Chapter 89

Wei Kun found that although the corridor was filled with white mist, the basic environment had not changed much.

When you get close to the wall, you can see the familiar fire hydrant and wall painting.

Based on his memory, he found the financial company next door.

"The ghost affairs department is not in Happy Interactive Entertainment, is it somewhere else in the building?"

The little secretary shook her head and spread her pointed hands.

"You are the chairman, I don't know either."

Wei Kun breathed in the mist.

It was damp, cold, and smelled of ashes, like a fire in the countryside in the early morning of summer.

Even if the movement is light.

The collision between the heel and the ground will inevitably make a sound.

Walking and walking, about dozens of steps.

Wei Kun vaguely heard a faint clicking sound, getting closer.

At first he thought it was the echo of his own footsteps...

Then I suddenly realized that the frequency did not match at all!

Wei Kun's heart was severely scratched, and a trace of cold sweat could not help but ooze from his forehead.

What else is in the fog?
He tentatively took a small step forward, followed by a rattling sound.


The distance covered by the voice was obviously farther than that of Wei Kun.

So the sound is closer.

It is trying to get close to itself!

Wei Kun stopped decisively, turned around, and looked in the direction of the sound, but the fog was so dense that he couldn't see anything clearly.

The little secretary hugged Wei Kun's neck tightly.

"It has bad intentions..." reminded Wei Kun in a low voice.

Wei Kun continued to move forward tentatively, while mentally counting the seconds.

He's counting 10 seconds.

Probably grasping a safe time point, Wei Kun took a deep breath, and then suddenly rushed towards the direction of the voice!


Wei Kun suddenly erupted with a huge force like a tiger, and stomped hard, and the earth and rocks flew and turned into meteors in an instant!


The voice sensed Wei Kun's actions, and walked towards Wei Kun without avoiding it!


With only a few meters left, Wei Kun turned his palm into a knife, cut through the fog, and then used the ghost seal as a weapon. The speed increased again, and he grabbed it out!

Wei Kun grinned grimly. The little secretary told him that the powerful suppressing power of the ghost seal on the weirdness was also proved by Hong Hong and Sha Sha!
"Where are you going!"


The voice was unbearably painful.

at this time.

In reality, the innovation building has 13 floors.

"The air wants to rape me!" A shrill scream broke through the darkness of the Innovation Building.

Except for the happy mutual entertainment that has already left work.

In most of the other companies on the same floor, the employees who normally work overtime without pay and sickness all heard this scream that was scarier than a ghost, and they all shuddered.

"Listen to the voice, it should be the old fairy from the cosmetics company..."

"Even she can do it? Is this buddy the third brother of foreign trade?"

"I'll go, the one you mentioned is my classmate!"

"Third brother can't, because the giant lizard can't punch. And the old fairy punch is NB better than Tyson."

Some curious people ran out to watch the excitement.

It turned out that Cai Meijuan, the owner of Yulong Cosmetics Company, was crying and complaining to the security uncle who rushed over.

"Just now, I vaguely saw a figure running furtively towards the women's toilet. I thought, it must be a perverted man, so I mustered up the courage to chase after him."

"But I never expected, wow, my mother has guarded her delicate body like flowers and jade for nearly 40 years. She didn't see anyone, so she was severely grabbed."

"Look at this handprint, what is the shape of a man? It's over, I'm pregnant with a strange man's child!"

Uncle Security did not dare to look at her face.

He wondered in his heart why this row of cloud palms didn't kill Huo Qilin.

He said helplessly.

"Ms. Cai, please calm down."

"Although I only have elementary school education, I dare to swear to God that the air is genderless, and it will not insult women, let alone make people pregnant."

Cai Meijuan had cried enough, with heavy makeup on her face, a trace of anger flashed across her face, and she cursed at the crowd of onlookers.

"Then there must be a man secretly yelling at me! Don't let me catch you, have you heard the story of Cinderella? I remember this hand shape! Whatever you look at, get out of here!"

The crowd didn't dare to offend Cai Meijuan, and immediately dispersed.

at the same time.

Wei Kun stood quietly for a long time, with a strange expression on his face.

He could clearly hear some faint voices and discussions, and it was obvious that the source of the voices was the Innovation Building on display... and the one he grabbed was probably someone on the same floor who couldn't look up and looked down. acquaintances.

"Is this what you said was malicious?" Wei Kun raised his eyebrows and questioned the little secretary.

The little secretary still felt innocent.

"Wouldn't it be worse if you were touched."

Wei Kun thought about it for a while, and it's the truth.

When he found that the 13th floor in the mist was not dangerous, he started a bold exploration of the map.

If childhood is right.

Walk out of the gate of the ghost company at night, and you will come to such a world that is likely to be the "windless world".Wei Kun prefers to call it the foggy world.

The buildings and furnishings of the misty world are almost exactly the same as in reality, and have a weak influence on reality.

But Wei Kun didn't understand why only that woman appeared in the foggy world.

Soon, he fumbled in one office after another, stumbled, until the penultimate office, and finally heard the belated prompt from the system.

"After exploring, you finally found the location of the Ministry of Ghost Affairs."

"Officially unlock Lv1 of the Ghost Department, and (3) ghost employees need to be recruited before the upgrade."

"The map of the Ministry of Ghost Affairs, you can extract random numbers and levels within 100 kilometers from the head of the Ministry of Ghost Affairs to recruit weirdness."

"Important reminder: Before the Ministry of Security is completed, please carefully recruit and assign every ghost employee to the chairman."


In this office, he found a simple door, pushed it open, and found that it was directly connected to the office hall of the ghost company.

Its furnishings are not much different from the ghost company, they are all decorated in a modern haunted style, more as an extension of a functional area.

At the end of the matter, Wei Kun returned to the ghost company.

Just when he was about to ask Ghost Mirror about the Lu family, the little secretary hugged Wei Kun's ear and bit his ear canal softly.

"Idiot chairman, there is a big trouble, do you want to hear it?"

Wei Kun knew that the little secretary's bad words were definitely not good.

"Say!" He said angrily.

The little secretary sighed.

"If you don't want to die, you have to spend a lot of money... The Ministry of Ghost Affairs will affect reality."

Only then did Wei Kun realize that the Department of Ghost Affairs is also built on the basis of a real innovation building, so as time goes by, it will gradually become like a ghost company, full of weird things that are not very friendly to living people at night.

Yiyi and Li Xiaoya have been safe and sound, and it was Wei Kun who asked Heishaqiu to take care of them secretly.

He covered his forehead, and hurried to the office area of ​​the Ghost Affairs Department to find the company name.

"Yulong Cosmetics Co., Ltd..."

"Fuck, Aunt Cai's territory?!"

Wei Kun scratched his hair in disbelief, and suddenly might not just be about money.

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(End of this chapter)

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