Great Swordsman

Chapter 491

Chapter 491


The void trembled, sending out ripples.

And the source of the ripples is the prisoner Niu Qin in Shou Yue's arms.

"Li Mu, the revenge of destroying the family, I will not kill you, I swear not to be human!!"

Shou Yue was heartbroken, with blood in his eyes, wishing he could go directly to Nanke and slaughter Li Mu's relatives and friends!

However, from the Great Thousand Seal just now, he could see that Li Mu's realm had already surpassed him by too much, and he even had the feeling that he could stand shoulder to shoulder with a real dragon!

Although he cooperates with Jiang Yuange and others and can go to the Nine Heavens Peak to score twice every [-] days, but with such a "step-by-step" practice, when will Ma Yue catch up with Li Mu?

The most important thing is that if Longhu Mountain is destroyed, will the real dragon Taiyin be willing to cooperate with him and let him enter the Nine Heavens Peak?
If the cooperation fails, then Jiang Yuange will definitely not cooperate with him again!

Keeping the promise was full of shock and anger, and felt that the road ahead was confused and there was no way to make progress.

Or, give the prisoner Niuqin to Taiyin?

If Taiyin gets the prisoner Niuqin, this seat will lose its use value, and he will definitely turn his face!
Keeping the promise and thinking about it, I think I still have to find Jiang Yuange first.

After all, the fact that the gate of Longhu Mountain was destroyed was impossible to hide from anyone!

Instead of waiting for the news to reach Jiang Yuange's ears, why not take the initiative to tell him and turn passive into active!
Thinking of this, Shou Yue immediately put away the prisoner Niu Qin, stretched out his hands, and appeared thousands of miles away.

In just half a day, he kept his promise and came to the vicinity of the Imperial Capital. He landed against the wind and landed at the gate of the west city, and followed the flow of people into the Imperial Capital.

An hour later, Shou promise came to Jiang's mansion.

Knowing that the Great Celestial Master was coming, the housekeeper of Jiang's mansion dared not neglect him, and hurriedly invited him into the main hall.

Not long after, Jiang Yuange arrived.

"The great celestial master is really a rare visitor, but I don't know what kind of wind blows the celestial master to this old man." Jiang Yuange said with a smile.

"I'm here because I have something important to discuss." Keeping the promise made him back away from the left and right sides, and then waved his whisk to cast a restraint to block the sound.

Seeing him being so solemn, Jiang Yuange knew that the matter was serious, so he quickly calmed down.

"Jiang Jushi, the Longhu Mountain in this seat is gone." Shou Yue whispered.



What do you mean?
Jiang Yuange was stunned for a moment, then his pupils shrank, and he asked in disbelief: "Could it be that Longhu Mountain... how is it possible?! Who in this world...could it be Dragon Palace?"

Shou Yue slowly shook his head: "It's not Dragon Palace, it's Li Mu!!"

Jiang Yuange's face changed suddenly: "Impossible! Li Mu's high realm is based on the Nine Heavens Peak, and now you and I cooperate, and the number of times to enter the Nine Heavens Peak is twice as much as Li Mu's. With his realm, how could he be destroyed in front of the Celestial Master? Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

Keeping the promise, he was silent, and then sighed: "We all underestimated Li Mu, his realm...he didn't even show up, he just made a big thousand seal thousands of miles away, and razed Longhu Mountain to the ground."

"Great Thousand Seals?" Jiang Yuange was taken aback: "The Six Great Seals of Buddhism, is it Li Mu who made the move? He knows the Six Great Seals of Buddhism?"

Afterwards, Jiang Yuange was shocked again!
Thousands of miles away, a great thousand seals can be used to raze Longhu Mountain to the ground?

Is the formation at Longhushan just a decoration?

Are the thousands of disciples of Longhu Mountain all puppets?

Not to mention there is also the great heavenly master who keeps the promise!
The more Jiang Yuange thought about it, the more frightened he became. He felt that Li Mu was like an abyss, which made people tremble uncontrollably!

