Great Swordsman

Chapter 47 The Tomb of King Qingping!

Chapter 47 The Tomb of King Qingping!
After climbing over the ridge, Li Mu looked around. The terrain here is extremely high, surrounded by clouds and mist, but he can see that there are three peaks of about the same height standing side by side. At this time, he is standing on the side of two of them!
Among the four mountains is a small hillside.

The sun was shining brightly at this time, but the hillside could not bathe in the sun, because the peaks around it were too high to block all the sunlight.

Without sunlight, plants cannot grow, so the hillside is bare without a trace of greenery.

In addition to the sunlight, the wind outside is also blocked by the surrounding mountains, and there is no water inside!
There is no wind and no water, even if you don't know Feng Shui, you can see that this is a Jedi.

Lin Youjing looked surprised: "Why did King Qingping build his own tomb here?"

Li Mu thought so too at first, but he had read many tomb-robbing novels in his previous life, and he knew that looking at Fengshui should not just look at the surface. Many places look like a dead end, but in fact there is another universe.
"My lord! We are standing too high now. After a while, we will be able to see the buildings on the hillside clearly! That is definitely King Qingping's tomb!" The groom swore.

"Lead the way." Li Mu said.

"Yes, my lord!" The groom took the lead. The way down the mountain was a bit steep, and he would rush down the cliff if he didn't pay attention. Flat land.

With his hands behind his back, Li Mu took a leisurely walk in the courtyard, which was even more relaxing.

Lin Xiaojing stood behind with a spear to prevent any messy beasts from attacking them.

Soon, the three of them came to the middle of the mountain. At this time, they could already see things on the opposite hillside.

"Stone carvings?" Li Mu circulated his awe-inspiring energy, his eyes radiated a clear light, and he saw a large number of stone carvings on the slope of the barren mountain, with the head of a dragon, the body of a snake, the body of a human, the body of a lion, the body of a tiger, the body of an eagle, the body of a dog...

Each stone sculpture is three meters tall and densely packed, at least hundreds of them!
The groom introduced as he walked: "My lord, on that mountain, there are a lot of stone carvings on the east-west slopes, and there are stone roads on the north-south slopes. The stone roads lead directly to the mountainside. At the end of the stone roads, there are two doors, one stone door and one bronze door! There are ancient characters on the door, but unfortunately the subordinates can’t recognize them.”

The groom also said that he had been circling on the hillside for half a day without encountering any danger, and it should be safe to go uphill.

An hour later, the three of them finally came down the hillside.

This hillside is about 300 meters high, and it is completely like a younger brother among the surrounding 2000-meter-high peaks. It is no wonder that there is no sunshine.

Li Mu didn't care about Lin Youjing and the groom, and went straight around the hillside. As the groom said, there are stone carvings on the east and west sides of the hillside, and stone roads on the north and south sides.

Li Mu went up the mountain along the stone path in the south. He noticed that the stone path under his feet was about three meters wide. Cast with scraps of stone carvings.

The stone path has a total of 333 steps, leading directly to the abdomen of the mountainside.

At the end of the stone path is a small flat, about half the size of a basketball court, backed by the mountainside, where there is a huge stone gate, ten meters high and five meters wide, simple and thick, the door is covered with dust, and the cracks in the door are almost filled with dust. There is no gap, but there are indeed four ancient characters engraved on the mountain wall on the stone gate. These are characters from the pre-Qin period. They are called Qin Zhuan. They are very old and cannot be recognized by ordinary scholars.

Li Mu did some research on Qin Zhuan in his previous life, and even guessed, thinking that these four characters should be: Nine deaths without life.

Pushing open this door, you will face a situation of near death... Li Mu doesn't know if this is King Qingping's tricks, or if he really set up a death trap inside.

He didn't push the door, but walked directly along the mountainside to the other side of the hillside, where the bronze door was.

There is also a flat ground here, and there is another huge bronze door on the mountainside, which is about the same size as the stone gate, but it is covered with green patina, and the gap in the door is almost filled with patina.

Li Mu tried to push down on the bronze door, but the bronze door was very shameless and stood still!

