Chapter 79 The Whereabouts of Yumian (Tomorrow~)

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Zheng Zhi recognized Wei Kun, but he was not in a hurry, with a distant professional smile on his face.

Wei Kun cut to the chase.

"Our two companies have a little competition in business. We are all in the same industry, so let's make it clear. I want to talk to you about the cuteness of the jade-faced fox."


Zheng Zhi elongated his tone in a secretive manner, and said with a faint smile, "Could it be that Director Wei wants to poach someone? Brother, I'm being straightforward. Don't take it to heart. Is it possible that Director Wei has lost his energy?"

In his view, the boss of the live broadcast company, who is also a competitor, deliberately found him, nothing more than treating guests, beheading and accepting pawns.

But what is the level of Paradise Media, and what is the size of Happy Interactive Entertainment?
The size gap is comparable to Hachisha sister and Hatsune Miku.

Wei Kun shook his head.

"You misunderstood. I didn't mean to poach the wall. I just want to remind you...some things are not as simple as they seem."

Zheng Zhi laughed and said: "Excuse me, I have nothing else to do. I will go to work first. Let's talk slowly when we have a chance. It will be a long time."

After all, Zheng Zhi got up and planned to leave.

However, Wei Kun stopped him, his eyes collided, full of seriousness. "Jade face, she has a problem!"

"You don't need to worry about it, and you don't need to play tricks like this with me. They are all enlightened foxes. Who is not a fairy?"

Zheng Zhi became impatient, he snorted and said: "You are a dignified boss, if you really have time, why don't you think about how to clean up the black material of the artists under your banner."

Wei Kun sighed deeply, and asked aloud.

"Manager Zheng, you'd better recall seriously, have you ever met Yumian herself? Or, do you know where she usually lives?"

"Have I seen that it has anything to do with you! If you keep messing around, I'll call the police!"

"I really need to see her as soon as possible. Besides, she'd better not start the broadcast. Some things are hard to explain to you..."

"Something? What is it?"

Zheng Zhi laughed back angrily, pointed his fingers and said, "Could it be that the anchor I signed is a tainted artist, a scary monster? Will she eat people, or will she scare the audience? Wei Kun, I think you are too lenient. I know if there is any problem with the anchor I signed. If you are afraid, you can withdraw from the carnival generously. Don’t talk about it. It’s useless. Also, I would like to hear why you decide the jade noodles for me Is it on or not?"

Wei Kun hesitated.

The tangled expression seemed to be his heart swaying, whether to tell Zheng Zhi the terrible truth.

He took a deep breath, clenched his fists, looked at Zheng Zhi with extremely serious eyes, and said.

"Jade face her..."

"Conceived my child."

Zheng Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and his furious expression gradually froze.

He originally thought that Wei Kun would also use evil tricks such as digging up black materials to threaten himself.But I never expected that the plot line would go like this?


Zheng Zhi stretched his neck in a daze, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. "Wei Dong, don't make such a joke, I have never met her, how could she know you first..."

"I'm not afraid of Brother Zheng's jokes..."

Wei Kun said with a little nostalgia and a little bit of heartbreak: "Yumian, used to be the number one card for our happiness and mutual entertainment. I have always regarded her as a big sister. Who would have imagined it? I just like the atmosphere. My friends call me Go, it's a simple drink, I didn't even talk to her, it's really the atmosphere, I won't give it but she insists..."

"She must have wanted to stay away from me and be angry with me on purpose...but this is not a reason to make fun of the child!"

Zheng Zhi's mouth twitched.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a decent word. Seeing Wei Kun's innocent appearance as if he had been tricked by a big sister, he could only keep silent.

"Brother Zheng, it's just a little anchor with no background. As for you, are you going to spend a lot of effort to push her up?"

Wei Kun held up three fingers and swore to the sky: "If you Paradise Media are willing to give Yumian a free life, I will not only pay liquidated damages for her, but also live broadcast tracks related to Paradise Media in the future, we will happily entertain each other." They will all stay away, how about it?"

