Chapter 95 Randomly pick a black fan (4K)

Cai Meijuan secretly teased Chu Ming'e, and asked in a low voice, "Can you understand?"

Chu Ming'e laughed awkwardly.

It's no wonder that Chu Ming'e is ignorant and ignorant.

According to the latest user group portrait survey, the ratio of men and women watching live broadcasts is 63%: 37%, and male users are significantly more than female users.

The ratio of men to women in social software and short video user groups is reversed, about 44%: 56%.

The popularity of Hongmei is still limited to the shark platform, as well as some post bars and forums dominated by young men.It's normal that Chu Ming'e has never heard of the name.

But because of that.

Chu Ming'e, who has a master's degree and a background in studying abroad, can't understand the fanatical performance of these audiences in Yulong Makeup Live Studio.

They are like a group of Internet cultists, wantonly venting code words that only the small circle can understand, using memes to create a sense of identity with each other, and launching a carnival of expressing love and worship for idols.

"It's so popular just after the broadcast, doesn't it make sense?"

Chu Ming'e pushed her glasses guiltily, but did not answer the boss's question directly.

She wanted to explain it with her profound financial knowledge, but after racking her brains, she realized that not everything could be answered by herself.

Looking at Wei Kun again, there was more complaint.

Susan chanted the slogan vigorously, trying her best to explain the advantages of Yulong mask to the audience.

Some people are tempted.

But when I saw the price of 1000 yuan per box, I couldn't help but hesitate, and my eagerness to lick the dog immediately went out. I'd better wait until the salary is paid next month, and then try to find a way to lick the goddess.

"Anchor, are you serious about this price?"

"How can a domestic brand that I have never heard of be the same price as an imported product?"

"I can't afford it and slipped away..."

Cai Meijuan looked at the sales data in the background.

It has been broadcast live for more than 20 minutes, and only one box has been sold.According to expectations, at least 100 boxes must be sold to open the situation, and there is potential for continued operation.

She was a little anxious, and couldn't help asking Wei Kun: "Xiao Wei Dong, this is not acceptable, the sales are too slow, what else can you do to use it quickly!"

Chu Ming'e snorted.

"The popularity is high, but the conversion rate is low, which means that the direction of advertising is wrong, and there is no retention rate. According to the Bezos model theory, we should..." She said a lot of profound words, and the people present did not Who can keep up with her train of thought.

Because they couldn't understand it, everyone thought it was so powerful, so profound, and seemed to make sense.

"Female expert, you must have a way to sell 100 boxes!" Someone asked sincerely.

Chu Ming'e didn't respond, she curled her lips and said.

"This kind of wrong pricing, it is impossible to have many sales..."

Some people followed suit.

Happy Interactive Entertainment’s delivery strategy is indeed very bold, even a little unimaginable.But Cai Meijuan didn't say a word, everyone could only be patient and continue to wait for a miracle to appear.

As time passed, the sales of Yulong mask still stopped at the embarrassing "1".

The atmosphere became more and more depressing.

The three hard-working anchors in the live broadcast room also showed fatigue caused by frustration, and their enthusiasm for reciting lines was no longer the beginning.

Especially Susan, who already had low self-esteem because of her not-so-pretty face, at this moment even the courage to speak was about to disappear.

The worse the effect of bringing the goods, the happier Chu Ming'e was.

If the group of Happiness and Entertainment were allowed to do it casually, the sales would skyrocket. Wouldn't it seem that her highly educated deputy general manager in the past was too incompetent.Only this fiasco of bringing the goods, can she retain the right to speak in the company with a high probability.

Fortunately, the current appearance should be messed up.

She endured a gloating smile and planned to watch the farce well.

The only thing Chu Ming'e is worried about is...

The number of online viewers has exceeded the 100 million mark, and there is still a growing momentum.

Wei Kun asked the technicians to pay attention to the gender change trend in the background.

He is waiting for an opportunity.

As the behind-the-scenes driving force behind Honghong's big win at the carnival, he certainly understands the composition of Honghong's fans, and there is not much overlap with the group of potential buyers of high-priced facial masks.

This group of live viewers attracted by Honghong's news is actually a group of trustees.

The restaurant is full of new customers, the milk tea shop has a long queue on the first day, and the fans are waiting all night after the mobile phone launch event... The meaning of these entrustments is to satisfy the nature of Chinese people who love to join in the fun and attract targets with real potential purchasing power group.

Cosmetics is a channel with a lot of boys and girls. The proportion of female viewers should gradually increase.

Wei Kun told the technicians to send a signal to themselves if the ratio of men to women reversed, that is, when female audiences accounted for the majority.

"Male 52%, female 48%..."

"Male 51%, female 49%..."

"Male 47%, female 53%..."

