Chapter 33
The host who contacted Li Xiaoya was He Wu'an, a game streamer on the dili platform.

Room number 22460060, 50 people, in the lower right corner of the screen in the live broadcast room.

Long bangs, dead fish eyes, fair facial features, half handsome guy, but deep and weird temperament.

He was originally an unknown little anchor, but he accidentally accepted a business order to promote the companion play platform.During the game break, he told the ghost stories he experienced when he was a child. His voice and emotion were so eloquent that it frightened his female companion to turn pale.

The female companion was terrified. She wanted to turn off the mic but couldn't because of her work. In the end, she completely collapsed and gave up communicating. The return from shooting, when that day comes, and the battle song of the strong army...

The left channel is the weird knock on the door in the second half of the night in the countryside, and the great-grandpa dreamed in the first seven.

The right channel is the sunset and the red glow returning to the west mountain, and the strong army target is calling ahead.

It can be said that wherever a person goes, he must establish a branch. It is equivalent to the great-grandfather who has returned to his soul.

As a result, He Wu'an became famous in the first battle, and with his natural and excellent ability to move around, he quickly climbed to the middle and upper reaches of the live broadcast area.

"The company on this list is called Happiness Interactive Entertainment... I've never heard of it."

He Wu'an took a look at the dili account Xiaomiaoaiyuyu, LV1, which he played with. The registration time was the day before yesterday. He only released a few recordings of a live broadcast room on the Shark platform. It looked like a corporate account.

Happy Interactive Entertainment asked him to promote the account as much as possible to attract traffic, and there was no restriction on how he could operate it.

He Wu'an is relieved, and can let him play freely.

While waiting, he watched the recorded video, and saw that the host in the video was called Hong Hong. He was amazed and suddenly had inspiration...

Voice connected.

"Can you play chicken?" He asked first, his voice was nice, it was a standard anchor baritone, slightly deep.

I didn't reply for a long time.

He Wuan clicked the mouse impatiently.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to refresh the barrage.

"Anzi, are you going to torture my sister playing with you again today?"

"Randomly pick an unlucky egg every day."

"The last time I played with that female companion, I was so scared that I called Dad, I laughed to death."

"I really want a girl of the same age to call me dad..."

"You're wrong!"

He Wu'an looked at the barrage and laughed softly: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't intend to scare people, I just shared my experience with everyone. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"Personal experience is okay. Last month, it was said that a female ghost knocked on the door. This week, I met a ghost baby. It is exorcism by picking up a plate, right?"

"Brother Anzi, can you tell me the story of your elementary school summer vacation and sister Bachi?"

"After waiting for such a long time, where is the young lady playing with me this time?"

The bullet screen just popped up.

Finally, a voice came from the other end of the voice.

"You, hello..." The voice was weak, like a shy rabbit.

However, the beautiful and graceful timbre, which is as clear as a mountain spring and a stream, immediately stirred up waves in the live broadcast room.

"The sound is so good!"

"Wow, it must be the best!"

"When I heard this, I felt an electric shock all over my body. It was my first love!"

Li Xiaoya gritted her teeth when she saw the word "electric shock", wanting to curse.

If it wasn't for Wei Kun's promised heroine project, she would have quit long ago if she only talked about today's experience!
But she is dedicated and responsible, she does what she does and loves what she does, she can be called a professional role model and a leader in the industry.

But who would have thought that the microphone would leak electricity!

Li Xiaoya was drenched all over, she tightened the sofa covering her body, suppressed her anger, and said softly: "I can play any game..."

Her voice, which was originally slightly inferior, became extraordinarily beautiful and attractive under the transformation of the ghost mirror, which aroused people's daydreams.

Like a small hand, gently scratching the heart.

Itchy, could not help but raise hot anger.

He Wu'an was still immersed in Ye Yan's voice, like waking up from a dream.

"Oh, let's play duo then." He calmed down, opened the client client skillfully, and sent the ID to Li Xiaoya.

The game begins.

Skydiving, finding guns, killing people, licking bags.

What everyone pays attention to is not the content of the game, but He Wuan's ability to keep alive.

He Wu'an licked his bag, and suddenly asked, "Where is your family from?"

"Fengcheng." Li Xiaoya was concentrating on playing the game. Her skills were average, but she didn't want to fail at all. Instead, she concentrated on trying to keep up with the rhythm of a master like He Wu'an, so as not to become a drag.

"I used to work in Fengcheng for two years, and then I encountered something special, so I didn't dare to do it anymore." He Wu'an pretended to be suspenseful.

Li Xiaoya replied subconsciously: "What happened?"

"That year, when I was online, I met a local female netizen. She said that she was bored and wanted to find someone to accompany her. I chatted with her, opened the photo album, and saw that she was very beautiful, so I asked her if she I..."

"and then?"

"She admitted it. I was so happy that I accidentally added a goddess. The goddess was still very enthusiastic and chatted passionately for more than an hour, and then she invited me to her house to meet. She said that she was divorced and single, and her business failed. I don't have any friends around, I want me to guide her, but she is too proactive, you know, I'm afraid it's a fairy dance."

Li Xiaoya gradually became interested, and asked: "And then? Have you gone?"

"I went. Because she was very sincere, told me her real name, and offered her home address and phone number. When I saw that the distance was not far away, I replied that I would go right away, and then drove to her residence..."

He Wu settled down, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his words.

"I was galloping all the way. To tell you the truth, the young man was full of fantasies about an affair. When I came to the door of the house where the address was located, I was about to knock on the door when I suddenly saw a sign from the Public Security Bureau on the door. Seal..."

"Before I had time to think about it, the door of the opposite resident opened, and an old woman stuck her head out through the crack of the door. She couldn't see her face clearly, her voice was hoarse, and she asked me what I was doing here."

This is the barrage of "a little scared" and "something is wrong"...

Li Xiaoya couldn't help slowing down. "What else did the old lady across the door say to you?"

"I said to see a friend..."

"The old woman shook her head and said that there used to be a woman living across the street, but she was gone. The police only came two days ago. Then the old woman stared at me coldly, making me feel hairy."

He Wu'an swallowed his saliva, took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "In the middle of the night, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to think about it. I wished I could have two more legs and ran back to the car. Before I could calm down, I heard the phone ring suddenly. Sound—!”

"The caller ID is the female netizen, and I connected the call."

"She asked me..."

"Why haven't you come yet?"

The live broadcast room was silent, and a terrifying atmosphere spread...

(End of this chapter)

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