Great Swordsman

Chapter 490 Smash Dragon Tiger Mountain

Chapter 490 Smash Dragon Tiger Mountain

Today was the day when the Ice Emperor was on duty. Li Mu rushed to the top of the Nine Heavens with his sword early.

After letting his subordinates absorb the Tiangang Qi by themselves, the Ice Emperor rushed into the sea of ​​Tiangang Qi, frantically absorbing the scattered Tiangang Qi, and at the same time, her perception spread rapidly around with Longwei, and soon, he sensed Arrived at Li Mu.

The moment he sensed Li Mu, the Ice Emperor felt a throbbing in his heart.

He couldn't explain the reason for this throbbing, so he immediately shook his head and rushed towards Li Mu.


Before the dragon arrived, the sound came first, and the Ice Emperor roared and descended in front of Li Mu, majestic like a prison.

"Long time no see, Ice Emperor." Li Mu opened his eyes, looking at the huge real dragon opposite with a half-smile.

Once upon a time, whenever this real dragon appeared, Li Mu would feel a mountain of coercion, but now...


After half a year in the Land of Nether Netherness, Li Mu's cultivation is now at the 28th level of Tiangang. Although the real dragons sit on the top of the Nine Heavens, it is a pity that these real dragons are intriguing and divided into shifts. change!

Therefore, Li Mu's current cultivation has surpassed that of the Ice Emperor!

Li Mu stood up in the void, leaning against the dark cosmic starry sky, looking down on the Ice Emperor like a god.

The Ice Emperor's eyebrows slowly frowned. For some reason, Li Mu's eyes always felt a little high, as if he was looking at those low-level monsters on the bottom of the sea.

He was very displeased.

"Li Mu, your gaze is presumptuous." The Ice Empress lifted the dragon's head, criticized and educated him there, one must be humble, one cannot look at a real dragon with this kind of gaze, otherwise, it will cause serious trouble!
Hearing this, Li Mu immediately followed suit, and his gaze became respectful.

He and Bingdi are friends rather than enemies, there is no need to play prestige on him.

What's more, once his true cultivation is exposed, the real dragons in the Dragon Palace will inevitably unite and practice on the top of the Nine Heavens under the sense of crisis, until they reach the 36th level of Tiangang!

Li Mu is still not sure how to deal with ten real dragons at the same time, especially since they still control the 'Dragon Palace' that is suspected to be handed down from the ancient civilization of practice!
However, he has made all the calculations. When he reaches the 36th level of Tiangang, these stupid real dragons will be raised to the second or third level on average at most. The gap between him and the real dragon will be widened to the extreme. With one against ten, he is also confident of defeating Dragon Palace!
At that time, he can dominate the Nine Heavens Peak, and then find a way to bring all his friends in the Tiangang Realm to the Nine Heavens Peak to practice!
If there is such a moment, who else in this world would dare to kick at him?

Those former enemies, one or two, can only die!
When Li Mu's heart was surging, the Ice Emperor was also carefully examining Li Mu, seeing that his attitude had returned to being respectful, he nodded in satisfaction: Well, not bad, not bad, a child can be taught.

Then, he flicked his dragon's tail and left.

Li Mu closed his eyes and continued to practice.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed. Li Mu immediately left after absorbing two strands of Tiangang Qi, and then tempered it. After seven days, he was successfully promoted to the [-]th realm of Tiangang!
At this moment, he thought to himself that he was invincible in the world!
So, he pinched the great thousand seal with his right hand, and pressed it against an invisible dotted line in the void.

The bright golden Buddha seal is like a golden meteorite, across the sky, falling straight to Daqian Longhu Mountain!
The grievances between him and Longhushan can be traced back to the time of the Great Tribute. At that time, Longhushan deliberately raised Li Mu's ranking in the Dragon and Tiger List, and wanted to kill him. He, if Li Mu hadn't realized the supernatural power at that time, he would have died under the hands of the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain long ago!
Although it has been a long time, these things are all recorded in Li Mu's little notebook.

This time, the target of Li Mu's 'targeting' was a Taoist priest in Longhu Mountain. He couldn't remember the Taoist name, but as long as that Taoist priest was in Longhu Mountain, then the entire Longhu Mountain would be covered by his Great Thousand Seal Down!
At that time, there will be one Taoist priest in Longhu Mountain, and even the great celestial master will surely die!
After all, he is now at the thirtieth level of Tiangang, and the great master of keeping promises is the fifth level of Tiangang. To put it bluntly, if they were face to face, Li Mu's fart could collapse him into serious injuries!

