Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 71 Escape from the secret room, spicy Tiansai

Chapter 71 Escape from the secret room, spicy Tiansai

It was still bright noon at this time, and the red card natural air conditioner was turned on in the live broadcast room.

Wei Kun stared at the phone, the text message in black block script was faintly revealing, and a drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from the corner of his forehead.

"Hey, it's haunted again!"

"Why should I say again?"

"Yu Mian, Yu Mian, Yu Mian...the name is inexplicably familiar..."

He didn't have time to think about it.

It is impossible for Wei Kun to watch Yiyi fall into danger and ignore him. Although he hates Shuaihu, Yiyi has nothing to do with that handsome scum except his memory.

He typed hastily.

"Yiyi, under the premise of ensuring safety, keep in touch with text messages! I'm trying to find a way!"

Sending a text message is like sinking into the sea.

It was as quiet as a dead old room at dusk, under which terror lurks at any moment.

Wei Kun suddenly thought of the black yarn ball.

The ability of the black yarn ball can lock the position of the other party through text message chat, and instantly appear around him.

But the premise of locking the black gauze ball is the keyword to trigger the chat.

Shasha must reveal the idea of ​​"wanting to see each other" in order to attract Heisha's resentful soul.The black gauze ball will definitely protect Yiyi, not that this ghost has human empathy.

But without Yiyi, a handy tool, it will go to work in person.

In order to catch fish, it is not surprising that Hei Yaqiu would do anything.


The second hand clicked, and every time the minute hand jumped a grid, the haze in Wei Kun's heart became heavier.

He didn't expect that there would be a strange thing that invaded Happiness and Entertainment, and possessed terrifying abilities like the red-clothed female corpse and the black gauze ball that ignored physical distance.

Time has never been so long.

While Wei Kun was waiting, he was also making emergency preparations.

He stood between the red-clothed female corpse and the wedding mirror, spread out his five fingers, revealing the ghost seal, ready to use the ability to go back in time at any time.

If the mysterious and weird one named "Jade Face" comes to Happy Interactive Entertainment again through his mobile phone.

Whether it triggers the direct gaze of the red-clothed female corpse or triggers the reflection of the wedding mirror, these two ghosts will be immediately enraged and attack them.During the process, Wei Kun can go back in time at any time and temporarily adjust his tactics to fight against this mysterious and weird beast!

He is no longer the long-legged corngut who was chased by the female corpse in red.

Ordinary and weird can only end up as a molar stick in front of Hong Hong.Hei Yaqiu has been promoted to B-rank Weird, and still remains afraid of the female corpse in red, which can prove Hong Hong's tyranny from the side.

Wei Kun first sent another text message.

"When you see this text message, immediately send [I want to see you], understand!"

Then he grabbed the black gauze ball from the corner, regardless of its twisting and struggling, and pressed it hard on the phone screen.

"If Yiyi replies to the text message, bring her back immediately!"

Time is still running.

Just when Wei Kun thought Yiyi had been killed.


The phone vibrates again!

Yiyi is still alive!

She expressed panic in the text message.

"I escaped temporarily... She is looking for prey through the hole in the bracelet..."

"A lot of people died! They were all caught by her, and the room was full of decomposed corpses..."

She finally saw Wei Kun's text message and hurriedly replied.

"I want to see you!"

The moment the text message arrived on Wei Kun's phone, the black gauze ball that was staring at the screen seemed to have been triggered by its attack rules, and suddenly stretched out several horrified ghost hands and grabbed it!


Not only failed to bring Yiyi back.

With the black gauze ball screaming in pain, several of its arms were cut off by Qi Gen, and red blood splashed all over Wei Kun's body!

The screen of the mobile phone suddenly cracked and the screen went out!
Then, countless scarlet eyes appeared in the cracks, with black and red pupils staring at Wei Kun viciously, and the number increased, as if the phone would explode!
boom! boom! boom!
The crashing sound is creepy!Echo in the live room!
Wei Kun almost couldn't hold the phone, a biting coldness spread through his fingertips!
He suddenly realized that this weird one not only suppressed the black gauze ball, but also wanted to use this mobile phone to come to Happiness and Entertainment!

Yiyi must have been attacked!

Can't wait any longer!

He gave a low drink.



The ghost seal is full of black light, and the mysterious lines are crazily wandering, and the ghost's mouth is opened in an instant, and it starts to bite!
All around was in a trance.

The time immediately returned to 10 seconds ago!Just before Yiyi was attacked!

Wei Kun tapped the on-screen keyboard calmly and quickly.

"Get out of your hiding place, it's coming!"

send a text message.

Falling into silent waiting again, the time soon came to the time when Wei Kun used the ghost seal, but this time there was no invasion of red ghost eyes, as if returning to normal.

Wei Kun's heart was pounding, his hands and feet were cold.

Not just nervousness, but also the burden on his body from using the ghost seal.

He feels very thirsty.

It was the kind of uneasiness mixed with unknown instinctive hunger, his throat was dry, and he couldn't speak.

The lingering thirst didn't dissipate until the phone vibrated again.

Read text messages!Just one line of simple text.

"I want to see you!"

The words triggered the attack rules of the black yarn resentful soul, which suddenly swelled, split the ghost's hand, turned into a ferocious spider, and stabbed away!
A thin girl with long black hair was dragged out of the screen backwards by seven or eight ghostly hands, and then fell on the carpet.

Much like a magician plucking rabbit ears.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this scene is much more terrifying.

The entire live broadcast room is full of human arms hanging down, like a forest where arms multiply, dripping scarlet blood continuously, and in the center stands a figure in a gauze skirt shrouded in black mist.

Still in shock, Yiyi threw herself into the arms of the figure in the gauze skirt.

She broke down and cried.

"Mom, I almost died... That big sister named Yumian is really scary..."

Seeing that Yiyi returned safely, Wei Kun decisively crushed the phone, and then put the pieces in front of the red-clothed female corpse.

He observed carefully for a while, and there was nothing unusual before he let out a long breath.

Because he found that high-level weirdness seems to be too spicy for everyone, and he has to guard against arresting people through network signals.


The female corpse in red seemed to glance at the shattered mobile phone with a very humane distaste.

When Wei Kun took a closer look at its expression, it had already returned to a calm state with its purple eyes half-opened. Its exquisite and perfect face amazed the world. There was no wave in the ancient well, lazily holding the ghost mirror.

What a work of art.

It would be great if Hong Hong's gaze reflected in the ghost mirror wasn't so greedy and thirsty. The ghost knows whether it is looking at the thigh or something next to the thigh.

Wei Kun coughed heavily, spread his hands and looked, the blood on his palm was shocking.

When Yiyi was sobbing, her eyes blurred with tears, and finally she had cried enough, he said aloud.

"As long as you're fine... What happened? Tell me slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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