Chapter 300 Very Bad, Very Bad... Upside Down

At 12:10 midnight, it was winter, and it was very cold.

For many modern people, they have not touched the tail of nightlife, let alone sleepy.This is the critical time to use your mobile phone to have fun and lull yourself to sleep. Read novels, listen to music, watch live broadcasts and dramas... The Internet is like the second world that people live in, and this world will never Sleepless.

"Actually, the legend of twelve o'clock in the middle of the night is a bit outdated." Rong Liwen, the temporary captain of the No. [-] team, was a serious middle-aged man, and he was in charge of driving.First, I glanced at my watch, and from the corner of my eye, I paid attention to the navigation route on the central control screen. While silently calculating the commuting time, I did not forget to give the team members psychological training.

Ji Yun was reciting the action outline of the Folklore Bureau. This compulsory course took up the longest class hours in her training career, and included many precautions summed up with blood and tears by her predecessors, as well as an efficient action outline.She was a little nervous, and when she heard Rong Liwen start talking, she raised her head and said.

"But now many horror movies are made, and they are still willing to put the most exciting plot at twelve o'clock. How can it be outdated?" Ji Yun was puzzled, and the cool guy who was chewing gum next to him was unwilling to talk, showing a bored face look, turned his head.

Rong Liwen smiled, holding the steering wheel and said: "It's very simple. In the past, people didn't have mobile phones or the Internet. When it got dark, they only watched TV and did some things between husband and wife. But TV is not always good. , waist is a consumable, so everyone went to bed early at that time. If anyone said that he didn’t go to bed at 12 o’clock, he either stayed up late or worked in some special type of work. For most people, 12 o’clock is the most exhausted. , the most sleepy, and the least energetic, and the horror stories that happen at this time of physical weakness are most likely to cause the brain's instinctive sense of rejection and fear..."

He didn't forget the unfamiliar faces in the four-person group, pouted: "Wei, Wei Kun, this name is really awkward, what do you think?"

Wei Kun had a cute look on his face.

"From the perspective of the body mechanism, it is a new angle to explain the sense of fear. Therefore, in modern horror films, the climax of horror should be pushed back by an hour or two? It will be like one or two o'clock in the middle of the night to increase the substitution. Do you feel it?"

Rong Liwen liked this young man who could turn his back on everything, so he patted the steering wheel hard. "That's it. Entertainment works should keep pace with the times, and the complexity of spooky events should also be upgraded accordingly. Thirty years ago, who would have imagined that folklore events would happen in a place called the "Internet". In the event of an outbreak, it is no longer as simple as physically sealing off a certain area, but every small incident must be handled meticulously to minimize the impact of folk customs. "

Taking advantage of the signal light of the railway, he turned to look at Wei Kun, and said, "So what you have to think clearly is that although we are only dealing with this "death day" incident as a small branch, it is equally significant.Don't aim too high, always want to be a hero, to participate in the center of the vortex, and become the focus of attention... That kind of personal heroism is bad, it will kill people.Since we have been arranged together, we are teammates!No one will give their back to a fool who wants to be a hero.You are obviously not that stupid, and you are responsible for the seemingly easy, but most important job, which is to record! "

Rong Liwen said quietly.

"A lesson from the past, a teacher from the past."

"Even if it's dead, it's worth hanging up. Let colleagues touch the corpse to find something useful, or it's all in vain. Am I right, brother Rong?" This very dressed teacher Tony from the hair salon The temperamental cool brother blew out the bubbles of chewing gum and said with a snort.

Rong Liwen couldn't maintain his big brother image, and couldn't help cursing: "Deng Wei! Don't put P on that stinky mouth, you just say unlucky things! One day, sooner or later, I'll have to find a ghost to sew it on for you! "

"Okay, okay, we can't die, the couple can live, maybe we can get married, right?"

"Brother Deng, don't make fun of me... I have a boyfriend!"

Wei Kun saw several people arguing, but did not speak to each other.He silently looked out the window, and at some point, he had arrived at the Ring Expressway in Fengcheng City.

He planned to save Li Meng's life, and investigate the abnormal situation of the Maoya platform by the way.Unexpectedly, he received a transfer order temporarily, and participated in this large-scale investigation operation code-named "Death Day" as a fourth-level investigator of Yunhai City.Considering Wei Kun's non-staff background, the Tianshui Provincial Bureau did not assign him too dangerous tasks.So he was temporarily dispatched to form the sixth investigation team with Rong Liwen and Deng Wei, two veterans, and Ji Yun, a rookie who had just graduated.

