Chapter 299

Tianmen City, Commercial Chuangrong Building.

Passers-by looked up at the building, as clouds hung around the spire structure at the top of the building.

I don't know whether it's a passer-by, a tourist or a local resident, and said enviously: "Anyone who can work on the top floor is really a master. I heard that the security guards there are very proud."

The place they mentioned is the location of the Paradise Media Group and the live broadcast branch.

With a sudden brake, the passers-by turned their heads. It was a high-end Audi commercial vehicle with the license plate Gaolian.The man in the gray suit pushed the car door, stumbling, not worthy of the price of this car.However, the short-lived ridicule turned into consternation in the driver's hasty yelling. The driver only called out his surname and title, followed by a thoughtful "Be careful" without daring to shout loudly.

Out of the corner of his eye, the security guard sat up in shock, not knowing whether he was scalded by the tea or too nervous, he raised his hand and shouted hello leader, which sounded funny and anxious.

The leather shoes swayed with the footsteps, and the reflection on the upper was like a boiling lake, reflecting the panicked faces with different expressions along the way.

They kept kicking, getting faster and faster, but they couldn't suppress the urgent phone calls on both sides that would never stop.The expensive and narrow red carpet looks like the "Thousand Rings" twister set off during the Spring Festival. The owner of the leather shoes is that spark. The noise bombarded the eardrums, and the operators and leaders of various departments tried to save the out-of-control situation——

The sound of kicking leather shoes remained in the noisy hall.Separated by a fully enclosed glass door, the space behind is like the silence after the hustle and bustle in the middle of the night after the New Year's Eve.The more complicated and gorgeous epaulettes and badges indicate their higher level of affairs. The difference from the outsiders is that they don't have to pretend to care about it and show it to the leaders.Because they are the real company management.

The reserved and whispered discussion was as quiet as the mute button was pressed the moment the pair of leather shoes stepped through the glass door.

The secretary always brings Jin Junmei freshly brewed with mountain spring water. After curling up the hookah, the secretary is dignified yet gentle and charming.

"Leader Hu, you came to Paradise Live to inspect, why didn't you ask your subordinates to say hello? If we catch up and we don't have time to prepare, don't neglect you, we don't know, it's our big sin... ..."

"Don't like surprise inspections?" Leader Hu raised his eyelids for a while, until the secretary's face turned pale and his forehead was sweating.

The secretary forced a smile. "You are too serious. It is a blessing to have a leader in charge. It can urge us to make fewer mistakes in doctrine and direction."

"I don't want to mention it, but look at the good things you guys have done! There are nine city-level folklore bureaus that are ready for level-one alert! There are three provincial-level folklore bureaus for level-two alert! Is this going to war? It's not peace now Period? I warned you that gradual progress is a delicate art. On the premise of maintaining the original social order, I can give you the greatest preferential treatment..."

Leader Hu's spit almost flew onto the faces of the secretary and the fat person in charge beside her.

In the end, he couldn't hold back his anger, and he slammed on the table with hatred. The startled sound went away and echoed. The hearts of the people in the office were jumping, and they didn't dare to look directly at Leader Hu's sharp eyes.

"The original manager Peng Luopeng died unexpectedly. The manager Guan Changsheng who took over, I don't think he is a capable person!"

The sound landed.

clanking like a needle.

Leader Hu didn't hear the soothing nodding, but saw terrified faces.The fat person in charge still had a stiff expression, and said in a low voice, "Manager Guan, he really doesn't like being talked about behind his back..."

"Then let him come and see me in person."

"You better not do that..."

"Can't see people? Can't see the light? Still have a guilty conscience!"

He was only halfway through his angry accusations, when he saw the fat person in charge suddenly open his mouth wide, the angle between the upper and lower jaws was unimaginably wide, just when others thought it was the limit, the sound of sour teeth and flesh tearing could be heard , the fat man's mouth was like a lid that was opened, and then a pitch-black hand suddenly protruded out from the darkness deep in his throat!
The black shadow actually crawled out of the mouth of the fat person in charge. Under the illumination of the lights, the picture quality gradually upgraded from black and white to color picture quality, and gradually became vivid, finally forming a gloomy short-haired man with an expressionless face.

Where his eyebrows should be, there are two red dots in the pattern of glasses.

Leader Hu said uh, he watched Guan Changsheng's horrific appearance, and was speechless for a while. After a long time, he stumbled and said with trembling fingers: "You, you actually killed someone in front of you!"

"Expansion is expansion, death is death, two different things."

Guan Changsheng didn't care.Hook your hands at the secretary.The secretary trembled, but at the same time he took out a pack of cigarettes from the fat person in charge's trouser pocket knowingly, and lit it for Guan Changsheng himself.

