking the water meter in the horror movie.He was slightly relieved, looking at this game letter signal that usually used to be a wife, with the head of a long-legged little beauty on his head, he sent a text straight to the point.

"I was also watching the live broadcast just now, and I had hallucinations. You said you saw that kind of it true?"

"It turned out that I wasn't the only one who saw it! I thought it was a hallucination caused by too much glue! From the very beginning, I felt weird in that live broadcast room. This girl usually doesn't wear much. She wore a neckerchief today." Huan even covered his neck so tightly that the ditch could not be seen..."

"From your point of view, do you just see that 'she' wears a lot?"

"Is your hallucination a naked version?"

KQ feels that this person has a brain problem, even if he didn't run into a ghost, he still has a ghostly face.

"I'm asking, you said it feels wrong, what's wrong! I seem to see her smiling weirdly, and the picture is stuck, I always feel uncomfortable."

"She didn't smile, she just looked at me quietly and took off the collar."

Somewhere in the house, a man's frantic murmurs sounded.

"I saw black handprints and a black line. It turned out that her head had been broken long ago, and she was looking at me in the closet..."

"I'm so scared, but I can't control my brain, it's like it's in ecstasy..."

"Just pretend you haven't seen me... run!"

At the end of the audio, there seemed to be the crisp sound of a certain bone breaking, and there was a muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

KQ's face was pale and he was sweating profusely.

The sound was too real to be a spoof special effects sound.In his mind, he could even imagine the scene of the user's neck breaking and his head falling to the ground!He immediately deleted the friend, and was about to press the red confirmation option when he caught a glimpse of the computer screen from the corner of his eye, and a black screen suddenly became larger!

"Why did you delete it?"

Ding Dong's bloodshot eyes were tightly stuck in front of the camera, his face was innocent, his voice suddenly shrill, and he roared: "You, why did you delete it!!! Could it be that you don't like me?!!"



There was a loud crashing sound from the speakers!
It seems that Ding Dong is about to break through the screen from the camera in the live broadcast room and come to KQ's home!This sudden and terrifying scene scared KQ at a loss.He finally understands what Ye Gong is a good dragon, but that existence that goes beyond common sense and goes against cognition is still crazily bumping into the camera!

Blood oozed from her eyeballs, and her face was immediately stained with blood, and her wide-open black mouth let out an inhuman scream!

KQ is out of his wits!

He hastily turned the front of the envelope over, and the sound of glass shattering resounded in the air, and then, everything was calm.He tightly closed his eyes and took a full breath for more than ten seconds. It was extremely quiet without the terrible impact and screams.Only then did he dare to open a gap and look at the computer screen again.

The surface of the expensive AOC tape fish screen is covered with hideous cracks.There is still a slight bright red in the gap.

at this moment.

KQ seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat.He breathed in the suddenly rusty air like he was dying after a catastrophe, held the envelope in his hand tremblingly, and pointed the front face at the screen.Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the mysterious "night devil" using a hidden communication line.

"help me!"

At this time, he was still hesitant to call him "ghost", until he saw the pale ankle hanging outside the window, and finally realized his impulsiveness and ignorance.


"It's twelve o'clock in the middle of the night." Li Xiaoya stretched her waist carelessly.

She finally got the heroine whom she had been longing for.

Although there are not many roles, the requirements for acting skills are mostly reflected in "fancy being scared".But she is still very satisfied and believes that this is the first solid step towards Oscar.

She found that Wei Kun and Shasha were together, looking nervous.Not far away, Xiao Yumian hid directly under the table.Aji's smile was also a little stiff, and her eyes always glanced out of the window unnaturally.As for the other employees, except for the energetic star Quan Jian, they were all freezing like dogs, shivering while holding hand warmers.

"Is it that cold..." Li Xiaoya muttered, and patted Wei Kun's shoulder from behind: "Boss, how long do we have to wait? I can't shoot anything today. Everyone is working hard. If we finish our work, we will let people Go home, if you get sick, you will be fine."

Wei Kun woke up like a dream, ah a few times.

He subconsciously replied: "Let Honghong start the broadcast later, and connect with us on mic, as an explanation to Shark TV and Liu Ning..." He suddenly couldn't continue.

Also open a live broadcast of P!Even a hey duck's wheat!

The female anchors all sneaked out!

As if to slap Wei Kun in the mouth, Yiyi called and said anxiously: "Boss, the minister is gone!"

"I know."

"Can't start broadcasting!"

"I see."

"I'm bragging in the fan group, saying that I can connect with Honghong, it's all over! I can't catch the heat..."

Apparently, this little fool who just wanted to do a live broadcast didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.Yiyi may be the purest live broadcast salesman among the few employees of Ghost Company.While Wei Kun was relieved, he was more troubled and puzzled.