"Check the table."


"OK, 3 minutes, 40 minutes to start the action. The target is 1-4-2 of this residential building. According to the tip, the target is a heavy user of the Maoya platform and a core fan of the emperor brand. Reported at 11:49 , mentioned that he saw a dead man who jumped to his death from a building, and said that this dead man was chasing him... Our task is to confirm the level of the incident. The mental hospital takes care of the body. If it is B-level or above, notify the Thirteenth Bureau and let their people deal with it. This is the action plan, and don’t do anything outside the plan.”

It was very cold at night, and Ji Yun breathed white air into her palms.She looked at Captain Rong and said in a low voice: "If what the target said is true, maybe the dead are that kind of thing?"

"It could also be vampires and ghouls." Deng Wei said a cold joke, except for Ji Yun, who turned paler, no one answered his words.

Rong Liwen handed over a heavy backpack-style recording device to Wei Kun.

This thing looks a lot like body armor.

But it is not bulletproof, only the basic anti-stab function.Under the high-strength fiber is a layer of densely woven gold foil, which can protect "data" from being affected by weirdness.Because since the existence of video equipment in the last century, Weird has evolved the ability to tamper with video images.

The Bureau of Folk Customs suffered a big loss in the early operations. The investigators in charge of commanding the operations credulously believed the video data on the scene, but were misled by weirdness and reversed the rules of death, which finally led to extremely dire consequences.

Wei Kun was impressed by the progress of the times and the self-regulation ability of the Folklore Bureau.

He put on the recording device and jumped on the spot. The thing was very heavy, but with Wei Kun's physique, it would not be affected at all.However, he did not deliberately express himself.

This is an excellent opportunity to observe the Folklore Bureau up close.

If the "Day of Death" hadn't erupted too suddenly and had a huge impact, Wei Kun, as a non-staff member, would never have had the opportunity to participate in the actual actions of the Bureau of Folklore.The existence of the Folklore Bureau is like a sister-in-law separated by a layer of tulle, with bumps and bumps, but it is not easy to get started, just look at it.

Wei Kun also wanted to rely on the strength of the Bureau of Folk Customs to figure out the relationship between the Maoya platform, "Day of Death" and Paradise Media Group.Regarding the acquisition of the Shark Group, he couldn't be careless.

The sixth investigation team ran quickly to the first unit of the residential building under the darkness.What makes Wei Kun's face a little dry is that even Ji Yun is scrambling to walk in front of him. He wanted to protect the only lesbian in the team, but she rejected him mercilessly, even angrily.

Ji Yun glared at Wei Kun angrily, without the nervousness and hesitation of a rookie at all: "I have enjoyed enough of the convenience of sex. How can you use this prejudiced excuse to evade the obligations you should have undertaken when it comes to life and death matters! Wei Kun, you are the recorder, and I am the intelligence analyst. According to the priority of survival, you should have stood at the back! Stand still! Keep up!"

Wei Kun was stunned, but he couldn't beat Ji Yun, who had a sense of responsibility.


"TEST, OVER." (Test, over.)
"After entering the unit building, communicate in the foreign language stipulated in the internal deflation table. Whoever speaks Chinese will be shot." Rong Liwen said seriously.

Ji Yun didn't turn around for a while. "Captain, I don't understand..."

"The cultural level of ghosts is generally not high. 99% of them can't learn foreign languages, understand?" Deng Wei spoke authentic Tianmen City English, a bit like an allegro.After finishing speaking, the three pairs of eyes looked at Wei Kun in unison, slightly suspicious.

Wei Kun felt that his IQ was being discriminated against invisibly. He was even proficient in Japanese and South Korean, so he wanted to show them off on the spot.

He nodded slowly.


Stepping into the stairwell, the first thing you see is an old-fashioned passage.This kind of wasteful sharing design is rare in real estate in recent years.Only the old communities that sprung up to cope with the wave of urbanization in the last century have this kind of pattern.

Everyone in the team wears the standard 17-2 night vision goggles. Compared with the original version, not only the night vision picture is closer to the real color, but also the latest spirit element imaging function has been added.

Looking at the exposed pipes and messy wires, Wei Kun felt inexplicably familiar.

He seems to have seen this scene somewhere before...

Accompanied by the rustling sound of tactical boots crushing small stones, his nose moved, and he smelled a faint smell of rust, which stimulated the receptors in the nasal cavity, and he couldn't help itching.Wei Kun couldn't be more familiar with this smell, it's the smell of freshly congealed blood.

