Chapter 70 The She Who Shouldn't Appear
The news of Liang Xi's arrest was like a depth bomb dropped on the web circle and even the domestic Internet!
At first, it was reported by local financial media.

I can't stand it anymore, Liang Xi's reputation in the online literature circle is too great.

The Five Greens of the Central Plains ranks first, and there are two of them among the top ten evil books.

Only new readers who have just come into contact with the web texts will be coaxed by some people to read their masterpieces, and finally be infected by the whispers of the ancient gods, crying blood and tears, shouting that the Trisolarans finally started to attack the web texts. It is necessary to extinguish the human fire from the spiritual level.

This explosive news and the pictures accompanying the arrest spread wildly in the button groups and post bars related to the novel. It was like a prairie fire.

"Damn it, it's so short! Could this be the author of the eunuch?"

"Although the mosaic is very heavy, it can be seen that there are still some. Considering the toxicity of his work, I would like to call it the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle."

"I'm dying of laughter, the author didn't withdraw from the Internet, it turned out that he was arrested!"

"No, I have to show it to my friends. This idiot who poisoned me so much that I couldn't sleep has finally been severely punished by the law!"

"Damn it, my grandpa Zeng died after reading his novel, so I'll print the news and burn it to his old man."

"Mr. Liang is ashamed to say that the partner ruined his script. What kind of partner can find him as the screenwriter... I understand, Dung Spoon Media, right?"

Then, after bibi a well-known blogger's screenshot of a news, the news successfully broke the circle.

All kinds of big fish accounts and public accounts are frantically reprinted.

In the Internet age, especially after the popularization of mobile phones and 4G and 5G networks, the speed of information dissemination has been raised to an unimaginably high level.


Many netizens who don't pay attention to online novels also learned that there is an online writer named Liang Gongzi, who ran naked to protest the exposure of the size because he was dissatisfied with the partner's change of the script.

The focus of attention also shifted from Mr. Liang's size to the reason why he ran naked to protest.

Everyone began to be interested in the magical video that even Mr. Liang couldn't bear, and then they deeply realized what indescribable cutting-edge art is.

With the idea of ​​not letting themselves suffer alone, they forwarded the video link to relatives, classmates and friends...

"Boom boom boom!"

Li Zhiqiang pushed the door open excitedly, waved the report in his hand, and shouted to Wei Kun with admiration on his face.

"Boss! You are amazing!"

"At first everyone thought you had chosen the wrong person, but who knew that you were able to find Liang Xi and Li Xiaoya from the vast crowd. Our video has become popular!"

Wei Kun looked at the flabbergasted Li Zhiqiang with a face full of surprise.

Then, led by Li Zhiqiang excitedly, they came to the office area together.

The employees blushed and read out real-time data.

"Guagua platform, 900 million views! 310 million likes!"

"Douyin platform, 1100 million views! 400 million likes!"

"Kuaifoot platform, 1800 million views, 700 million likes..."

"The chairman is here!"

Someone yelled, and nearly 20 gazes all looked at Wei Kun in unison, locking him firmly.

There are doubts, emotions, excitement, and more admiration!

Xia Yan applauded first.

She smiled and said, "Who doesn't believe in Chairman Wei now? A half-step ahead is a genius, and one step ahead is Director Wei. Don't you think so?"

"That's right!"

"It's too arrogant."

"Dong Wei's operation perfectly took advantage of Liang Xi's personality weakness, intentionally filmed the video badly to anger him, and finally achieved an explosive publicity!"

Wei Kun saw that their words became more and more outrageous, and some even nodded in agreement.

It's about personal image!

Why did he go astray in the direction of Lao Yinbi while talking about it?

He hurriedly lowered his palm to signal everyone to shut up.

"I'm not that kind of person, don't make wild guesses! This is an accident."

Someone said loudly: "Understood! Wei Dong, this is a great voice, an elephant has no shape, and a big hidden nameless! It's not for the fame, it's for the city!"

Everyone laughed, booed and clapped again, and some people wanted to lift Wei Kun.

In fact, the employees present were very depressed.

They are also releasing themselves.

The past performance of Happy Interactive Entertainment is really bad.Everyone is afraid of the company going out of business and losing their job.

But in reality, especially in Yunhai City, there have been frequent accidents in the past six months, causing panic and employment pressure to double.