And the four Qin seal characters on the bronze door read: All directions are destroyed!

Nine deaths and no life, all directions are destroyed!
Judging from the two doors and the eight Qin seal characters, King Qingping is very confident in his tomb, and believes that no one can reach his main tomb alive!

"My lord, shall we go in?" The groom was beside him eagerly.

When he first came, he couldn't help but want to go to the tomb, and after a rough journey in his heart, he restrained his desire.

"No rush." ​​Li Mu took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve, and inside it was an amber jade ring.

He is thinking.

Judging from the state of the bronze gate and the stone gate, these two gates have probably not been pushed open for thousands of years, so the question is, how did this jade ring get out of the tomb?

Could it be that besides these two doors, are there other entrances and exits?
Or, is this jade ring originally outside?
Li Mu's heart moved, and he looked at the stone carvings on the east and west sides.

The silver-dollar-sized jade ring is really strange to wear on a human body, but it matches these stone carvings very well!

Li Mu came to a stone sculpture, which had been covered with dust for a long time, but he could still tell that it was a stone sculpture with a tiger head and an eagle body.

Li Mu looked at the ears of the tiger's head, straight up, he stepped on the body of the eagle, and tried to hang the jade rings on the ears of the tiger, but the ears of the tiger were too thick to fit in.

He came to a stone sculpture next to it, which was a snake head with a turtle body. Li Mu passed directly because there were no ears on the snake head.

After some searching, Li Mu confirmed that there are 108 stone carvings on the east and west sides. The stone carvings are different and use the physical characteristics of various creatures, such as dragons, lions, tigers, eagles, leopards, wolves, snakes, bears, turtles, elephants, cranes, etc. , These stone carvings are mighty and domineering, or sacred and solemn, or murderous, or ethereal, and the most interesting thing is that among so many stone carvings, only one stone carving of a dragon head and a human body can match the amber jade ring!

Li Mu didn't think it was a coincidence!
Turning around, he finally came to the east hillside, counting from bottom to top, in front of the ninth row and the ninth statue of dragon head and human body.

This stone sculpture is extremely expressive, the dragon head is full of nobility, and the eyes are invincible, like ants looking down on the world.

The human body stands facing the wind, and the stone-shaped robes flutter, vividly interpreting the unrestrained and unrestrained nature of the person.

Li Mu hung the amber jade ring on the dragon head's ear, just right, but the stone carving still didn't move.

Are you trying to get two earrings together?
Li Mu pondered, at first he thought that the amber jade ring was just a funeral object, but looking at it now, if it is really a funeral object, it is impossible to appear outside, unless the tomb of King Qingping has been stolen!
But judging from the status of the bronze gate and the stone gate, this possibility was ruled out.

Then the only possibility is that this amber jade ring is a part of this stone carving of the dragon head and human body. If both jade rings are available, maybe...

Li Mu guessed that under this stone sculpture, there is a high probability that it is a mechanism!
Lin Youjing and the groom followed Li Mu all the time, and they didn't make a sound. Seeing Li Mu lost in thought, Lin Youjing couldn't help but ask, "My lord, are the stone gate and the bronze gate a trap, and this is the place to enter the king's tomb?" safe passage?"

Li Mu came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head: "If you were King Qingping, would you set up such a passage leading directly to your tomb?"

Lin Youjing was stunned, and subconsciously said: "If you are King Qingping, you will be buried with countless treasures after death, and you absolutely don't want anyone to disturb you!"

"King Qingping must also think so." Li Mu guessed based on what they found so far, "But he also knew that his king's tomb would be discovered by future generations one day, so he opened three gates, Shimen and Shimen. The bronze gate is very likely to be the gate of death, if you enter, you will die for nine times, and all directions will perish! And the third gate, under this stone sculpture, should be reserved for those who are destined."

If you can get a pair of amber and jade rings to enter, you will definitely have a chance, it can be regarded as a gift from King Qingping to someone who is destined!

But I'm afraid that the corridor below cannot enter the tomb of King Qingping!

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(End of this chapter)

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