Weird internet celebrity company: female weird dressed as Two-dimensional

Chapter 88 The White Mist Outside the Ghost Company

Chapter 88 The White Mist Outside the Ghost Company

The cumbersome contracts and documents are finalized one by one, and the signing payment and advertising fee will arrive in the account within a week.

Wei Kun glanced at the financial statistics.

The total is 4100 million, which is an astonishing amount. Most of them are the buyout price in units of half a year or a whole year. It is more than enough to repay the loan from the Agricultural Bank of China, and there is still a part left to expand the company's scale and issue new ones to subordinates. Welfare.

Wei Kun used the internal account to withdraw 80 yuan and called his parents in his hometown out of town.

Of course the parents asked about the origin of the money, but they didn't force Wei Kun to ask if he had done something illegal.After all, there are still a small number of parents who regard their children as criminal suspects.

He explained that the company made some money, part of it was used to buy a new house, or to renovate the old house, and the rest was saved for his younger brother Wei Lun's tuition and fees.

The parents were surprised with emotion.

The younger brother was much more excited, and his words were full of admiration for his elder brother.

While chatting, Wei Kun suddenly fell silent, he opened his mouth but did not speak.

Because he noticed the strange and frequent signs in reality, he originally wanted to bring his family to Yunhai City, but then he thought about it, Yunhai City, a city with a huge population, might not be safer than his hometown county.What's more, this is the base of the ghost company. As long as it has something to do with these dirty things, there will be no peace.

"If you encounter anything that is not right, please call me as soon as possible." Wei Kun seriously urged.

Only Wei Lun's voice was drawn out, and he deliberately called back with a strange accent, "Old brother knows."

Wei Kun sighed heavily, resting his fingers on his chin, staring out the window at the setting sun in a daze.

He didn't recover until the employees got off work and night fell.

compared to every night before.

Tonight, Wei Kun felt that his body was extraordinarily energetic, as if he had come from an oxygen-deficient environment to an oxygen-enriched environment, and it was like a fish entering the water, feeling comfortable and happy, wanting to shout loudly!
"This is definitely related to the human face that Hongyi gave me. Could it be that if I eat ghosts, I will become stronger?"

Wei Kun glanced at the palm of his hand, and there was a ferocious mouth about to move.He even had a feeling that the length and cooldown of time regression had been enhanced.

Yiyi and Li Xiaoya are resting today.

Because Carnival harvested a huge amount of ghost energy at once, Wei Kun gave them a day off.

Yiyi originally lived alone, but she couldn't remember her original address, and she wanted to go to Li Xiaoya's house, but she was rejected as expected.

Li Xiaoya said.

"I'm a big girl with yellow flowers, I won't be alone in a room with a little girl like you, what should I do if I ruin my reputation?" In the end, Dong Yetian couldn't stand it anymore, and paid 50 yuan to book the cheapest youth hostel for Yiyi.

At this time, the ghost company was rarely quiet and dead.

In the slender corridor, Wei Kun was the only figure, and the clacking sound of leather shoes echoed.

The little secretary flew beside him, making a slight rubbing sound. There should be two balls of green flames burning slowly where the eyes should be.

Live Room [-].

At this time, all the weirdnesses woke up.

Whether it's the red dress, the black gauze ball, or the most low-key ghost mirror... Wei Kun almost forgot that there is a new employee, the childish grimace who was forcibly recruited by the red dress.

"Where's the juvenile jade face?"

Knowing what the consultant said, Wei Kun looked at the wall and merged it with the photo, but the younger second-generation top anchor Yumian.

Under the perception of the ghost seal, the strange evil spirits and directions around are clearly visible like a map in Wei Kun's mind.

The young jade face slowly emerges from the painting, revealing the image of a child about 8 years old.

Its eyes are agile and complicated, completely different from the red clothes and the black gauze ball, obviously possessing a certain level of sanity, no matter what, it must be much stronger than the black gauze ball which is the bottom line of intelligence.

"Major Lord of the underworld, what is the matter with the slave family?"

Wei Kun didn't respond for a while when he heard this address. He glanced at the little secretary, and then at Yumian, who had a mysterious origin and obviously had a deep connection with the ghost company in the past.

The weirdness controlled by the ghost seal cannot deceive Wei Kun.

Therefore, Wei Kun asked directly.

"Why do you call me that?"

The young Yumian's eyes moved slightly, even though he was reluctant, he still answered obediently.

She said in a cold voice.

"The master of the seven powers of sin, if he can't be called the king of the underworld, who in the windless world would dare to call himself? But don't think that I will give in easily!"

This is the second time Wei Kun has heard the term power, and what makes him even more puzzled is the concept of the Windless Realm popping up again.

On the contrary, the little secretary looked curious and asked first.

"What is power?"

Then the young Yumian explained the specific definitions of power and the windless world.

The Windless Realm is not only the inner world that depends on reality, but also the birthplace of weirdness in reality. Every place is extremely dangerous, with disordered time and space. possible.

Power is one of the rules to identify the level of weird power.

From low to high, from power one to power seven.

Each additional power multiplies its influence on the physical world.If you want to increase the level of power, you need to have enough ghost energy, rare ghosts and strange rituals corresponding to power.

According to Yumian's recollection, somewhere in the Windless Realm, it ran into an ancient monster with a power of five or more, and even possessed the terrifying ability to tamper with historical inscriptions.

Listening to Yumian's explanation, the little secretary secretly covered her mouth and sneered.

Wei Kun felt that the little secretary seemed to know more, but he was unwilling to tell Yumian.

The young Yumian glanced at Hongyi with a complicated expression.

"It has at least fully mastered one authority, that's why my body was broken up by it... If I had known that the Innovation Building would give birth to it, I should have killed all the living people here."

Wei Kun really doesn't like this gloomy little loli with a very old mental age.

He grabbed the young jade face, and was about to stuff it back into the painting, when he suddenly discovered that the face-changing ghost's body was really a thin layer, and he couldn't even see it from the side.

"This is too two-dimensional."

Wei Kun pressed the painting under the stool in red, nothing is safer than here.

Afterwards, he and the little secretary left live broadcast room No. [-] with the ghost mirror.

When I came to the gate of the ghost company, there was a plaque engraved with the ancient seal of the ghost company, which flickered against the candlelight.

The little secretary covered her mouth and grinned, but said nothing.

"That little idiot actually took power for power, I'm dying of laughter... No wonder he was torn into pieces by Hong Hong."

Wei Kun was looking out of the door at this time, and did not notice the little secretary's psychological fluctuations.

"It really is a foggy area."

Pushing open the door of the ghost company, I saw what should have been a spacious corridor, but now it was covered with a pale and thick fog, and the visibility was less than half a step.

He fixed the ghost mirror at the gate, and used the ghost seal's sensitivity to the ghost mirror to act as a positioning beacon.

If you get lost in the white mist, you can return the same way.

Wei Kun was also secretly watching Ghost Mirror's reaction.It was still silent, pretending to be a dead thing, as if the matter of Lu Xuan and others had nothing to do with it.


He shouted to the little secretary.

Afterwards, the little secretary obediently lay on Wei Kun's shoulder, and walked into the white mist outside the gate together with him.

(End of this chapter)

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