Chapter 90 Strategic Vision
The night is long.

Wei Kun tried to torture Ghost Mirror to find out what happened to Lu's family, but he was tortured in reverse.

The ghost mirror culture is synchronized with the little secretary first, and he doesn't know a few modern characters at all, so he can only use dialogue, you ask me to answer.

The key problem is that Ghost Mirror is sane, and seems to be very smart, and his brain should be the most active among these ghost employees.

It pretended not to understand the question, imitated the original words, and faithfully played the role of voice changer + happiness machine, and finally lost its temper to Wei Kun.

It's not that Wei Kun didn't resist.

But as soon as he grabbed the ghost mirror's ghost hand, the cracks on its mirror surface made a crackling sound, and the decorative parts fell to the ground with a clatter, like a poor little man who would die suddenly on the spot in the next second, and die for you to see.

"Forget it, let it go."

I'll let Ghost Mirror go for a while, and there's no need to start the broadcast tonight.

Wei Kun simply edited some recent live broadcast videos, especially the carnival, added some special effects fonts and subtitles, and uploaded them to major video platforms, especially dili videos.

Dili video is the next major area of ​​development in Wei Kun's plan.

The reason is very simple.

Because of Iron Two-dimensional's face-changing ghost!

Young Yumian told Wei Kun that it can make any kind of human skin mask, as long as it provides the corresponding materials.

Real paper man + [-]% restored Two-dimensional human face, just take some fan material, you can shock those young guys and girls to the ground, call the boss directly, and then directly start a live broadcast, what to do Birthday parties, anniversaries and other events.

198 months as a captain is not a big burden for many young people.

The achievements of Qianjian and Wanjian seem to be in sight, making money is not shabby.Looking at its big business, the dili platform’s focus on making money from Qiami is completely different from Shark’s purely relying on rewards and private business cooperation, and its prospects may be even broader.

Wei Kun checks Li Xiaoya's company dili account "Xiaomiaoaiyuyu".These days, Li Xiaoya has used this account to tirelessly upload live clips of Honghong and Shasha, plus she occasionally interacts online with Dili's game anchor with the ghost mirror, the live broadcast effect is quite good.

With such efforts, the number of followers on the account has exceeded 30, which is considered a popular up master on the platform.

"Xiaoya is such a good employee, find an opportunity to promote her?"

Wei Kun drew key points in a small notebook, reminding himself all the time.

After finishing the basic work, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

The big night was too boring, so Wei Kun randomly picked a rather arrogant little drug lord from the extranet, and added a late-night dessert for Hong Hong.

But this time, considering factors such as cultural differences and humanistic care, he asked Hong Hong to leave a line of "Bloody Mary" on the wall, which is Bloody Mary.

White skins have a hard time understanding Hong Kong or Japanese horror.

If you want to talk to them, you have to say something they can understand.

Wei Kun still doesn't know how much shock and panic this prank-like act has caused in the local area, but the local criminals who oppressed the people and opposed the government have been honest for a while because of this.

After finishing Honghong, Wei Kun waited refreshedly for the day to come.


8:[-] in the morning.

Wei Kun found Xiao Fan, the accountant, and asked him to go to "Yulong Cosmetics Co., Ltd." to find out information about its boss, Cai Meijuan.

Xiao Fan was puzzled, not knowing what the boss wanted.

"I have a friend who thinks...forget it, I want to buy that office, it will be used for future expansion of the company. If it is rented, ask about the lease term. If there is property right, I will pay up to 1000 million. No matter which If you succeed, you will be rewarded with [-]."

"On the left is a board game company that is about to go bankrupt, and on the right is a yoga fitness company that is about to die... Why don't you go around a few hundred meters and go to Yulong for makeup?"

"That's why you can't be the boss. Strategic vision, do you know how to spread it?"

Xiao Fan pondered the meaning of "strategic vision", and ran to Yulong alone to make up.

until 1pm.

Wei Kun didn't see Xiao Fan either. He looked at his watch frequently, frowned and said, "Is it taking so long to talk about changing the company's venue?"

Just wanted to make a phone call.

Xiao Fan then called the boss back.

"Boss! I understand what strategic vision is! Start early, take shortcuts early, and succeed early!"

"Leave that alone. What did Boss Cai say?"

"Sister Cai is actually not short of money. There are several buildings in the family for rent. Doing cosmetics business is a hobby. She is really a good woman with style and taste..."

Wei Kun suddenly sensed that something was wrong.

"It's been so long since you've asked about this? Have you given the price? And where have you gone?"

"... I am accompanying Sister Cai to look at the house. She said she likes me very much and asked me to choose a set I like... Boss, I'm sorry, I don't want to work hard. The house is really big! Sister Cai also said that she will not interfere For my future married life, I thought about it and decided to listen to her, the company's salary is already high enough, but it's not enough to buy a house in a first-tier city."

"I want to have a family. But I don't have a house to go on a blind date. Even divorced people with children look down on me. I'm already 29 years old, and the old man at home wants to hug his grandson before leaving. The boss is really sorry..."

Wei Kun was angry and funny.

He hadn't done anything with Yulong's make-up yet, and within a long time before he sent a spy, he was peacefully transformed.

It cannot be said that there is no gain at all.

First of all, knowing that Cai Meijuan is not the kind of owner who lacks money, it is not easy to impress her with money.

Second, relationships come in.It is said that the employees are the grandsons of the boss, so Wei Kun can be regarded as Xiaofan's half-grandfather.After all, this can be regarded as a cheap in-laws.

After thinking about it, Wei Kun still wanted to have a direct conversation with Cai Meijuan.

Every day it drags on, the influence of the Ghost Affairs Department on reality will increase by one point.It is also difficult for Wei Kun to predict what will happen in the office when night falls after the Ministry of Ghost Affairs completely invades reality.

He found Cai Meijuan's mobile phone number and signal through the front desk of the building.

Send a text message, indicate your identity and purpose, and wait patiently for a reply.

Cai Meijuan seemed surprised that Wei Kun would contact her, and agreed to meet at a coffee shop near the building at afternoon tea time.

Wei Kun didn't have the courage to go to the meeting alone, so he brought Xia Yan and Li Zhiqiang to fill the scene.

The two of them originally heard that they wanted to see Cai Meijuan, so their faces turned green on the spot.Especially Li Zhiqiang, clutching his stomach and wanting to ask for sick leave.In the end, the two still couldn't escape Wei Kun's clutches, and were forcibly taken to the coffee shop.

Li Zhiqiang kept wiping off his sweat.The waiter went out of his way to check the air conditioner, thinking that the air conditioner was not turned on.

"Wei Dong, why are you looking for her, she is the worst person on our floor!"

Xia Yan followed Li Zhiqiang's words and nodded vigorously: "I have money, and I have a fear of being victimized. The most important thing is that my fighting power is very strong, whether it is in reality or on the Internet..."


Cai Meijuan is here.

(End of this chapter)

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