Great Swordsman

Chapter 58 The Imperial Commission Arrives!

Chapter 58 The Imperial Commission Arrives!
The thunder stopped and the rain fell.

Soon, the lightning-type heterogeneous aura on the broken tree was gone, most of it was absorbed by Li Mu, and the rest was taken away by the rain and dissipated into the air.

Li Mu looked inside, and found that the purple spiritual power in the liver had grown a bit, but it was still far from being condensed into qi.

There is no way, the thunder-type aura is too rare to come by, it depends entirely on the will of God, it is not like the ice-type aura, which is endless.

By the way, where is my brother crow?

Li Mu raised his head, and he remembered that when he absorbed the alien aura of the thunder system, the sky was eerily quiet, and he couldn't hear his brother crow quacking.

He is very uncomfortable.

At this time, the heavy rain was heavy and the rain curtain was like a waterfall. Li Mu's vision was greatly restricted. He looked around, but he couldn't see Brother Crow at all.

Could it be that I did too much and made Brother Crow angry?
Li Mu reflected on himself, it was indeed a little unkind, it was too wrong to snatch it twice in a row, at least... he had to feed some spiritual grass to make up for it.

Li Mu called Brother Crow loudly, and even took out the spirit grass to lure him, but unfortunately, there was only the sound of heavy rain splashing on the grass, rustling, it seemed that this was the only sound left in the world.

It's over, Brother Crow is angry and won't take me to play.

Li Mu's spirits were in a slump, without Brother Crow to lead the way, where would he find the Thunder-type aura?

He looked around, not knowing where to go.

"Forget it, throw bricks to attract jade, if there is a destiny, we will meet again." Li Mu broke off a branch and threw it into the air at will. The branch was blown down by the heavy rain, and the direction of the branch's fall was northwest.

Li Mu simply packed up and set out on the road.


Tai'a County City.

Outside the east city gate, on the spacious official road, there is a lot of traffic, and a large number of people, grooms and pawns come and go to the city gate, rushing about for their lives.

stomping on...

At this time, a dense sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and the people hurriedly retreated to both sides.

Soon, hundreds of people came on horseback from a distance, mighty and mighty.

The leader is Zhang Yucheng of Yushu Linfeng!

His handsome facial features were bathed in the morning light, and his hair was covered with morning dew. It was obvious that he had set off early in the morning.

"Second Young Master!" Behind him, a strong servant spoke, and said a few times in a dark way.

Zhang Yucheng nodded slightly, motioning for him to take people away.

Soon, the servant led more than a hundred riders on horseback to the west.

These people are all the gates of Zhang Ziyao's mansion. Zi Qidong has his own income in the future. They are all practitioners. They came to Tai'a County to help Zhang Ziyao find the tomb of King Qingping!

After they left the team, they galloped straight towards Qingping County.

When Zhang Yucheng rushed to the east gate, there were only three hundred imperial guards left behind, more than a dozen retainers from his house, and a few strangers who were in charge of training the eagles.

They are all aliens, from the Western Regions. Their appearance is western, with three-dimensional features, high nose bridge, and they are good at controlling birds and beasts. In the imperial capital, they are deeply loved by dignitaries. After their spiritual energy recovered, they were also entrusted with important tasks.

Hundreds of people rode their horses and galloped, rolling up dust in the sky.

When the county soldiers at the east gate saw it, they were shocked, and quickly issued an alarm to notify the county guard and the county lieutenant.

Then, the county soldiers dispersed the people and prepared to close the door!

The people were not happy, they blocked the door, and refused to close the door. If the cavalry outside were thieves, then they were locked out, wouldn't it be a dead end?
There was a congestion at the gate of the east city, and the county soldiers and the people were pushing and shoving, making a mess.

Zhang Yucheng came with his horse, and the white horse under his crotch walked back and forth restlessly. After stroking the mane and appeasing the horse, he looked down at this absurd scene.

A county soldier squeezed out of the crowd and asked sternly, "Who are you? How dare you gallop on the official road and hurt the common people?!"

"I didn't do anything wrong to the people all the way here, but you, seeing me coming, drove the people away and closed the door at the first time. This is not taking the lives of the people seriously!" Zhang Yucheng asked sharply, "What should you do? crime!"

"I...I..." The county soldier blushed, and he became angry with embarrassment, and asked, "Who are you?!"