He took two deep breaths, and then threw half of the cigarette to the fat man on the ground who was screaming helplessly.

Guan Changsheng turned around, turned his head to Leader Hu, shrugged and said, "His taste in cigarettes is as substandard as his inflamed esophagus."

Along with the words, the half of the cigarette turned into a severed finger, crawled near the fat man's mouth, and turned into a jelly-like texture. In the blink of an eye, his terrible injury was restored to its original state.Even though the fat person in charge seemed to be completely back to normal and uninjured, Leader Hu still couldn't forget the previous horrifying scene.

"I won't treat my subordinates badly. Let me borrow his mouth once. In exchange for him, he won't get sick for half a year, and he is so energetic that he can repair the sewers in the entire community. I forgot, in your system, you don't listen to dirty jokes, at least on the surface. It cannot be heard."

Leader Hu shook his eyebrows, but couldn't help but glance at the fat person in charge.The person in charge of the fat was surprised and delighted, and at the same time, the appearance of being grateful to Guan Changsheng was unforgettable for a long time.

Guan Changsheng clapped his hands, and the senior leaders of Paradise Live put together tables and moved equipment, transforming the space into a temporary meeting room in just a few minutes.

Leader Hu cut to the chase and said, "In about 30 minutes, the Tianmen Civil Customs Bureau will come to make a surprise investigation..."

"Your humanities department is really lenient." Guan Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

Leader Hu raised his eyes and was not aroused by this trick. He regained his composure and said seriously: "The Bureau of Folk Customs is doing something wrong. We will never be able to eliminate the weirdness. Instead of covering up the truth, it is better to find a way to gradually integrate the weirdness with the truth." Societies are closely integrated and accept their existence. It is in this metabolism of absorption and excretion that human society constantly renews itself, creating today's brilliant civilization. The sacrifices made by the Humanities Department for these causes are no cheaper than those of the Folklore Bureau .”

"Even cooperating with ghosts?"

Guan Changsheng raised his round red eyebrows, and then said with a smile: "The Bureau of Folklore has been investigating us, especially the Bureau of Folklore of Tianshui Province and the Southern Thirteenth Bureau they belong to. As far as I know, some people who are greedy for credit want to I will make some small moves at the Paradise Culture Film and Television Festival in the next year. The film and television side is not in my control, let them make trouble, but if they act wildly on my territory and take things that shouldn't be taken, he will die in a very good manner."

Leader Hu knew that Guan Changsheng was definitely not just talking big.

This person has this ability.

He forced a smile and said, "It's not that the Bureau of Folklore didn't catch you. They didn't dare to act lightly. The Bureau of Folklore is not qualified to raid a "legal" weird force. This was designated by everyone after the War of Time, in order to avoid a new war. No one is stupid enough to violate the rules.Unless there is really key evidence in their hands..."

The strange forces restrain each other and tacitly maintain the fragile balance.Except for a few factions that have been swallowed up by the gates of the underworld and natural ghosts, as well as those lunatics who have turned into ghosts, no faction has been encircled and suppressed on a large scale so far.The Paradise Media Group and the Faith Society are closely related but belong to two separate groups.

Paradise Media Group is undoubtedly a veteran traditional entertainment giant, so it should not act rashly.The Belief Association has no taboos in doing things, but it is difficult to grasp their handles. What's more important is that their president and several vice presidents are too powerful, just like the former vice president of the Belief Association and the current Paradise Live Broadcasting Company. Guan Changsheng, the general manager of the company, is an unfathomable and powerful ghost feeder. There are even rumors that he is not a ghost feeder, but a humanized demon.


Leader Hu took a deep breath, looked directly at Guan Changsheng's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said solemnly: "There are all investigators outside, stop it! Manager Guan! There is still room for redemption!"

As he listened, Guan Changsheng's expression became more and more confused, strange and puzzled.

He looked at the secretary.

The secretary hastily bent down and replied: "General Manager, the PR department has already started to act. We have contacted three water army companies and dozens of bib big V, dili big up masters, and Bhu's core authentication users, and we have also bought a few The owner of the key information post bar, there will never be any negative news about our company!"

"Wait a moment!"

Guan Changsheng raised his right hand to stop it, and then he said in shock: "You explain it clearly to me first, what are you redeeming? What is the negative news? Why am I a little confused!"

The secretary tilted his head and asked in doubt: "Isn't it because our company came up with a clever plan to use the Maoya platform's cross-platform PK applet in order to acquire the Shark Group, so as to hit their stock price and reduce the total acquisition amount while shaking the morale of their anchors and management?" So as to perfectly realize the clever conspiracy and strategic master plan of swallowing the shark group at a low price?"

Guan Changsheng almost coughed up his lungs.

