Chapter 34 Don't Make Honghong Angry
Li Xiaoya was deeply attracted by this story, felt the same, her palms felt slightly cold.

A "non-existent" netizen, a strange encounter in the middle of the night, a woman who was already dead, and the ear-piercing ringtone played again...

She was just about to speak.

Ask He Wuan about what happened next.

But she suddenly heard someone whispering in her own voice during the voice call.

"She's already here..."

It's not me talking!
She is coming?
Who is she?
Is it...

Li Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned pale in an instant!
She looked around in a panic. She was the only one in the small independent office.My heart trembled!
on the live screen.

He Wuan shook his head. "Listen to me first..."

He showed deep fear, and continued: "When she asked me why I didn't come, I was so frightened that my hands and feet went limp. Do you know that in that state, I couldn't exert any strength at all... I summoned up the courage to ask her, I wonder if I misread the address and knocked on the wrong door, it's unlucky..."

"The female netizen repeated the address again on the phone. Then asked me..."

"Why don't you see me?"

"I was so scared that I immediately hung up the phone."

He Wu'an's voice trembled, with great fear. "I hurried home, spent the night in a nightmare, went to work the next day, and stumbled upon an investigation assistance notice on the roadside bulletin board. The photo of the victim was the female netizen who asked me to meet... At this time, my The phone rang, and it was a voice from her..."

"I summoned up my courage, turned on the voice with trembling fingers, and heard her faintly asking..."

"Why don't you see me?"

There was a brief silence in the live broadcast room.

Such a real and immersive story made many people who like to make friends and chat online feel a sense of terror.

Yes, who knows that on the other side of the screen, it is a "real person" who talks and communicates happily with you?

Perhaps the weirdness of the authorities' silence exists among us in another imperceptible form.

At this time, Li Xiaoya asked with a trembling voice of fear.

"Anchor, are you, are you telling the truth?"

Her terrified appearance made He Wu'an laugh secretly, and couldn't help feeling proud.

But he still said in a tone full of emotion: "I swear, this is what I experienced personally. Although I can't confirm whether this is a prank or a creepy joke, I believe..."

"Some things, although we can't see them, are actually around us."

Li Xiaoya burst into tears: "Please don't say any more!"

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the female companion was frightened like this, and the horror of He Wu'an's personal story dissipated, gloating, and instead teased and teased the trembling Li Xiaoya.

"The effect of the show is coming!"

"Sister, are you also afraid of ghosts?"

"Anchor, please step up your efforts, you haven't cried yet!"

He Wu'an was even more proud of seeing the skyrocketing online popularity and gift flow. He remembered the recording he had just seen on Li Xiaoya's company account.

He suddenly lowered his voice and said to Li Xiaoya.

"Little meow, do you know?"

"Later I met her again, but not on the phone, but in a live broadcast..."

"During that live broadcast, I watched with cold hands and feet. She, who did not exist, suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room! I couldn't see her face! But I can imagine that when I knocked on the door that night, there seemed to be something deep in the seal. There is a hideous eye looking at me..."

"I still deeply remember the online nickname of that female netizen..."

"It's called Honghong."

"Ah - don't say it, really don't say it!"

Li Xiaoya burst out into a terrified scream!It seems to be about to collapse!

"She's really here."

She was so angry that she said.

in the office.

After Li Xiaoya screamed, she covered her mouth tightly, tremblingly looking at He Wuan who was talking freely.

She dared to swear by her career for the rest of her life.

I only said the first half of the sentence!
And the second half of the sentence, the voice that was exactly the same as her own, had absolutely nothing to do with her!

At this time, a third party appeared in the voice software that should not exist.

Li Xiaoya suddenly remembered, the hallucination she saw in Honghong's live broadcast that day, she almost slit her throat with a fruit knife!

However, she didn't think it was the host Hongmei...

It's a real ghost lurking in the Internet!
Li Xiaoya is the only insider in the live broadcast room at this time, and only she knows what's going on in He Wu'an dili's live broadcast room right now!
Instinctively want her to cut off the voice call and stay away from danger.

But her sense of responsibility, if Hong Lu's big bell is roaring, tell her that she must never escape!

Li Xiaoya plucked up her courage.

"Anchor, the person who spoke just really not me, you must be careful, if anything goes wrong, run away!"

When He Wu'an heard this, his heart felt cold for no reason, and then he couldn't help shaking his head and said.

"Masters in the audience, this time the accompanying lady is very good at creating effects, and she's starting to scare me."

The barrage was also amused by this reversal.

"666, young lady can play."

"Let's say she's here, and then deny it. Are you filming a ghost movie?"

At this time, He Wuan's character died.

Just when He Wuan was about to start the next game, he suddenly heard his own voice in the voice chat.

"I know she's coming, she's just outside the door."

Where is the sound coming from? !

I wasn't talking at all!

He Wu'an's smile gradually froze, and he seemed to understand the meaning of Li Xiaoya's words.

During the voice call, there is a mysterious third party, neither him nor Li Xiaoya, so who could it be? !

The reason for the barrage is not clear, but it is still applauding.

"The anchor is also in the play, and the acting is good, like that!"

"Outside the door? Then go and have a look, what if it's a beautiful woman!"

He Wu'an's hands and feet were cold, he opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound, sat anxiously for a while, and then heard the conversation between "Li Xiaoya" and "myself".

"She misses you... You promised to give her a result."

"She's been waiting outside the door for too long. I should go and see, shouldn't I?"

He Wu'an finally understood why Li Xiaoya screamed in fright, his face showed fear, and his teeth kept trembling.

Who is speaking? !
What is outside the door...

Although He Wu'an likes to tell ghost stories, he doesn't believe in them.He plucked up his courage, clenched his fists, struggled a little, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it just to have a look, it's just a prank, the technology is so advanced now, there are all kinds of voice-changing software... just take a look! Damn it! damn it!"

He stood up, sweat dripping down his cheeks.

Taking three deep breaths, He Wu'an walked to the living room, stood in front of the security door, and looked anxiously at Maoyan.

The cat's eyes were dark red, and the scenery in the corridor could not be seen clearly.

Afterwards, the dark red receded like a tidal wave... revealing her true colors.

It was a woman's eyes, full of viciousness and resentment, looking across the door from him!

He Wu'an was so frightened that he slumped on the ground, using his hands and feet, trying to stay away from the anti-theft door, but what made him extremely desperate was that the mechanical lock of the anti-theft door turned slowly, as if it was being opened from the outside.

The ticking pendulum is cruelly counting down!
at this time.

The No. [-] live broadcast room of Happiness and Entertainment.

The red-clothed female corpse who was embracing the wedding mirror turned slightly, her purple eyes stared coldly at the microphone connected to He Wuan's live broadcast room.

Wei Kun heard the prompt.

"[Minister of Ghost Affairs] The corpse of a woman in red has been found to be able to recruit employees. Do you want to recruit?"

(End of this chapter)

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