Zheng Zhi came back to his senses.

He shook his head vigorously, speaking firmly.

"Who do you think I am? Do you understand principles? I have worked for the company for more than ten years, relying on principles. How could it be possible to change the company's grand strategy because of you? You should forget about the jade noodles. I won't say anything."

"Don't tell me?"

Wei Kun looked at Zheng Zhi, and took out the car key from his trouser pocket.

Zheng Zhi snorted coldly, as if he didn't want to talk to anyone anymore.


He let out a scream comparable to that of a pig being slaughtered!
Wei Kun stabbed Zheng Zhi's thigh hard with the car key, causing tears to flow from his eyes.

Wei Kun firmly grabbed Zheng Zhi's shoulder, and asked quickly: "Where is Yumian's address? Tell me! Mingcheng District? Eastern District? Heshui District?"

"I said your mother—"

Again, this time it was his cheek, and the blood spurted out!
If it was said that the thigh was stabbed, Zheng Zhi only thought it was Wei Kun jumping over the wall in a hurry, but this time his cheek was pierced, and he finally realized that the man in front of him was serious.

The coffee shop suddenly panicked, and the female clerk called the police.

The other guests looked at Wei Kun in fear, as if they were looking at a monster.

"I said! At No. 189, Mingcheng District..." Zheng Zhi was in so much pain that he finally agreed to give Yumian's address.

Back in time!

Going back to 10 seconds ago, Wei Kun pressed his head and asked coldly: "No. 189, Mingcheng District, and then?"

Zheng Zhi was dumbfounded.

How did he know it was No. 189, Mingcheng District...

In the next second, the key went straight through his palm!
The sharp pain came from the palm of his hand, which completely broke Zheng Zhi's psychological defense. He looked at Wei Kun in horror, and said loudly: "Yiwan Zunfu Community, Villa No. 14!"

Time goes back again.

Wei Kun opened his eyes, and the time came to 10 seconds ago again, and he looked at Zheng Zhi with a hint of annoyance.

This Sabi made me backtrack twice!
Then he punched Zheng Zhi hard on the left side of the face with an angry punch, and at the same time that his two teeth were blown away, the physical burden caused by using backtracking suddenly appeared, and he couldn't help vomiting blood!

Zheng Zhi flew high and fell between the tables, chairs and benches, just as he got up and wanted to settle accounts with Wei Kun.

He saw Wei Kun's chest was dripping with blood, and he looked like he was about to say goodbye to the world, and then he looked at himself who was still healthy...

"Fuck? Who hit who!"

Passers-by who wanted to call the police were also stunned.

Wei Kun supported the table, breathlessly said: "Is it public or private?"

Zheng Zhi: "?"

Onlookers: "?"

In the end, Zheng Zhi still didn't dare to bet on whether Wei Kun would die on the spot, gritted his teeth, and transferred 10 private money to Wei Kun.He dropped a word angrily.

"Just wait for Carnival to be slapped in the face!"

Wei Kun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and in vain he took another bite of the tender flesh of his cheek.

Get Yumian's address and 10 private fees.

He decided to go to Yiwan Zun Mansion, No. 189, Mingcheng District first... to meet this mysterious second generation in person, a cute jade-faced fox.

While it's still daylight.

Wei Kun went to the mall to buy a mobile phone, and got an anonymous calling card through his relationship.

There is nothing special in the phone, only a frontal photo of the female corpse in red, and a remote software to start the video call in the live broadcast room.

Yiwan Zunfu Community, Villa No. 14.

Under the sunlight, the floor-to-ceiling windows exude a blurred and luxurious brilliance.

Wei Kun stood at the gate, thinking about the way to investigate.

At this time, the gate of the garden at the main entrance of the villa was quietly opened, revealing a dark and deep gap, which was bottomless.

(End of this chapter)

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