Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 58 Sasha is afraid of the dark and does not want to be a leader

Chapter 58 Sasha is afraid of the dark and does not want to be a leader

Xiang Wenbin found that as long as it was related to Happiness and Entertainment, every time he drank tea, the table would be filled with water.

He watched the live broadcast in disbelief, and his steady hands, which had been practiced all the year round with glue and modeling, were trembling slightly.

"Has this handsome Hu Temei awakened himself?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! It's black magic!"

After he saw the PK values ​​of both sides clearly, he felt that it was extremely outrageous.

Qinqi, calligraphy and painting are not worth mentioning in front of Two-dimensional softness.

Not to mention a webcast.

Even in the videos, those who play the piano, guzheng, and drums have begun to involve.

Dress one by one cooler, for fear of affecting the heat dissipation of the musical instrument.

I don't know if the musical instruments are hot or not, but the audience is pretty hot anyway, so it's no wonder that the temperature in Tokyo has not dropped for a long time.

If Tao Yaoyao takes the sexy kingly route, Yiyi may not be her opponent yet.

The mistake was that she overestimated the average culture and aesthetic quality of the live viewers.Everyone is looking for fun, want to listen to music, who will watch the live broadcast?

Whichever side plays freely, the audience will support whoever!

not to mention……

Xiao Hei Changzhi Yiyi who works for Shasha, she really understands the small thoughts of men.

If a man is on fire, what's the matter with a woman?

"Shasha, when we were at the same table in the exam, I asked you to copy me, but you refused, for fear of copying me..."

Li Xiaoya clicked on the account information of the barrage with a black line all over her face.

Gender: Female.

Li Xiaoya was stunned: "What kind of outrageous person is this! How come there are still female fans?"

She didn't understand, so she could only comfort herself because she was in a poor state.

If Li Xiaoya is in the foundation-building period, then the old fritters in the live broadcasting industry and the handsome Hu from the former Xingxiu District are the Dzogchen in the Jindan period. Out of the Nascent Soul, throw away all moral integrity, and take the last step!
Promoted to Nascent Soul Stage Live Immortal!

But what Li Xiaoya couldn't see was...

A spider thread was hanging from Yiyi's neck, and with the network spreading, countless invisible spider threads were derived and spread out.

The enthusiastic popularity turned into a ghostly spirit.

Yiyi absorbed the ghost energy into her body, her eyes became brighter, her face became more tender and tender, exuding a charming and charming temperament, which became more and more seductive.

And more ghost energy was transmitted to the black gauze ball in the shadow through the spider silk on the back of her neck.

In nature, there is a spider called the Brazilian crab spider, which can be disguised as white, yellow or purple flowers, and at the same time emit ultraviolet light waves to attract prey.

Yiyi is a Brazilian crab spider made of black yarn balls to attract prey, so it naturally exudes a fatal charm for prey like humans...

No. [-] live broadcast room.

Wei Kun pressed his right hand firmly against the chin of the red-clothed female corpse, trying to keep that small mouth away from his carotid artery!
One person and one ghost seem to be pulling a big saw or a big bolt, one is active and the other is passive.

"My pussy!"

The veins on his forehead popped up, and even though he tried his best, he still couldn't push the cold and slippery greedy monster away. He only felt that the fingers touching the skin of the female corpse in red were about to freeze into ice!
At this time, his face was covered with sticky saliva licked by the red-clothed female corpse. It seemed that it was also a cleanser, and liked to wash it before eating.

But this is not the key issue at all!
Wei Kun struggled to open his eyes, but he didn't dare to look at its crazy purple eyes, it seemed that he couldn't hold on...

"The ghost employee, Heisha Wraith, has been nourished by enough ghost energy, promoted to B-level ghost, activated the talent "ghost net", and gained the ability to store and transport ghost energy!It seems to hate you even more..."

"Meet the promotion conditions, whether to promote him to [Minister of Finance Department]?"

The house leak happened to rain all night, rolling up the triple thatch on my house!

Wei Kun wanted to howl.

It's about time, why are you here to join in the fun, you black gauze ball!

As he expected, a black figure with countless arms swam slowly stood up in the shadow of the corner of the wall, accompanied by a burst of cold air.

The black gauze ghost gradually approached.

Countless cold and slender arms slowly surrounded Wei Kun's back.

When the female corpse in red was appointed last time, there was almost a big mess. Fortunately, Wei Kun was quick-sighted, he cleared the clouds and saw the blue sky, accurately found the location of the Tanzhong acupoint, and took a picture of the ghost seal. Only then did he control the power in time Red female praying mantis.

Maybe not so lucky this time...

Not to mention that in the densely packed arm, which thing can be called the Tanzhong acupoint, with the terrifying shape of the female spider, only ghosts can find the place to stamp the seal!

First the female praying mantis, then the female spider!

Are you playing Animal World? ?
Spring is here, everything is recovering, and the prairie is the season for animals to mate again! ?
Wei Kun roared.

"Little secretary! Come and escort me!"

When the little secretary came in through the crack of the door, she was also stunned when she saw the appearance of the black gauze ball. "Fool chairman, did you scare her?"

"You fucking see the situation clearly! Who is scaring whom!"

There is a female corpse in red in front, and a resentful soul in black gauze in the back.

Not far away, there was a ghost mirror watching the fun, smiling eerily.

"She didn't mean to hurt you."

The little secretary looked very calm, and she spread her little pointed hands: "I don't want to go to work."

"You tell it, when you are a leader, you have paid vacation! I can't fucking talk nonsense! Translate for me, what the fuck is paid vacation!" Wei Kun gritted his teeth after finishing speaking. I closed my mouth, because the little snake that licked it crawled over again!
The little secretary continued to spread his hands.

"I'm a little waste, I don't know foreign languages. Unless you get my stamp."

Who said the triangular structure is the most stable?Wei Kun just wants to yell three female ghosts in one play!

Wei Kun counted seconds in his mind, and couldn't drag it any longer!

"Time...backwards!" He shouted angrily in his heart, and then his right hand suddenly opened wide, and the ghost's mouth suddenly swallowed it!

The view is broken.

Thinking paused.

The time went back to 10 seconds ago, when the system prompt was just heard!
This time Wei Kun didn't call out to the poor little secretary, but suddenly let go of his right hand.Letting the competing female corpse in red lose its fulcrum, it suddenly bumped into him, and then, using the inertia of the impact, hugged the female corpse in red and flew upside down towards the corner!

He was hit by Jin Chengzhang Jiafeng to vomit blood, but because of this, he was given a moment to breathe!

This is Wei Kun's escape route!

The black gauze ball just barely woke up, filled with ghost energy suddenly, the heart was terrified, just about to stand up, suddenly found a pair of dogs and men running towards it!
It was so frightened that it screamed horribly!
The three guys collided into a ball, and countless arms trapped the red-clothed female corpse and Wei Kun firmly, holding on to everything that could be grasped. The scene was three points more terrifying than the crowded Haitian Shengyan!
Surrounded by either red dresses or black gauze, and all kinds of strange things, Wei Kun couldn't open his eyes at all, and opened his five fingers on his right hand to fumble around with ghost seals!
He didn't let go of what he could touch and what he couldn't touch.

Just when Wei Kun felt that he was about to suffocate, when he was about to forcefully use the ghost mouth——

The happy system prompt sounded!

"With the approval of the chairman, ghost employee Heisha Wraith has been promoted to [Minister of Finance Department]!"

"Reminder, the Minister of Finance has the responsibility and ability to distribute ghost gas and ghost materials, please handle it properly."

(End of this chapter)

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