Chapter 301 Very Bad, Very Bad... Upside Down

"My online name is Zhiai Xiaoyin."

A man wearing a hellokitty quilt introduced himself.

The parts below his neck were hidden in the thick quilt, like a fried chrysalis.Fear, exhaustion, and the joy of seeing the same kind, Wei Kun and the others are also the first time they have seen someone who can express so many emotions with one face at the same time.

Rong Liwen didn't need him to introduce him, he already had all the information about this man in his hands.

He carefully covered the cat's eyes with a thin piece of paper, and said in a low voice: "Yin Zhengming, first of all, thank you for your cooperation. Then we will ask you some key questions, don't lie, don't make up, if there are any omissions or mistakes, It may involve your life safety, so please nod if it is clear."

Yin Zhengming gradually regained his courage and nodded slowly.

He handed the only three bottles of Centennial Mountain left in the room to the sixth investigation team, but he forgot about Ji Yun, causing Ji Yun to squint her eyes and turn her head.Until he magically took out an unopened bottle of freshly squeezed juice, Ji Yun finally understood that she was the one who was treated preferentially.

Seeing Yin Zhengming's habitually ingratiating appearance, and looking at the luxurious hand-made wall and the top computer mainframe in the room, his humble attention to women is not worthy of his wealth.

Ji Yun suddenly felt a little sad.

Seeing Ji Yun accepting it, Yin Zhengming couldn't stop the smile on his lips. The expression of approval from the heart didn't seem to be fake.The team members couldn't help but think of the information. He is indeed one of the emperor-level sponsors of the Maoya platform. I don't know if the Internet has affected the reality, or he himself is like this.

"Just ask, I was hit by a car when I told a lie!"

Yin Zhengming pompously raised his fingers under the quilt to swear, and his expression seemed very sincere.If any target dared to be so out of tune before the critical moment of life and death, Rong Liwen had already recovered his sanity and punched him, and let them choose whether they were beaten to death alive or killed by ghosts according to the rules.

But Yin Zhengming is... very peculiar, he has a natural sense of acting, and every move is an instinctive reaction.

Ji Yun is the team's intelligence analyst, and she has received quite professional training in folklore recording.

"1. You express the current time and your ID number by dictation and notes respectively."

"It's one o'clock in the middle of the night in three minutes, and the ID number is..."

Ji Yun nodded and continued to ask.

"2. In the past week, have you come into contact with funeral-related places, people, or objects? Have you ever taken hallucinogenic drugs? Is there a history of visiting remote areas? Are there any signs of unusual sounds or images at home?"

Yin Zhengming shook his head again and again.

Ji Yun said seriously: "I want you to answer yes or no!"

"I, I'm afraid of attracting that guy... Well, the answer is no. I've been at home recently, and I haven't been out for almost two months." Yin Zhengming was very uncomfortable being stared at by Ji Yun's sharp eyes. Began to dissociate, but did not trigger the trigger reaction of the polygraph.


Yin Zhengming hesitated and said, "May I ask you a question first?"

Rong Liwen and Deng Wei were watching the outside through the gap in the curtains. Hearing this, they turned around at the same time and looked at Yin Zhengming.

Ji Yun is very patient.

She understood that the targets of folklore events were mostly in a state of emotional instability due to excessive fright and certain influences.According to the training manual, while obtaining information as quickly as possible, we must also pay attention to appease the target's psychology, so as to avoid "negative implicated incidents" that should not happen-that is, the target yells and runs around, causing strange things. worst case scenario.

"Is there anything you want to know?"

Yin Zhengming looked at Ji Yun, and then his eyes fell on Wei Kun. He summoned up his courage and asked aloud, "Are you the Interpol?"


"Is it the reincarnation team?"


"Then why are you here?"


As soon as the words fell, all eyes were on Yin Zhengming who was speaking.

Ji Yun frowned and said, "In the information pushed by the mobile phone, there are rescue-related content, and it also explains our identities. Haven't you read it?"

Yin Zhengming looked blankly.

He murmured: "It's not the Interpol, and it's not the Samsara team, why..." While speaking, he gradually lowered his head.

"Why did you come here to die?"

The next moment, there was a sudden tremor in the room, and everyone couldn't stand stably. Deng Wei, who was pulling the curtains, lost his balance and pulled down the curtains, revealing the dark night outside.At this very moment, he was shocked to find that outside the window was the gentle road on the first floor!