"Boss! Flip!"

Wei Kun nodded.

He asked a tall employee in a black suit and black sunglasses to bring a silver-white safe full of technology.

The front of the safe is laser engraved, engraved with the warning words "internal experimental product, protected by national patent, dissemination violates relevant laws".

This thing is so weird!

And there is a strong sense of sight!

The people from Yulong Cosmetics Company showed strange expressions.

Some people speculated whether it contained the T virus.

Others said that it should be a prop just brought over from the set of Men in Black 3 in Hollywood.

Chu Ming'e looked at the box, couldn't help laughing, and blurted out: "Aren't you a small company that makes live broadcasts? How come there are so many mysterious things?"

"Watch your words."

Wei Kun said indifferently: "We are called Happiness Interactive Entertainment. We are an interactive entertainment company. Live streaming and internet celebrities are only part of the company's business."

"Oh, it's really amazing. I'm waiting to see it. I must make everyone... laugh." Chu Ming'e crossed her arms, raised the corners of her mouth, and stood by the side, sincerely waiting to see the joke.


Scan your fingerprint and iris, and the safe opens.

With a swish, the condensed mist slowly dissipated, and a few seconds later, the mysterious object inside the safe was revealed.

Everyone couldn't hold back their curiosity. They raised their toes and stretched their necks one after another, trying to see clearly.


"This is……"

"It really looks familiar!"

Chu Ming'e was still well-informed, she stared at the translucent mask in the box.

The face of the mask is dotted with symmetrical circular anchor points.

This kind of anchor point is generally used in image recognition fields such as "expression capture" and "motion capture" to help computers locate and record the expressions and body movements of actors in the shot, and convert them into electronic model data.

For example, Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings", Caesar in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", Xu Zheng in "Crazy Alien"... all use this technology to create extremely vivid CG images.

Chu Ming'e deliberately showed off: "Hey, the company is not big but it is quite high-tech, Wei Dong has invested a lot of money, and used motion capture?"

She spread her hands.

"Even with this motion capture system, what's the use for the sales of goods?"

Cai Meijuan asked in a low voice: "Isn't it too expensive to catch this Lao Shizi?"

Chu Ming'e nodded in response, she glanced at Wei Kun gratefully, and said, "Xiao Wei Dong, you will do serious things, my sister promised you that no matter whether the delivery of the goods is successful or not, your friend sister has confirmed it!"

The staff of Yulong Makeup whispered to each other, and when they heard that a set of motion capture systems cost tens of millions at the cheapest, they all looked surprised at Wei Kun.

Wei Kun's face was like still water, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He just likes these half-baked people who don't know how to pretend to know, especially the talented student Chu Ming'e, who is simply a god assist!
What shit motion capture system?
This is a human skin mask made by a ghost!Those circles were drawn by Wei Kun himself!

At first, Wei Kun was afraid that these people would not be able to recognize them. Fortunately, there was a gold medal commentator, Chu Ming'e, who didn't even know what the camera of the motion capture system looked like, so he came to show off his knowledge.

Wei Kun ordered.

"Cut a 1-minute ad on the live broadcast."

He looked at Susan and comforted him with a smile: "Susan, come here and put this on. Maybe your neck will itch a bit, as if someone is pinching you, and you may have difficulty breathing. You may also have hallucinations, see a female ghost, I heard a woman crying or something. But don’t worry, those are because you are too nervous, or the electromagnetic waves of the equipment interfere with the brain’s perception system, and there is absolutely no danger.”

Susan: "!?"

Are you sure this is a motion-capture mask and not some evil scientist's wondrous little torture device!
Is the female ghost choking my neck while crying serious?
She took the thin mask with trembling hands, glanced at the 40-second countdown to the ad, thought of the mortgage and car loan that would be collected the day after tomorrow, and the horrific 1:9 ratio of men to women in the blind date market in Yunhai City, and finally Thinking of my 4-point public appearance...

Old lady, go all out!
Susan took a deep breath, lifted the mask firmly, and brought it close to her cheek.

blah blah blah!

The mask seemed to be more urgent than herself. With a sound of pia, it smeared onto Susan's face like a jumping bug. Unlike the jumping bug, it didn't use strange things to stuff people's mouths.

After a few seconds.


"Nicolas Cage?"

"High technology, definitely the high technology of the beautiful country!"

"It's really beautiful, white and beautiful!"

Susan was curious and nervous when she heard the discussions around her. She hurriedly brought a small mirror, and the moment she saw her own face, she was stunned.

"Is this really me?"

The seductive woman in the mirror, her eyes are like smoke, her tenderness is like water, her frowns and frowns seem to be telling love words, according to Guo Nan's standard, she has at least a score of 9 or above!

The appearance is not what surprised her the most...

