Chapter 59 The ghost company pays wages

Wei Kun held his knees panting.

The position of the black gauze ball ghost seal is very strange. It is a jade-like arm in the forest on its arm, which is printed on the inner side of the forearm.

Different from the black tick pattern of the female corpse in red, the tick pattern of the black gauze ball is dark red, a bit like the Shougong sand used to distinguish chaste women in ancient times.

After stamping.

The black gauze ball screamed in protest, like an angry black raccoon cat.If Yiyi, who has a bit of bad eyesight, sees it, she will definitely call out the black-skinned kitten.

"why why why!"

The black gauze ball rolled all over the ground, looking very painful, and shouted in its characteristic sharp voice.

"I don't want to be a minister, I'm so sleepy, I really want to sleep!"

The little secretary covered her mouth and grinned.

"Who do you want to sleep with?"

The black gauze ball didn't pay attention to it at all, and rolled around, extremely irritable.

But Wei Kun discovered that its rolling trajectory is actually regular.It was using this tricky way to sneak away from the red-clothed woman's corpse, and sprinted towards the door step by step.

Just when it was about to roll out of the live broadcast room.

Wei Kun grabbed it in his hand and rubbed it vigorously. The fluffy fabric feels very good.

"She's mad, she's going to eat me!"

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the black gauze ball was finally willing to tell the truth. It kept struggling and turned its head to bite Wei Kun's hand.

Fortunately, Wei Kun has developed a flexible evasion attribute on Honghong's side.

This kind of innocuous attack, compared to Hong Hong's sudden attack, is like a child's play, not worth mentioning.

Carry it in your hand.

Shake it vigorously until the black gauze ball gives up struggling, looking like you are waiting to die when you pick it.

Wei Kun looked at the black gauze ball and said, "What is the function of your "ghost net" ability? "

The "greed" of the female corpse in red can search for outstanding employees, which is in line with the identity of the head of the Ghost Affairs Department.

The "ghost net" of the black gauze ball, literally described, is capable of storing and transporting ghost energy.

Ghost Qi is the most valuable strategic resource of Ghost Company at present.

Everyone wants it, except the little secretary, who just wants to trick Wei Kun into stamping himself.

The black gauze ball, which holds the power to distribute ghost energy, did not show the strength appropriate to its position at all. It looked at Wei Kun, and then at Hong Hong who was hanging behind Wei Kun and was pinching his neck.

It sighed softly, its body split open, and stretched out that special arm with dark red tick marks.

Grabbed slightly in mid-air.

As the wind blows, dense black cobwebs suddenly appear in the empty air. The source of the cobwebs is the hand of the black gauze ball, and the other end passes through the furnishings and walls, and runs in all directions.


The black gauze ball said sullenly: "I caught 2740 piggy banks, it's so annoying."

learned through communication.

The black yarn ball can radiate its spider silk through its ghost slaves, such as Yiyi.As long as it is caught by the spider silk, it will continuously consume its popularity and provide ghost energy.

This catch rate is much higher than the ghost energy that "stare at" transforms popularity.

Compared with "staring", the ratio is about 1:10.

In other words, these 2740 unlucky people are equivalent to the ghostly aura generated by 27400 spectators who are "staring".Along the spider's thread, these ghost qi first passed through the node Yiyi, and then passed through the connection between Yiyi and the black yarn ball parent body, and finally stored in the black yarn ball's belly.

The conditions for establishing a spider silk link are both simple and troublesome.

The simplicity lies in that as long as the spirit is affected by the "ghost" emitted by Yiyi invisible, a spider silk link will be established.

The trouble is...

It is required that the goal must be "low fire in the sun". As the name suggests, the fire fire refers to the spirit of the person.There are also folk legends that there are three fire lights on the top of the head and on the shoulders. When the fire lights are extinguished, the yang energy of the human body will be weakened, especially after the midnight, it is easy to provoke unclean things.

After Wei Kun communicated more deeply with Heixaqiu, he understood that this was not the case at all.

