Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 57 The feeling of being oppressed and suffocating

Chapter 57 The feeling of being oppressed and suffocating

"Shasha is really not afraid of the dark" live broadcast room.

With Li Xiaoya's blink of an eye, Yiyi skillfully adjusted the camera, microphone, and streaming software settings, like a veteran who knows this well, showing a serious mismatch with her appearance age.

Li Xiaoya looked at the phone, while Writer Liang thought hard, and offered suggestions for the live broadcast script.

The script is just one sentence.

[Showing the sense of suffocation of being oppressed and the power of resistance is the resonance in the hearts of the audience! 】

She rolled her eyes, showed it to Yiyi, and said, "Is the person Wei Kun invited sick?"

Unexpectedly, Yiyi's eyes lit up, and she clicked her chin and suddenly had an idea.

Sitting in front of the camera, Yiyi seemed to be a different person, she turned her head to look at Li Xiaoya, and ordered.

"Anyone who curses will be banned for one day."

"The ones with rhythm will be sealed for 7 days."

"Anyone who says I'm not good-looking will be banned for one month."

"If you don't use the gift 0-level fan card and still don't have BB points, you will be banned forever."

Li Xiaoya nodded in bewilderment, "Then what about the little Huangwen? Is it also Feng Yongjiu?"

Yiyi hated that iron could not be made into steel, and tapped Li Xiaoya's waist with a magic wand for decoration, and shouted coquettishly.

"Stupid sister! Pick a few interesting ones, and I'll read the barrage... The audience likes to listen to this the most, so let it be too explicit, I'm afraid the boss will get angry."

Li Xiaoya: "..."

I feel that she is very professional and understands live broadcasting well.

Compared with this Xiao Hei, the past self, the half-step big anchor Hua Xiaomiao, seems really bad...

After simple instructions.

The live broadcast has officially started.

When the screen lights up, Yiyi tilts her head to the camera and smiles sweetly.

Seeing this smile, the audience in the live broadcast felt as if they had eaten ice cream, feeling extremely refreshed.

"Shasha is here!"

"Hello, little beauty!"

"Wow, is it Gothic today?"

"Just thinking about what she looked like before makes me kind of excited."

Within 1 minute of the broadcast, the popularity quickly climbed from 0 to 40, and the growth trend continued.

Yiyi seems to know what men want to see.

She was sitting like a duck, with both hands pressing the hem of the black gauze skirt between her legs.

It seems to be worried about getting lost, but it is actually using body language to guide the focus of the picture to where everyone should see and want to see.

There is a slightly flesh-colored gap between the skirt and the white stockings, and the slightly tight side of the stockings draws out a shallow depression on the thighs, highlighting the sensuality. This is the soul of stockings.

The screen is full of bullet screens, which shows that the audience is very satisfied with this.

Yiyi clasped her hands together and said coquettishly in a clip tone.

"Brothers and sisters, please use your little hands to help me tap the appointment button in the upper right corner."

"Click the reservation button, and you will be able to watch Honghong's live broadcast for the first time after 12 o'clock~"

The sound is numb, crazily discharging.

The handsome old audience was even more excited.

It is also difficult for new audiences who don't know to feel bad for such a cute little beauty.

As a result, the number of reservations in the upper right corner soon exceeded the 10 mark.When Yiyi's live broadcast ends, the system will automatically divert her to Honghong's live broadcast room.

Li Xiaoya was beside her thoughtfully, secretly learning skills.

Yiyi lowered her voice, kept away from the microphone, and whispered to Li Xiaoya.

"Make a request, and then the audience meets the request. At this time, you must give the audience positive feedback..."

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hear this, it was the secret she told Li Xiaoya specially.

Yiyi looked at the screen in surprise, and covered her mouth lightly. There seemed to be stars twinkling in her big eyes. She opened her mouth and lowered her head shyly.

"Thank you for your support to Yiyi..."

"Yiyi has nothing to do, let's compare it to everyone?"


