Great Swordsman

Chapter 60 Start the morning chapter!

Chapter 60 Start the morning chapter!
The sun is shining.

On the official road, Li Mu and brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu rode their horses and rushed towards the city of Tai'a County.

On the way, Li Mu asked the brothers about their practice.

Zhang Long was a little embarrassed, and said: "My lord, the subordinates and others have condensed the first qi with Renshui aura, but they have not yet entered the realm of consummation."

They only have two purple qi in their bodies, and their cultivation speed can't be compared with Li Mu, Lin Youjing and others. Fortunately, diligence can make up for their weakness. According to their cultivation progress, at most one month, they will be able to achieve perfection in one qi.

As for the secret skills of the mind, Lin Youjing had already passed on Li Mu's poems to them, but unfortunately, these fools didn't understand anything.

This understanding is indeed touching.

Li Mu changed the subject and asked what happened in the county during his absence.

Zhang Long suddenly got excited. He said that recently, there have been many people in the academy who have realized their minds. , Ask the county for spiritual practice.

Li Mu was very calm, and asked, "How did Master He and the baby whale deal with it?"

He had expected these things a long time ago, and had vaccinated Lin Xiaojing.

Zhang Long said with a smile: "My lord, those who will be headed by Lin Butou will be abolished immediately, and then put in prison, and the rest will soon fall and disperse."

Then, Li Mu asked about the imperial envoy.

Regarding this, Zhang Hu has a great say.

Because he was on the night shift, and the nights were long and long, those folks had nothing to do, so they gathered around the fire and chatted about various gossips. Zhang Hu's left ear was plugged into his right ear, and there were a lot of messy gossips in his mind.

"My lord, it is said that the imperial envoy from the imperial court is very gentle and elegant. Compared with your lord, it is even worse." Zhang Hu shook his head.

Li Mu is full of black lines, who talked to you about this?

Fortunately, Zhang Hu's next sentence came. He said: "The imperial envoy's surname is Zhang, and his name is Yucheng. It is said that he is the nephew of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. He has a deep background! I heard that there is a young lady who is waiting to be married in the county. All of them are on the street, and I hope to meet this Master Zhang Yucheng by chance and have a beautiful love."

"Zhang?" Li Mu asked calmly, "Which zhang, Li Zao Zhang, or Gong Zhang Zhang?"

"My lord, it's an early chapter." Zhang Hu said.

"Zhang Yucheng...the nephew of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials..." Li Mu asked, "What is the name of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?"

"This...subordinates don't know." Zhang Hu shook his head.

Li Mu nodded and didn't say anything, but his heart was full of ups and downs.

Zhang Yucheng's surname is Zhang so coincidentally, could he be related to Zhang Ziyao?

Did he really come to Tai'a County to find out the truth about Qian Feng's death?

The storm is coming!

The next evening.

The three of Li Mu rushed to Tai'a County City.

As soon as they entered the west gate, a sharp-eyed county soldier found out and quickly sent the news back to the county guard's mansion.

"finally reached!"

In the Sheriff's Mansion, Lin Zhihe didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or get angry when he heard the news.

You know, the other three county magistrates had already arrived, but this Li Mu waited and waited but never came. He has been waiting for six or seven days to this day.

He was playing with a small wooden sword in his right hand, and the green light flowed on the wooden sword, making it verdant.

These days, he not only condenses the first qi with Jiamu spiritual energy, but also completes the first qi with one qi, and his cultivation base has greatly increased!

This trip to the dead man's pit... A cold light flashed in his eyes.


The three of Li Mu rushed to the post house, and just as they put down their luggage, his three elder brothers came.

Chen Ping, Wu An, and Yang Xiuqing, three chubby people, squeezed outside the door without letting anyone else in, and directly propped the door frame out of an arc.

Li Mu looked at the door very distressed, and quickly pushed them out, saying: "Three old brothers, don't come here without any harm."

"My dear brother, I'm suffering!" Yang Xiuqing burst into tears at that time, saying that the last time he came to Tai'a County, his official seal was borrowed by Qian Feng, who knew that Qian Feng died in the death pit, with his The official seal was also lost, which made him miserable.

It should be noted that the official seal is issued by the imperial court, and it is a status symbol. If this incident happens, Yang Xiuqing will definitely not be able to eat and walk around, and may even lose her black hat!
These days, he is very worried, for fear that someone will hold him accountable. He has also engraved official seals privately, but the official seals he made by himself are just in shape, and they can't condense the luck of a county at all. They are fakes at first glance!
"My dear brother, you must take good care of me when you enter the death pit this time." Yang Xiuqing pleaded aggrieved.

In his heart, he was actually quite resistant to going down to the death pit, but his official seal was under the death pit, if he didn't go, Lin Zhihe would report that he had borrowed the official seal privately, and he would also be unable to escape punishment at that time.

Wu An also said: "Brother, County Lieutenant Zhao Binhong also borrowed my official seal, fortunately he didn't die in the death pit, otherwise, I would be just like him."

Fatty Wu felt lingering fears.

Chen Pingan said with a serious expression: "My dear brother, I always feel that there is something wrong with this trip to the dead man's pit, and I feel very uneasy, but the imperial envoy, the county guard, and the county lieutenant have all spoken, and we must not go, my dear brother, The four of us must stick together!"

The three chubby people united as one, sending heavy olive branches to Li Mu.

Li Mu frowned and twitched, looking at the three big fat eyes, it was like looking at three big burdens, if he carried them down, he might sink to death directly.

He quickly changed the subject and asked, "Three old brothers, do you know who this imperial envoy Zhang is following?"

"I know, I know." Yang Xiuqing said anxiously, "This Zhang Yucheng is the nephew of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, he was originally a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, and he is a fifth-rank official!"

"The nephew of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?" Li Mu pretended to be surprised.

The three big fat people winked and said: "Yes, Zhang Yucheng was able to become a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment and an imperial envoy at a young age, all because of this Minister of the Ministry of Officials. If we can curry favor with him, maybe we can as well." Transfer to the Imperial Capital."

Li Mu rolled his eyes when he heard this, these fat people talked for a long time, but they didn't say a word, but he was so anxious!
Fortunately, Zhang Long and Zhang Hu seemed to realize something, and asked from behind: "What's the name of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?"

"Bastards, you two yamen servants, dare to ask the official secretary's name?" Wu An reprimanded displeased, then turned his head and covered his mouth with his hand, and whispered to Li Mu, "The official secretary is called Zhang Ziyao, Thirty years ago, he was the sheriff of my Tai'a County!"

Sure enough it was him!

Li Mu's heart was shocked, and the alarm bells rang!

He realized that Zhang Yucheng came to Tai'a County not to investigate Qian Feng's death at all, but to investigate King Qingping's tomb!
He became a little nervous. Zhang Ziyao, as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, must have many lackeys under his command. Zhang Yucheng came here, and he did not know how many people he brought with him. Maybe at this moment, they have found King Qingping's tomb!
No, they probably haven't found it yet!
Li Mu's thoughts turned, if he had already found King Qingping's tomb, how could Zhang Yucheng risk his life to go down into the death pit?

Compared with the tomb of King Qingping, the tomb of Marquis of Nanshan is obviously not enough to see!

So, I still have time!
(End of this chapter)

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