Great Swordsman

Chapter 66 Tomb Road

Chapter 66 Tomb Road
Under the rock wall, there was a pitch-black crack that was bottomless, like a black hole that swallowed everything. Everyone looked at this crack, and their hearts were filled with chills.

"This seam doesn't lead directly to hell, does it?" Chen Pingan said with a guilty conscience.

"How about we go back?" Yang Xiuqing retreated in his heart. For him, since the official seal has been found, there is no need to take any more risks.

"Magistrate Yang, the official seal I picked up just now is yours?" The middle-aged man named Xu Shilin suddenly approached with a smile.

"It's mine, you... are you?" Cold sweat broke out on Yang Xiuqing's forehead.

"If you find the official seal, do you think it's all right?" Xu Shilin sneered, "Magistrate Yang, do you know what the crime is for losing the official seal?"

A young man who was following Xu Shilin answered with a smile: "If you hide and don't report it, the crime will be aggravated!"

Yang Xiuqing softened at that time, and almost collapsed on the ground: "You, you! My officer, I..."

"At this time, there is an opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds before your eyes. If you grasp it well, I believe Mr. Zhang will not pursue it." Xu Shilin pointed to the crack in the ground.

Yang Xiuqing's face turned pale.

This is to kill him!
"Magistrate Yang, the loss of the official seal was indeed your negligence." Zhang Yucheng's eyes flickered.

"Your officer...understand." Yang Xiuqing came to the crack in the ground trembling, but her legs were like lead, and she couldn't move.

"Let's go, I will protect you." Li Mu came behind him and patted him on the shoulder.

Yang Xiuqing turned her head, her fat face was full of emotion, and her eyes were full of tears.

Although he is a bit oily, Li Mu can't just sit back and watch him die, Li Mu will definitely help him if he can!

Then, he turned his head and glanced at Xu Shilin, Xu Shilin greeted him with a smile, his smile... reserved!
Seeing his smile, Li Mu inexplicably thought of Su Yuan, the county magistrate who was squatting in the prison of Qingping County, and his heart suddenly felt disgusted with this guy!
Yang Xiuqing finally took a step, or in other words, moved, he moved towards the seam of the ground bit by bit.

Li Mu followed closely behind, Zhang Long Zhang Hu, the rest of Er Fatty and their entourage followed closely behind.

The rest of the people followed slowly. They didn't rush, because they didn't know what to do and were very scared.

Chief Shi Qiuzhao walked at the back, and at the same time counted silently. When they entered the death pit, they had a total of more than 57 people. Now, there are only 23 people left, and more than [-] people died in the chaos just now!
The cracks in the ground are narrow and dark, and you can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hands. Walking in them is extremely depressing.

The group of people walked forward at a very slow speed for about half a mile. Suddenly, the terrain opened up in front of them, and a natural underground cave appeared.

The cave was filled with a ghostly atmosphere, eerie and terrifying, without the slightest sound.

After everyone walked in, something suddenly flew in the ghostly air, flapped its wings, and landed outside the circle of light.

Li Mu looked up and found that it turned out to be a bat with blood-red eyes staring at the people in the circle of light. Immediately afterwards, more and more bats flew out of the ghostly air and landed densely outside the circle of light. , Soon, their apertures were filled with bats!
On the aperture, pairs of blood-colored eyes are like stars, hanging upside down against the night sky, extremely creepy, even Li Mu is terrified!

Zhang Yucheng wanted to raise the imperial decree, but after thinking about it again and again, he didn't inspire it. Instead, he ordered scholars and Juren to chant the awe-inspiring Fu and fight against bats with awe-inspiring spirit.

Under the impact of Grand Virtue, the bats fluttered up and down. They screamed and opened their mouths, sending out rippling sound waves, fighting against Grand Virtue and the aperture.

A group of people continued to move forward with difficulty.

The natural cave is not big, only the size of two basketball courts. They soon came to the end and saw a huge stone gate!

A ghost and a god are carved on both sides of the stone gate. The evil ghosts have blue eyes and fangs, and the gods are majestic and majestic.

"This should be the entrance to Marquis Nanshan's tomb!" Lin Zhihe was very excited.

