Chapter 80 Two Women Compete (First Order)

Seeing that there was a gap in the front door.

A sentence popped up in Wei Kun's mind... The Pengmen is now open for you?

If a woman takes too much initiative towards you, who is ordinary, she will either have a problem with Ai, or have a big deal for several months and want to discuss it face to face.

Wei Kun still remembers that when he was young and frivolous, a big sister wrote privately late at night saying, "Come to my house at night, my aunt just left."

But he said that no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in ambition.

"Sister, I'm poor, but I really can't do the work of guarding the spirit."

at the moment.

The intimate big sister has become a female ghost, then things will be much more complicated.

At least, now Wei Kun dare not go in and die.

He even forcibly suppressed his curiosity.

I am afraid that if I scratch the door and look inside, there will be a classic horror movie scene of eye-to-eye, face-to-face, and teeth-to-tooth.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to understand that the protagonists of some horror movies have to go to their home courts to fight, without the slightest strategic focus.

Wei Kun thought about it, and it was obvious that the face-changing ghost was probably in this bungalow villa. Solving it would also solve the biggest problem of the carnival.

But he did not step into the gate, but first cut off the water, electricity and network of Villa 14 in the name of maintenance and reporting.Then start the car again, prepare a high-power signal jammer in advance, the special version for the examination room, and finally wait patiently.

In ancient times, the strange ways of communication were nothing more than nursery rhymes, ancient poems and paintings, bronze mirrors, and family jewelry... greatly restricted by physical distance and the speed of information transmission.

In modern times, convenient forms brought by modern technologies such as video tapes, TV sets, mobile phones, movie theaters, online videos, and forums have been added, so that female ghosts can also enjoy the convenience brought by advanced technology, and finally realized finding ghosts along the network cable. Your magic.

Wei Kun guessed that the face-changing ghost's attack mode is most likely related to the Internet.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the carnival to start broadcasting, and it is not a live broadcast addiction or exhibitionism.

Not as he expected.

The face-changing ghost who was disconnected from the Internet reacted.

Bungalow No. 14 villa, following the cold wind, wailed and howled loudly.

At first Wei Kun thought it was like a brat crying when his parents beat him up.

After thinking about it, it is not possible.This crying, this strength, could it be that my father wants to get the initial number?

"Even Weird has an Internet addiction."

Wei Kun shook his head.

Power outage + network outage + 4G/5G signal suppression, any modern person can’t handle this set of punches, let alone this kind of modern weirdness that is used to the Internet.

There is some truth in the saying that the advancement of science and technology brings about the degeneration of human beings.

The voice changed from a crying child to a roar of a ghost, with a serious tone.

"It's not this face..."

"It's not this face..."

In broad daylight, this pinched sharp voice had the feeling of scratching fingernails on the blackboard, and I couldn't help feeling cold all over my body.

From the depths of the villa, the voice suddenly approached!
Wei Kun slammed on the gas pedal to get a safe distance, then took out his phone, switched to Hong Hong's frontal selfie, and pointed at the direction of the villa without looking at it.

Anyone who looked directly into the eyes of the female corpse in red would be attacked unconditionally.

He wanted to use ghosts to control ghosts.

And the system prompt sounded at this time.

"[Minister of Ghost Affairs] The corpse of a woman in red has been found to be able to recruit employees. Do you want to recruit?"

No need to think carefully.

Wei Kun took great risks and went all out to find Yumian, with the purpose of solving this hidden danger.

He couldn't just sit back and watch such an out-of-control ghost wreak havoc on the Internet.

It's not that Wei Kun wants to be a superhero who saves the world.

Properly speaking, when the atmosphere is here, you can't do it.What's more, Yumian is very likely to be related to the ghost company before Wei Kun took over. If it can be suppressed, it will help Wei Kun to dig out more secrets of the ghost company, and it will make Honghong's "Big Anchor Project" go smoothly conduct.

Wei Kun took a deep breath and shouted in a low voice.


Afterwards, he felt a strong chill rising from the tailbone, as if an electric current was born, hitting the brain in an instant, causing goose bumps to appear.

This was his instinctive warning.

His intuition was telling him that a very terrifying existence had arrived.

The sky was not sunny at all, it was more gloomy and densely covered.

Only Xia Lei's snapping sound was heard.


Suddenly it began to rain red.

Wei Kun turned on the windshield wipers. He looked at the surprised faces of the passers-by, and felt a little nervous inside.

The red rain came too suddenly, too weird.

This is also the first time that Wei Kun has personally seen the recruitment process of the female corpse in red from a close-up third perspective.

The sound of suona leisurely tore through the rain curtain.

Coming from a distance, it was obviously a cheerful tune, but it was interpreted in a weird and strange way.

The sea fog filled the air.

In the dense tumbling fog, two pairs of bright scarlet eyes like lanterns broke through the darkness and emerged, and then it was clear that they were two black and white figures on stilts.

With a height of four or five meters, he couldn't see his face clearly. Every time he took a step, he had to pause for three minutes, holding up a plaque, just like a Beijing opera appearance.

Behind them is an ancient wedding party that spread into the depths of the mist.

The human head turned into a lantern, sticking out its tongue and grinning ferociously, and the faceless maid happily swayed paper money and let out a laughing sound.

see this.

Wei Kun already knew the identity of the visitor.

"It's Red Clothes...and it's a full body Red Clothes that is not suppressed by a ghost company!"

His palms were slightly sweaty.

The welcoming team, with no end in sight, came in the red rain, like a ghost messenger, as if there was only a dazzling bright red left in the world.This is clearly the top BOSS in the movie that can destroy the protagonist's group, only the ostentation.

This strengthened Wei Kun's belief that he must not let the female corpse in red get out of control.

Such monsters are enough to cause disaster to the world!
Xia Lei rang again, illuminating the pale faces of the welcoming messengers. They stood outside the gate, quietly waiting for the face-changing ghost to appear.

The half-faced servant made a high-pitched voice.

"Welcome the bride!"

The two rows of ceremonial sticks struck the ground, making continuous dull sounds.

The door finally opened slowly.

There was a tall, jade-like beauty in a cheongsam who seemed to have stepped out of a painting.

"Jade noodles!"

Wei Kun stared at the visitor closely, and related memories suddenly appeared in his mind.

There is nothing wrong with this face!
It is the leading anchor of the second generation of Happy Entertainment, the jade-faced fox!
Although she is beautiful in the world, her face is changing every second, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes depressed, sometimes angry, as if there are countless faces superimposed together at the same time.

This weird look and feel made people very uncomfortable, and even made it difficult to breathe.

opposite her.

A phoenix-patterned sedan chair landed on the ground, and the faceless maid lifted the curtain, and behind him sat a bride in a red hijab and a red dress.

The two faced each other in silence.

There was another thunderclap.

The red clothes are on the move!
(End of this chapter)

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