Chapter 48
Li Mu didn't know if his guess was right, but he knew that he never wanted to just leave empty-handed!

So, he drew his sword directly!

"The gate of heaven interrupts the opening of the Chu River, and the clear water flows eastward to this point.

The green hills on both sides of the strait face each other, and the lonely sail is approaching the sun. '

The sword opens the gate of heaven! !
Li Mu mobilized the power of Ice Soul, stabbed out with a sword, the sword energy was like frost, exuding a cold chill, the air was frozen in an instant, turning into countless fine ice crystal snowflakes, floating around the sword energy, spinning and flying with the sword energy.

Li Mu slashed down heavily, the sword energy surged against the storm, and in a blink of an eye it was three meters away, and he slashed towards the stone sculpture of the dragon's head and human body with the momentum of opening the sky!
Duang! !
But unfortunately, the sword energy hit a wall and was unable to smash the stone sculpture, and finally turned into ripples of sword energy and spread.

ding ding ding...

The ripples of sword energy spread to the nearby stone carvings, but they easily cut in, piercing countless fine sword holes!

The material of this stone sculpture is definitely not rock!
Li Mu was not surprised but happy, because this almost told him that his guess was right!

Under this stone sculpture of a dragon head and a human body, there is a mechanism!

He didn't give up, and drew two more swords. As a result, the sword peak was cracked, but the stone carving was still intact!

That being the case, then chisel the mountain!
Under Li Mu's command, Lin Youjing and the groom acted as tools and began to dig the mountain. Soon, the two of them cleaned up the ground under the stone sculpture. Li Mu went over and saw that his face was black!

This King Qingping really doesn't show any kindness to others!

It turned out that the tunnel connected under the stone carving of the dragon's head was actually made of meteorite. With Li Mu's current strength, unless he had a magic weapon, he couldn't cut it open at all!

He wanted to continue digging, but it was unrealistic, because it was getting dark, and there was no food or water here. Considering that it would take several hours to climb the mountain, if he was too tired now, he would easily die from lack of water.

What's more, since King Qingping has achieved this step, everything should be counted, and if he digs deeper, I'm afraid the same result will be the same!

"My lord, why don't we go straight through the door." The groom was very brave. He felt that now that the spiritual energy has recovered, everyone is a practitioner. No matter how smart King Qingping is, it can't be counted. Therefore, the trap he set up in the tomb passage , it is very likely that it will not take effect on them!
Li Mu heard that it made sense, so he put away the amber and jade rings, and began to push the door!
The first is the bronze door.

For thousands of years, the copper rust on the bronze door has been densely packed, and they are connected together in a hideous and disgusting way. The three of Li Mu pressed their palms on the door, each using their spiritual power, and pushed the door with all their strength. The bronze door made a rattling sound and shook, but they were not pushed. open.

"There should be a ground buckle behind the bronze door." Li Mu sighed, unless they can directly destroy the bronze door, they won't be able to get in at all.

He used the broken sword to arouse the sword energy, but unfortunately, the bronze door seemed to be mixed with other metals, making it very hard. He pried the floor again, trying to pass through the ground, but it turned out that there was another mechanism made of black iron under the stone slab!

This King Qingping does things, as expected... a watertight leak!
Li Mu went to the Shimen on the other side with a dark face, thinking that the Shimen can always be cut, right?
In the end, the stone door was fake, only the outer layer of stone skin was real, and the inside was exactly the same as the bronze door!
King Qingping of the dog day!

Li Mu was angry and depressed.

"My lord, we..." Lin Youjing was also speechless.

Li Mu sighed: "Forget it, let's go back."

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, wait for your cultivation to improve, and then come to King Qingping to have a long talk! !

It was getting dark, and the three of them rested overnight at the foot of the mountain, and left at dawn the next day.


Daqian Dynasty, Dijing!
The official compound.

A middle-aged man in a scarlet official robe walked quickly through the courtyard, along the long eaves corridor, all the way to the study in the innermost room.

He is the doctor of the official department, Zheng Zhu.


He gently knocked on the mahogany door: "Master Zhang?"

"Come in." A slightly hoarse voice came from the room.

Zheng Zhu pushed the door open and entered. Inside, an old man over sixty years old was writing a book at his desk.

Without raising his head, he asked, "What's the matter?"

The word "light" gave Zheng Zhu an indescribable pressure.

Because the old man in front of him is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Ziyao!
"My lord, the inspector of Tai'a County died accidentally. The county guard Lin Zhihe and the county lieutenant Zhao Binhong blamed each other. This is their booklet." Zheng Zhu took out two booklets from his sleeve.

The booklet is very thick, about the thickness of two fingers, and you can tell it is full of revelations at a glance!
"Oh?" Zhang Ziyao paused, then continued writing, saying, "Let's put it down."

"Yes, I will take my leave." Zheng Zhu put down the notebook, bowed and retreated, and quietly closed the door.

Leaving the corridor, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the recovery of the aura, the aura of the Minister of the Ministry of the Ministry has become stronger and stronger, making him, who has six purple auras, faintly unable to hold it.

He guessed that Zhang Shangshu may have obtained seven or even more purple qi when he came to Japan from the Ziqi East!
He was envious, but not jealous. Who made Zhang Shangshu read a lot of books, what a capable person can't do?

time flies.

Half an hour later, Zhang Ziyao finally finished writing the Chinese book in his hand. He gently dried the ink before picking up the two notebooks.

A few minutes later, he put down the notebook, his slightly cloudy eyes flashed with clear light, and whispered to himself: "I didn't expect it to happen again after so many years... Sigh, or God's will."

He got up slowly, took off the purple official robe from the hanger next to him, dressed neatly, and left with two notebooks.

The Liubu Yamen is not far from the Imperial Palace. Zhang Ziyao walked a few steps along the Zhuque Avenue and arrived there, but the Imperial Palace is very large. He entered from the north gate of the Imperial Palace and looked at the Immortal Gate. He went all the way to the Tianyuan Hall. Take him around the Tianyuan Hall, cross the side street, enter the Yinhan Gate, and arrive at the Zichen Hall.

The emperor came to court in the Tianyuan Hall, where he met with officials and dealt with government affairs, commonly known as the Dachaohui, and the Zichen Hall, where the emperor and important ministers discussed government affairs, was commonly known as the Xiaochaohui!

In the imperial capital, as long as you have entered the fifth rank, you can participate in the Great Court Meeting, but in the Small Court Meeting, only important ministers trusted by the emperor can participate!

People in the world say that the reason why the city gate between Tianyuan Hall and Zichen Hall is called Yinhan Gate is to tell others that there is a Milky Way between the Great Chaohui and the Xiaochaohui!
Zhang Ziyao walked through the Yinhan Gate with a calm expression, crossed the Milky Way, and entered the Zichen Palace.

Although the Tianyuan Hall is called the Dachaohui and the Zichen Hall is called the Xiaochaohui, in fact, the Zichen Hall is larger than the Tianyuan Hall, in which there are continuous palaces, surrounded by long corridors, carved railings and jade buildings, which are magnificent.

The little eunuch took small steps along the way, leading Zhang Ziyao from the long corridor, across several palaces and gardens, and finally came to a study.

"Master Zhang, please wait a moment, wait for the servant to pass on the message." The little eunuch was very polite.

Zhang Ziyao nodded.

The little eunuch just went in, and not long after, a voice came out from inside: "Xuan~The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Ziyao, has an audience~~"

Zhang Ziyao straightened his purple robe and entered the study with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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