Chapter 82 The Enemy's Enemy (First Order)
Tonight is Shark TV's most popular day online all year.

It is also an important day for reshuffling the status of the whole group and the anchor.

Every anchor, agent, and contracting company has a string in their hearts, for fear of being the last kick at the door, and their ass will be blown up.

The overall data is like an ebb and flow, with huge changes.

It's different than the rookie track who is about to beat his brain out.

The track of the old anchor is quite stable, because everyone is acquaintances, the division of strength is clear at a glance, each other does not look up and down, and even the name of the main boss of the other party is clear.Even if there is a conflict between the contracted companies, it cannot be blamed on the anchor.

In addition to a few rhythmic regulars in the outdoor area, they are also doing room rounds in various live broadcast rooms, using words to rub the heat and brush up the hot spots.

Lao Ming is the old rhythm dog in the outdoor area.

His character design is brainless + rebellious, bullying the weak and fearing the hard.The audience in the live broadcast room came to have fun, there is no so-called moral burden, whether Lao Ming bullies other anchors, wins or loses, there is a lot of fun to watch.

If they win, they will collectively jump to the live broadcast room of the opposite anchor, taunt and taunt, drive the rhythm wildly, force the other anchor to collapse or directly download it.

Losing is only a matter of Lao Ming being a clown.He deserved to be slapped in the face by the big boss. The lords in the audience love to see the miserable appearance of Lao Ming kneeling and admitting his mistakes. Similarly, this is also Lao Ming's special skill.

In the lower right corner of the screen, a balding middle-aged man is sitting in the camera.

His expression was mixed, his nose was crooked and his eyes slanted, and he said loudly.

"Tonight on Shark Terrace is the Allied Forces of the Eight Nations attacking the Summer Palace. My family members understand everything. Give me some gifts, and I will go to the front line to let you learn a lot."

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little puzzled.

"How do you watch the live broadcast, and is it related to the Eight-Nation Allied Forces?"

"Mingzi, Lafayette asked you to return to the palace to pay respects."

"Pure mouth, monster, believe him! Whoever believes in 213!"

When Lao Ming saw this barrage, he was immediately unhappy.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Let me tell you, have you heard of Paradise Media? Is it a big company in the domestic entertainment industry? Tonight, they invited a lot of foreign stars to help their anchor. The live broadcast of our countrymen, let those foreigners give pointers? If the Sharks form an all-Chinese class, my old man will be the first to sign up."

"Let me tell you some gossip."

"P2K, the boy group from South Korea, you've heard of it, the one with tens of millions of fans around the neck, will also airborne sharks tonight, and come to compete with our countrymen for jobs!"

"Family, if you say you want to do it or not, it's over for them!"

The barrage was instigated by Lao Ming's few words. If you want to talk about the big stars of Europa, everyone can barely accept that a Korean boy group that relies on selling people, buying popularity, and industrialized production is also coming to bully our Chinese anchors?

Looking at the crazily refreshed gifts, Lao Ming showed a smug smile.

Unlike many anchors, he only dares to talk but not to act. He is a complete action group.

After receiving more than 1 tips, Lao Ming happily lifted his sphincter a few times, and then clicked on the rookie track of this period of the carnival, looking for what he said was the airborne live broadcast room of the Korean boy group.

"Screen out the new anchors, and then rank them by popularity, from high to low... Is the jade-faced fox cute? Damn, it has 400 million popularity before the broadcast? Family members, look, there is a monster newcomer here!"

Lao Ming immediately opened the live broadcast room.

As soon as he lowered his eyes, there was a great shock in the depths of his soul.

"Whew, where's my husband? Why isn't my husband coming..."

"P2K, next day, I'm still here!"

"I am used to the faces of nine people, I am used to the P2K of nine people!"

"If being handsome can be eaten, then P2K can feed the whole world!"

"Guarding the best P2K"

Lao Ming had a chill, and couldn't help but said in astonishment: "Where is the dry toilet demolition, the maggots are scared out..."

He glanced at the terrifying number of barrages on the opponent's screen, compared the disparity in popularity between the two sides, and wanted to turn around and run away.

Who knew that his black fans would directly sell it to Lao Ming.

"What kind of rubbish is P2K? My brother Ming Zi expresses his dissatisfaction with the real-name system."

"Our Ming army dares to cause trouble but is afraid of trouble, live broadcast room 339033, run away after posting."

The next breath.

Lao Ming's live broadcast room was washed away, he resolutely acted like a turtle, and surrendered with both hands: "Paradise Media is awesome, P2K is awesome, my old Ming is a fan today! The stinky fish standing in front is rotten!" Shrimp, that must be death!"

Black fans and P2K fans started a carnival, no one felt wrong.

Because in China, the combination of Paradise Media + P2K, the addition of two golden signs is not as simple as one plus one.

A live broadcast room for mutual entertainment.

Yiyi is dressed in blue dead water, sitting on her knees and eating a big tit stick, and at the same time, deliberately stops the bottom edge of the camera above the lower abdomen.

Older viewers are already familiar with this.

Hei Changzhi, pronounced Yiyi and writing Shasha, is the vertical take-off and landing machine in the tablet live broadcasting world.I know men too well, and I know women too well.

The soaring traffic on the day of the carnival, coupled with the accumulated popularity, the real-time popularity of "Shasha is really not afraid of the dark" quickly reached a new peak of 170 million.

Li Xiaoya sent a message to Wei Kun in the company's internal Saas system.

"Yiyi's popularity seems unlikely to exceed 200 million. According to the previous 40% drainage effect, it can bring less than 80 popularity gains to Honghong."

"Boss, I took a look at my opponent in the same period, and the situation seems to be not optimistic..."

Of course Wei Kun knew that the situation was not optimistic.

His mind was full of question marks. Of the three faces of Yumian, one was eaten by Honghong, one was captured, and only one was escaped. How could Yumian, a cute fox, still start broadcasting normally?
Could it be that this face-changing ghost has such a big addiction to live broadcasting!

Wei Kun is now not afraid of how much harm the face-changing ghost will cause. At this time, the face-changing ghost is dying, and it is considered lucky to be able to move.

What he cares more about is Paradise Media's disruptive attitude.

This Old Money, an old-fashioned entertainment company that came across the ocean, obviously didn't want to lose face or face, so it took the posture of spending a lot of money to become famous in the Shark Carnival.

What if Wei Kun's most unacceptable situation would be the most unacceptable situation if the crazy Paradise Media dropped tens of millions and forcibly snatched away three seats.

At this time.

A familiar yet unfamiliar call came in.

Wei Kun pressed the answer button.

The voice on the other end spoke slowly and unhurriedly.

"Your surname is Wei, stay safe, I, Xiang Wenbin from Xingchen Entertainment, would like to talk to you... about the carnival cooperation."

"Paradise Media is too unruly and bullying. You don't want the company's efforts these days to be wasted!"

"I don't know Boss Wei, would you like to hear my thoughts?"

 Lao Hei went to hang the water first, and came back to post the next two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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