Great Swordsman

Chapter 43 Red Blood Vine!

Chapter 43 Red Blood Vine!
"My lord, are you alright?" Lin Youjing tensed up.

He felt that he was very useless, obviously he had also condensed the ice soul and entered the Yichaoyuan realm, but when facing the enemy, he couldn't even help him at all!

If it wasn't for Li Mu's Sword Art Wushuang, I'm afraid...

"It's okay, let's see what is so magical about this vine." Li Mu didn't say much, he walked around the ground dissolved by the venom, and came to the rock wall, followed by Lin Youjing.

The two of them observed the vine carefully. It was hanging on the rock wall. The scarlet blood-like main vine was as thick as a fist, and its skin was scaly with a slightly crystal-like color, like a blood-colored spar.

The leaves of the vine are as big as a palm, emerald green like emeralds, with natural veins. If you look carefully, there seems to be aura flowing on it, overflowing with a hazy halo, and emitting bursts of fragrance.

Li Mu picked off a leaf, and the green juice overflowed from the cut, and the rich fragrance came out, mouthwatering.

Is this liquid?

In the dark, Li Mu felt that something was wrong. He smeared the green juice on the rock wall. After a while, the rock wall slowly 'boiled', and soon, it dissolved there, revealing a black gelatinous substance!
Li Mu's face changed slightly.

This is not spiritual liquid, it is clearly the venom of that little green snake just now!
He understood that the little green snake should feed on the leaves of this vine to possess such terrible venom!
"My lord, is this vine poisonous?" Lin Youjing was also startled, because he just smelled the fragrance and almost couldn't hold back to taste it!
"The leaves are poisonous, but the main vine is not necessarily." Li Mu threw away the residual leaf in his hand, and looked at the scarlet main vine.

With a stroke of his long sword, he cut off a thick piece from the end of the main vine.

Li Mu moved his wrist, caught it with his sword, and raised it to his eyes. He found that it turned out to be a piece of snow-patterned...meat?

This is not a plant, but an animal?

Li Mu was surprised.

However, within a short period of time, the snow-patterned meat slices on the long sword have dried up and turned into snow-patterned wood chips, which exude a faint fragrance. rather.

"My lord, this main vine..." Lin Youjing noticed that this piece of wood is extraordinary. If you put a piece of wood next to you when you practice, its fragrance can help people get rid of distracting thoughts, concentrate your mind and calm your breath, and it will definitely help you a lot!
To a certain extent, this main vine is a sacred object of cultivation, and if it is released to the outside world, there will definitely be countless people fighting for it!
Of course, for Li Mu, it doesn't have much effect, because he has the Bing Xin Jue.

But Li Mu suspects that the role of the main vine may be more than that.

At this moment, the blood-colored vine suddenly rose and mutated, its root system was pulled out from the rock wall, and it climbed up quickly like a living thing.

Really alive?
Li Mu was surprised, and immediately jumped up, stepping on the rock wall and quickly climbing up, while pulling out his long sword.

"The sunshine incense burner produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in the distance.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the sky. "

Li Mu is in very good condition today, after reciting a poem, he immediately comprehended another sword art.

The sword falls for nine days! !
He swiped out with a sword, and the sword energy was like a rainbow, like a strand of silk, turning into a rain curtain and falling.

On the rock wall, there was heavy rain. Those were not real raindrops, but hazy sword energy, densely packed, piercing the rock wall. The vines twisted and twisted to avoid the raindrops, but they were still scratched by many raindrops, and dozens of them were cut off. Vine leaves.

Lin Youjing stared blankly, feeling suspicious of life.

Just now Li Mu recited a poem, self-enlightened sword art, domineering and incomparable, now, write poems to understand sword, it is simply... God-man!

At this time, the bloody vine was finally forced down by Jian Yu and climbed down the rock wall.

Lin Xiaojing came back to his senses and shot out quickly, nailing the vine to the rock wall. It seemed to be suffering from pain, and crawled around on the rock wall, like a blood-colored giant centipede, extremely hideous and terrifying.