Where did the three fire lights come from, and everyone can be themselves in the fire?
Low yang fire, to put it bluntly, is a summary of a series of problems caused by staying up late, less exposure to the sun, poor energy, and lack of sleep, resulting in weakened body functions.

According to this article, Wei Kun has found a target group that is easy to be caught by Shasha.

"Dark eye circles, less hair, poor complexion."

"Aversion to the cold, cold hands and feet."

"My back is afraid of the cold and my waist is sore."

"Sleep is very light, easy to dream."

"Wake up and still want to sleep, exhausted."

"Depressed mood, not interested in anything."

"Frequent urination, frequent urination at night."

"Lips are dark, heart palpitations..."

As long as the above characteristics are met, there is a high probability of being affected by the "ghosts" of Yiyi and other ghost slaves, and thus become a piggy bank for black yarn balls.

Wei Kun thought about it, it seems that there are quite a few modern people who meet the above conditions?

Internal friction, social pressure, a bitter life that can be seen at a glance, coupled with the mortgage, car loan and son loan, all kinds of pain, neurasthenia, and no relief.

"Will the captured people be harmed?" Wei Kun asked thoughtfully.

The little secretary replied for the black gauze ball.

"As long as people are alive, there is popularity. When people are active, most of the popularity will naturally dissipate."

"The spider silk of the Minister of Finance only absorbs a small part. In the worst case, it is just sleepy when you are tired, but it can cure insomnia."

Wei Kun glanced at the little secretary.

He always felt that the little secretary had a somewhat split personality. Sometimes he only spoke five words like obsessive-compulsive disorder, and sometimes it was much more fluent.

The black gauze ball breathed out.

"I'm so envious, I want to sleep too..."

Wei Kun understood.

Dare to be kind, this is the ball doctor who uses thread to diagnose pulse and selects insomnia patients to treat insomnia through the network cable.

It turns out that Hei Yaqiu's wish is to build a world where only fishing is possible?
"Anyway, it's a waste of popularity if you don't use it. It's better to get a ghost company to create residual value." Wei Kun nodded.


Tonight, the ghost company finally established a primary distribution system. To put it bluntly, the ghost employees who were prostituted by Wei Dong can finally receive their wages.

What is directly absorbed by the black gauze ball is its personal property.

But all the ghost energy obtained by the "ghost net" ability must be handed over to the company.

The black yarn ball was a little unhappy.

This is obviously taking the ghost energy they earned and redistributing it. Do we still have to thank the boss for his kindness?
"do not want!"

The black yarn ball screamed.

It only took Wei Kun 3 minutes to make the black yarn ball succumb to his lust.

"You are worse than her." It complained quietly.

Wei Kun defined the total amount of ghost energy produced by a single spider thread in a day as a standard unit, also called 1 yuan ghost money.

According to the calculation, the salary table is as follows.

Hong Hong, head of the ghost affairs department, has a daily salary of at least 10 yuan, and she will throw a temper tantrum if she is less, and threatens to raise her salary every few days according to the head of the chairman.

Shasha, the head of the finance department, has a daily salary of 0 yuan.

Ghost employees get married, with a daily wage of 0 yuan.

Paper figurine secretary, daily salary 0 yuan.

Shasha's little follower, Yiyi, earns 0 yuan a day...

Typically distributed according to haunting, the higher the level of haunting, the higher the salary.The more honest you are, the more you have to accept Wei Dong's exploitation.

The salary card is temporarily placed in Shasha's hand, and she can take it whenever she needs it. Anyway, the things in Shasha's stomach belong to Boss Wei alone.

At present, the daily income is less than 3000 yuan, and there is still a long way to go before satisfying Honghong's appetite.

Therefore, the current focus is still on the carnival, and the premise of maintaining Honghong's current popularity is to achieve steady growth.

Just thought of this.

Wei Kun received a call from Li Xiaoya.

"Boss, Yiyi's live broadcast room has been blocked..."

(End of this chapter)

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