Great Swordsman

Chapter 54 Demon!

Chapter 54 Demon! (recommended)

The Hengduan Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, and there are many ferocious beasts. Compared with the ferocious fish in the Lancang River, they are nothing like mud.

Before Li Mu climbed over a big mountain, he was attacked by more than a dozen waves of ferocious beasts.

Such frequent and fierce battles allowed Li Mu to control his own strength more freely. At the same time, he also gradually mastered the essentials of traveling in the mountains. Cover up body odor.

Ordinary ferocious beasts could no longer satisfy his appetite, so he had to avoid unnecessary battles and conserve his energy.

On the way, he encountered a lot of spiritual grass, the fragrance reverberated, and the spiritual light was overflowing, but most of them were guarded by ferocious beasts. Li Mu specially picked these ferocious beasts to attack, firstly to train himself, and secondly, to be rewarded by the spiritual grass.

He purposely wove a basket out of vines, carried it behind his back, put these spiritual herbs in, and then covered the grass cover to conceal the fragrance.

After dark, Li Mu lit a fire, but not long after, a large number of green eyes with vertical pupils appeared in the dark surroundings, flickering faintly.

Although wild beasts are afraid of fire, all the beasts living here are ferocious beasts that absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and some even turn into demons, so they are not afraid of fire at all!

After Li Mu realized this, he quickly extinguished the fire. In the dark night, this fire is like a bright light, attracting countless beasts!
The surroundings were plunged into darkness, but the green vertical pupils did not disappear. The moonlight fell from the mottled leaves. Li Mu circulated his awe-inspiring energy. Through the shattered moonlight, he saw that the owners of those eyes were jackals with dark yellow fur, as big as A calf with its fangs bared.

Li Mu roughly counted, there were at least thirty of them, they surrounded him from all directions, staring silently like a god of death, giving him great pressure!

Jackals like to live in groups and are good at siege. Once they find their prey, they will never stop dying!

Moreover, this kind of creature is very cunning. In the face of a powerful enemy, they will not head-on, but will consume the opponent's physical strength through wheel battles until the opponent is exhausted, and then swarm up and bite the opponent to death!
Li Mu carried the basket on his back and drew out his long sword. When he encountered this kind of creature, he had nothing to say but to kill it!



Li Mu's actions caused the group of jackals to growl threateningly. They began to walk in the forest, using the towering trees to appear and disappear from time to time, but their encirclement became smaller and smaller. Put more pressure on the prey.

If the will is not firm, facing this kind of encirclement of life and death, it is easy to collapse, resulting in chaos.

Even Li Mu felt his heart beating faster, and he had the illusion of wandering between life and death.

He hastened to use the Bing Xin Jue, entered the Bing Xin state, entered an absolutely calm state of mind, and the waves in his heart subsided in an instant.

The Sword of the Great River is coming from the sky!
Li Mu preemptively strikes, with a sword thrust out, the Qingshuang sword energy pierces the darkness, and shuttles through the mottled moonlight.

boom! !

The sword energy grazed the towering giant tree, leaving a palm-wide crack on the trunk. Finally, it struck a jackal behind it, and the sword energy tore flesh and blood.

The stench of blood quickly permeated the air, dyeing the moonlight red.

"Roar!!" In the darkness, a jackal let out a low growl. In an instant, the surrounding jackals no longer hid. They sprang out from the darkness and ran around Li Mu at a high speed.

They turned into dark yellow afterimages, shuttled rapidly in the moonlight, and exposed ferocious fangs and claws, reflecting the moonlight crazily.

In the darkness, the refracted moonlight flickered back and forth like a disco ball, dazzling.

Sure enough, cunning!

Li Mu squinted his eyes, and at that moment, two jackals behind him killed him instantly, one opened its fangs and mouth, biting Li Mu's neck, and the other swung its sharp claws, grabbing his leg.

At the same time, there were also jackals rushing towards the left and right sides at a high speed. They ran close to the ground and tried to bite off Li Mu's calf by taking advantage of the blind spot in their vision.

There are even several jackals leaping towards him from high places with the help of towering giant trees.

Don't you see Gao Tangmingjing's sad white hair, like blue silk in the morning and snow in the evening. '

Li Mu swung the long sword, the light of the sword flew like snow, and in a blink of an eye, there was heavy snow all over his body, whistling and flying.