He could no longer pretend to be a master without talking, and slapped the table angrily: "When did I formulate such an imbecile conspiracy of using rubber bands to smash glass? Is our corporate culture such a thing? Ah↑"

"Isn't it really a top-secret strategy that you despise us for being too idiots?" The secretary said weakly, "It really looks like our style..."

"Of course not!" Guan Changsheng said angrily.

"But everyone thinks that, no matter outside, even we think so, so the company has already burned 7000 million public relations expenses in order to clean up for you, um, finish, but the effect is still very poor. You know why ?"

Guan Changsheng felt a little wronged, he gritted his teeth and said, "Why?!"

"Because the stock price of Shark Platform has really dropped to the limit, our company really has this money in its books, and...the Maoya platform is really haunted! Just now Leader Hu said that the Folklore Bureau has upgraded the incident to A+ level, code-named [Date of Death]...How about we explain it again?"

Everyone looked at each other.

This thing, no one will believe it after explaining it!How can there be such a coincidence in the world?Coincidentally, when I went on a trip, I met my ex who was in a good mood?Tauren may not believe in this evil.

Guan Changsheng thumped the table heavily, and said: "Find a way to clear our suspicion, after all, this matter really has nothing to do with our Paradise Live broadcast. But this is also a good opportunity to speed up the acquisition plan for the Shark Group! The method can be softer first, Don't rush to deal with the eyes-obscuring guy, try not to attract attention!"

"General manager, is it really irrelevant? No matter how the situation looks, it is in our favor!!! Please don't be humble anymore!!!"


"If I've done this kind of thing, I'll run into Jiang Zhiyao when I go out. I won't be able to wash it off even if I jump into hell! Secretary, open the webpage, I want to see who is also eyeing the sweet fat of the Shark Group !"

Guan Changsheng snapped his fingers.Suddenly, a huge pale human face appeared in the air, with its black mouth open, and a Lenovo business notebook was spat out.

Leader Hu chose to trust Guan Changsheng. He watched the secretary skillfully press the power button to start the system. Just after entering a line of network address, the screen suddenly stopped moving strangely!The color is gray and white, eclipsed, as if something is about to move, ready to come out!
He slammed into the backrest in fright, and shouted nervously: "There is a ghost! Manager Guan, take action!"

"The computer is stuck."

"Oh." Leader Hu took a sip of Jin Junmei, the tea tasted too much.


"What are you laughing at? I just seldom use a computer for office work, so I'm not familiar with it. If you don't believe me, let me try it. I'm definitely not lying!"

"I didn't laugh."

Guan Changsheng pointed to the dark red computer screen and said, "Here is laughing."

Leader Hu froze in the middle of his movements. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at the laptop screen.

This is the room of a cat-toothed female anchor named "Qiuqiu".

There was a beautiful woman with good looks and affluent figure, her face was pale, her face was bloodless, and her eyes were almost completely black. With a weird smile like a rag doll, she said the same marginal lines as usual: " Want to see what's under my clothes?"

A smear of blood oozes from the edge of the laptop screen and slides down.

The male subordinate next to Guan Changsheng's eyes suddenly sharpened, full of surprise. "This a ghost creature! No, it is the natal ghost creature that ignites the first fire of life, and only has power four or higher!"


"You know, targets above level [-] can be classified as S-level folklore incidents. Once the level reaches S-level, it means more complicated and terrifying rules, and a higher casualty rate! But it also represents our shoulders. The responsibility on the job is heavier, and we must go all out!"

"I don't care how long you have been rookies in the Folklore Bureau. Before you become a hero, you'd better save your own life, let alone cause trouble for your partner, understand!"

"Yes! Witness, investigate and protect!"

The spacious underground parking lot is actually one of the secret safe houses of the Civil Customs Bureau.

Commander-in-Chief of Operations issued an order.

"According to the temporary formation, according to the content of the training you have received, form a complete four-person action team for reconnaissance, combat, analysis, and recording. In the next 12 hours, we will thoroughly investigate all the activities related to the Maoya live broadcast platform in the province. The location of the anchor, and according to the important information in the early stage, the rules are suspected to be related to the sound, and have the contagiousness of Internet memes, so this time there will be no order from the information command system, and you will fight on your own after you get the task!"

Received necessary equipment such as a special anti-spirit pistol, a spiritual element detector, an emergency medical kit, and the most important personal terminal recording device.

The tall man chewing gum pushed his old teammate and pouted at the back of the stranger in front of him.

"A newcomer in Yunhai, the recorder of our action team."

"Can it work? It looks too tender."

"If there is any danger, let's take it for him. If this kid dies in the incident, my girlfriend will probably cry into tears... What about you! Wei, Wei Kun?"

(End of this chapter)

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