"I'm the new inspector of Tai'a County, who is also an imperial envoy of the imperial court. When I see this officer, I won't kneel down!" Zhang Yucheng said coldly.

He has lived in the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment for a long time, and has long cultivated the prestige of a prison officer in the face of countless criminals. At this moment, his face became serious, and the county soldier suddenly felt trembling, like a mouse seeing a cat. This feeling is stronger than seeing the county guard. horrible!
"Yuan, so it's the imperial envoy." The county soldier didn't question it, because the death of the inspector Qian Feng a while ago, and the fact that the county guard and the county lieutenant wrote letters to impeach each other, everyone knew that the imperial court would definitely send an imperial envoy. Come.

Counting the days, it's almost there.

Moreover, looking at the official authority of the person in front of him, and the sergeants in bright armor behind him, they are almost inseparable!

He ordered the gates of the city to be opened wide, telling the people to leave quickly so that they could welcome the imperial envoys.

At this time, the county guard Lin Zhihe and the county lieutenant Zhao Binhong who got the news also rushed to meet the imperial envoy.

In the face of these two, Zhang Yucheng was more polite, and took out the imperial decree and official documents to verify that he was behind him before entering Tai'a County.

"My lord Zhang, my subordinates have prepared a little wine in the Zuixianlou to clean up the dust for my lord." Lin Zhihe invited Zhang Yucheng to the Zuixianlou to have fun.

Zhao Binhong was not idle either, saying that he had already arranged an entertainment program at the Jiaofang Division, and he was waiting for Mr. Zhang to visit!

"No, I'm exhausted and tired." Zhang Yucheng declined their invitation.

Although his ultimate goal in coming to Tai'a County this time was to find King Qingping's tomb, he also had to deal with the tasks assigned by the court, for example, to find out the truth about the death of the former inspector Qian Feng, and for example, to check and balance Lin Zhihe. And Zhao Binhong, let the two sides confront each other in a balanced situation, and each can only rely on the court. If he agrees to one of them, won't it destroy the balance between the two sides?
Lin Zhihe quickly said that he had already arranged a room at the Sheriff's Mansion.

Zhao Binhong also said that Qian Feng's mansion has been vacated and can stay tonight.

Zhang Yucheng still refused, saying that he would stay in the posthouse tonight and not go anywhere else.

Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong looked at each other, they were both thousand-year-old foxes, seeing Zhang Yucheng's attitude, they probably guessed the court's attitude, so they didn't force it anymore.

The two sent Zhang Yucheng to the post house, and booked a nearby restaurant to arrange board and lodging for the guards.

When parting, Zhang Yucheng said to them: "Tomorrow, I will go to the place where the former inspector Qian Feng died to find out the truth. At that time, I will also invite Master Lin and Master Zhao to follow."

"It should be so." The two agreed.

Leaving the post house, Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong looked at each other disgustedly, each gave a cold snort, and left with their subordinates.

Early the next morning.

Zhang Yucheng joined Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong, took three hundred imperial guards, and rode to Nanshan mightily.

Nanshan is still surrounded by county soldiers, and it is difficult for people and animals to enter.

Lin Zhihe said that since Qian Feng's death, no outsiders have come here.

Zhang Yucheng kept his composure and went all the way up Nanshan. He first worshiped the golden body of Taizu in the national temple, and then came to the death pit behind.

"Lord Zhang, Lord Qian is here, kicked into the death pit by Zhao Binhong, a man with a beastly face, and there are no bones left!" Lin Zhihe took the lead in attacking.

"Hmph!" Zhao Binhong sneered, and said, "It's all thanks to Master Lin. If Master Lin hadn't pulled out the five Hundred Battle Spears, how could I have nowhere to go and make such a bad plan? In the end, it was Lin My lord, kill everything first!"

"Those five spears were not drawn by the county guard!" Lin Zhihe said angrily.

"It's not you, could it be me?!" Zhao Binhong angrily scolded him for being shameless, daring to do something but not admitting it, she's a bitch!

"Enough!" Zhang Yucheng interrupted them roughly, and sneered, "Are you fooling me for a fool? One or two are all avoiding the serious! Tell me, why do you want to go to the death pit!"

Since the National Temple has suppressed the death pit, why do these people risk their lives to go down?

There must be tricks in the middle!
(End of this chapter)

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