Great Swordsman

Chapter 44 Disrespect?

Chapter 44 Disrespect?
The Lancang River is mighty, and Li Mu and Li Mu walked on the waves. It was smooth at first, but as the scent of red blood vines spread, the river boiled, and a large number of vicious fish lingered, swimming back and forth under the feet of the two of them. The fish broke through the river and attacked them with their sharp fins.

Li Mu was very calm. He directly drew his sword and killed the evil fish. Then, he chopped off a few leaves of the red blood vine. The green juice exudes a strong fragrance and drips down the river, causing faint ripples.

In an instant, countless vicious fishes under the water went mad and gathered like crazy, opened their fangs and big mouths, sucking up the river water here, and there were even huge anacondas, which swallowed fish and water one by one.

The two of Li Mu didn't stop, and quickly left the boiling river area.

They didn't go far, and saw that the river flowing upstream was dyed red, and there were a large number of corpses of vicious fish and anacondas floating around.

Before floating very far, these corpses were devoured by the vicious fish in the river below.

After being diluted by the river water, the residual poison on these corpses is no longer enough to poison the vicious fish.

Not long after, the two came to the river area next to the Longlin jujube tree and landed here.

Considering the "charming" toxicity of the leaves of the red blood vine, Li Mu decided to place it in the Longlin jujube tree to attract the beasts in the mountains and temper Zhang Long and other practitioners. Blood vine, counts in one fell swoop!
"My lord, the national temple and the golden body of Taizu have all been built, please review your lord." On the shore, a Min Zhuang who had been waiting for a long time came to report.

"Let's go." Li Mu said, as for the red blood vine, I will leave it to Lin Youjing.


The National Temple in Qingping County is built in the north of the county. There is a cemetery there. It's still hand-picked there to avoid any troubles in the future.

When Li Mu arrived, the sun was setting, but there were still many people in the National Temple. They heard from the yamen servants that the National Temple is magical and can suppress evil spirits, so they came to watch the excitement.

Li Mu didn't ask people to disperse the people, they just watched if they wanted to.

In this regard he is very open-minded.

"I've met you, sir." An old man approaching his sixtieth year greeted him. He was skinny and full of hair. He was wearing a light green official uniform. He was the Registrar of Qingping County!
"Master He, long time no see." Li Mu said, "Those days the affairs in the county are bothering you."

"For the common people, lower officials dare not say bitterness." Master He bowed his hands, he worked hard for most of his life, and the recovery of his spiritual energy had nothing to do with him, a person who had half a foot in the coffin. For the rest of his life, he only wanted to do things for the common people.

Seeing his aging appearance, Li Mu couldn't bear it, and ordered the people around him to distribute more spiritual objects to Master He in the future, to ensure his long life!
Afterwards, accompanied by He Zhubo, Li Mu entered the National Temple.

According to Li Mu's requirements, this national temple is not very big. Entering it is the main hall, where a two-meter-sized statue is enshrined. In front of the statue is an altar with incense candles and fruits.

On both sides of the main hall, there are two rows of yamen servants.

Li Mu ordered that in the future, people will be on duty here every day to prevent You Xiaoxiao from damaging the Taizu's golden body.

Then, he took out the official seal.

There are still many cracks left on the official seal, thick and thin hairs, densely packed, but he doesn't know if it's an illusion, he feels that these cracks are slowly recovering.

He guessed that it was caused by luck in Qingping County.

As long as the weather in Qingping County is smooth and the people live and work in peace and contentment, the fortune of the country will flourish, and the official seal will naturally improve!
Then, Li Mu formed the seal and activated the official seal with spiritual power.


Hazy golden halos diffused from the official seal, and finally, shrouded Taizu Jin's body.

For a split second, Li Mu sensed the wind and clouds moving above the middle of the county, and then, an invisible aura swept down.

This anger was invisible, but Li Mu could clearly detect it while holding the official seal.

Is this the luck of the country?

Soon, the fortune of the country poured into Taizu's golden body, and a dim golden light emanated from the golden body, which was fleeting.

Li Mu shook his head slightly, compared with the Taizu's golden body on the south mountain of Tai'a County, the radiance of the golden body in front of him is not even his younger brother!
But in the eyes of the people outside, it is a miracle!

"Has the golden body of Taizu manifested?"

"It's unbelievable. I just heard that this golden body was made of mud under the city gate. I thought it was someone cutting corners. I didn't expect that it could really manifest!"

"You don't understand this. The soil under the city gate has been trampled by all people, and it contains people's power. This is much more powerful than gold, silver and jewelry!"

The common people talked a lot, and they were very excited. They felt that the golden body appeared, it must be that the Taizu had a spirit in the sky, and he was protecting Qingping County!
They mentioned that there are people in the academy who comprehend the Dharma and become practitioners, perhaps it is the care of the great ancestor in the dark!

"Master He, the matter here is over, so I will go first." Li Mu is going back to the Lancang River to practice.

He wanted to achieve the consummation of Qi Dynasty and Yuan as soon as possible, so that he could dive into the underground glacier and find out!
"Wait a minute, my lord." Master He took out a booklet from his sleeve and said, "This is the imperial palace newspaper that arrived in the afternoon, about cultivation."

"I'm sorry, what's the matter?" Li Mu took the notebook and opened it without avoiding suspicion.

He quickly read the content of the booklet, but his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

This big fight against the court... is it crazy?

This is to force against the practitioners of the world!
On the booklet, three things are written. The first thing is the method of building the national temple, using the mud under the Sifang City Gate to mold the golden body of the Taizu, and then using the official seal to inspire it to suppress evil spirits everywhere.

The second thing is that the imperial court asked all counties and counties to pay tribute to all kinds of Taoist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures, poems, etc. If they are included by the imperial court, they will be rewarded.

As for the third matter, it is very outrageous. It is similar to the king's land in the whole world, and the king's ministers on the shore of the land. The Emperor Daqian believed that all the treasures of heaven and earth that grow in the territory of Dagan belong to the court of Dagan. all!
If found, it must be reported to the imperial court immediately!
Anyone who dares to take it privately will be punished as disrespectful!

According to this point of view, the dragon scale jujube tree, red blood vine, and ice-type heterogeneous spiritual energy discovered by Li Mu should be reported to the imperial court. Once he or others use it, it will be disrespectful!
"Is the emperor crazy? He even issued such a mansion report!" Li Mu felt that if this article was implemented, not mentioning the practitioners in the world, just a county magistrate like him would be bound to obey the law and violate the law. Criticism!

Blocking people's way of making money is like killing their parents, but what is blocking people's longevity?
Li Mu only felt that it was outrageous.

He looked at Master He, his heart moved, and asked: "Master He, you must have read the Di Bao, what's your opinion?"

He Zhubo said: "The first article is to benefit the people, which is a great thing. The second article is that although the imperial court requires all places to offer Taoist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures and poems, but fortunately there are rewards, it is nothing. As for the third article Tiao... I'm afraid there are treacherous people obstructing the court."

Master He believes that His Majesty is only twelve years old now, and he is ignorant of many things. The third thing is that there is a treacherous minister to confuse His Majesty, and the very big!

(End of this chapter)

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