Rong Liwen also sensed something was wrong.

The corridors on the first floor are dimly lit, and the couplets in front of the residents' doors are reflected in a strange blood-red color under the dim yellow light. It's extremely quiet, as if everyone has already fallen into a deep sleep.He stopped abruptly, gestured and said, "Stop on the third floor, and then use the mechanical dog."

Deng Wei was no longer frivolous in the car, he nodded tacitly, and also used tactical gestures, first pointing to his eyes with two fingers, signaling him to investigate, and at the same time swaying from side to side compared to the front, the meaning of the action is: " Find the target first, or find them first?"


Rong Liwen slowly drew out a black short knife, which was tied with blood-stained cloth strips, exuding an ominous atmosphere.Obviously, this is a trick!
As the captain of the sixth investigation team and the main combatant, even if he is not a ghost feeder, he still possesses an extremely rare monster.In the face of weirdness, having the power to fight against it will not be helpless.

There is no doubt about the preciousness of the strange things.It can even be said that a monster is a kind of "sleeping" weirdness, which allows users to borrow and exert weird powers, but this power is not free.

The moment the dagger was struck, Rong Liwen's cheeks were immediately stained with two balls of weird bright red makeup.It is like the most common decoration on the face of paper figurines used for burning paper.

His eyes couldn't help becoming dull and sluggish, and there was a sense of horror painted on his face!
Ji Yun was so shocked by this scene that she was speechless. She finally realized the determination of her predecessors in investigating folklore incidents.Rong Liwen's caution is not groundless, let alone superfluous!
The next moment!

Outside the unit door behind him, there was a sudden sound of a huge heavy object falling to the ground!At the same time, it was accompanied by the complex sound of bones cracking and flesh and blood bursting out!However, the order was wrong, or in other words, this crackling sound like the reorganization of rotten meat should not have appeared after falling from the building.

"It's it!"

"The target mentioned...the dead who jumped off the building!"

"Records! During the operation, a mysterious third party was discovered. It is suspected that there is no direct connection between the "Jie Day" body and the webcast, and there are no traces of folklore at the scene. In summary, "Jie Day" is suspected to be Possesses the ability to teleport eerie over long distances, or awaken and create eerie! "

Wei Kun was hit hard by Ji Yun, and before he had time to adjust the direction of the camera, Ji Yun exhausted all his strength and dragged him all the way to a higher floor!
Neither Rong Liwen nor Deng Wei wanted to have an encounter with this "jumping ghost" in the first place.

This is not weakness.

It is the optimal solution to the mysterious and weirdness in folklore incidents. Investigators who act rashly without sufficient intelligence and observations have already died in more and more frequent folklore incidents.At the same time, another important task of the sixth team is to find and protect the target. This senior user of the Maoya platform is not only a witness to the folk incident, but may also hold important clues related to the "Day of Death"!

"Run! Go to the third floor!"

Rong Liwen made a decisive decision and rushed to the front first. Deng Wei and his pace were almost in sync, showing his full trust in Captain Rong.As for Ji Yun, it was the first time for her to face the real weirdness, and her pretty face was full of distorted horror, but she had never forgotten her duty to protect the "recorder" after extensive training.

She unexpectedly exploded with astonishing strength, grabbed Wei Kun's left hand, and dragged him all the way to the upper floors.




Down the spiral staircase.

The heavy and fast footsteps followed closely behind everyone like a shadow.When chasing to the third floor, there was no tendency to give up. Seeing that the situation was not good, Rong Liwen finally decided to give up the original plan of exploring the fourth floor with a mechanical dog and lead the team directly to the fourth floor , See if you can contact the target, it is best to be able to enter the residence to hide.

Everyone rushed up to the fourth floor non-stop, and the whole process took less than 10 seconds.

Rong Liwen was ready to break through the door, but to his surprise, the second door from the left was actually open.

"Could it be that the target saw us coming?"

Without hesitation, he rushed in first, followed by everyone, and Deng Wei, who was covering at the end, closed the door tightly.

The lights in the room were bright, and everyone just stopped to take a breath, when a loud noise suddenly hit the anti-theft door!Let everyone's hearts tremble!When I thought that thing would rush in, a man in the living room suddenly said hoarsely.

"It's was like this last time..."

"This monster, I know her, the female anchor of the Maoya platform...Ding Dong."

(End of this chapter)

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