Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 298 Birthday Party and Death Day Party Part [-]

Chapter 298 Birthday Party and Death Day Party Part [-]

The person who sent the message turned out to be...

"Li Meng!?"

Because Wei Kun doesn't like socializing very much, very few people have his private mobile phone number.Except for a few ghost employees, they are important business partners and daily friends.

It was purely a coincidence that Li Meng got Wei Kun's mobile phone number.

The experience of Zotoushan made the two people who had no intersection at first have a common language.Occasionally, Li Meng would inquire about the benefits and benefits of Shark Channel in private, and humbly ask Wei Kun for advice on live broadcast skills and industry insider information. The low profile of a newcomer makes it difficult for Wei Kun to find a reason to refuse her questions.

Of course Wei Kun could see the subtext that Li Mengmeng wanted to switch to Happy Interactive Entertainment.But he finds it troublesome, and he doesn't want to poach an outdoor sister from the Maoya platform at the crux of the battle between the two platforms, and become an unnecessary focus of events.

He is not a fool with a sperm on his brain!You can't take over such a mess just because she is a heroic beauty!

However, Wei Kun also has his human weakness.

He can ignore the invisible suffering, so he has never donated any money on his own initiative, and he will not be idle, calling on everyone to pay attention to the fact that children in a certain small country cannot eat bread.

But he just can't see people suffering with his own eyes. If he sees it, if he has the energy to spare and doesn't hurt himself, his relatives and friends, he must take care of it.

Wei Kun doesn't want to be a bad guy.

He first handed the mobile phone to Shasha, and asked her to use the power of "ghost net" to judge whether the other party was a living person or a ghost in disguise.After all, weirdness is common, and there are not a few people who pretend to be relatives and friends call and send messages. It is a common trick in the rules of killing ghosts, so we have to guard against it.

"It's not a colleague, it's a person."

Shasha sniffed the screen of her mobile phone, and she guessed the boss's intention to intervene, so she immediately sent a text message skillfully.

"Do you want to meet me?"

However, the text messages disappeared without a trace.

"It's considered hard work, boss, don't blame yourself too much—" Shasha is a ghost, she didn't have the option of "saving lives" at all in her mind, she was habitually lazy, and even started to breathe.

"This matter is related to the Maoya platform. It is necessary to investigate clearly. I suspect that it may be a conspiracy by Paradise Media. If we can grasp the handle of the evidence and rely on the strength of the Folklore Bureau and the Thirteenth Bureau, we can completely wipe it out." collapse!"

Wei Kun pondered calmly, and ordered without hesitation: "Send me there. Then suppress Honghong and don't let her do anything."

"Hey hey!"

Shasha panicked, she waved her hands vigorously: "How can I control it! Or I should go and investigate, and the boss will just watch Honghong."

Wei Kun doesn't want to let ghost employees do the work for him.

He was heartbroken. "You can't even understand the brain teaser, so it's a waste of time to let you go."

"makes sense."

Shasha didn't retort, she nodded in a daze, and then she looked nervous and flustered: "But I really can't beat it! It bites me when it gets angry! about you take it with you?"

Why did the company raise this group of irresponsible slackers!

Wei Kun saw that Shasha was so frightened that she crouched on the sofa with her head in her arms, and it seemed that if she was forced again, she would turn into a ball of black yarn.He also has nothing to do with Shasha's sabotage, after all, she has such a personality.

He clenched his right hand and tore the picture in front of him into pieces!

Backtracking for the first time!
Time is running out!

Wei Kun even used the method of going back in time to compress time.After his third power, his body has allowed him to use multiple time regressions in a short period of time, but it does not mean that he can use it at will.

He didn't say anything to Shasha this time.

Before Li Meng's distress message arrived, he found an excuse to take Shasha away from the set, and at a window that no one saw, he teleported himself to the rooftop of Building 28 with the anti-summoning power of Taotie's power.

The short-lived feeling of weightlessness made Shasha scream softly.

Wei Kun quickly ran to the red figure not far away, and at the same time quickly tore out a piece of white paper. With a thought, his fingertips split open, and he wrote a law on the piece of paper from the little secretary with blood.

"Sleep, obey Shasha's order, don't kill!"

If the decree does not specify a specific time, the maximum limitation period is 24 hours.The number of specific orders in the law is at most three, and no more will be effective.

As soon as he rushed behind Hong Hong, the next moment, the female ghost in red suddenly turned her head 180 degrees, trying to meet Wei Kun's gaze.Wei Kun had been prepared for a long time, he knew Honghong's habits so well, he lowered his head in advance, pinched the icy arm stabbed by it with his left hand, leaned over to avoid the volley pounce like the howling wind, and borrowed the contact point between his palm and its arm. Pushing forward, poking into his arms, at the moment when his greedy mouth was about to bite his own throat——


With a crisp sound, the law note was firmly pasted on the black lotus on the red forehead.