That wasn't real snow, but sword lights, flickering on and off in the mottled moonlight, like drifting snowflakes, emitting a chill and flying gracefully.

Several jackals rushed forward, their minions were submerged in snowflakes before they touched Li Mu, and the sword light flashed instantly, as if they had been sliced ​​into pieces by thousands of knives, their flesh and skin membranes were cut by snowflakes.

"Aww!!" The jackals screamed and retreated crazily.

But the few jackals that jumped down from the heights had no way to retreat, they fell into the snowflakes in an instant, were cut into countless pieces in an instant, and their flesh, fur, and internal organs fell beside Li Mu with a clatter.

"Roar!!" In the darkness, the jackal king roared, and the surrounding jackals began to circle around Li Mu again. At the same time, a jackal cautiously approached Li Mu.

Li Mu rushed over and killed it with a single sword strike!

Afterwards, another jackal came out and rushed towards Li Mu with a low growl.

They started fighting with wheels, trying to drain Li Mu's physical and spiritual energy.

Li Mu sneered, and chanted: "The gate of heaven cuts off the Chu River, and the clear water flows eastward. The green mountains on both sides of the bank face each other, and the lonely sails come from the edge of the sun."

The sword opens the gate of heaven! !
He struck out with a sword, and the violent sword energy surged against the storm, directly creating a huge hole in the encirclement of the jackals. In that hole, flesh and blood were indistinct, and several jackals were torn apart by the sword energy. The surrounding jackals were terrified, and slowly Slowly retreat.

"Roar!!" At this time, the jackal king roared again in the darkness, and its cry stabilized the retreat of the jackal group.

"His mother, you're called Huan!" Li Mu hated this kind of bastard who would only hide in the dark, but dare not stand up.

He stood up with his sword and rushed there quickly.

The surrounding jackals rushed towards them like crazy, and Li Mu used his sword art to kill them all.

Going around a big tree, Li Mu saw a gigantic jackal that looked like a hippopotamus hiding in the darkness, its green pupils staring at him emotionally.

Li Mu jumped up and struck with his sword.

The jackal king reacted quickly, moving wildly along the surrounding trees, avoiding Li Mu's sword energy.

Li Mu unleashed a few more swords, all of which were dodged by it deftly.

There is something wrong with this jackal... Li Mu stopped his hands, and found that the king jackal had stopped running away, and was hiding in the darkness, continuing to look at him faintly.

That gaze was like looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Its eyes gave Li Mu the feeling of an intelligent creature.

Could it be... It gave birth to wisdom?
Li Mu turned his eyes and turned to kill the jackals behind him.

"Wow!!" Amidst the shrill screams, the jackals were quickly beheaded by Li Mu.

Li Mu turned around, and found that huge jackal still standing in the darkness, with green vertical pupils watching faintly, without the slightest emotion.

After killing its group, this guy didn't respond at all, which convinced Li Mu that this jackal has most likely turned into a demon!

The moment he was distracted, Li Mu noticed that the jackal suddenly disappeared.

There was no sign of it, like snow dissolving in water, leaving only darkness there.

At a certain moment, a gust of wind came from the back of Li Mu's head.

The sound of the wind was very soft, like a lover's hand, but it was extremely fast, like a thunderstorm, it suddenly came to the back of Li Mu's head.

Li Mu didn't have time to turn around, and stabbed out with a sword in his backhand: "Drink to you!"

The strange sword intent locked onto the jackal king in an instant, and Li Mu continuously mobilized the power of ice soul, the sword energy was like a rainbow, piercing the darkness in an instant.

The jackal king was very cautious, and immediately fled into the darkness if he missed a hit. However, it found a sword light in the darkness, like a maggot on the tarsus, biting behind it firmly!

"Roar!" It roared, moving vigorously through the forest, trying to shake off the sword energy.

At this time, Li Mu was walking with his sword. He felt his body merged with the sword energy, and he was moving through the darkness at a high speed. It's the jackal king!

"This time, I'll see how you run!" Li Mu sneered.

The sword intent on Junzhuo is very special, it is intended to toast face to face, you have to eat it if you don't eat it!

(End of this chapter)

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