Chapter 81 You Are Called Carnival

Hong Yi lightly raised one hand and wrist lightly, jade beads ringing green.

A gust of invisible wind blows towards Yumian.

As the wind passes by, the asphalt is cracked, the sand and gravel are weathered, and the flowers and plants are decaying, like a monster called time, which is about to pounce.

Until the breath of wind turned into pale palms, pinching Yumian's neck, making a terrifying rattling sound.

The jade face was held in his hand like a rag bag, shaking with the wind, he said with a half-smile:


"What a beautiful skin..."

At the cost of peeling off a piece of human skin, Yumian easily escaped from Hongyi's control.

It stared at the red hijab in the red dress, and only needed to see the delicate lips and nose, to know how beautiful this face was.

Hongyi has no emotion and doesn't say much.

The next moment, the figure disappeared, and there was only an empty sedan chair seat.

The curtain of the sedan chair shook, and then, two huge ghostly hands suddenly stretched out from behind the curtain, trying to grab the jade face into the sedan chair alive, the ghost hands almost crushed the jade face to pieces!
Yumian peeled off the human skin again, and broke free from the ghost's hand. His unpredictable expression finally showed a trace of fear.

It looked at the pair of ghost hands in surprise, the mysterious pattern on the arm was actually vaguely familiar.

Don't wait for it to think too much.

The ground under his feet cracked, and a horrible ghostly aura like a black beam of light burst out!
Yumian's reaction was fast enough, and he could barely dodge it, and then looked at the cave where he was, which was already a bottomless cave of ghost energy, extremely terrifying.


One place, ten places, one hundred places!
Yumian ran away, ghostly aura bloomed, like the earth opened its mouth wide, waiting to be devoured!

Wei Kun's expression changed slightly.

Looking at the scene in front of him like a ghost in the world.Put yourself in the shoes, unless you have a human-skin resurrection armor like Yumian, you have long been reduced to the prisoner or even the belly of the red-clothed female corpse.

"It turns out that in the ghost company, is it playing with me? Or is it that the ghost company can greatly suppress its ability..."

Wei Kun's thoughts were racing, and the outcome was about to be decided at this time.

Yumian was rushed by Hongyi.

It discarded a piece of human skin again, floated in mid-air, let out a chilling and piercing roar, and instantly turned into countless floating human faces, fleeing in all directions.

Among these faces, only three are its real core.

They are the three jade-faced bodies of childish, mature and old, but their actions seem to be completely seen through by Hong Yi.

under the hijab.

The red lips lit with red sand, slightly raised, and the slender fingers moved out of thin air.

The aged face was instantly swallowed by a huge mouth!The mature face barely escaped and disappeared without a trace.The child's face was grabbed by the giant ghost's hand, and then pulled into the sedan chair.

at this time.

The system prompt sounded again.

"Congratulations on recruiting No. 004 ghost employee—A-level ghost (incomplete), face-changing ghost. Low-spirited, ghost sealed by an ancient Tantric Buddha jade bracelet, bloodthirsty, good at changing faces. Danger level: extremely high .”

Wei Kun let out a long breath.

"Of the three faces of the face-changing ghost, one was eaten by Hong Yi, one was scared away, and one was caught...the result couldn't have been better."

"At least, if it's interested, it won't appear in the carnival again and cause trouble."

After this battle, Wei Kun finally had an intuitive understanding of the strength of the female corpse in red.

Face-changing ghosts, A-level ghosts, seem to have absolutely no backhand ability in front of the red clothes. Of course, there may be restraint factors.But the gap in strength is still so big that Wei Kun is surprised.

What level is that red-clothed female corpse? ProMax Porsche Cold Front Blue in the A-Class?

A ray of sunlight pierced through the dense dark clouds and splashed the earth.

The previous wedding party, the weathered ground, and hundreds of ghost pillars disappeared like hallucinations, and the residential area returned to its former calm.

If there were not some puddles on the ground, even the heavy rain would have been an illusion.

Wei Kun consciously avoids the camera, drives a black car stolen from some unlucky guy, and prepares to leave the scene of the incident.

"[Minister of the Ghost Affairs Department] The red-clothed female corpse eats the yin energy of the ghost, and her "wish" has been greatly satisfied. She is about to acquire a new talent and urgently needs yang energy to fill it up. Do you want to double cultivate with her to quickly increase her strength? YES/Yes. "

"If you don't make a choice, the new talent of the female corpse in red will be postponed to 5 to 7 days according to the speed at which ghost energy is absorbed."

