Great Swordsman

Chapter 55 Crow

Chapter 55 Crow
In the darkness, the gigantic jackal king turned into an afterimage, moving at high speed in the shadows where the moonlight could not shine, like a ghost, but the sound of the wind it brought was extremely subtle, like the breeze under the white snow in spring, gentle and delicate.

This scene is very weird, even very unscientific!
Because, the faster the object moves, the louder the sound will be when it moves. If the object's speed exceeds the speed of sound, then there will be a terrifying sonic boom!

But this king jackal violated this theorem.

Its speed is getting faster and faster, but the sound of the wind is getting smaller and smaller strangely.

Li Mu was also puzzled at first, but soon figured it out. He suspected that this was the 'magic technique' obtained by the jackal king after he transformed into a demon, allowing it to move through the shadows silently.

Fortunately, his sword intent seemed to restrain the opponent!

In the blink of an eye, the jackal king had already run dozens of miles away, but he still couldn't get rid of Li Mu.

It began to work hard, and the indifference in its eyes dissolved little by little, revealing a human panic.

It was originally the leader of the jackal group. After its aura revived, it relied on the group to harvest the spiritual grass. Gradually, it began to develop a little bit of wisdom. When it suddenly realized that it was a demon one night, its blood In the depths, a natal sorcery is awakened: sneaking in the dark.

This natal sorcery allows it to quickly shuttle in the shadows. On several nearby hills, it has become invincible with this sorcery, and has hunted down several monsters that are stronger than it!
But tonight, it seems to have met its nemesis!


It knows that if it keeps running like this, it will definitely die from exhaustion of demon power, so...

Viciousness flashed in its eyes, and it turned around and sneaked into the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

Monsters all have their own territories. Ever since Jackal King conquered the nearby hills, he has expanded outwards, but when he met a more powerful monster, if it wasn't for its natal sorcery, he would have died in the hands of other monsters long ago!

The night was getting darker, the stealth speed of the Jackal King was getting faster and faster, and he climbed over the five mountains without stopping. The monster power in his body was consumed at a high speed, boiling like boiling water, but he didn't dare to stop because of the sound of the sword behind him, Clanking, like thunder piercing the ears, captivating the soul of the demon!

Why does this two-legged beast have so much monster power? !

Why does this two-legged beast have so many black arts? !
The jackal king's vertical pupils showed fear and confusion, but fortunately, its destination is coming soon.

Ahead is the territory of that crow!
This Twoleg has no wings, can't fly, and will be killed by that crow!

At this moment, in the depths of the night, a sharp cry broke through the air!

It was the crow... The jackal king's pupils were frightened, and he stopped subconsciously. He knew that the crow was warning him not to approach its territory, but...

Just at this moment of hesitation, Li Mu behind him suddenly descended with a sword.

"Drink to you!" Li Mu stabbed out with a sword, the sword intent was continuous.

He followed here all the way by relying on the sword intent of Dui Junzhuo, and it was a lot of consumption. Fortunately, he was the first qi condensed with the ice-type heterogeneous aura. The ice soul is not only powerful, but also long-lasting. Only consumed about a tenth of it!

"Roar!!" The Jackal King roared, and between life and death, bloodshot pupils overflowed, and he bravely rushed into the crow's territory.

Although Li Mu felt that the crow's crow just now was a bit intrusive, but how could he let the jackal king go?

A jackal's character is one that must be punished, if he is let go today, he will not be able to sleep peacefully in the Hengduan Mountains in the future!
Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and for a villain to take revenge from morning till night!
A jackal is a villain among villains!

Finally, after running for more than ten miles, the jackal king's monster power was exhausted, and he exited the night stealth state in an instant, and his speed...suddenly decreased!
Li Mu didn't waste such a good opportunity. With a swipe of his long sword, he released a bright sword energy, exuded a cold and clear light, pierced the night sky, and nailed the jackal king to a towering ancient tree!

"Roar..." The jackal king's limbs twisted, his abdomen was pierced by sword energy, and blood gushed out like a spring. It slid down against the tree trunk slowly, and its vertical pupils showed pain and... carefree eyes.

You will die, you will die too... The jackal king's eyes seemed to say so.

Li Mu cut off the jackal king's head with one sword, killing it completely!

The sharp cry of crows came from the depths of the night again, in the dark forest, it was very infiltrating!
Li Mu confirmed that the jackal king was dead, and immediately observed the surrounding area.

This dense forest is slightly different from the previous ones. There are many tall birches and aspens. Under the mottled moonlight, there seem to be many dove trees.

He calmed down, and after confirming that there was no danger nearby, he couldn't help but cut open the jackal king's abdomen curiously. He was a little curious whether there was something like a demon pill in the demon's body.

But unfortunately, he didn't find anything inside the jackal king.

"Gah!!" The crow's cry came again, causing ripples in the night.

The view under the tree was not good, and the moonlight was blocked by the branches and leaves. Li Mu stood up holding the sword, and jumped to the top of the big tree. In an instant, the moonlight was like a waterfall, illuminating the entire forest, as if covered with a layer of silver light, hazy and coquettish.

At the end of the dense forest, there is a steep mountain, like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, standing alone at the end of the dense forest.

The cry of the crow came from there.

After such a long distance, the crow's call can still be heard so clearly. Its strength is not simple, and it is probably

Li Mu retreated cautiously. He had just experienced a life-and-death pursuit. Although he didn't consume much ice soul, his physical strength dropped a lot.

He cut off a thigh of the jackal king, far away from the crow's territory, and as the sky was getting brighter, Li Mu found a quiet place to start grilling. He also crushed the spirit grass in the basket and smeared the juice on his thigh.

Soon, the thighs were roasted golden, the meat was fragrant, and the spirit grass juice also sizzled and melted into the thighs. After Li Mu ate it up, he continued on his way.

Although he picked a basketful of spiritual herbs along the way, unfortunately, he never found a different kind of spiritual energy.

Two days later, Li Mu walked through a primeval forest, which seemed to be a forest of snakes, with all kinds of poisonous snakes and pythons hanging on the branches. When he came here with intensive phobia, he might not be able to stay for a minute!
Li Mu was also a little panicked, he jumped onto the treetop, stepped on the branches and leaves, not wanting to dance with the snake.


At this moment, a familiar cry of a crow came from a distance.

Li Mu searched for his reputation and saw a hillside, which was shrouded in dark clouds, and thunder and lightning burst out.

boom! !

A purple lightning fell from the sky, cut through the sky, and bombarded the hillside in an instant.

"Gah!!" The crow's cry was high and exciting.

That crow is crossing the catastrophe?
Li Mu's heart skipped a beat, but he shook his head immediately. The crow was still on that sharp sword-like mountain a few days ago, but it appeared here today. If it crosses the catastrophe, why did it fly so far?

Also, the crow sounded like...excited.

Is there any good fortune?

Li Mu's heart itched unbearably, he drew out his long sword and rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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