The sudden discovery made Deng Wei feel a sudden flash of pain in his brain!He shouted loudly: "This is not the fourth floor!"

In less than half a breath, when everyone came back to their senses and looked at Yin Zhengming again, they found that his quilt had slipped off at some point, revealing a distorted body, hands and feet completely deformed, naked bones visible to the naked eye!
Ji Yun's expression changed suddenly.

"Yin Zhengming is the ghost who fell to his death!"

"What's that outside?!"

Rong Liwen made a decisive decision, took out the blood-stained short knife and stabbed Yin Zhengming directly!A burst of gloomy and cold breath rushed away, and it seemed that an invisible pale hand also held a short knife with Rong Liwen, stabbing Yin Zhengming's chest forcefully.

He didn't respond, and stared blankly at Ji Yun not far away, until Rong Liwen twisted the handle of the knife and smashed his internal organs, and then he let out the horrible wail of the evil spirit.

"You shouldn't be here!"

"This is her birthday belongs to me alone, her birthday party!"


Yin Zhengming turned his head and feet upside down, and started to crawl upside down with his bloodstained hands. Two eyeballs were hung out of the eye sockets by a nerve, dragging two bloodstains on the ground.Its speed was extremely fast, like a flickering black shadow, it immediately appeared in front of Ji Yun, and at some point, the feet deformed into bone blades stabbed at Ji Yun's throat!
Ji Yun was stunned by the sudden change of scene.

She is just a rookie, experiencing folklore events for the first time.For a short period of time, her thinking was still stuck in the "warm and normal" transcript and hearing the news. Before she had time to adapt to the sudden change, the bone blade rapidly enlarged in the reflection of her pupils, only a few hairs away. Someone pulled her arm Dodged the attack with a hard pull!

Ji Yun fell and found that it was Wei Kun, the fresh face of the team.

Wei Kun saved her life in exactly the same way as when she was running the stairs before.There was no time to be grateful, the upside-down building jumping ghost let out an inhuman howl, crawled to the ceiling like a spider, found Deng Wei with dangling eyes, and cut his arm with a bone blade!

Deng Wei was not so lucky.

Although he was pushed away by Wei Kun forcefully, his shoulder was cut and blood was dripping.

"The room is too small, get out of here!" Rong Liwen yelled, and rushed towards Yin Zhengming, fighting with him.

Ji Yun also wanted to help Captain Rong.

Deng Wei roared: "If you want to die, you can't all die together! Hurry up!" He was the first one to rush out of the room, and he didn't care about Ji Yun and Rong Liwen's life or death.

Ji Yun was extremely flustered. Her sense of morality wanted to deal with the ghosts together with Captain Rong, but what Deng Wei said made sense. They would not be effective here, but would make Rong Liwen unable to use it and get into trouble.She was so anxious that the circles of her eyes were red, how she wished someone would tell her what to do was the right thing to do.

At this time, she didn't notice that the "outsider" of the sixth investigation team, the young man named Wei Kun, was standing not far away, looking at the jumping ghost with a slightly puzzled calm look.

'There is no evil spirit, no ghost spirit, not even a wandering spirit! '

'No, he's not a ghost at all!The real ghost is not in this room!So what exactly is it? '

Wei Kun suddenly realized the problem.

There is no ghost in Yin Zhengming!
Even experienced ghost feeders may not be aware of this.It was the keen perception brought to Wei Kun by Guikou and the Beiyin seal that made him discover something strange.There are absolutely no ghosts without ghostly aura in this world!

He couldn't even perceive the Beiyin seal, or the ghost's power was unimaginably overbearing, comparable to a great god.Either the "naked eye" observation is blinded from reality.

Wei Kun's right eye turned scarlet, and in the eyes of the gluttonous ghost, the world was bloody red. Red flesh, black ghost aura, and white popularity were woven into a complex linear world. He tried to see Yin Zhengming's true face clearly. What was even more surprising was that his true form was a man with his eyes closed and crazily wielding a fruit knife!

'How could a ghost be a human? '

'unless!The relationship between the two is reversed! '

'Just like this floor, which was supposed to be the fourth floor on the top floor, turned out to be the first floor at the bottom...Since we entered this residential building, there has been an external force interfering with this place! '

While thinking about it a thousand times, Rong Liwen could no longer withstand the attack of the jumping ghost, his body was covered with scars, and his movements became more and more sluggish.What was even more frightening was that the pale arm protruding from his sleeve and holding the blood-stained knife handle seemed to be letting go, trying to grab his arm instead.