After sending out the Daqian Seal, Li Mu looked in the direction of Daqian Imperial Capital again.

There are also many of his enemies there, Right Prime Minister Jiang Yuange, Shu Wang Ji Hui, Yan Wang Ji Han, Minister of the Ministry of Officials Zhang Ziyao, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment Mu Wentu, Jiutian Yingyuan Shenfu, etc. He can't wait to send a thousand seals to each of them, but he can't. ah.

With a population of several million in the Daqian Imperial Capital, if Li Mu wrote a Daqian seal, countless people would be killed or injured in an instant!
He didn't want to involve the innocent, and Dijing also had many friends of his, Zhu'er, Leng Mei, You Lan, and more importantly, Queen Qin Mengyao.

Every time Li Mu thinks of the stunning beauty of that night, he can't help himself. If he could travel through time and space, Li Mu really wished he could stay in that night forever.

At the same time, when Li Mu was thinking wildly.

The golden meteor has crossed half the sky and arrived at Yunjing County.

Under the blue sky, this meteor is a little inconspicuous, but as it gets closer to Longhu Mountain, the meteor is getting lower and lower, and the violent airflow makes a deafening whine, and more and more people notice it This 'outside meteor'.

The sky above Longhu Mountain.

The cloud and mist shrouded by the big array suddenly rolled violently, and the four spirit dragons let out a restless roar. They sensed this terrifying meteor, and if they don't escape, they will surely die!

In the pavilion in the Zhuoding Pond, the hand of the great celestial master who kept the promise to play the piano suddenly paused, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes burst into blue light, and through the clouds and mist, he saw the shooting star at a glance!
He grabbed the huge Prisoner Niuqin, and with a thought, under Shentongyun's hands, his whole body instantly came above the clouds at a height of a thousand meters.

Above, the golden meteor came roaring, tearing the sky apart with overwhelming momentum!

Under this shooting star, Shou Yue felt as if he was facing the ants on Mount Tai, and he couldn't resist at all in his heart!

"Buddhist Great Thousand Seals...Western Regions!!" Shouyue showed a hideous face. Although he could escape with the help of cloud hands, the foundation of Longhushan might be turned into nothingness in an instant!
Western Regions, I have no grievances or enmities with you, how dare you...

and many more!

Something is wrong!
At this moment, the promise was frowned fiercely: Now that there is civil strife in the Western Regions, Bodhisattva Nan Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu has passed away, and Bodhisattva Nan Wu Yin Zang and Nan Wu Vajra Tibetan Bodhisattva are fighting each other. How could they attack Longhu Mountain here?
What's more, this great thousand seal is like a great sun flying in the sky, carrying the brilliant power of heaven, how could it be issued by those bodhisattvas in the Western Regions?
Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him!
Li Mu, it must be Li Mu!
There are two reasons.

One is that Li Mu was able to reach the top of the Nine Heavens, and the other is that counting the past in detail, those who died under the Great Thousand Seal were almost all Li Mu's enemies!

However, even if Li Mu can reach the top of the Nine Heavens, why can his realm improve so quickly?
Could it be that he has been staying at the top of the Nine Heavens?

All the real dragons in the Dragon Palace ignored him?

The air wave was empty, and the golden meteor had already landed ten miles away. The terrifying air wave was like an invisible giant hand, pressing against Shouyue with a force that could not be resisted!

Keeping the promise and not daring to stay, he immediately cast his cloud hand and fled to an altitude of [-] meters!
He originally had a chance to save his junior brother Shou Xin, but Shou Xin dared not.

Half a year ago, Shouxin attended the gambling battle between the human kingdoms and the Dragon Palace, and Li Mu also went. He was worried that Li Mu's Daqianyin was for Shouxin.

"Junior Brother, I swear that I will avenge you!" Shou Yue closed his eyes, and in the next moment, golden ripples spread from the top of Longhu Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying explosion sound, and a golden ripple, carrying the dust all over the sky, swept across a hundred miles around in an instant with Longhu Mountain as the center!

After the ripples, Longhu Mountain has been leveled!
Even though he was prepared to keep the contract, he was still agitated when he saw this scene, and he was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of old blood at that time!

"Li Mu!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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