Facing the camera, she made scissors hands, her cheeks flushed with shyness, she bit her lower lip lightly, as if making a difficult decision, then slowly spit out her little pink tongue, her eyes gradually raised with her gaze, staring at the ceiling , showing the whites of the lower eyes...

Hold this posture for more than ten seconds, then change back to the original appearance, switch freely, cover your mouth and smile.


Li Xiaoya was shocked, this is Biye?She really understands men well!

She had a faint epiphany.

Could it be the "suffocating feeling of being oppressed"! ?

There is a sense of suffocation... a sense of oppression?
Maybe, I'm the only one who doesn't understand the live broadcast... Li Xiaoya showed a sad face, and while sighing, blocked a few crazy barrages.

However, the live broadcast room.

The audience immediately boiled!
"She's so good at it!"

"My mind is clear, but I can't control my body! Am I bent..."

"Wooooow, I will be Shasha's dog from now on."

"There are monsters in the live broadcast room, I want to be evil! That's right! Sudden!"

"Xiasha, you said yesterday that essential oils can remove dirt from purses. I'm in the hospital now. If you have a conscience, buy a fruit bowl and see me..."

The gift flooded the barrage, and the barrage covered the gift again.

at this time.

The PK connection with Tao Yaoyao has begun!

The screen is divided into two.

On the left is a classical beauty sitting upright in a purple cheongsam, and on the right is a two-dimensional little princess in a black dress with gothic makeup and white silk.

Tao Yaoyao hadn't had time to say the scene.

Her PK value was pushed to the far left by the licking dog in Shasha's live broadcast room.

Yiyi showed her cute little tiger teeth, and said with a giggle.

"Yo, old woman from the Maldives, how are you?"

Shuaihu knows everything about Tao Yaoyao, so now Yiyi also knows about it, but her memory is fragmented and she can only recall a few details.

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao's expression changed suddenly.

She obviously didn't know this new young anchor, and mentioned that Maldives was poked in the foot.I wanted to scold you for being a little rascal, but considering the image of a classical goddess, I forcibly held back.

Tao Yaoyao pretended to be calm, plucked the strings of the qin, and made a noise as a reply.

This attitude caused the audience in Tao Yaoyao's live broadcast room to praise wildly. Some even claimed that they were Tao Yaoyao's alumni of the Central Academy of Chinese Opera, and forced her to upgrade her diploma from a major to a bachelor's degree.

"Next, I'll perform "The Great Wave Washing the Sand" for everyone..." Tao Yaoyao said with a tactful smile.

The title of the song alludes to the "Shasha" on the opposite side.

When the pipa sounded, Yiyi was not in a hurry at all, she patted the rhythm while listening, shaking her head, and when the music was over, she spontaneously applauded Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao was faintly proud, she could tell that in terms of artistic accomplishment, the young anchor opposite her was no match for her at all.

The PK value begins to attack vigorously to the right!

Victory and defeat!

The advantage is mine!

She was just about to say something nice.

Yiyi let out a breath. The rift on the silicone K[-] was deep. She squeezed her right fist and pressed it to her cheek, imitating the cat's movements, and then stretched leisurely on the yoga mat.

The body is leaning forward, attached to the yoga mat, pressed very low, two long legs support the waist, the waist is high and arched, it is amazingly soft, the angle of the camera just shows the exquisite lines of the body, full of anime female character hair benefits the sense of sight.

Like a cat stretching lazily.

Since ancient times, the left side of the wave has lost.

Just now, there was a PK bar with a tendency to counterattack, but it was instantly killed by the right side, and it went straight to the end!

Tao Yaoyao didn't understand!

She even saw the VIPs and old fans in her live broadcast room, and ran to the opposite Veil Sha live broadcast room to buy gifts...

At this time.

Yiyi did not forget to whisper to Li Xiaoya where the microphone could not capture.

"Look, this is what it means to be oppressed... Writer Liang is such a genius, he knows how to live broadcast too well!"

Li Xiaoya is numb.

She nodded numbly and looked at the computer screen, feeling nothing more than heartbroken.

Are you really a waste?
(End of this chapter)

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