The more Susan looked in the mirror, the more she felt a blood-connected familiarity. She took a closer look, and found that the eyebrow shape, eye corners, nose wings, mouth and other parts were [-] to [-]% similar to her original self, only in the angle, The lines are slightly different.

But it is the most subtle difference, accumulated, that is the distance between mediocrity and perfection.Just as 3.14 cannot draw a complete circle, the error of a few microns of the machine will cause the product to become a waste product.

I really want to tear this face off...

Susan gently stroked the mirror, feeling a strong impulse in her heart.

Impulsively scratching his heart and liver, as if he wanted to see blood dripping immediately!


Wei Kun suddenly reminded: "Sister, don't be smug, get Zhang Yulong's mask to cover it, the advertisement is almost over! Take this mask and mask at the same time, wear it at the same time, pretend to be one, understand?"

Susan woke up like a dream.

The weird urge disappeared, replaced by flustered nervousness.

She took off the Yulong mask, patted piapia on her face, and then looked at the live camera with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

To the left of the camera is a small screen that displays bullet chat.

Susan saw that wearing a mask, she still couldn't hide her delicate facial features, and she was so beautiful that she didn't look like a living person.She has never had such strong confidence in the live broadcast, looking at the camera and smiling confidently.

Cai Meijuan is the person who is most familiar with Susan.

She widened her eyes, and saw that this little niece, who had been inferior for more than twenty years, suddenly burst out with a new look of strong self-confidence in her petite body. There seemed to be light in those eyes, and she no longer dodged!
Cai Meijuan couldn't help but clenched her handkerchief tightly, not only nervous, but also happy.

The ad is over!

Return to the live screen!
The audience felt that it was only a few blinks of an eye, why did the anchor in front of the table change to another person?

"Huh? A beautiful woman has been detected!"

"It looks like her cousin from afar?"

"Wow, what a beauty!"

"Sister, how do you take care of your skin? Your skin is fine."

"I feel like I've seen the anchor in Little Green Book..."

"Pretty is beautiful, but we still don't want to buy a mask..."

The audience was shocked by the contrast. Everyone thought it was a change in the middle, until Susan smirked and tore off the mask and mask at the same time, revealing her original appearance.


"Liu Qian will change without you!"

"Give me back my pretty big sister!"

"Understood, I will vote for you to go to the Internet Spring Festival Gala later."

At this time, Susan didn't care about others discussing her appearance.

She covered her face and said with a smile: "The family members must be very curious, why do I change so much before and after, right? This is the magical effect of the Yulong mask. After I used the Yulong mask for two months, my face sucked in the mask in a storm. Essence, more relaxed, open and soft, combined with yoga and meditation, open the heart door, absorb natural energy, another day for the fugitive princess~”

PS: This paragraph has been sensitively modified.

Cai Meijuan stared at Susan suspiciously. It was obvious that two generations of fairies had a fairy ditch. She asked Wei Kun in a low voice, "Xiao Wei Dong, what are you doing again? I can't understand the words that this child reads."

"Just don't understand!"

Wei Kun sighed: "This is to purify the fan base. Wealthy families who play social software and have learned yoga and meditation, but there are also believers and unbelievers. Just remember, you are willing to spend 1000 yuan to buy a mask, and you are willing to Those who practice with yoga instructors day and night are basically a group of people.”

Cai Meijuan suddenly realized.

Subsequently, the sales data of the live broadcast room proved Wei Kun's conclusion.

"In 22 minutes, 67 sets of masks have been sold! There are more than 20 orders to be paid!" The technician shouted excitedly.

The most difficult to accept was Chu Ming'e.

Not only can she not understand motion capture imaging, but she can also see it with the naked eye.I can't understand why so many people are willing to pay for this kind of low-level advertising.

Chu Ming'e looked at Wei Kun complicatedly, no longer arrogance, but more doubt and admiration.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is very harmonious.

Women and women researching beauty and chakras, men pretending to be women discussing thongs and cup sizes.

The nozzles were all sealed up by the prepared professional house pipes.

The staff member of the house management suddenly frowned and said, "Boss, there is a bug in the system. I can't block the person who sent the barrage."

[Flowers by the roadside: Beautiful people deserve to die, all deserve to be killed...]

"It's just a little blackie."

Wei Kun intends to directly contact the management of Douyin.

But when he saw the bullet screen that looked like black pink hair, a voice suddenly popped out in his mind.

"If you find that you can recruit employees, do you remind the Minister of Ghost Affairs to recruit?"

This is……

Randomly pick a lucky black fan to help Honghong complete the performance task?

How could Wei Kun endure it? In the territory of his ghost company, there are short-sighted little bastards adding to the chaos!You must open the door and let off red!
 There are also 2 chapters of 3K chapters in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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