Just when Rong Liwen looked tired and looked at Wei Kun from the corner of his eye, as if he wanted to ask why he didn't run away——

The jumping ghost smirked and stabbed the bone blade at Rong Liwen's eyes!

At this time, there was a woman's cold shout, and then the air cannon violently inflated, suddenly bombarding the chest of the jumping ghost, violently knocking him into the air and falling heavily on the wall!The ghost who jumped from the building tried to struggle to stand up, but was slammed to the ground by an invisible force, and howled like begging for mercy!
The more it screamed, the more ferocious the invisible figure attacked, until the jumping ghost was dying. It was originally a fall from the fourth floor, but it turned into a miserable appearance leaping down from the World Trade Center.

"Boring evil spirit."

Rong Liwen maintained the defensive posture with the knife raised, dumbfounded, and his mind was bombarded by the invisible force like the scene at this time, buzzing.

"Captain Rong, don't panic."

The female voice in the air was a little cold and arrogant, but she was very polite to Rong Liwen, she said: "I am the special investigator Invincible Narcissus, you are safe!"

Rong Liwen was stunned.

"Invincible water, Narcissus?! That Iron Fist Invincible Wu Xian'er from Yunhai City? Where are you? Why can't I see you? Are you invisible?"

"That's right!"

"Have you been following us secretly like this?"


"Including when we go to the bathroom?!"


Wei Kun felt a little sorry for Narcissus, and he didn't want to do this.But the tiger skin of Narcissus is so easy to use!Have special powers?Have an accident?Have mysterious power?It's all about narcissus, what does it have to do with me Wei Kun, what I especially love is a wage earner who raises ghosts for the government.

Rong Liwen stared at the air with very strange eyes.He and Deng Wei are old acquaintances, and Ji Yun counts as his half-disciple, if this narcissus is asked to accompany him on a mission, it is impossible not to tell him.Then there is only one doubtful person left...

He looked at Wei Kun.

"What is the relationship between this Narcissus and you?"

"I'm the leader, what's the matter?"

"I understand, I understand, the confidentiality regulations, but there is still a question, I don't know if it should be asked or not."

"Then don't ask." Wei Kun squatted down, deliberately leaving a gap for the invisible Narcissus, and then using the ghost voice, began to examine the body of the jumping ghost.It looked like an invisible existence, playing with the jumping ghost with its hands.

Rong Liwen first called Deng Wei and Ji Yun back through the team call, and finally couldn't help asking: "When you usually take a shower, does that leader also..."

Wei Kun felt that Captain Rong's thinking seemed to be somewhat perverted.

He turned his head and said solemnly: "Please don't consult these unnecessary details, including but not limited to handicraft and ninjutsu scenes."

The brief episode did not affect Wei Kun's investigation of the ghost who jumped from the building.

He found that this ghost seemed to have a hidden ghostly energy that was rotating counterclockwise in his body.In the past, it was said to be ghost energy, but it is actually more like a materialized ghost rule.According to his understanding of Weird, the rules of ghosts and mythical beings can be materialized and affect real matter. Only Weird who has more than four powers and has ignited the second fire of life can do it.

If the characteristic of the first fire of life is immortality, as long as the body is not crushed to the degree of fatal injury, it can heal and recover quickly.

Then the characteristic of the second fire of life is the manifestation of the rules of ghosts and monsters!

"The rule of "reversing"..."

According to this ruled scar in the jumping ghost's body, he searched for similar breaths, and found more almost identical scars around the room, which were affecting the real rules of the residential building.These ghost marks are too hidden, if it is not for the gluttonous ghost eyes, it is difficult to find their existence.

These things are like the air conditioners in the room, releasing special ghost energy, which directly rewrites the real environment or a certain rule.

This "reversed" strange rule makes the top layer become the bottom layer, and makes the weirdness hide as a human being...

Wei Kun aimed at it with a ghost voice, and smashed the biggest scar in the room.

There was a woman's wailing before death in the air, and Deng Wei and Ji Yun, who had just opened the door, raised their pistols at the same time in fright. When they saw the safe and sound Captain Rong and Wei Kun, they felt relieved.

"What chicken breaking sound?"

Before the stinky Deng Wei asked a question, the room trembled and shook again, and when it returned to normal, the scene outside the window became as high as a four-story building should be.Except for a half-dead jumping ghost on the ground, there is no other abnormality.

And of course there's one more room...the bedroom that the jumper was trying to hide!

(End of this chapter)

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