The cold hair hangs on the cheek, the face is less than a few centimeters away from him, and Wei Kun's expression does not show the slightest panic.

Wei Kun wiped away the bloodstains on his cheeks that were blown by the wind, his heart was pounding, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Honghong's peaceful sleep with her eyes closed.

One trouble solved, and a bunch of troubles to come!
Shasha witnessed with her own eyes that Wei Kun's unnaturally fast, fluid movements, calm and calm expression, was like a leisurely walk in the garden, under control.Her small face was shocked, and she said: "It turns out that you have a way, boss. Did you voluntarily be gnawed?"

Wei Kun refused to answer the question,

"Take care of it." He couldn't help raising his voice slightly, and at the same time he opened the text message, quickly typed a line of text, and sent it immediately.

Almost the same time!


The phone vibrated for a text message.

"Do you want to meet me? Say yes!"

"help me!"

Wei Kun's text message was sent one step ahead of Li Meng.He was fighting for the last window of time. According to his speculation, Li Meng might have encountered a strange attack within seconds of sending a text message.If she still had human consciousness, she wouldn't be so stupid that she couldn't understand such a simple text message.

He held Shasha's hand, ignoring the tenderness and coldness.Shasha understood, and immediately turned into a ghost, revealing the true nature of Heisha's resentful soul, and countless cobweb-like ghostly aura pierced into Wei Kun's mobile phone.

One second, two seconds...every second of waiting made Wei Kun wonder if there was any point in doing what he did.

There was a sudden earthquake, accompanied by a text message with only one word.


The rule fires.

Shasha, the online dating killer, pushed Wei Kun forward with her small hands.At this time Quan Jian was smoking by the window, he saw with his own eyes countless figures standing on the top of the opposite building, one of the short men pushed the man downstairs, the next second, the fallen man disappeared!
Quan Jian was shocked and turned his head, only to feel that the figure was inexplicably familiar.

When Wei Kun came back to his senses, he had already fallen into a strange living room.

Ghost rhythm, be silent!

Landing silently, the surrounding space is deprived of the sound transmission, landing on one knee, the facial features are full of sternness, just like the core protagonist in the movie who is trying to turn the tide.

Li Meng was terrified, her eyes kept wandering from the computer screen and Wei Kun, she couldn't figure out how such a big living person could be faster than the ghost crawling out of the screen!

In desperation, she blurted out.

"Brother Narcissus!"

The stern demeanor Wei Kun tried to create was shattered.He also couldn't figure out how he came up with this damn name.But that's not important, what's important is that there is really a performance bonus crawling out in this room!
On the pink computer desk, the ghost had already crawled halfway up, its rotten face was covered with maggots, and there was only horrible hatred.

It grinned horribly at Li Meng and exhaled a rotten corpse.

Compared with the mysterious horror of Zotoushan, which is seen from a distance and cannot be seen, this kind of intuitive and thrilling picture brings more impact to Li Meng.She desperately hid in the bed, like a chick looking for shelter from her mother, fear overwhelmed her reason, leaving only the instinct of escape.

Wei Kun doesn't want Li Meng to know too many secrets about himself, let alone kill Li Meng.

Since Li Meng subconsciously believes that Narcissus is more important than himself.It's better to follow her wish.

He pulled Narcissus's tiger skin again.

Just at this ghost, indiscriminately, trying to grab Li Meng's ankle, accompanied by the sassy woman's shout, a gust of wind exploded!
"Looking for death!" Narcissus's voice sounded.

next moment.

Li Meng's eyes widened, and he saw that terrifying ghost, like a shattered watermelon, suddenly burst into flesh and blood.The table, the front of the screen, the walls, the ceiling, the single bed, the quilt and herself were all splashed with black blood, like a scene of a human bomb.

There was an uh in her throat, her pupils were dilated, and she had a tendency to be shaken violently and become completely mentally disturbed.

"never mind."

The "Narcissus", invisible in the air, said to her softly.Only then did Li Meng regain his sanity, his facial muscles twitched, he wanted to cry but couldn't laugh, he threw himself into Wei Kun's arms with all his might, refusing to let go.

"There are ghosts! There are ghosts on the Maoya platform!"

As Wei Kun guessed, the source of the problem lies in the Maoya platform.

Wei Kun will not comfort women.But after Li Meng was woken up by "Narcissus" using classic lines from various film and television dramas, she felt that this taciturn "Brother Narcissus" couldn't be more understanding.