"Students come!" Xu Shilin quickly overtook Yang Xiuqing and pushed hard on the stone gate, but the stone gate was so motionless that he couldn't push it open at all.

"There is a ground button inside, which locks the stone gate!" Xu Shilin used his spiritual power to shake the stone gate, but as the stone gate shook, the ghosts and gods on both sides of the stone gate slowly cracked, and the cracks spread densely towards the upper rock wall like spider webs.

"Stop!!" Li Mu's face changed, and he quickly stopped him. If the cracks were allowed to spread to the rock wall, it might cause the rock wall to collapse and block the tomb passage behind the stone gate!
Xu Shilin backed away with an ugly expression. When he saw this scene, his face sank: "What should I do?"

If they can't force it, how can they get in?

"I got a sharp weapon to break through the stone gate!" Li Mu was very experienced, and he drew out his long sword, trying to chop.

"Stop!!" This time it was Xu Shilin's turn to shout, and he sternly said, "Master Li, if you caused the rock wall to collapse, what should we do!"

Li Mu glanced at the densely packed cracks on the statue of gods and demons on the stone gate, and said with a smile: "Whatever crime you should be guilty of, I will be guilty of whatever crime."

He hinted to Xu Shilin that if he hadn't stopped in time just now, the rock wall would have collapsed by you!

"You!" Xu Shilin was stunned and couldn't say a word.

"Father, why bother to get angry with a mere county magistrate?" The young man beside him asked. He is a scholar, his father is a Juren, and he has six purple spirits. The future is destined to be bright, so why bother with the county magistrate from a poor family?

Li Mu glanced at the father and son, said no more, the power of the ice soul was poured into Qingfeng, and a sword stabbed out, the sword energy was like frost, directly piercing the stone gate!
There are also two doors in front of King Qingping's tomb, one is a bronze door and the other is a stone door, but in fact, only the outer layer of that stone door is made of stone skin, and the inside is basically a bronze door!
So for Li Mu, unless there is also a bronze gate in this stone gate, otherwise, it cannot stop his sword peak!
The metal and stone rubbed against each other, and Li Mu's long sword pierced through the stone gate without hindrance!

This is a stone gate of duty.

The Marquis of Nanshan is more generous than King Qingping!

Li Mu commented secretly, then swung his long sword and cut a hole in the stone gate, big enough for an adult to enter.

At the same time, an orange-yellow flame overflowed from inside.


"How could there be fire?!"

"Is there someone inside? Could it be a ghost?"

San Pang turned pale with fright, and shrank behind Li Mu, trembling.

"Maybe it's an everlasting lamp." Li Mu wasn't afraid. He glanced in cautiously. There was a long tomb passage inside, and the flames came from both sides of the tomb passage.

"My lord, let's go first!" Zhang Long and Zhang Hu got into the tomb first.

Li Mu followed closely behind, and saw that the tomb passages on both sides were based on blue bricks and stones, with a large number of relief carvings, and at a height of about two meters, there was a candlestick every ten meters.

On the candlestick, the candle was burning. Li Mu stretched his neck and looked, and found that there was pitch black lamp oil inside.

"This is made from shark corpse oil, and one can burn for thousands of years." Zhang Yucheng saw the black oil, carefully identified it, and confirmed the origin of this thing.

"Smerman?" Li Mu was taken aback. Are there merman in this world?

"Lonely and ignorant!" Seeing Li Mu's virtue, Xu Shilin sneered with disdain.

Li Mu didn't bother to talk to such people, so he asked San Pang behind him softly.

San Fatty knows everything and says everything.

They told Li Mu that the mermaids are a tyrant in the sea, they are cruel by nature, and they live by robbing fishermen. If there is no corpse, there is a high probability that it was eaten.

Here, San Fatty gave Li Mu a general knowledge of mermaids. Over there, Lin Zhihe and Zhao Binhong were checking whether the tomb passage was closed again. Zhang Yucheng was standing at the stone gate. The joy is even stronger, because this shows that the tomb of Nanshan Hou is not trivial, and there must be a spirit treasure inside!

Soon, everyone confirmed that the interior of the tunnel was temporarily safe, Zhang Yucheng put away the imperial decree, Lin Zhihe, Li Mu and others also put away the official seals, and then they set off to the depths of the tomb passage.

(End of this chapter)

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