Shou Yue said beside him: "Jiang Jushi, with our current practice speed, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with Li Mu! He destroyed my Dragon and Tiger Mountain today, and if he doesn't keep it, he will enter Jiang's mansion in the future. After all, you were ..."

Jiang Yuange's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly interrupted him: "Don't worry, Tianshi, this matter..."

His mind turned, and he quickly thought about the way to break the situation, but in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger!


"Dragon Palace!" Jiang Yuange's eyes lit up.

"Taiyin and Mushen both covet the bronze knife smelted by Yazi Ding. We just need to tell them that Li Mu has a knife in his hand, and they will definitely not be able to resist attacking Li Mu!" Jiang Yuange sternly said.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone... Keeping the promise and frowning, he said: "I see Li Mu's Great Thousand Seal, which has brilliant heavenly power, and its realm may not be lower than that of a real dragon."

"How did he do it?" Jiang Yuange was very puzzled. Could it be that Li Mu has been hiding on the top of the Nine Heavens all year round to practice?
But this is clearly not possible!
Since Li Mu said on the day of gambling, "I don't speak first when spring comes, which insect dares to make a sound" mocking the real dragon as a bug, the relationship between him and Dragon Palace cannot be friendly!
But the more this is the case, the more puzzling Li Mu's extraordinary height becomes.

"Forget it, no matter what, tell Wood God and Taiyin the news first, and let them deal with Li Mu." Jiang Yuange said.

Through Conch, Shouyue and Jiang Yuange immediately told Taiyin and Mushen that Li Mu had a large number of bronze knives.

The East China Sea, the Dragon Palace whose depth is unknown.

The two dragon chants sounded almost in no particular order.

"The Dragon Palace is nice, but it's too dull. This emperor, go out for a walk!" Taiyin turned into a black light and shot out of the Dragon Palace.

"This emperor has a whim, and a great opportunity is calling!" The wood god whispered, turned into a blue light, and broke through the sea.

The Ice Empress opened her eyes, a little strange: Why did these two stupid dragons leave at the same time?

Could it be something tricky?
The Ice Empress became curious and jumped up immediately, but someone, no, a dragon moved faster than him!
Chiwen flew high into the sky and sneered at Bingdi: "Why, you also have a great opportunity waiting for you outside?"

Seeing the sarcasm of this beast, Bingdi was very angry, and sneered: "This emperor just stood up and stretched his muscles and bones!"

"Really?" Chi Wen didn't believe it.

The Ice Empress was so irritated by his eyes, in order to prove that he was not lying, he wanted to go back to his palace.

But after thinking about it, this beast jumped out to provoke him at this time, and it was obvious that he had the same intention as him. If he retreated at this time, Chiwen would definitely keep up with Taiyin and Mushen!
That being the case, the Ice Empress naturally refused to do what he wished.

"Chi kiss, what about you? Don't you have a chance to wait for you outside?" Bingdi asked with a sneer.

"This has nothing to do with you!" Chi kiss growled.

"That's not necessarily the case. Virtuous people live in opportunities in this world!" Bingdi said that he is a virtuous person. If you have any good opportunities, you have to tell him quickly!

What audacity! !
Chi kiss was so angry that the spiritual power in his body almost exploded, this ice emperor is really too shameless and shameless!
The two dragons bickered in the sky above the Dragon Palace, and the dragon's power collided violently, causing countless ripples.

There is also a domineering aura unique to Jiuding, filling the void!
The other real dragons originally wanted to secretly follow Mushenhe Taiyin, but in this case, it was impossible to go out, so they simply sat in their respective palaces... watching a play.

Bingdi and Chiwen fought for a long time, and finally, after the two dragons confirmed that it was impossible to keep up with Mushen and Taiyin even if they went out now, they each snorted coldly and returned to their respective palaces.

At the same time, above the high altitude of the East China Sea, two streamers of light, one blue and one black, passed through the flowing clouds, crossed the winding coastline, and entered the territory of Dagan.

(End of this chapter)

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