"I was going to be the last live broadcast tonight, so I planned to terminate the contract with the platform. Not long after the broadcast started, an acquaintance named Ding Dong proposed to connect with me and do a birthday party simulcast." Li Meng rubbed her face, There is fear, but also a trace of shame and remorse.

"After connecting to the mic, I have been hearing a very strange noise from her side. At first I couldn't hear it clearly. Then I turned up the volume and heard a hoarse voice repeating madly..."

"The listener dies, the listener dies..."

Li Meng raised her head, looked at Wei Kun, and then looked at the air next to Wei Kun, and finally she chose to say to the air: "When I realized the existence of that voice, this thing appeared on my screen , intending to climb out of the screen. At that time, my mind went blank, so I sent you a text message for help."

"Ding dong?"

Wei Kunsi asked: "Is this person also the female anchor of Maoya?" He thought the name sounded familiar.

Li Meng said hesitantly.

"She once had a conflict with you sharks, oh no, it was a female anchor named Yiyi on the Shark TV. She lost a shameful loss and wanted to save face, but, maybe she thought of some extreme methods. I heard It is said that there is a voodoo technique of raising little ghosts in Thailand, could it be that something similar has gotten out of control?"

Under the terrified stare of Li Meng's wide-eyed eyes, Wei Kun picked up the black blood on the table and put it in his mouth to taste it.

"Worse than that."

The ghost mouth of Wei Kun's right hand fused with the Beiyin seal has experienced countless strange things.Even his ability to judge the strange taste has also passively improved.He could tell that it was a powerful ghost with a power of about two or three years. It was probably two or three years after his death. The evil spirit was not strong enough, which meant that he hadn't had many lives in his hands. He was a rookie ghost who had just left the world.

Generally speaking, this kind of rookie ghost should be a wandering soul who is afraid of light and people, or a little ghost who happened to have awakened the power one.It should not be a power system that obviously has a power system and has the ability to travel through media, which is weird!

At the same time, Wei Kun judged that Li Meng's attack was an innocent disaster that accidentally triggered the death rule.

If she didn't go to Lianmai and heard the background sound of Ding Dong's live broadcast room, she wouldn't be approached by this ghost.But if this is the case, it means that this folk custom incident is the worst indiscriminate attack incident.In the classification of the Bureau of Folk Customs, the danger level should be increased by half to one level on the basis of the original level.

Wei Kun frowned tightly.

'It's weird to appear on the Maoya platform, if it's just to defeat the Shark platform in the cross-platform PK, is it too much to make a fuss?Paradise Media Group obviously has a safer choice, there is no need to use such an extremely sensitive approach, it is a curve-saving way to attack the Shark Group, and finally complete the acquisition...'

He thought it was the Paradise Media Group and the Belief Society, and after devouring the ghost, he immediately overturned his previous guess.

It's so abnormal!

From an absolutely rational point of view, Paradise Media Group has motives for committing crimes, but even more reasons for not committing crimes.This is Wei Kun's most difficult enemy at present. It is unreasonable to make such a low-level mistake that can be called a collapse before the end of the year, creating an indiscriminate folk incident, which attracts the siege of guardian forces such as the Folklore Bureau and the Thirteenth Bureau.

Li Meng couldn't read Wei Kun's subtext.

All she knew was that Mr. Wei and the "Invincible Narcissus" beside him were truly strange people and special personnel within the system.Seeing Wei Kun's solemn expression, he thought something more terrible was about to happen.

Li Meng said weakly: "Do you call the police?"

Wei Kun raised his head, he was just about to refute this naive proposal, but then he suddenly froze.


Why no one called the police?
Wei Kun felt a chill for no reason. He felt that the folklore incident that broke out on the Maoya platform seemed to be developing towards the worst.No one called the police, so there are no other survivors!

at this time!

The electronic watch on his left hand vibrated.This is a smart contact tool provided by the Folk Customs Bureau for each investigator. It is usually a very useful smart watch. Only in an emergency, will the investigators near the scene be contacted by wristwatch communication.

"Investigators within five kilometers of the CQ.30.17.42 coordinate point are requested to start the investigation immediately. The code name is [Day of Death], and the grade is A+! The situation is special, and the first action plan is to "keep secret from the public"!Notice!This task may be upgraded to S-level at any time, investigators are requested to protect themselves and act with caution! "

"According to relevant preliminary investigations, the rules are suspected to be related to sound. If it is not necessary, the Provincial Bureau will not actively contact any investigators. Please temporarily turn off all sound output devices. Follow-up action information will be conveyed in the form of Morse code that vibrates on the watch! "

(End of this chapter)

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