"My lord, what the hell is this?" Lin Youjing retreated vigilantly, looking at Li Mu with eyes full of admiration.

Li Mu shook his head. This thing looks like an animal, but it has poisonous leaves. He said it is a plant, and it can crawl around alive and well.

But no matter what it is, it must have appeared after the spiritual energy recovered!
Suddenly, Li Mu's heart moved. He looked at the blood-colored main vine, and then at the beast corpse not far away.

The next moment, the blood-colored vine stopped suddenly, and then, pinned by the spear, it moved the main vine a little bit, approaching the corpse at the bottom of the rock wall, and finally, it stretched out its root system and easily plunged into the beast's corpse.

"Is it sucking blood?" Lin Xiaojing backed away in horror.

"Sure enough!" Li Mu understood that the vines rely on the aroma of poisonous leaves to attract beasts, and when they are poisoned to death, they will suck their blood for a living!

As for the little green snake, it must have been an accident. Not only was it not poisoned to death by the poisonous leaves, but it was a blessing in disguise, possessing a similar poison. Unfortunately, it was beheaded by Li Mu.

Soon, the beast's body shriveled up, and all the blood inside was sucked up by the bloody vines.

It pulled out the root system, and retracted drunkenly, with some fangs and claws, which looked very bluffing.

Li Mu stretched out his hand and placed it next to the root system.

"My lord, let me do it." Lin Youjing saw Li Mu's thoughts and quickly reached out his hand.

The roots of the blood-colored vines swam between the palms of the two, and finally retracted.

"It seems that it doesn't suck the blood of living things." Li Mu nodded slightly. In this way, it would be much less dangerous. Otherwise, even if it was thirsty for fishing, it would have to be killed.

Li Mu moved all the beast corpses under the rock wall, including the two-headed giant wolf, and let the blood-colored vines absorb them as much as possible. In less than half a day, it completed the task. At the same time, the vine leaves seem to be much more lush, emerald green like emeralds.

Remove the rubbish from the blood, keep the essence in the main vine, and discharge the impurities into the vine leaves... Li Mu understood the principle of its survival, and then cut off a piece with a sword, the snow-patterned meat quickly turned into wood chips, and the fragrance seemed to be weaker It's gone, but it's getting longer and longer, with an endless aftertaste.

"Let's call it Red Blood Vine." Li Mu named it.

"My lord, are we going to take it back?" Lin Youjing looked at the leaves on the red blood vine, still a little worried, after all, it was a highly poisonous leaf.

"There are two sides to everything." Li Mu saw his doubts and said with a smile, "Although this leaf is poisonous, as long as we pick it carefully and extract the venom, it can be used by us."

Moreover, the value of this scarlet main vine is even higher, so it must not be left in the wild.

Seeing that Li Mu had made up his mind, Lin Youjing immediately grabbed the spear and picked off the red blood vine.

The red blood vine was full of blood, a little drunk, and was picked up in the air by the spear, but it didn't struggle, but lazily wrapped around the spear, as if... fell asleep?
"My lord, this?" Lin Youjing was a little speechless.

"Go back." Li Mu said.

The two returned the same way, treading the mighty waters of the Lancang River, and went away quickly like a man among gods.

On the way, Li Mu walked with his hands behind his back and asked, "Did you remember the two poems I read just now?"

"My lord, write it down." Lin Youjing replied.

"I'm so impressed, your marksmanship... can't be described in words." Li Mu stopped short.

"Thank you, sir!" Lin Youjing was embarrassed and ecstatic at the same time!

Walking with Li Mu today, he really realized where his shortcomings are. He has six purple qi, has the Haoran formula, and uses the ice-type aura to condense the first qi and ice soul. In terms of marksmanship, he can only display [-]% to [-]% of his [-]% strength.

Now, with Li Mu's consent, he can comprehend his poems openly, comprehend his own execution!

Lin Youjing's gratitude and admiration for Li Mu was infinitely sublimated!

(End of this chapter)

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