Why did Hong Hong suddenly leave the ghost company?
Generally speaking, if it is not grinding the ghost mirror in the No. [-] live broadcast room, it is playing the Sleeping Beauty in the No. [-] live broadcast room.It has been a while since it has been supported by Wei Kun's blood and Asia Fashion Week has a huge reserve of ghost energy.

Honghong will only leave her warm nest for two reasons.

One, there is something delicious.

[-]. The ghost affairs department found new employees.

The two reasons do not conflict with each other and can be transformed freely.New hires can also be delicious before they are hired.Either way, it means that it has discovered "strangeness" other than the ghost company.

Chu Zhi is also waiting for her ideal "female ghost".

Among the crew, many actors and actresses have heard of "red or not".Even passers-by know that her "real name" is Xiao Hong. She is a supermodel who has become popular in the past two months. She is the successor determined by Mr. Qiu Banshan Qiu.

As for the black history that she started as a live broadcaster, and always pretended to be young and sang for rewards... that's pure slander!
In particular, some people said that apart from the stunning voice bestowed by God, Hong Hong’s singing skills are nothing but a defense. Wei Kun couldn’t hold back in the meeting and called the water army to scold the sand sculpture. In the end, he scolded hundreds of times, and finally even passers-by agreed. Sing the conclusion of a pile of defense.

The live broadcast and so on are just the private hobbies of Goddess Honghong, for the small benefits of giving back to fans.From her mother's womb, she was a perfect goddess born for the fashion circle, the music circle, and the film and television circle!
Chu Zhi didn't comment on this.

Only then did she understand the so-called virtues of celebrities in private, but she had an inexplicable feeling, as if someone was saying that Honghong was not this kind of person, she was unique, she was special.Even thinking of that stunning face made Chu Zhi feel a little feverish and his heart beat faster.

This is the victory of beauty, a true portrayal of the three views following the five senses.

"Boss Wei, it's twelve o'clock." Chu Zhi patted his chest, trying not to think about Hong Hong's intense joy in filming in her hands.He raised his watch and shook it to signal. "Wait a little longer, I guess the ghosts are going to go shopping."

Wei Kun can never say that people have come.

The goddess artist you want is holding on to the railing of the roof and staring at this side... The ghost wedding dress in his arms is frightened and motionless. If this little thing works at 12 o'clock in the evening, it will inevitably I want to rub my ears and temples together and ask for some ghostly snacks.

Ghost Wedding Dress didn't even dare to make a sound, for fear of attracting that person's attention.It will never forget that night, the horrible memory of being eaten by that red figure as a pancake stretching its neck.

Shasha's nose fluttered, her shallow and slender eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her small face was slightly unhappy.

Gently tugging at the corner of Wei Kun's clothes: "Boss, I seem to know the reason, the reason why the minister went out."

Wei Kun is nervous and ready to go back in time at any time.

He can't guarantee that Hong Hong, who he went out with, will kill people. After all, it is the closest existence to a "pure ghost" in the company. It has no emotion, only the desire to devour and self-growth. Maybe there is this factor in the impression, Its strength will be extraordinarily powerful and domineering, and it can even resist the strange attacks of the Great God Rank head-on.

If Hong Hong ignites the third divine fire, and even becomes a great god, Wei Kun doubts whether he can control it?
Looking back at Shasha, she was not very nervous, but more unhappy.

She stretched out her slender fingers, pointed at the live camera and the computer in front of the operation and maintenance brother, and said slowly: "There... there is a very uncomfortable smell for me, an extremely annoying guy!"

The voice has fallen, and the evidence is conclusive!
Wei Kun originally suspected that there was a problem with the production site in Building 27, and also considered whether it might be the webcast room.But his perception is not as strong as that of Shasha, so he didn't jump to conclusions.

This time not only confirmed the target, but also supplemented the reserve of Perfect Ghost Tears by the way.

He was a little happy, and asked in a low voice: "Very strong?"

"I really don't want to work overtime at night! I hate it!"

Shasha shook her head, flashed a flash of anger, and said, "I don't know if it is very strong, but there must be a lot! The breath is mixed, yes! Good! Many! Bad guys!!"

many? !
Wei Kun was stunned for a moment, he reacted very quickly, and immediately thought of what he saw on his mobile phone before, between the two platforms, the PK of anchors who were originally at the same level appeared to be one-sided, Maoya seemed to be on the hook. Quartet.Now it seems that it may not be a hanger, but... a ghost!

"Is it an accident, or did someone go crazy for money?" Wei Kun was surprised and slightly sullen at the same time.

At this time.

A text message arrives.

"help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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