In the general environment where layoffs, salary cuts and benefits are being cut, and people are forced to resign themselves.

Wei Kun not only retains most of the employees, but the top compensation for dismissal, insurance suspension, and the rest are salary increases and benefits, never 996, and even employees with special circumstances who need to pick up their children to and from get off work or take care of patients , providing extensive paid time off.

Everyone is a normal person with flesh and blood who can think for themselves. They see it in their eyes and remember it in their hearts.

Because of this, they are even more afraid of losing this precious job.

It is Wei Kun, the new owner.

Through a series of amazing operations, Happiness Huyu was rescued from the edge of the cliff, so that they still had a good meal to eat.

Some were so grateful that they wanted to work overtime in return, but Wei Kun would always sternly reject this request, and would also ask intimately if the financial pressure was too great and he wanted to earn some subsidies...

"He is really a considerate employee, a good boss with humanity and means!"

Everyone clinked a cup of iced coffee and drank it up.

Xia Yan was full of smiles, exuding a familiar charm, she raised her glass to Wei Kun, her rippling eyes were subtle, as if speaking for her.

"Wei Dong, the company's embarrassing situation has been completely opened up by you!"

"As of now, the total number of views of the video on the entire platform has exceeded 5000 million, and the average like rate is 30%. When the popularity subsides, the revenue share is expected to be at least 800 million!"

"According to Shark's latest official statistics, after the video became popular, it brought nearly 90 carnival reservations to the anchor. Counting the traffic flow from the anchor Shasha, the total number of reservations reached an astonishing 140 million."

"That is to say, on the day of the carnival, including the temporary promotion given by the official, when Honghong starts broadcasting, the online popularity is likely to be close to an astonishing 300 million... The No. 3 new anchor of the Shark Carnival in the previous episode was only 290 million. Popularity."

She drank coffee, but her face seemed a little drunk and flushed.

"And the company's newly signed artist Dong Yetian, oh, is now called Tiantian, and it is considered a small hit. Many companies have discussed cooperation with us... Wei Dong, do you have time tonight? Let me tell you in detail..."

In fact, Wei Kun is the happiest person in Happiness Entertainment.

Finally, there is hope to feed Honghong!

He didn't hear Xia Yan's words at all, and his mind was filled with the joy of not having to sacrifice himself.

"Let's get ready to shoot the second part, and replace the heroine with Yiyi." Wei Kun clinked glasses with Xia Yan and said with a smile.

Yiyi has the ability of "ghost"!

And it can also help grab the piggy bank, so that the ghost company's ghost money income can also usher in a new peak!

Just thought of this.

Li Xiaoya ran to the office area in a panic, found Wei Kun, and said anxiously: "Wei Kun, Yiyi is gone!"

Wei Kun didn't take it seriously at first, Yiyi often ran around in the company.

After getting rid of the slightly annoyed Xia Yan, she explained some follow-up matters with the employees, left the office area, turned through a corridor of tens of meters, and came to the No. [-] live broadcast room in the deepest part of the company alone.

Hong Hong is still holding the ghost mirror and pretending to cry.

He found the ball of black yarn.

The black gauze ball was trembling like a cat taking a bath. When it saw Wei Kun, it screamed shrilly.

"My toy was taken! I can't find it! I don't want to go to work!"

Only then did Wei Kun realize the seriousness of the matter.

Yiyi, it's really gone!

"what happened……"

At this time, the phone vibrated suddenly, Wei Kun saw that the sender was Yiyi, his heart suddenly pulled up, and finally he let go.

"It should be that this little fool ran out to play, she is still half human after all..."

Thinking about it with peace of mind until Wei Kun saw the content of the text message clearly.

"Father! Yiyi is really scared..."

"Yiyi was watching the live broadcast just now, and saw a big sister named Yumian, she clicked in, and when she woke up, her father and mother were gone..."

"Big sister tore another person apart, as if arranging flowers..."

"Dad, Yiyi knows she's wrong, save Yiyi... Yiyi's cell phone is running out of battery..."

"She saw me, she saw me!"

The text message came to an abrupt end.

Wei Kun was terrified. According to the name, he suddenly recalled an unfamiliar "person"——

The early leader of Happy Interactive Entertainment, the missing former anchor...

Jade noodles.

 Dear readers, happy Chinese Valentine's Day.Seeing that Lao Hei is still working hard to finish the manuscript alone, let’s count the votes QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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