Chapter 69 How Can I Get Fire?
After stumbling for three days, the video was finally finished.

Yiyi, who was in charge of watching the excitement and serving tea and water, lost interest in the next day, and she didn't know where she went.

Dong Yetian, who mainly provides fox faces, also fished for three days and posted on the Internet for two days. According to the gossip of the temporary crew, she often appeared in a nearby Internet cafe, and it seemed that she even had a membership card.

Only the main artist, Li Xiaoya, gritted her teeth and finally finished the filming before her nervous breakdown.

Get a task bonus of 10000 yuan, and an epic reward for one day of sick leave.

As well as the rare achievement title of "Iron Lady" sincerely praised by the director, the Happiness Mutual Entertainment camp value +1, and the favorability of the camp leader +1.

But it was passed on, and when it was passed on to the company, it became the "iron maiden" and "iron crotch".

The older female employees would deliberately tease Li Xiaoya when they met her, asking her what she was doing at night, whether she was tired, whether she wanted to find a boyfriend and sister to introduce you to her, and so on.

When among them, some careful people noticed the red spots on the inner side of Li Xiaoya's arms.

He also teased and said: "You girl is too conservative, why do you have a tattoo of Shougong sand?"

Li Xiaoya's reputation rose again.

She could only express silence.

What are you doing at night?
How to say specifically?
Want to tell the story of professional housekeepers and midnight leaky mics?

As for the erythema on the arm... Li Xiaoya thought it was caused by too much pressure, which caused skin allergies. Of course, it may also be caused by Ottofei's kick.

If Wei Kun hadn't said it, she would never have guessed that this was a physical feature that had been invaded by the ghost mirror.

Li Xiaoya took the video memory card and was on the way to the chairman's office.

Go through the corridor.

Hanging on the wall of the corridor are half-length photos of the top anchors of Xingfu Huyu in the past. It is said that they are previous, but in fact there are only four photos in total, corresponding to four beautiful female anchors.

"Shiyin, Yumian, Tao Yaoyao and... are they red or not?"

Li Xiaoya felt a little strange.

In Shiyin's photo, there is only a back view, wearing a holy white gauze and an ancient high crown on her head, full of immortality.

Both Yumian and Tao Yaoyao can be called one in a thousand beauties, each with its own merits.

At the moment when PS magic is rampant, the makeup photos of these two female anchors are really beautiful.

As for Honghong...

Li Xiaoya also didn't know what was in Wei Kun's head, so he put a long black silk leg in the corridor of the company, corporate culture! ?
This pair of long legs is so beautiful and exquisite that it makes women jealous and men go crazy. Apart from perfection, there is no other adjective to describe it.

"God was born and nourished, good fortune is made by nature."

Li Xiaoya shook her head and stopped thinking about it.

When he came to the chairman's office, resisting the strong urge to kick Wei Kun, he threw the video memory card to Wei Kun.I looked around, but couldn't find the familiar figure of Yiyi, sitting on the sofa, waiting patiently for Wei Kun to finish watching the video.

Wei Kun's food intake has long been reduced to the level of one meal a day, and he eats very little.

But after watching the video, he felt that his stomach was rolling and expanding, and something wanted to gush out.

"Aliens have a familiar feeling of going home after watching it."

"Silicon-based life also has to shake its head and bow down."

Wei Kun let out a long breath, and sighed: "Liang Da's script is extraordinary, and his synaesthesia is vivid. With only eyes and ears, you can feel the shock of the dry toilet, blowing your face."

Dry toilet, you even know that it is a dry toilet!

Li Xiaoya's temples twitched violently, and she wanted to complain along with her, cursing a few words to her heart's content.

But after thinking about it, if the video is given by Ollie, what is the protagonist's stand-in himself?Maggot number two?

She is angry.

Then he asked: "If this kind of thing is uploaded, will someone really pay attention to Honghong's live broadcast room based on the content..."

Wei Kun was also a little uncertain.

Because the content of this video has a pioneering artistic style that explores and breaks through the lower limit of human thinking, it is hard to say whether humans living on the earth in the solar system can bear it.

he hesitated.

"There's suspense, there's beauties, there's softness, there's death rock, and there's ultrafly kicks. People should, probably, watch it? If you can attract 10 people to Honghong, it's considered a success. What reward do you want then? Even if you tell me, Gucci bags and Chanel's latest models are fine, within [-]."

Li Xiaoya's eyes lit up, and she blurted out.

"Prada's gift of love, patent leather cat high heels!"

She completely forgot about the microphone, and when she saw Wei Kun nodding in agreement without hesitation, she immediately changed her opinion of him.

Mr. Wei still has nothing to say about his treatment of living employees.

The short video "Beautiful Wife Humiliated, For Her Husband, She Did This Kind Of Thing On Live Broadcast!" ", Wei Kun didn't dare to use the official account of Happy Interactive Entertainment, but asked employees to buy more than a dozen million-fan marketing accounts dedicated to carrying funny videos of sand sculptures on various short video platforms, and uploaded the videos.

After he did this, he stopped paying attention.

Because the company is not very optimistic about the effect of this video.

Sure enough, 6 hours after the release, the total playback volume could barely exceed 2w, which was extremely cold, and it was a very failed attempt.

He doesn't know yet.

Xingchen Entertainment and many other companies that were paying attention to Happy Mutual Entertainment laughed so hard at this foolish trick that they almost fainted.

in the office.

Wei Kun rubbed his temples with a headache, so he could only think of other ways to help Honghong's carnival live broadcast.

"Is the thinking wrong?" He reflected on himself.

These three days will be broadcast live at midnight.

Whether it's Honghong or Yiyi, whose alias is Shasha, the popularity growth has fallen into a short period of stagnation.

Even if nearly 5000 piggy banks were seized, they could not satisfy the ever-growing greedy appetite of the female corpse in red.Just in the early hours of this morning, Wei Kun noticed that the female corpse in red had a faint tendency to break free, and her purple eyes opened slightly.

Scared the black gauze ball into a small ball, hiding in the corner and refusing to come out.

The "greed" of the female corpse in red is not only greedy for popularity, but also greedy for flesh and blood, greedy for collecting ghosts, and perhaps greedy for short stories after marriage?

Wei Kun even carefully considered, if he bravely sacrificed himself overnight, would he be able to satisfy his greed and let Hong Hong be honest for a while?
He still lacked the courage to trample on the law and failed to take that step.

"Didi Di-!"

It was Liang Xi who sent a message to Wei Kun, asking about the short video.

This great writer is very concerned about his screenwriting works.

Seeing the message, Wei Kun slapped his thigh and sat up.

"Why did I forget Liang Xi, he is a well-known writer on the Internet!"


Wei Kun sent a message to Liang Xi, asking him to help promote it on the novel website or among the readers.

"Brother Wei, don't worry, I'm the best at this."

Liang Xi readily agreed, and then went to admire his masterpiece without replying.

Less than an hour.

Wei Kun saw Liang Xi's remarkable publicity in the news feed on his mobile phone.

He glanced at the content, his pupils shrank slightly, and he was dumbfounded.

[Internet writer Mr. Liang was detained by the police for running naked in the convenience square. When he was arrested, he shouted hysterically: Protest!The partner ruined my perfect script——Click to view]


Wei Kun was holding the phone, dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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