A sudden stop.

Wei Kun looked down at the phone, and took a selfie of Hong Hong, who pursed her lips and smiled lightly, but didn't dare to agree.

The system will not lie, and the improvement of strength is almost inseparable.

But it is not certain whether the fingering or the stick method should be improved, whether it is soft or hard, whether it is alive or dead.The most important thing is, it didn't make it clear whose strength to improve!
You Qi had just witnessed Hong Hong's brutal nature.

Wei Kun didn't dare to choose ten courageously, and isn't "YES" and "yes" the same thing?The bridal chamber is divided into Western style and Chinese style, right?

He was cowardly.

Find a remote place to throw the car away, and clean up the traces.

Wei Kun returned to Happy Interactive Entertainment.

Tonight is the annual carnival of sharks!
Whether Hong Hong can make it to the second tier today, or even the first tier anchor, and whether Wei Kun can keep his three thighs are all very important!
Wei Kun rejected the request of Li Zhiqiang, Xia Yan and others to work overtime until midnight.

Li Zhiqiang, who provoked the middle-aged uncle, was a little moved.

"Wei Dong, you are such a good boss!"

Finally, after unanimous discussion, the employees with work tasks decided to continue working in the form of home office.Of course, wages are paid at three times the normal hourly rate.

Dong Wei has never been a black-hearted boss who criticizes the living.

His actions have received rave reviews from everyone, greatly boosting the enthusiasm for work, and the intensive preparations for the carnival have finally reached the final stage.

Wei Kun ordered.

"Today's plan is that Yiyi will start the broadcast first to attract popularity, and then let Honghong start the carnival special, ranking popularity, gifts and barrage. The deadline is 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, and there is one hour left before the deadline. Statistics, Consider whether to add operating costs, understand?"

Li Xiaoya pushed away Yiyi who wanted to eat her own ice cream, and said expectantly.

"Boss, I heard from people in the company that Hongmei will show her face live tonight, right?"

"Is such that."

Wei Kun nodded. He looked at Li Xiaoya, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said, "You can also open a live broadcast room later."

"Hey? Do you want me to start the broadcast?"

Li Xiaoya was stunned, pointing at herself, then she looked at Wei Kun suspiciously, and said cautiously: "Wei Kun, let's say the ugly words first, I won't be a house manager, and I won't do anything to help!"

"Of course not." Wei Kun said very sincerely: "This time, I want you to use your strengths to help Honghong attract more people. I mainly focus on the two-dimensional area. I spent a lot of copyright fees."

Only then did Li Xiaoya believe Wei Kun's words.

Turning around, punching secretly, snickering and saying yes!

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Li Xiaoya started broadcasting on time.

The title of the live broadcast room is "Follow the anchor whether it is popular or not, Paimeng will give you the original magic lottery draw"

Li Xiaoya, dressed as Paimeng, wept silently in the Q-version leather case.

In the company, Wei Kun was playing with the black gauze ball with a fascia gun when he suddenly received a call from Liu Ning, the leader of the midnight shift.

"The news has been confirmed. Paradise Media has spent 1500 million yuan to invite a South Korean boy group to connect and cheer for their anchor platform. It is estimated that they will be able to deceive a lot of NC fans. You should think of a way as soon as possible!"

Wei Kun was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Is it a cute jade-faced fox?"

"I don't know which anchor to promote. Paradise Media has a lot of anchors participating this time. At least three or four of them are threatening to your family's Honghong... Hey, this kind of big company is used to domineering, and they want to use it everywhere. The money is poured out in different ways. If Honghong still doesn't want to show her face this time, I'll help you think of a countermeasure, and it won't be a problem if you keep procrastinating..."

"She agreed."

"Understood, I can understand her difficulties, maybe because she doesn't want to be exposed to the public... huh? You said she agreed!"

Liu Ning clapped his fists excitedly, and said, "Then everything will be easy to handle, right?


"OKOK! Then I'll wait for your good news, Mr. Wei, I'll let you know the inside story in advance. The official Sharks have prepared a top-level project, which will be provided solely for the first place in the rookie track of this carnival...Call me anytime if you need anything. !"

Liu Ning hung up the phone, paced left and right, finally looked at the popularity data graph on the screen, and said in a low voice.

"Whether our midnight club and this happy mutual entertainment can soar into the sky, today is the day!"

 Thank you readers for subscribing, Lao Hei has had a bad cold for the past two days, and has been hanging water, and there are three more chapters that will probably be published at night.

(End of this chapter)

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