Chapter 59
In front of the dead man's pit, Zhang Yucheng sternly asked Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong with his hands behind his back.

The people around lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong were also silent.

"Why don't you talk anymore?" Zhang Yucheng sneered, "Are you willing to tell the truth because you want me to take the two adults to the Imperial Palace to meet the emperor?"

"Don't dare." Lin Zhihe cupped his hands and sighed, "Master Zhang, to be honest, there has always been a rumor in Nanshan."

"What rumor?" Zhang Yucheng was a little curious.

"It is rumored that a thousand years ago, there was a Marquis who fought in the South and the North, named Nanshanhou..." Lin Zhihe told the legend of Nanshanhou, saying that the tomb of the dead man is likely to be the tomb of Nanshanhou!
After hearing this, Zhang Yucheng's expression was normal, but his heart was cheered up.

My uncle asked me to look for the tomb of King Qingping. He treated me with great kindness. Naturally, I cannot betray him on this matter. However, I found the tomb of Marquis Nanshan by myself, so the treasure inside should be mine too. !
"I don't care about the legends, but..." he said righteously, "Qian Feng, as the official of the imperial court, must not die without knowing why, let alone let his body be abandoned under the death pit. My lords, This officer thinks that we should organize our people and work together to bring Mr. Qian's body out of the death pit, and by the way...find out the rumors about the tomb of the Marquis of Nanshan, so that no one will waste their lives and trespass into the death pit in the future!"

His words were so righteous that Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong trembled all over, and they cupped their hands and said, "Master Zhang is wise!"

But in the bottom of their hearts, both of them spat out in disdain: Seeing that you came from the imperial capital, you thought you had seen some great world, but you were also greedy for the tomb of the Marquis of Nanshan, bah!
Lin Zhihe withdrew his thoughts, and said, "Master Zhang, I was waiting for the death pit a few days ago, and there was a ghostly atmosphere below. I feel that the four magistrates of our county should be summoned to combine the four official seals for the national fortune. Nothing will be lost."

Here, Lin Zhihe concealed some things, for example, the four county magistrates only had three official seals, because one of the official seals had fallen into the death pit along with Qian Feng.

But it's not a big problem, this time, one of their goals is to contain Qian Feng's corpse, and the official seal in his arms will naturally return to its original owner.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Zhang Yucheng nodded and said, "Alright, I also want to see Yingjie from Tai'a County!"

Lin Zhihe's eyes flashed.


Hengduan Mountains.

Li Mu ran along the direction where the branches were thrown for most of the day, killing countless people. He climbed over mountains and ridges until he came to a towering mountaintop. Flickering, illuminating the world.

Faintly, he seemed to hear the quacking of crows amidst the thunder.

Li Mu... was dumbfounded.

Looking for a random direction, he could bump into Brother Crow?
it's fate! !

Li Mu was full of surprises, but it was half a day's journey from here to there, and he didn't know if there would be enough time after he rushed there.

Li Mu was about to take a step, but suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a slender black smoke curling up from the very far end of the sky.

That is……

Li Mu was startled, and immediately realized.

It's wolf smoke!
Something happened in the county?
Li Mu's thoughts turned, and soon he realized that the imperial envoy must have arrived!
Counting the days, it is indeed this time.

This is really not a coincidence.

Li Mu glanced at the cloudy mountain with some regret, and decided to go back. After all, if he missed this thunderstorm, as long as he is lucky, there must be another time, but if he missed the tomb of Nanshan Hou, he really missed it what!
Brother Crow, wait for me to deal with the matter of Outer Nanshan, and then I will come to you again!
Li Mu turned around and went down the mountain at top speed.

It took him half a day to find the Lancang River, and then he built a wooden raft and went down the river.

The Lancang River is mighty, hundreds of miles a day, but there are countless vicious fish and snakes and pythons in the water. Along the way, the wooden raft was dismembered by vicious fishes and entangled by dragons and pythons from time to time. It took him three full days to get along. Jiang came to the river area where the Longlin jujube tree was located.

"My lord!" Seeing him coming, You Min Zhuang hurried forward to report, saying that the county guard sent someone to send a message, asking the lord to lead the county's heroes to the county immediately, and there must be no mistake!
"Is there any news from the county?" Li Mu unloaded the basket behind his back unhurriedly, and handed it to Min Zhuang, who asked him to hand it over to Lin Youjing.

"My lord, some merchants have come from the county these days, and they have brought a lot of news." The Minzhuang solemnly held the basket and replied, "It is said that the imperial envoy of the imperial court has arrived and is going to the death pit, so as to restrain the previous inspector. Corpse."

Li Mu laughed, restraining the corpse?
That's a good reason.

He didn't point it out, after pondering for a while, he decided to bring two heroes with him, so as not to be squeezed by people like Lin Zhihe.

The last time the groom followed him into the county town, he became a paparazzi and got a lot of useful information. Just in case, he will not take him this time.

Just take Zhang Long and Zhang Hu.

Min Zhuang immediately went down to inform Zhang Hu.

As for Zhang Long, he practiced beside the Longlin jujube tree.

Li Mu went over and found that most of the dates on the Longlin jujube tree had turned purple.

In the jujube fragrance, there is another charming and strange fragrance, which is emitted by the vine leaves of the red blood vine, which is used to lure the beasts. Unfortunately, the beasts on the nearby hills have all died.

Li Mu glanced at the red blood vine. This guy was lazily hanging on the branch of the dragon scale jujube tree. It looked like a giant python that had been skinned and leaf inserted.

Li Mu ignored the tool vine. He leaped forward and picked off a jujube the size of a baby's fist. He tasted the juicy juicy fruit, and there was a sense of spiritual energy, which flowed down the throat and into the stomach, and quickly transformed into spiritual power and entered the dantian. .

At the same time, Li Mu felt his body was heating up, and carefully sensed that some internal organs were nourished by the spirit dates.

Li Mu ate several pills in a row, and finally confirmed its efficacy.

The first is to nourish the liver and lungs, the second is to nourish the blood and nourish the skin, the third is to relax the tendons and activate the collaterals, of course, the most important point is the fourth point, this Lingzao contains rich spiritual energy, taking it can quickly transform spiritual power, like a natural big Dan, it has great benefits in practice!
Even for Li Mu, it can quickly replenish the ice soul consumption!
Li Mu immediately ordered Min Zhuang to find a way to preserve the jujube when it was completely mature, and not to waste it.

"Wow~~" Hu Tun Tun, who was practicing on the root of the tree, smelled Li Mu, slowly opened his eyes, turned his pupils, and was unhappy when he saw him standing beside him.

It stretched out its chubby tiger claws and slapped the roots of the tree, as if to say, this is my king's territory, you two-legged beast that doesn't distinguish between superior and inferior, go down!
Li Mu smiled and stretched out his index finger at it.

At this moment, Hudundun only felt the coolness in his crotch, subconsciously clamped his hind legs, and then, he felt a little timid, as if he was scared.

"Wow!" It bared its teeth.

Li Mu decisively laid his hands on the black hand and started to lick the tiger.

"Aww, ow~~" Hu Tun Tun tried his best to resist, but in the end, he failed... all the tiger hair was messed up.

"Yeah!" The little white horse also woke up, gloating at the side, the tiger can't beat the two-legged beast, and you, the four-legged beast?

It was hungry for food, and wrestled with the little white horse.

(End of this chapter)

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